Be mine

The Psychopath

Chanyeol left Se Ri's place early that day to head to his parent's home which was an hour train ride from her place. At first he was reluctant to leave her alone by herself but Se Ri had pointed out to him that it was rude for him not to visit them when he's already in Korea. As much as he wanted to go see his parents, Chanyeol felt bad leaving Se Ri behind. He even offered her to tag along but she politely declined because she knew they need their personal time together as a family.

"You're giving me so many excuses." Chanyeol pointed an accusing finger as he scrutinized her.
Se Ri gave him a baffled look. "What makes you say that?"
Chanyeol made a face at her before he spoke. "You, my dear best friend..." he slung an arm around her shoulder "..are very very transparent. I can see right through you."
Se Ri feigned surprised and jumped back while covering her front body with her arms. "Park Chanyeol, what a ert you are!"
Chanyeol rolled his eyes and pushed her forehead with his index finger. "Very funny. Now, where was I?"
"You said I was transparent blah blah blah..." She imitated him.
" think I don't know the reason you decline my invitation?" Chanyeol poked her side with a teasing smile.
Se Ri jumped at every poke she got from him. "And what is that?"
He stopped poking and wagged his finger at her. "You want to have your personal rendezvous with that coffee boy of yours, don't you? Huh? Huh?" he continued jabbing her sides.

Se Ri squirmed about and whacked his arms. "Stop it! Yah! Fine fine! Guilty okay?! Happy?"
Chanyeol fist pumped in the air and grinned victoriously.
"Don't you have to go already?" Se Ri said, slightly annoyed with her smart alec of a friend.
"Mean." He stuck out his tongue at her.

Before he stepped out, Chanyeol pulled Se Ri in for a hug.
"Seriously Se Ri, take care. I'll try and come back by dinner. We can have dinner together, okay?" his tone was of concern and zero teasing. He had a worried look on his face. Se Ri softened and her eyes were gentle when she stared at Chanyeol.
"Yeol, I'm gonna be fine. You don't have to worry about me. You know me better than anybody else. I can take care of myself. I'm a big girl." he assured him.
"Why do I get the feeling that I cannot trust you?" he gave a crooked smile.
Se Ri made a face at him and smiled. "Now off you go Park Chanyeol!" She spun him around and pushed him to the door.
"Seems like someone can't wait to get rid of me. Hmph! I change my mind, I won't come back for dinner then!" Chanyeol sulked.
"Even better. I can have dinner with THE coffee boy. Muahaha. Now go!" Se Ri teased as she opened the front door.
"Hey! You're a meanie!"
"Hey, you said you didn't want to have dinner with me. Who's the meanie here?" she snickered.
"Urgh. Whatever. Bye!" Chanyeol gave one last playful glare before he walked out.
Se Ri stood at the door frame and watched her friend waving like an elementary kid at her.
Chanyeol made an okay sign with his fingers and trudged down the road.

That was a few hours ago...


The bell of the cafe rang.

"Welcome to Sundays Coffee House!" a male worker by the counter greeted.
Se Ri walked in warily and glanced around. She walked over to the counter with eyes still wondering around the cafe.

"What can I get for you, miss?" he smiled at her.
Se Ri turned to look at him and returned his smile. The male worker had a neat short blonde hair with his fringe almost covering one side of his eye. He was quite good-looking and his smile could easily get girls screaming in delight.

Her eyes scanned the menu and eventually she settled on a beverage.
"Could you get me a grande cup of hot chocolate please?" she asked the worker.
"Of course. With marshmellows?"
Se Ri nodded and the worker went to prepare her order. She drummed her fingers on the counter top while she waited. A couple of minutes later, her order was done and the blonde male worker placed the drink in front of her. 

"Here you go, with extra marshmellows" he grinned.

"Thank you." Se Ri replied and paid the correct amount. Her eyes flickered around the cafe again and when she couldn't find who she was looking for, her shoulders slumped in dissapointment.

The male worker noticed and hesitantly asked. "Are you looking for someone?"

Se Ri whipped her head to find the male worker gazing at her with confused eyes. She scratched her head and shyly answered.

"Ummm, actually yes. Is...ummm..Kai..working today?"

"Oh. Kai....yeah, he is but he's currently out on an errand for the manager but I think he'll be back soon." the male worker replied with a tone of dissapointment which wasn't obvious to Se Ri.

She nodded with a smile and went to find a seat near the window. She decided to wait for Kai to return. Her eyes would subconsciously flick over to the door everytime the bell rings hoping it was Kai. She grabbed a magazine from the next table and aimlessly flip through. She stayed for another 30minuted when the entrance door opened and in walked an exhausted looking Kai. 

Her heart picked up speed when she saw him ruffling his hair and blowing a tired raspberry. She watched him as he walked behind the counter and hi-fived the blonde male that took her order moments ago. The blonde male glanced at Se Ri and both of them met each other's gaze. When he caught her staring at Kai, she quickly look back at her magazine flipping it nervously.

*Omg. That was embarassing* 

She heard the guy snicker and she hesitantly look up. She saw him whispering something to Kai. Kai whirled around and when he recognised the familiar figure flipping a magazine by the window, his face lit up. He excused himself and walked over to where she was seated.

"Se Ri!" Kai called out her name.

Her heart and tummy reacted at the same time. The way he called her name made her heart squeeze in delight and her stomach did a flip flop. She look up to meet a smiling Kai. Though he looked exhausted from his errand, the twinkle in his eyes never left and because of that, she found herself smiling.

