
The Psychopath

A/N: Woohooo! Our Park Dobi is definitely making a comeback. Even if the "No" votes were much more than the "Yes", I'll still make him come back to the story. Because Park Chanyeol is loved. Please look forward to his appearance!


Se Ri stirred awake suddenly. Her heartbeat was beating crazily in her ribcage and bobs of sweat covered the bedsheets. Her mind was fuzzy, the last remnants of a nightmare being chased away by the realization that she was awake again. It was a nightmare, something about Kai going around on a murder frenzy but the details were fading fast even as she tried to recall them. With a mental sigh she allowed her brain to focus and cautiously open one eye. The bright light from her ceiling lamp cuts the room in half and she could see dust-motes dancing in the wall of light. She tried to reach up to block the light from blinding her but her hands wouldn't budge. felt tight and thirsty. She tried to get up and again, her hands failed her.

*What...* She struggled about only to realize that her hands and feet were tied up. Her eyes grew wide. Everything came back to her almost immediately. *Kai!*
Her heart dropped like an anvil. She panicked and thrashed around to free herself. When she failed to do so, she resorted to screaming but again, something was stuffed in .

*If I don't hurry, he will hurt Baek* Se Ri looked around her room. There wasn't any sharp objects to her convenience. With much difficulty, she scooted herself to the edge of the bed. She rolled to her side, letting her body free fall to the ground and she scraped her forehead on the bedside table in the process. *Oww* She winced. She could feel blood seeping out from the wound. She looked over to find a piece of wood from her bedside table chipped off. Then it hit her. She inched back and tried standing up. With steady motion, she let the tie graze against the chipped wood piece. To her surprise it works. Bit by bit, her tie began to loosen. Eagerness took over and she began cutting her tie vigorously.

*C'mon c'mon...Yes!* She freed her hands and proceeded on untying her legs. She spit out the already wet cloth from and cringed at the dirt and stains on it. She rushed for the door and grabbed the knob. It didn't budge. She was locked in. ** She cursed. An idea struck her. She looked over to her window, then to her study chair. She walked hastily towards her chair and lift it up. With a strong force, she swung the chair towards her window. She ducked as the glass shattered into pieces. As quick as lightning, she bolted for the window. Scanning the vicinity, she held her breath and let her body plummet downwards. She landed on her right leg and the impact got it twisted. Se Ri winced at the pain.

"Look who's being a naughty girl? Sneaking out in the middle of the night..." A gruff voice said.

She whipped her head up and to her surprise, it was none other than her own boyfriend. Kai stood a few meters away with his back blocking the moonlight. His silhouette was frightening by itself. His eyes glimmered in the dark, but with hostility. Instantly, she was overwhelmed with fear. She stumbled back onto the grass patch and scrambled back. Her right leg was being useless so she had to use her other able leg. "G-Get away from me!" She yelled. Kai approached her with slow and steady steps. His eyes were fiery and evil with no hint of mercy in them. Se Ri spotted a gun in his hands and she swallowed a large amount of saliva. She tried to find something to defend herself with but found nothing except for a few twigs and tiny stones. With all her might, she gathered them with her hands and started hurling them at Kai. Effortlessly, Kai dodged them and he kept closing in on her.

"YOU JERK! GET AWAY FROM ME!" Se Ri yelled desperately as hot tears began to form. She scooted even further back till her back reached a solid wall.

Kai crouched down in front of her with a smirk, clearly he was enjoying this. He pushed her chin upwards with his gun and cradled her chin with his hand. He caressed the gun on her cheek and spoke. "My Saejin...tsk tsk tsk, you cheated on me again."

" YOU KAI! YOU KILLED MY SISTER!! YOU'RE A MURDERER!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.

Tears rolled down her cheeks. She gave a wretched sob but Kai was giving her any sympathy at all. "Why are you crying Saejin ah? Shouldn't you be happy? That bastard Baekhyun has been after you for so long...and you're returning his feelings...." He cooed with sarcasm. "Saejin ah...what happened to us?" His voice cracked.

Se Ri looked up with swollen eyes. Kai was crying.

"You do know that I love you. don't you? You said you love me. You said you wanted to be with me. You said we should move in together, get married and have kids together.." He chuckled as tears rolled down his face. "Where did all that promises go...?"

Se Ri stared at him.

Kai suddenly grabbed . Her hands flew up to free Kai's grip from her neck. "K-Kai...let go..." She coughed and thrashed about but his grip was as strong as steel.

"You deserve to die spread those rumors about me in school...and now..everyone thinks I am a psycho...Are you happy?" Kai sneered and dragged her up to stand.

"Ahhh!" Se Ri squeezed her eyes shut as though she could suppressed the pain. She stumbled forward but still Kai wouldn't let go.

"K-Kai....I'm...not...Saejin.......It's me...Se Ri..." Se Ri's eyelids were half-lidded. If Kai were to use more strength, she would pass out again. But his grip began to loosen. She opened her eyes and Kai was staring right back at her. His eyes seem to soften a little and there was a look of a lost child in his eyes.

"Se...Ri...?" He called out, unsure. "Kai....don't do this....please...." She begged as her own tears began to fall again. With caution, she pulled Kai into her embrace. She let him bury his face into her shoulder and his hair like a mother would for her child. He seemed to calm down a little. Se Ri sniffed in his familiar smell. The smell that she loved but now she no longer loved the smell of a murderer.

"Kai.." She whispered gently but loud enough for him to hear. "Don't do this please....just....just turn yourself in...Don't hurt anyone else."

Hearing that, Kai abruptly pulled away. "NO!" He yelled. "NOT UNTIL AFTER I KILL YOU AND THAT BASTARD!"

Kai stepped a few feet away from her and raised his gun. His hands were shivering as he pulled the trigger. A loud gunshot echoed throughout the area.

Se Ri found herself on the ground with blood covering her hands and body. But strangely, she didn't feel the pain. A hand was draped across her tummy and she was sure that it wasn't her hands. She looked to her side and saw a lifeless body on the ground. It was a male. She pushed the hands away and straightened up. She looked around to find Kai missing from the scene. Cautiously, she reached out and rolled the body onto his back.


She froze.


Her mind and heart went numb.


Her blood ran cold.




It couldn't be.






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Chapter 38: So sad it's over. But there a sequel ~
Chapter 34: Holy cow... He's so crazy!
Chapter 33: Now you know! Get the hell out of there!
Chapter 30: I hope he's not in any danger...
Chapter 28: Ooooh Zico ^^ Such a cutie
Chapter 20: That's what happens when you're too stubborn!
Chapter 18: What Chanyeol said was tough, but it's the truth. It had to be put out there so she'll finally realized what's going on....
Chapter 16: Don't give him a chance! He will never forget Saejin because he will see her in Seri! Don't fall for that BS!
Chapter 15: FINALLY!!! Her cluelessness was driving me crazy!