
The Psychopath

For days, she pondered on Baekhyun's offer he made the other day.

"I don't know what I'm suppose to do now. I don't even have a job." she sighed.
Baekhyun tapped his chin in thought then he brightened. "If you're looking for one, I have a perfect place in mind."
Se Ri whipped her head to him. "You do? Where?"
Baekhyun adjusted in his seat so that he was facing her. "The public library I'm working at right now is hiring part-timers
. The pay is...well...moderate...but otherwise, the environment is nice to work at. So...you up for it?"

She finally made her decision and called Baekhyun up. He picked up on the 3rd ring.

"Baekhyun?" she asked.
"Give me a second!" He hollered over at the other end.
Se Ri heard the sound of the door shutting and he was back on the line. "Hello?"
"Hey Baekhyun. Busy? Is this not the right time for you?" she enquired.
"What? Oh no no. I just came out from the washroom." he answered.
"Oh. Sorry to disturb....uhhh...your business." Se Ri blushed even though Baekhyun couldn't see.
"I was just washing my hands. What were you thinking?" he teased.
"Nothing!" she answered too quickly. "Nevermind, I'm hanging up now!" Se Ri was about to hang up when she heard his voice, "No wait!"
Se Ri brought the phone back up to her ear. "What?" she snapped.
"Jeez, I was kidding. So what's up? Did you finally agreed to take up my offer?" he said jokingly. Se Ri knew he was chuckling on the other end of the line.
"Actually yes. I'm accepting the offer. When can I come for interview?" she asked him.
"Anytime. It's a walk-in interview. I'll put in a few words for you to the head librarian. She's a nice lady." Baekhyun said.
Se Ri could tell Baekhyun was beaming from his voice. "Don't smile too wide, Baekhyun. Any wider, it will freeze up there and you wouldn't be able to return to your normal face."
"Wait, how do you know? Are you stalking me?" Baekhyun gasped, flabbergasted.
"I'm not only smart, I'm a psychic as well." She stuck her nose up high.
Baekhyun clucked his tongue over the line. "I'll make sure to include that you're a man bully to the head librarian."
Se Ri stucked out her tongue though unseen by Baekhyun. "You won't do that. I know. Because Byun Baekhyun's such a nice guy."
"Yeah yeah. Listen, I've got to get back to work. When are you coming down?" he asked.
"I'll drop by tomorrow around noon. Is that okay? We can grab lunch together after that." she waited for his answer.
"Yeah sure. If you get the job, which I can guarantee you will, you'll have to treat me to lunch. I choose the place."Baekhyun offered a deal.
Se Ri rolled her eyes. "Tch. Opportunist."
"Unless of course, you don't want the job, that's fine with me." he sing-songed.
"Fine fine! I owe you lunch. Happy now?" she sealed the deal with him.
"Very happy. Okay, I gotta go. I'll see ya tomorrow alright?"
"Yeah. Bye Baekhyun." she hung up when he ended the call.

She stared into the vacant space in her room. *Finally, a job.* She look over to her dresser and found her sister's picture turned faced down on the flat surface.
*Who did that?* She walked over and placed it back at it's original position. She stared at her sister's face and a smile grew. *Unnie, I made another friend. You know him. It's Baekhyun. He's really nice. He's helping me out with a job at the public library. I hope I'm able to move on from here. I don't want to lead my life aimlessly. I need to do something about it and getting a job is the first step.*
Kai's face suddenly flashed in her mind and her shoulders slumped in depression. She tore her gaze away from her sister's picture and rested her back against the dresser. It's been a week since her argument with him and he never answered any of her calls or text messages. *Why are you avoiding me? I don't understand.*


The next day at noon, Se Ri arrived at the public library Baekhyun had told her. It was situated near Namdaemun and the building was huge. *No wonder they're hiring. It's huge.*
She took out her phone and called Baekhyun but he didn't answer. Assuming he was busy, she texted him instead.

Bacon, I'm outside.

2 minutes later Baekhyun replied.

Bacon? Anyway, I can't come out right now. I'm helping out the senior staff move something. Just go up to the information counter and tell them you're here for the job interview. They'll direct you to the head librarian's office. Good luck!

She stuffed the phone in her pocket and entered the building. The information counter was to her left and she approached the young lady who had a high ponytail. Se Ri smiled at her and told her that she was there for a job interview. The girl nodded with a smile and handed out the application form to her. After she finished filling in the form, she led Se Ri to the third storey of the buidling and they stopped in front of a finely crafted wooden door. The girl knocked on the door and twisted the knob. The door opened and both of them stepped inside. A middle aged lady was sitting at her desk as she wrote something on her book. She looked up from what she was doing, smiled and motioned them to come forward.

"She's here for the interview, Mrs Lee." the girl informed. Mrs Lee nodded and thanked her. "You must be Se Ri. Come sit my dear."
Se Ri bowed to her and warily took a seat in front of her. Se Ri took this chance to study her features. Mrs Lee's eyebag were thick and her dark circles were obvious. But she covered them up  with her thick framed glasses. Her hair was tied up in a bun and some strands fell out from the sides. It reminded her of Mrs Park, Chanyeol's mother. Other than that, Mrs Lee looked pretty amazing.

