Blissful night

The Psychopath

"This is it." Eunji sighed as she faced her mother, Mrs Lee and her two bestfriends.

They had been at the airport 2 hours ago and before they know it, It's time for Eunji's departure.

"Have a good journey my dear. Work hard and play hard. Remember the line your father used to say? "Dreams are like stars- "
" - you may never touch them but if you follow them, they will lead you to your destiny. Yes mom, I know. He made me stand against the wall and memorize them a hundred times." She rolled her eyes at the memory but smiled.

Mrs Lee wiped a stray tear and hugged her only daughter. When they pulled away with a smile, Eunji shifted her attention to her best friends and raised her eyebrow.
"Give me a hug. Come on!" She beckoned. Se Ri didn't move. Her eyes misted with hot tears. Baekhyun stepped up and embraced his once annoying colleague now turned bestfriend in a tight hug.

"Have a safe trip. Don't forget to skype us. Especially..." He turned back and Eunji peered over to see Se Ri sobbing into her arms. "....Her." He finished. Both if them exchanged glances. Baekhyun nodded his head towards Se Ri's direction. "Go." He mouthed. Eunji walked over to Se Ri.

"Hey crybaby." Eunji rubbed Se Ri's shoulders in comfort. That gesture only made her sob even harder.
*.* Eunji cursed inwardly. *I have no choice.*
"Yah! Lee Se Ri! Are you going to continue crying like this? If you are, I'm gonna walk through that gate right now without a good bye. " She crossed her arms feigning anger.

Se Ri looked up with a horrible tear stained face. Instantly,  Eunji softened. "Aigoo. Look at you.." she ruffled her hair. "Hey..we'll always be in contact okay? No matter how busy I am at school, I'll always find the time to skype with you and Baekhyun. 4 years isnt that long, trust me okay? When I'm done, I'll grab the first flight and fly back to you. Now, stop crying before I start to."

Se Ri nodded like a kid while rubbing her red eyes.

"I'm gonna get going now or I'll miss my flight which I know you're secretly praying that I do." She teased Se Ri who chuckled in between tears.

"C'mon Eunji. It's time." Baekhyun hollered.

"That guy can't wait to get rid of me I think." She grabbed her luggage and lugged away to the departure gate alongside her mother while the two tailed behind her. After the security check-in, Eunji bid the last farewell and strolled inside. Pushing her shades down, she smiled. *Good luck..the both of you.*

"Eat." Baekhyun ordered.
Se Ri sullenly pulled the tub of Ben and Jerry's ice cream towards her with a pout. She scooped a spoonful of it and directed it to . She paused and glanced at Baekhyun.

Mrs Lee had given them the day off since they had troubled themselves to send Eunji off. They were at Ben and Jerry's after Mrs Lee gave them a one-for-one ice cream voucher.

"Eat." He ordered again.

Reluctantly, she opened and stuffed the spoon inside. Her brain registered the flavor and her eyes widened in surprised.
"This is....nice..." She the spoon.

"I know. It's my favorite." Baekhyun grinned.

"What is it?" She asked as she searched the tub exterior. "Chubby....Hubby?"

"Yup. I always feel better after I have this." He replied with shiny eyes.

"Have some." She scooped a spoonful of ice cream and shoved it in his face.

He blinked. "W-What?"

"Eat." She imitated him.

*Is she for real? It's like we're having an indirect kiss.* He stared at the spoon, part of him nervous yet the other part of him, eager.
Se Ri misunderstood the reaction, she spoke up. "Huh. I'll get another spoon if you're so afraid of getting my cooties." She stood up from her seat to fetch another spoon from the counter.

"No!" he blurted. She paused and turned back. Baekhyun picked up her spoon and shoved the ice cream in his mouth. Se Ri smiled and went back to sit.

"Are you sad that Eunji left? Did you finally have feelings for her?" She asked teasingly. *Yes and no.* He nodded. Se  Ri's eyes widened. "

You have feelings for her?!" She half-screamed.

His head sprang up. "What no! I mean I'm sad that she left! After all she's our good friend!"

"Oh." She blinked, stunned at his outburst. "Sorry." He averted his gaze. "Funny. I was the one who was all depressed first. Now look at you. So much for the strong Byun Baekhyun." She nudged his shoulder.

Baekhyun gave a small smile. "Shall we go somewhere after this?"

"Oh? Where?" Se Ri asked, tilting her head sideways which Baekhyun finds it adorable.

"Somewhere that we could just relax and enjoy the great weather." He replied. Se Ri checked her wristwatch with a perplexed expression.

"Why? Do you not want to?" Baekhyun enquired after watching her expression.

"Huh? Oh. No. I'm just worried, you know, I left home in a rush that I forgot my phone...and Kai" She didn't know why she was afraid of the possibility that Kai would find out where she was right now.

