Sunshine after the rain

The Psychopath

Se Ri felt as if she was in heavy black cloud. Nothing to see. Nothing to hear. Just this heaviness in her whole body. So heavy that she couldn't move. She forgot how to open her eyes when she started to hear noises. The buzz of machines. Clicking of feet near her. Quiet talking. She lay still and strained to hear and make sense of it all. No idea. Where is she and why? Next she felt warm light shining on her closed eyes - a pink glow. She struggled to open them and succeed.

*I am in a bright white place. Someone is bending over me. He says my name. And again. I try to remember how to talk. No words come, but I blink hard. Again he calls me. Again I try to answer.*

Suddenly she cleared . She thought she was about to shout. But all that comes out was a tiny whisper.

"Where am I?"

The doctor smiled at her. "You're awake now. That's a relief."

Se Ri gave him a puzzled look. "How long was I out for?"

"5 days. We thought you might have been into a sleep coma." The doctor replied.

"What happened to me?" She inquired.

"It's nothing serious. You just passed out because of the extreme shock you experienced. You can be discharged tomorrow if all is well." He assured.

She nodded her head in understanding. The doctor was about to leave when she called. "Doctor, do you know of a patient named Park Chanyeol?"

The doctor seemed to be scanning the name in his head. He nodded a second after. "Yes, apparently he was admitted here. He was discharged yesterday."

Before she could ask further, the door to her ward slide open. Baekhyun peeked his head in and smiled. The doctor nodded his head in acknowledegment and left the room. Baekhyun stepped inside the room and shut the door close. He walked over with a bouquet of roses and a bag of soup.

"Hey." He greeted her with a grin. "Feeling better?" He placed the the roses and soup on her side table. He took a seat on the chair next to her bed.

"Definitely. Thank you." She replied. "Do you want to eat? You haven eaten in days. I can prepare the soup for you." He asked.

Se Ri wanted to reject initially but her stomach started to grumble. She looked at Baekhyun and blushed. He chuckled and got up to prepare the soup he had brought. "Thank you Baekhyun."

"Don't be so formal with me." Baekhyun reminded. Se Ri remembered the kiss she had with Baekhyun the past few days and blushed even more. She covered her hot face with her hands. Baekhyun gave a look of amusement. "What are you doing?" He asked.

Se Ri quickly look away, flustered. "Nothing!" She said a little too quickly.

"Here." He held out the soup to her. Se Ri moved her hands but winced as the IV needle poked through her skin.

"Let me help you." Baekhyun blew onto the soup spoon and held it out. Se Ri stared at it as if it was a venomous creature. Baekhyun was feeding her and she didn't know why she felt so shy. Baekhyun nodded towards the spoon and she reluctantly open . She let the warm liquid dance around inside and then swallowed it.

"Good?" He asked, peering into her eyes. Se Ri smiled and gave a thumbs up.

"I made it". He admitted sheepishly while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Really?" Se Ri felt her insides melt and before she knew it, she was grinning. "I didn't know you can cook. Thank you." She patted his hands, feeling grateful.

"I can be a good husband." He blurted. It seemed like he hadn't meant to say the last sentence because his eyes turned as wide as saucers from panic the moment the words came out from his mouth. His face flushed red with embarrassment. "I-I didn't meant..sorry...uhhh...water?" He asked nervously. He got up before letting Se Ri reply and poured her a cup of water. He handed it to her without meeting her gaze. Se Ri accepted it and gulped it down in one go.

"God. I didn't know I was this thirsty if I hadn't drink this down." She used her sleeve to wipe the droplets of water from her lips. Baekhyun stared at her and reached out to grasp her wrist. He wiped her lips with his thumb and spoke. "I'm glad you're alright. When you passed out, I almost went crazy." He said. They met gazes and Baekhyun cracked a small smile. Se Ri dropped her gaze. "What happened to Kai?"

Coincidentally, there was a knock on the door. "Come in." Baekhyun said.

2 men in blue uniform entered and bowed their heads to Baekhyun. He stood up and nodded his head in acknowledgement. Se Ri frowned and watched the scene on confusion.

"Sir, we have reports on Kim Jongin's latest medical report. May we have a word with you outside?" One of the officer spoke.

Baekhyun look at Se Ri who was utterly lost in the whole conversation. He turned back to the officer. "No. We can talk in here. She's the victim so she has the right to know."

The two officers look at each other and nodded. One of the officer handed him a folder containing the latest medical report they had acquired from the psychiatrist. Baekhyun flipped the folder and scanned the results.

"The test results has shown that Kim Jongin had a brain injury when he was 8. Apparently he was abused at such a young age by his mother who had illegitimately gave birth to him. We couldn't track the whereabouts of his father, but the investigation team is still looking out for him. Also, the amount of stress he was facing caused him to react in a way which in inhumane. We are still putting Kim Jongin in interrogation, before his trial begins the week after next. And the forensics found this at the crime site..." The other officer held out a ziploc bag to Baekhyun. "These are bone pieces which we believe belongs to his mother whom he had allegedly killed. Her body was said to be found buried at the backyard of his home." He continued.