"Hello Kai." she said with a wave.

Kai looked back at the blonde male who was watching the both of them and back at Se Ri.
"Umm, could you wait for me here. My shift will end in 5 minutes. Then I'll sit with you. Is that okay?" he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Sure sure. Go do whatever you have to do. I'll stay right here." Se Ri pretended to be a rock.
Kai let out a chuckle. "Wait for me okay. I'll be right back." Then he dashed off to do his work.

After 10 minutes, Kai returned with a change of clothes. He had two mugs of coffee in each hand and he placed one in front of her and the other infront of him.
Se Ri looked from the cup to him. "I didn't order this."
"Exactly. So drink up." he smirked and sipped his coffee.
Se Ri glared playfully at him. "Tch. Sneaky." She sipped on her coffee and then her eyes widened.
"Great coffee? It's my special blend. Secret ingredient." Kai placed his index finger on his lips and winked at her.
"I'm honoured to get to taste Kai's special blend. For that, I thank you." she did a bow in her seat.
Kai let out a laugh and then fixed his gaze on her.

"Thank you for visiting me at work." He sipped on his coffee without breaking his gaze from her.
"If it means getting free coffee on each visit, then I'll have no problem visiting you here everyday." She replied with a curt nod while sipping her own cup of coffee.
Kai stared at her for a moment and a playful grin appeared on his face. "You'll come for free'll come to see me?"
Se Ri choked on her drink and coughed hard. Her eyes widened and she slapped her chest. Kai panicked and darted to the counter to get a cup of water and napkins. He rushed to her side and sat in the seat next to her while patting her back.

"God. I'm sorry Se Ri. I didn't mean to." he apologised and handed her the cup of water.
Se Ri shook her head while she chugged down the cup of water to soothe her burning throat. She placed the cup down on the table and sighed. Water dripped from her chin and Kai subconsciously grabbed the napkin and wiped the water off. Se Ri's eyes widened as her body froze. When he realized what he did, Kai stopped halfway and stared at Se Ri. He found himself drowning into her chocolate brown orbs. There was a unique pattern in her iris that he never knew existed in anybody's eyes. He studied her face and his eyes landed on her lips. He was fighting the urge to kiss it. His heart vibrated in his chest and butterflies went wild in his tummy. Se Ri's mind went blank. She didn't know what to feel or what to do. Her eyes widened when she noticed Kai leaning towards her. His eyes were half lidded and their faces were fairly close to each other. Kai cupped her cheeks and grazed it with his thumb. She could feel his warm breath on her lips. She wanted this. She had been dreaming of this. She wanted Kai to return her feelings. She shut her eyes. Kai's lips were lingering on hers and if she were to close tiny gap, they would be kissing right now. Se Ri leaned in.




The voice rudely broke their intimate moment. Both of them stared at each other with wide eyes before Se Ri looked away, with a flushing red face. Kai cleared his throat and awkwardly grabbed his mug only to find out that it was empty. He glance at his co-worker who was teasing him with his eyebrows arching up and down. He frowned at his co-worker and rolled his eyes.

Kai look at Se Ri who was looking down playing with her fingers. He softened and knew she felt as awkward as him. With that, he grabbed her hands and pulled her up. Se Ri was in utter shock and stared at their intertwined hands. He lead her out and they walked a few metres away from the cafe. He was still holding on to her hands and it seemed like that he didn't intend to let it go anytime soon. Se Ri quietly followed him by his side with her head down, too awkward to speak.

Kai stopped in his tracks and turned to her. He gathered his breath and exhaled. Se Ri didn't dare look up. Kai looked down at their hands and he let go. A wave of dissapointment coursed through her body. She wished Kai would just hold onto her hands a little bit longer.

"Se Ri." he called with a gentle voice.
Se Ri looked up to meet his gaze. He could see the confusion written all over her face from what happened back at the cafe.
"I'm sorry for what happened back there. It was on the spur of the moment." he apologised.
Se Ri meekly smiled and shook her head. "It's okay Kai. I know you didn't mean it."
Kai stepped closer to her. "But.....I didn't say I regretted doing that." his voice became softer.

"What?" Se Ri grew confused.
He studied her expression. "I said I didn't regret what I did."
Kai cupped Se Ri's cheeks with both of his hands. He leaned in and pressed his lips on to Se Ri's. Se Ri's eyes began to shut slowly as she responded to his kiss. His hands slowly made it's way around her waist and he pulled her close. His kisses were gentle and sweet. There wasn't a rush to it and Se Ri liked it. Her arms were wrapped around Kai's neck as she enjoyed every moment of the kiss.

When they pulled apart, both of them tried to catch their breath. Kai rested his forehead on hers. His eyes were closed and after a few seconds, he opened them and stared right into Se Ri's. He smiled at her and gave a quick peck on her lips. 

"Se Ri-ah, go out with me."


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Chapter 38: So sad it's over. But there a sequel ~
Chapter 34: Holy cow... He's so crazy!
Chapter 33: Now you know! Get the hell out of there!
Chapter 30: I hope he's not in any danger...
Chapter 28: Ooooh Zico ^^ Such a cutie
Chapter 20: That's what happens when you're too stubborn!
Chapter 18: What Chanyeol said was tough, but it's the truth. It had to be put out there so she'll finally realized what's going on....
Chapter 16: Don't give him a chance! He will never forget Saejin because he will see her in Seri! Don't fall for that BS!
Chapter 15: FINALLY!!! Her cluelessness was driving me crazy!