At the mention of him, Baekhyun's heart dropped. *Sometimes I forgot she has a boyfriend.* "It's fine." *No. It's not* "You should go. Kai's probably waiting for you to call him." *Don't go*

"Sorry Baekhyun. I'll make it up to you next time, okay? Promise." She held out her pinky. Baekhyun reluctantly hooked his pinky with hers. "I'll see you at work tomorrow." She stood up and walked out of the shop. Baekhyun stared at the vacant seat in front of him. Someone knocked the glass window beside him. He jerked his head around and was met with a smiley Se Ri. She waved at him like a kid. He chuckled and waved back at her and did a peace sign by his eyes.

She mouthed a goodbye to him and disappeared completely out of sight. His smile faltered.

*What is wrong with me? I can't be deeply in love with you, can I?*


Se Ri rushed up the slope to her house, panting as though she was chased by a dog. She caught sight of her home and was relieved that Kai wasn't waiting for her. She unlocked her home and closed the door behind her.

"Where were you?"

"Oh God!" she gasp and dropped her keys. She spun around and saw a pair of eyes in the dark. The figure walked into the light with a cup of water in his hands and Se Ri's eyes widened in recognition.

"Kai!" She exclaimed as she looked around the house wondering how on earth he got in.

"If you're wondering how I got in..." He jerked his cup towards the stairs. "You should learn how to lock your windows, you know."

"Oh..." She stood there blankly. "Water? You look like you've seen a ghost." Kai offered his cup of water.

*Oh. You bet.* Se Ri took his cup and gulped the water in one go and choked on it. She coughed hard and patted her chest.

He stepped forward and rubbed her back. "Easy there princess."

Se Ri smiled gratefully at him. "Thanks." "No problem. I guess you left your phone at home?" He chuckled as he turned his head to look at her phone that was lying on top of the kitchen counter. "No wonder you didn't pick up my calls. Silly girl."

Se Ri bashfully smiled. "Sorry." Kai shook his head with a gentle smile. "Did your friend manage to catch her flight? Or did you clung onto her not letting her go?" He smiled teasingly, knowing well that his girlfriend was fond of her friend.

"Psh. Don't remind me." She nudged him with her shoulder. Kai laughed.

"Hey..." His voiced dropped low. Kai look at her with loving eyes and played with her hair. "...I missed you."

If Se Ri was an ice-cream, she would melt instantly. She loved how Kai would always know what to say.

"I missed you too." She tip-toed and kissed his nose with a grin. Kai smiled, bent down and pressed his lips on hers. His hands s around her waist and pulled her closer to him. She could feel his body heat against hers and she felt instantly comforted. Thousands of butterflies fluttered crazily in her tummy as Kai mouth worked on hers. That's how big of an impact Kai had on her and she loved having him around. Her fingers automatically ran through his hair and she felt the soft strands of his hair. The originally gentle kiss turned into a hot make out session. With half-lidded eyes, Kai pulled away and attack her neck with kisses. Se Ri didn't resist and let the feeling of pleasure conquer her mind. She was pinned against the wall and with her eyes closed, she called Kai's name. Hearing that, he scooped her up and his arms and wrapped her legs around his torso. Se Ri gasps at the sudden action and gripped onto his shoulders. Before she could register anything, once again, Kai crashed his lips againsts hers. They felt the heat of the kiss and their make out session grew intense. Kai moved backward and his thigh hit the sofa bed. He gently laid her down and hovered on top of her. They pulled away to catch their breaths.

"May I?" Kai asked. Knowing fully well what he meant, Se Ri nodded her head and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. She raised her head to meet his lips. Kai's hands slowly travelled up and ed her cardigan. Within a few seconds, her cardigan was already lying on the floor, forgotten. In the heat of the kiss, Kai studied her body with his hands. At every touch, Se Ri called out his name and everytime his name escaped her lips, he was even more. Se Ri gripped onto his shirt and tugged at it urgently. In one smooth try, Kai flung his shirt on the floor. He went back onto showering her with searing kisses. Kai tilted her chin up and kissed her. She kissed back and when his tongue entered, she readily accepted it.

Se Ri shut her eyes as she felt Kai's hands finding her bra hook. Then his hands find his way to her skirt. He pulled them off gently and next, he pulled off her . He straightened up and examined her body for a second before removing his own jeans. He lowered himself on top of her and whispered into her ears.

"I love you, Se Ri."

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Chapter 38: So sad it's over. But there a sequel ~
Chapter 34: Holy cow... He's so crazy!
Chapter 33: Now you know! Get the hell out of there!
Chapter 30: I hope he's not in any danger...
Chapter 28: Ooooh Zico ^^ Such a cutie
Chapter 20: That's what happens when you're too stubborn!
Chapter 18: What Chanyeol said was tough, but it's the truth. It had to be put out there so she'll finally realized what's going on....
Chapter 16: Don't give him a chance! He will never forget Saejin because he will see her in Seri! Don't fall for that BS!
Chapter 15: FINALLY!!! Her cluelessness was driving me crazy!