Date night

The Psychopath

"Unnie? Is that you?"
Se Ri squinted her eyes and adjusted it to the bright light in front of her. From the light, Saejin emerged.

"UNNIE!" Se Ri's eyes widened and a grin formed on her lips. She started running towards Saejin only to find Saejin going furthur away from her.
"UNNIE COME BACK! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" Se Ri called out, her grin turned into a frown.

With every step she took, Saejin seems to float furthur away. Eventually Se Ri stopped running and bent forward to catch her breath. She look up to find Saejin staring back at her with a look of sorrow. Her eyes were glistened with tears and she was shaking her head side to side. Se Ri grew confused as she couldn't decipher what her sister was trying to tell her.

Se Ri slowly straightened up, she wanted to take a step forward but thought twice. She wouldn't want her sister to float furthur away from her.
"Unnie....what's wrong....?" Se Ri's eyes were filled with hot tears. She felt helpless and her head was beginning to feel dizzy. She has no idea as to why Saejin is crying right now.

"UNNIE! TELL ME!! WHAT'S WRONG?!" she bursts out. But Saejin was still looking at her with a look of pain in her eyes. The next moment, Saejin's eyes shifted to Se Ri's back and her eyes widened in horror. She started shivering and her pale face turned even whiter, if possible. Se Ri furrowed her eyebrows at her sister's reaction. She was staring at something behind her back. She whirled around to see a tall, lean guy with a gun in his right hand. His face was a blur and she couldn't make out what he looked like. Se Ri wanted to scream but nothing came out from . The guy lifted his right hand and aimed the gun at Saejin. He pulled the trigger and a booming sound was heard. Se Ri flinched as she shut her eyes and covered her ears. She turned around only to find her sister lying on the ground, lifeless, in a pool of her own blood.

"UNNNIIEEEEEE!" Se Ri eyes shot open and she sat up hastily from her bed. She panted as her chest rose and fell. Sweat was trickling down her temple and neck as she swallowed her huge lump of saliva in . There was a shuffling of footsteps coming up the stairs before the door to her room swung open.

"Se Ri!" Chanyeol rushed in and sat on her bed. His face was etched with a worried expression and he gripped onto Se Ri's shoulders as the eyes behind his glasses scanned her face.
"You okay?" he asked as he brushed her bangs from her eyes.

Se Ri nodded and sighed.

"Nightmare?" he asked again, warily.
Se Ri looked up at him and nodded. "Yeol, I've been having the same nightmare for 3 days now." She ran her fingers through her hair and stared into the vacant space in front of her. "Unnie would appear crying in front of me, and a mysterious guy would pop out from nowhere and shoots her. The next thing I knew, she's dead." she explained to Chanyeol who was staring at her with a gaping mouth.
"I think she's trying to tell me something but I don't know what it is! Urghhh! This is so frustrating!" Se Ri gripped her hair and groaned. She cast a glance at Chanyeol and narrowed her eyes.

"Uhh, Yeol?"
Chanyeol blinked at her. Se Ri pointed her fingers to the side of . Abruptly, Chanyeol wiped off his drool with his t-shirt sleeve.
"Eww. Are you sure you are 21?" she made a face.
"So uhhh, you said there was a guy....what did he look like?" Chanyeol shifted his position from the side of her bed to the middle, so he was sitting cross-legged in front of her.
"I don't know. His face was blurry. But...." she looked up into the ceiling as she tried to remember something "....his oddly and strangely familiar."
"His....smell?" Chanyeol scratched his head and pushed his glasses up from his nose.
Se Ri nodded. "Yes, he smells of...vanilla. Even though it was just a dream, the smell still lingers. I know this smell. It's unnie's favourite fragrant."
Chanyeol thought for a moment before he spoke. "Do you think, it's someone she knows?"
Se Ri shook her head. "Like I've said before, I don't even know who she knows. She mentioned to me once, on skype, that she's dating a guy in a her school but she wouldn't let me in on the details and insist that she would introduce me to him when I'm back in Korea. That's pretty much it. I don't know anything else."
Chanyeol tapped her shoulder in an assuring manner and flashed his adorable smile. "Let's not think about it too much. Afterall, it's a dream. Get up, I've prepared breakfast."

Se Ri groaned and covered her face with her hands. "No!! Not burnt pancakes again!"
Chanyeol feigned hurt. "Hey! You said it was good."
"I did that to please you on your first attempt." she snorted.
"Mean girl! Go wash up, you stink like my fart." He pinched his nose and motioned her towards the bathroom.
Se Ri grabbed a pillow and swung it to his head which Chanyeol managed to dodge. Se Ri rolled her eyes and headed to the bathroom. "You better not use that line on your girlfriend, Park Chanyeol."
He gave a triumphant smile and crossed his arms. "Well, my girlfriend thinks my fart smells nice."
"YOU'RE BOTH ARE SICK PEOPLE!" she hollered from the bathroom.

He chuckled and headed downstairs.


15 minutes later, Se Ri skipped downstairs with a plain white T and sweat pants. She entered the kitchen to see Chanyeol stuffing his face with pancakes. He looked up at her and wanted to speak but Se Ri managed to cut him off.
"Finish the food in your mouth first before you speak, dork."
Chanyeol frowned and continued eating. Se Ri peeked into the fridge and grabbed a carton of milk and 2 glasses from the drawer. She came round the table and poured for them milk into the glasses. As she poured, she glanced at the plate of pancakes in front of her. A look of relief showed on her face.

*At least he managed not to burn them this time round. Babo Chanyeol*

She chuckled making Chanyeol look up. She slid the glass of milk across the table to him and he stopped it with his palms. He picked it up and chugged it down. He put the empty glass down and grabbed the carton to refill.