"Baekhyun told me about you. He said you needed a job." she said as she removed the glasses from her face.
"Yes, Mrs Lee." she confirmed her question.
Mrs Lee nodded. "Very well, tell me more about yourself."
She pondered for a few seconds, "Well, ummm..I graduated from a high school in New Zealand  a few months back. I majored in the English Language. I have my diploma right here." she was about to take out her diploma from her folder when Mrs Lee stopped her.
"It's okay, go on." she smiled and urged her to continue.
"Well..I'm currently living alone now. My parents passed away when I was 6 but I was taught to be independant from then by a close friend of my parents. I love art but I'm not sure how I'm going to make use of that skill here though." she smiled sheepishly and scratched her head.
"It's okay Se Ri. We have a section on arts here in this library. I'll put you there. Also, we have a monthly coloring competition for the young readers, so I would put you in charge of that."she nodded.
Se Ri grew confused. "Wait, you mean, I'm accepted? For the job?" she asked.

Mrs Lee chuckled at her expression. "Yes my dear. From the moment Baekhyun told me about you, i have already accepted you for the job. Baekhyun is like a son I never had. So if he says that you're perfect for the job, then I'll agree with him wholeheartedly. Plus Baekhyun wouldn't recommend just anyone." she winked. "You'll start tomorrow at 9am. Is that okay?"
Se Ri smiled and nodded eagerly. "Thank you Mrs Lee. This interview was...urmmm..short."
Mrs Lee chuckled again. "Depends on the person who steps inside my office."
"Thank you again, Mrs Lee. I'll get going now."she bowed again and made her exit.

Once the door shut behind her, she jumped up and punched the air with a wide grin. *Yes! Yes! I got a job!*
Another figure joined her mini celebration. Baekhyun was jumping up and down with her. "You got the job! Yay! Your lunch treat. Now!"
Se Ri stopped jumping and stared at Baekhyun but the smile never left her face. "Thank you Baekhyun! I'll buy you an expensive lunch!" she walked off with the smile still etched on her face.
"Well, actually, I was about to suggest the street side food, but, you offered a much better deal than that. I guess I couldn't refuse." He said as he caught up with her.
Se Ri gave him a side glance. "Take it or leave it."
Baekhyun made a face. "Man bully."
Se Ri chuckled and both of them left the building.

"Woah, that was the best lunch!" Baekhyun commented, wiping his lips with a napkin.
"Yeah? My sister and I used to come here before I went abroad. Our favourite spot." she put down her fork and smiled at him. "I'm really grateful for this, Baekhyun. I really am. I got the job because of you. Thank you."
"Nahh. It was my pleasure. Besides, you're a friend and friends help their friends." he grinned his signature grin. "Where did she put you?"
"The arts section. I told her I love art."she replied.
"Damn." he pounded his fist in his palms playfully. "We're not in the same section. I'm in the science and math section. But we're just one level apart. I could sneak around your level if I have the time." he winked.
"Tch. I'll block the entrance." she retorted teasingly.
He laughed and his laughter was infectious. Se Ri couldn't help but laugh along.
"Oh yeah, here." he felt his pockets for something, brought it out and slide it down on the table towards her. Se Ri stared at the white folded paper in front of her. She blinked at it for a couple of times and look at Baekhyun. "What is this?"
"Your present. Open it." he joked.
Se Ri gave him a face and reached for the paper. She opened it and grew even more confused. There was a number, a name of a street and more numbers.
"Why are you giving me your address?" she look at him, puzzled. She must have looked funny when Baekhyun tried to stop his laughter with his palms.
"Why would I give you my address? It's not mine. It's your boyfriend's." he replied cooly.
"What?!" she must have said it out loud when a few stares were thrown her way. She dropped her voice in a whisper. "Where did you get this?"
Baekhyun leaned in and whispered with a smile. "If you think you are smarter than me, think again, cause I'm smarter than you." he ended off with a chuckle.
Se Ri rolled her eyes and grinned. "I can never get the right answer from you. But thanks! I don't know how you do it but I really appreciate the effort. Thank you!"
"Does this mean , I'll get another free lunch?" he asked hopefully.
"Don't push your luck, wise guy." she shot him a playful look.

Se Ri stared at the paper. Finally, she knew where her mysterious boyfriend, Kai, lived.

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Chapter 38: So sad it's over. But there a sequel ~
Chapter 34: Holy cow... He's so crazy!
Chapter 33: Now you know! Get the hell out of there!
Chapter 30: I hope he's not in any danger...
Chapter 28: Ooooh Zico ^^ Such a cutie
Chapter 20: That's what happens when you're too stubborn!
Chapter 18: What Chanyeol said was tough, but it's the truth. It had to be put out there so she'll finally realized what's going on....
Chapter 16: Don't give him a chance! He will never forget Saejin because he will see her in Seri! Don't fall for that BS!
Chapter 15: FINALLY!!! Her cluelessness was driving me crazy!