
The Psychopath

After an emotional dinner with the Parks, Se Ri headed back home heavy-hearted and a feeling of remorse. It was too late for her to turn back time. Her best friend was gone. Chanyeol, who had always been looking out for her all this while, had left. She regretted spouting those harsh words to him and she knew it had shredded his heart into pieces.

*Yeol..I'm sorry." She hung her head low as she walk up to her home.

"Where were you?" a gruff voice spoke up, breaking her away from her chain of thoughts.

Se Ri looked up and met eyes with Kai who was leaning agianst the wall outside her home with his arms crossed. Usually, her heart would triple it's rate at the sight of him but today was the complete opposite. She continued walking at a slower pace and finally reached him.

"Hey Kai. What are you doing here?" she said glumly, as she took out her keys and unlock the front door. Kai straightened up and tucked his hands inside his jeans pocket but the look on his face were dark. "You didn't answer my question. Where were you?" he asked again, feeling a tad of annoyance.

"I just went out, Kai. I need a breather." She answered nonchalantly and bent down to untie her shoelaces before stepping into her home. Kai followed suit. Se Ri placed her bag on the table and plopped down on her couch. She draped one arm across her eyes and sighed.

"Where did you go?" Kai questioned again as he stood in front of her, flexing his jaw.

"Didn't you hear? I just said - "

"BUT WHERE?!" Kai suddenly exploded. Startled, Se Ri immediately removed her arms from her face and stared at him. Kai had never raised his voice at her. He was angry as a bull. His face was contorted in fury, his cheeks flushed and his eyes sparkled with ferocity. It scared her.

"I-I went to Chanyeol's place. What's wrong with you? Why are you so angry?" Se Ri stammered at first, but regain herself the next minute. Kai scoffed and turned away. He look back at her as his eyebrows narrowed together.
"I was searching for you THE WHOLE AFTERNOON! You didn't leave me a text! And now I got to know, you're cheating behind my back!" Kai pointed an accusing finger at her.

"Woah! Back up. What? Cheating?" Se Ri stood up from where she sat. "What the hell are you talking about?"
He chuckled with sarcasm dripping at its end. "That's exactly what I'm talking about. All this while, I've been holding back. Did you ever think that I like the idea of having another living with you under one roof?"

Se Ri grew confused. "Wait a minute. Are we talking about Chanyeol?"

"Yeah, that skinny prick." Kai stared at her with daunting eyes.

"You think I'm cheating on you with him? Are you ing kidding me? He's my best friend! Before I met you, I met him first!" Se Ri yelled.
"But where is he now Se Ri? That best friend of yours?" he smirked before it was replaced with a  dark expression.

Se Ri turned silent.

"He's gone isn't he? He left for good? He left you to suffer alone but you're still siding him. You're still calling him your best friend? That jerk!" he trudged forward and poked her forehead.

Se Ri swatted his hands away. "Stop it, Kai."

"I'm glad he's gone. I don't understand why you're even friends with someone selfish like him!" he continued to ramble.

"DAMMIT I SAID STOP IT KAI!" It was Se Ri's turn to burst. Tears trickled down her cheeks and she began to hyperventilate. "Don't talk about Chanyeol like you know him! You know nothing about him!"

"You love him don't you?" he accused again.

Se Ri felt defeated and tired. She sank down on her sofa and covered her face with her hands. Her tears were not gonna stop anytime soon. "He's my best friend and a family member to me. Yes, I love him but just not in that way. But I love you. I love you because you are my boyfriend, Kai. So will you please stop accusing me of cheating on you. I would never do that to you. You know that." she pleaded.

Kai didn't say anything. His face was void of expression. "How can I trust you? You might be the same as your sister!"

"I'm not Saejin, Kai. Stop bringing her up. Don't talk about the dead like that. It's not...nice."she said weakly.

"Whatever. I'm out." Kai swiftly turned away and slammed the front door shut. Se Ri flinched at the sound and stared at the door where Kai was just a few moments ago. She lay down on the sofa and wondered what to do next. Chanyeol left her, Kai's angry with her and she had no one to turn to. She glance at her bag and  got up with much effort. She fished for something in her bag and took out a piece of paper from one of the zipper compartments. She grabbed her phone and dialled the number written on it. At the 5th ring, a bright voice answered the phone.

"Hey, it's me, Se Ri. I need to see you."

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Chapter 38: So sad it's over. But there a sequel ~
Chapter 34: Holy cow... He's so crazy!
Chapter 33: Now you know! Get the hell out of there!
Chapter 30: I hope he's not in any danger...
Chapter 28: Ooooh Zico ^^ Such a cutie
Chapter 20: That's what happens when you're too stubborn!
Chapter 18: What Chanyeol said was tough, but it's the truth. It had to be put out there so she'll finally realized what's going on....
Chapter 16: Don't give him a chance! He will never forget Saejin because he will see her in Seri! Don't fall for that BS!
Chapter 15: FINALLY!!! Her cluelessness was driving me crazy!