The weird encounter

The Psychopath

Night fell, a male figure was tossing and turning in his bed. He was sweating in his sleep. His face contorted at the scene that was playing in front of him.


“You good-for-nothing son! You’re a curse to me! Because of you, everything is in pieces! I shouldn’t have given birth to you!”

“M-mom-“the 15 year old boy cried out to his mom, scared.



The adult female began to whip the poor young boy. She pulled him by the hair and slammed him, head first into the wall. Blood oozed out from the boy’s head but, however, the boy still manage to steady himself. His mother was cursing at him and that angered him. His balled fist shook and began to attack his mother. His eyes showed no mercy and he lunged at the female who brought him into this world. He saddled on her as his strong punches sent the female screaming at the top of her lungs. After the final blow, the female lost consciousness. She stopped breathing and that was when he knew she had died. His eyes widened and he didn’t know what to do. Slowly he crawled towards the body and shook it.


“Mom? Mom?”

No reply

Panic overcame him. He got to his feet and began pulling the corpse by the legs out the backyard. Sweat trailed down his face as he began digging his backyard with a shovel till it was 6 feet under. He climb out of the hole and carried the dead corpse over his shoulder with so much effort. Then, he tossed the body into the hole and began to cover it up. When he was done, he heard his name being called from over his shoulder.

The male figure jolted up from his sleep. Sweat was trickling down his face and he was fighting to catch his breath. He has been having this nightmare for almost every night. He wiped his sweat with the back of his hand and got out of bed. He went to the kitchen and gulped down a glass of water. He put his hood on and headed out of the house.


Morning came, Se Ri, stretched herself and rubbed her eyes. The sun sneaked it’s way through the blinds of her window and illuminate the clock that was sitting on her drawer.




Se Ri groaned and got out of bed. Her hair was a tangled mess and she smoothed them down with her hands. She got out of he PJs and went to take a nice shower. 10 minutes later, she stepped out feeling refreshed. She didn’t have anything to do that particular day, so she decided to take her bike again for a stroll.


On her way down the slope, she saw a familiar figure walking down the same path.


“Hey Kai! Good morning!” she greeted him with a wide smile.

Kai turned around and saw Se Ri waving at him. He gave a tiny smile and waved back. She skidded to a stop beside him.


“Where are you off to?”, Se Ri asked him.

Kai blinked at her and pointed to the café right at the end of the slope. She peeked behind him and did a little “o” with .

There was an awkward silence. Thinking that it was her cue to leave, Se Ri said

“Hmm…I guess, I shall get going now. Bye”


Kai put his hands on her bike handle to stop her.

“Do you want to join me for coffee?”, he look at her and smiled genuinely.


Se Ri heart beat faster at the sight of his smile.

“S-Sure. I-I’d like that,” she replied while darting her eyes everywhere but his face.


“Get off. I’ll help you push your bike down,” Kai offered.


“Urmm..okay..thanks”, she gave him a nervous smile.


The bell to the café rang signalling that a customer just entered. Kai gestured for Se Ri to sit while he went to place an order. He came back with 2 cups of coffee, placing one cup in front of Se Ri and the other one in front of him. Se Ri took a sip of her coffee.


“The coffee tastes great. It’s been quite sometime since I’ve had great coffee like this. Thanks Kai”, Se Ri said.

“You thanked me twice in a span of 30mins.”, Kai replied while he sipped on his own cup of coffee.

“Oh. I did. I guess”, Se Ri turned crimson and looked down.

Then she heard snicker and she looked up. Kai was holding back his laughter.

“What’s so funny?” she asked him.

Kai shook his head and leaned back on his chair.

“You’re not from around here are you? I’ve never seen you before” he questioned, curious.

“I came back a week ago from New Zealand. Studied English there,” she answered while picking up her cup and sipping it. Her eyes darted around the interior of the café and then back at Kai.

“I see, so you’re staying alone?”

“Yup”, she replied deciding to skip the details about her sister’s death to the stranger in front if her.

Kai nodded, “Any friends?”

She pointed to him, “You’re the first”.

He smiled, “I’m honored”

“What about you Kai? Do you live alone?”, she returned his question.

“Yeah. I’ve been living alone for quite sometime now”, he replied.

“No girlfriend?” she dared ask.

Kai stiffened for a moment. Se Ri noticed this and she began to panic.


“Urmm. It’s okay, you don’t have to —“

“I used to. But she’s gone. Dead”, Kai answered with a cold tone.

The atmosphere turned tensed and Se Ri fidgeted uncomfortably. Kai wasn’t speaking and she grew afraid.


“I have somewhere to go. I’ll see you around alright? B-Bye”, Seri finished her cup of coffee, stood up and made her way to the exit. She glance back at Kai and saw him staring into space.


*That was really weird*

She unlocked her bike and pedaled away.

Kai watched her from his seat. His eyes following her move till she dissappeared from sight.

He smirked, got up and left the café leaving his unfinished coffee behind.

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Chapter 38: So sad it's over. But there a sequel ~
Chapter 34: Holy cow... He's so crazy!
Chapter 33: Now you know! Get the hell out of there!
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Chapter 20: That's what happens when you're too stubborn!
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