Se Ri felt like throwing up. She squeezed her eyes shut and let the nausea fade away.

Baekhyun nodded his head and closed the folder. He handed it back to the officer. "Good work officer Kim Joonmyun, officer Kim Minseok." He shook hands with them and bowed. As soon as they shut the door behind them, Se Ri spoke. "You're working for the police?"

Baekhyun sat back on his seat with a nervous smile. "Well...yeah...sort of.."

"Sort...of? Who are you Byun Baekhyun? Why do they call you "Sir"?" Se Ri interrogated him.

"Okay fine. I'm the Commissioner's son. Happy now?" He sighed.

"Is that why you went missing? Why didn't you tell me who you were?" She asked, feeling slightly disappointed. Her eyes burned with tears.

"Truthfully, I had been investigating on this case ever since I found out Saejin was dead. The note that you received, was from me. I was tracking down Jongin and after I found out that he was somehow related to your sister's death, I had to warn you. I can't tell you who I am because my line of job is dangerous. I don't want the person I care and love the most get hurt. Do you understand where I'm coming from? I love you, Se Ri. I don't want to see you harmed in any way." He admitted.

The sincere confession left an impact in her. Butterflies flew crazily in her stomach. It was now that she realize Baekhyun was actually good-looking. With his mono lids and small lips. She look at him and reached out to touch his baby cheeks. Both of them stared at each other for a moment, studying each other's facial structure. Gradually, Baekhyun leaned in. Se Ri intuitively shut her eyes. When their lips almost met, the door flung open. Stunned, they pulled back with flushed faces.

"Se Ri!" A deep voice echoed.

*That voice!* Se Ri perked up at the voice. "Yeol!" she called.

A grinning Chanyeol came in accompanied with a wheel chair. On his lap was a huge box of Ferrero Rocher and a Pororo plushie with her name embroided on it. Chanyeol wheeled over and his chair accidently bumped Baekhyun on the shin. "Yah. Watch where you are going." He rubbed his sore shin with annoyance.

"Woops. Sorry Superintendent Byun." Chanyeol put a fist over his lips to suppress his laughter. "Clumsy as ever." Baekhyun muttered under his breath.

Again, Se Ri was drowned in confusion. "Do you guys know each other?"

Chanyeol laughed and tried to flick her forehead but he couldn't reach. "Aish!"

Se Ri laughed at his silliness.

"Do you remember the time when I told you that when I went for summer camp, I had to room with a guy who yelps like a dog 40 times before he goes to bed?" Se Ri nodded. "He's the guy right here." Chanyeol jab his thumb at Baekhyun who was already embarrassed the moment he brought the topic up.

"And surprisingly, we became good friends after that." He continued.

"Hey. Your breathing was way too loud. Do not forget that. And you do those sniffling thing before you go to sleep." Baekhyun attacked him back.

"I so did NOT!" They squabbled.

Se Ri cracked up. She wiped a stray tear from her eye and bend forward to give Chanyeol a hug. "Yeol..I'm sorry for everything. I shouldn't have...acted that way towards you. I'm really sorry...You don't know how much regret I have been feeling since the day you left..."

"Hey hey..It's okay. Forgive and forget. You know me. I don't hold grudges." He rubbed her back. "If I do, you won't be seeing Baekhyun here." He shot Baekhyun a look. Baekhyun pretended to whack Chanyeol on the head.

"I miss you so much..." She said.

Chanyeol softened. "I miss you too Se Ri. Oh! Here." He pulled back and gave the box of chocolate and plushie to her. I was supposed to give you this five days ago, but I didn't get to." He chuckled, trying to lighten up the mood.

Se Ri recalled his injury. "How's your....." She pointed to his side.

"Recovering. In a few weeks, I'll be good as new." He smiled. That's Chanyeol. Her best friend. Her companion. Her guardian. Her family.

The three of them shared another round of jokes and laughter.

"In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit." - Albert Schweitzer


Finally! After so much procrastination, I'm done with this fic! Truthfully, I didn't want to finish it but the comments from you guys is what brings me here, the final chapter of "The Psychopath." I don't hate Kai honestly, he's my ummm...3rd bias? He just suits this psychopathic character. Why does he always get the antagonistic role? I don't know either. And of course Chanyeol and Baekhyun takes the first 2 spot. Heee~

I hope you guys enjoy this fic although it's short. I might be doing a sequel for this. But right now, I have a oneshot story in my head that is itching to be typed out. Tell me what you guys think. 감사합니다잉!

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Chapter 38: So sad it's over. But there a sequel ~
Chapter 34: Holy cow... He's so crazy!
Chapter 33: Now you know! Get the hell out of there!
Chapter 30: I hope he's not in any danger...
Chapter 28: Ooooh Zico ^^ Such a cutie
Chapter 20: That's what happens when you're too stubborn!
Chapter 18: What Chanyeol said was tough, but it's the truth. It had to be put out there so she'll finally realized what's going on....
Chapter 16: Don't give him a chance! He will never forget Saejin because he will see her in Seri! Don't fall for that BS!
Chapter 15: FINALLY!!! Her cluelessness was driving me crazy!