"What are you snickering at?" Chanyeol askd without looking at her.

"Huh? I wasn't doing anything." Se Ri bit her tongue to supress her laughter.

Chanyeol rolled his eyes, "Sit and eat."

"Jeez. So demanding." Se Ri pulled out her chair and sat down across him. She lifted her glass of milk and drank.

Chanyeol casually circled the rim of the glass with his index finger. "So.....did he kiss you yet?" he asked.


Chanyeol froze like a rock. Slowly he grabbed a napkin from table and wiped his face which was trickling down with milk.
"Wow. Note to self. Remember not to ask anything when someone is drinking."

Se Ri wiped with the back of her hands. "God Yeol! I'm sorry!"

"Yeah okay." he placed the napkin down on the table.
"Anyway, you don't ask a girl such a question." Se Ri reprimanded him with a stern look on her face.
"So did he?" he asked again.
Se Ri cleared ,  shrugged and looked away.
"Hah! HE DID! Awww! Se Ri's lips are no longer !" He flailed his hands in the air like a kid.

*Park Chanyeol, I don't think you're 21 years old* She shook her head and stabbed her pancakes with her fork.


Se Ri was in a dilemma. She was ransacking her closet for the perfect outfit for tonight. Yes. She's going on a date with Kai. Earlier today, she got a text message from him telling her to meet him up at the cafe.

"Ahem." a voice came from behind her.
Se Ri spun around to see Chanyeol leaning on her bedroom door with his arms crossed.

She scowled and spun back around to search for the damn outfit.
"I'm curious. Why doesn't he pick you up here? Any guy would pick their girl up from their home." Chanyeol wondered out loud.
Se Ri sighed and shrugged. "Because he doesn't know where I live....yet."
"Seriously? Are you guys even dating? Surely he's sent you home once or twice right?" he arched an eyebrow at her.
Se Ri turned around and sat on the floor with heavy shoulders. "Yes we are dating. And no, he hasn't send me home once. But Yeol, we've only went out for barely a week. We're warming up to each other. So give him some time. I don't want to rush this...this...relationship."
Chanyeol shrugged his shoulders. "I'm just looking out for you."
"i know you are. I really appreciate that." Se Ri smiled up to him.
Chanyeol's eyes shifted to her messy closet. " need help?"
"Yes please. I really need your help."

After 15 minutes, both of them finally found something that would suit Se Ri for the night.

A white body hugging dress that belonged to Se Ri's beloved sister, Saejin. Se Ri had found it by accident when Chanyeol knocked over a box containing Saejin's belongings that was kept away in the closet.

"It's beautiful." Se Ri gasp as she stood in front of the full-length mirror.
Chanyeol came from behind and sized her up. "Yes you are."
Se Ri turned around and faced Chanyeol. "Are you sure this isn't too much? I mean, he could probably be wearing jeans and hoody. I'd look stupid if he did."
"Jeez woman, you're thinking too much. You look fine. If I didn't have a girlfriend, I would have asked you out." Chanyeol joked.
Se Ri rolled her eyes and turned back to the mirror to fix her lipbalm. "Please, you're not anywhere near my taste."
Chanyeol made a face  at the mirror causing Se Ri to chuckle lightly."
She walked over to the bed, grabbed her purse and headed out of the room.
"I'll be going now, Yeol. Don't burn down the house." She look back at Chanyeol who was carrying his laptop to the living room.
"No worries, I'll just stay here like a good boy. I'll be skyping noona anyways, so enjoy your night, Mary." he grinned showing a little too much of his teeth.

Se Ri shut the door. At the corner of her eye, she saw a black figure dashing out of the bushes. She froze for a few seconds before turning towards the direction of where the figure just stood. She ran over to find nothing but just dried leaves which had fallen off from the trees.

*Strange. My eyes are probably playing tricks on me*

She shook her thoughts away and went off to the cafe to meet Kai.


From a distance, she saw a familiar figure leaning against the brick wall of the cafe kicking the dirt by his feet. She knew it was Kai and suddenly, the butterflies in a tummy started to wake up and flutter about. Her heart throbbed in and her hands became clammy.

*Relax Se Ri. Breathe in, breathe out* She nodded her head with a determined look on her face and walked towards him.

At the sound of heels clucking onto the gravel road, Kai looked up and he stiffened. His eyes were wide as if it was going to pop out of it's sockets. Sweat started to form on his forehead and his body shivered.

Se Ri noticed his pallid face and closed the distance between them. "Kai? Are you okay? You look sick."
She reached out to brush his bangs from his eyes only to have her wrist grasp by him. It wasn't a tight grip but the sensation of his hands grasping her skin, made her feel giddy. Kai was staring at her with longing eyes. His face searched hers when all of a sudden, he pulled her into a hug.

Se Ri smiled at that but her smile disappered when Kai spoke up.


"S-Saejin.....where have you been?"

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Chapter 38: So sad it's over. But there a sequel ~
Chapter 34: Holy cow... He's so crazy!
Chapter 33: Now you know! Get the hell out of there!
Chapter 30: I hope he's not in any danger...
Chapter 28: Ooooh Zico ^^ Such a cutie
Chapter 20: That's what happens when you're too stubborn!
Chapter 18: What Chanyeol said was tough, but it's the truth. It had to be put out there so she'll finally realized what's going on....
Chapter 16: Don't give him a chance! He will never forget Saejin because he will see her in Seri! Don't fall for that BS!
Chapter 15: FINALLY!!! Her cluelessness was driving me crazy!