Falling in love with the stranger

The Psychopath

The night bid the day goodbye. The moonlight casted an eerie shadow in his room.

A figure stood by the window. Once in a while, he would glance back at the collection of photos pasted on the wall beside his bed. His eyes scanned over one particular photo and walked over to it. Gently, he caressed the face in the photo as though he would caress a real person. All of a sudden, he laughed. Slowly, his laughter turned into sobs. He sank on the ground on his knees with both his hands covering his face and let out a painful cry.


Se Ri dried her wet hair with a towel as she look through her phone. It was 9 in the morning and she just got out from shower. She got a text message from Kai and a voicemail from an unknown number. She read Kai's message first.

**Kim Jongin**
Meet me at the cafe in 30mins.

She smiled at went on to check the voicemail message.

"You have 1 unheard message. First unheard message sent today at 2.35am"

Se Ri waited for the message. She heard heavy panting on the other line and grew curious. She increased the volume of her phone to listen to the message clearly. A gruff voice spoke.

"I killed Saejin"

Her body turned cold and her hands started to tremble as she replayed the voicemail again.

The voice belonged to a man and he sounded as though he was covering the receiver with something to avoid his voice being recognised. Se Ri's knee buckled and she sank to the ground. Fear gripped her heart and she involuntarily shivered.

"What is this? Who is this?"

Se Ri knew where she had to go at that instant. She quickly texted Kai telling him that she couldn't make it for coffee that morning. She didn't bother waiting for his reply and bolted out.


Se Ri pushed open the door to the police station.
"Yes, miss? How can I help you?"

She walked towards the male officer and took a seat in front him. She fidgeted restlessly and fumbled through her bag for her phone. She held it out to the officer.
The officer glanced at the phone with a confused expression.
"T-The murder scene l-last w-week involving m-my sister.....I-I got this last night..." Se Ri said as she dialled her voicemail.
The officer brought the phone to his ear and listened. His eyes widened and shifted to Se Ri.

"Do you know the sender?"
"That's what I'd like to know officer. It's from an unknown number." she stated, annoyed at the officer's question.
"Then I'm afraid I can't help you. For all you know, this could be a prank."
Se Ri stared at the officer, astonished.

"W-What do you mean you can't help me?"
"Unless you could track down the number and provide me with the evidence that this is not a prank, we'll gladly perform the investigation"
"WHAT NONSENSE IS THIS?!" Se Ri shouted, not caring about the stares she received from the others that were in the police station.
"Miss, calm down." The officer assured, placing his arms on Se Ri's shoulders.
She shrugged his hands of her shoulders.
A couple of female officers came from behind and held Se Ri's arms before she could claw the male officer's face.
"I'm sorry miss, we would appreciate if you don't cause a ruckus here. When we find enough evidence, we'll certainly give you a call." said one of the female officer.

Se Ri was brought out of the police station and they released her at the front gate. That's when she lost it. Se Ri crouched down and cried. Her hands covered her face as she tried to hide her tears. Water droplets began to drop onto her shoulders. Before she knew it, she was drenched in the rain. Her hot tears mixed with the rain.

Saejin! I miss you so much!

The rain stopped all of a sudden. She looked up and saw a figure looming over her with a worried expression. The figure was holding an umbrella and blocking her from the rain.

"Se Ri-ah.....what's wrong?"

What she did next was unexpected. She lunged for Kai and wrapped her arms around his neck. His t-shirt was soaked with her never ending tears but Kai didn't mind. He gently her hair with his left hand.


Se Ri stared into blank space.

"Se Ri..."


"Se Ri-ah....."


Kai snapped his fingers in front of her face. Se Ri broke from her thoughts and turned to look a Kai with puffy eyes and solemn expression. She sighed for the umpteenth time that day.

The rain had stopped. Kai brought Se Ri her to Hangang to calm her thoughts down. It was evening already and the sun was beginning to set. Kai softened at the distraught Se Ri.

"Here." Kai held out a can of coffee.

Se Ri glanced at the can in his hands and back to his face. She studied his features and noted that he hard dark mysterious eyes. The color of the sun was reflected in his pupils, it shined a deep shade of orange. His lips were full and luscious and Se Ri find his jawline a little too y. When she realised Kai staring at her with an amused smirk, her cheeks flushed pink and she looked away.

"I can practically hear your thoughts you know." he said with a teasing tone.

"Are you a mind reader now?" she asked still avoiding his gaze.

"You want to tell me anything?" he peeked at her.

Se Ri paused for a while. She sighed and turned to face him.

"Kai..it hurts..."she trailed.

"What hurts?" he questioned, confused.

She placed her right palm on the right side of her chest. Her heart was beating at its normal rate but she felt as though it would stop beating sooner or later. Kai followed the movement of her hands.

"Here, it hurts here." she look at him..

The silence urged her to continue.

"Kai, I feel so lonely right now. I didn't expect to be living like this." Tears blurred her vision.

Kai furrowed his eyebrows, clearly not getting the picture.

"My sister died. She died a horrible death. The police can't do anything about it." She shook her head and tears trailed down her cheeks. She didn't care how horrible she looked in front of Kai. She was too heartbroken and furious to think of anything.

A hand shot out and wiped her tears dry. She turned to Kai and he was giving her a sympathetic smile. He wrapped an arm around her and she leaned on his shoulders.

"I understand how you feel. I told you once that I lost someone I really cared about, didn't I?

She nodded and sniffled.

"Life has to go on Se Ri. What's past is past. The dead won't come back to life. Don't dwell on it." he said as he her hair.

"But don't you miss her Kai?"

He gazed down at her and rested his cheeks against her soft hair.

"I do. But I'm moving on. If I keep living in the past, I'll go crazy." he chuckled and lifted her chin. "So, chin up and move on. If you're lonely, I'm just a phonecall away. I'll be there for you if you need a shoulder to lean on. Trust me, okay?"

Se Ri was captivated by his eyes. Kai stared into her's and she felt as though his stare could penetrate right through her. Her heart felt warm and fuzzy. The butterflies went wild in her tummy. She didn't want that moment between Kai and her to end.

She knew right then, she had fallen in love with a mysterious stranger named Kai.

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Chapter 38: So sad it's over. But there a sequel ~
Chapter 34: Holy cow... He's so crazy!
Chapter 33: Now you know! Get the hell out of there!
Chapter 30: I hope he's not in any danger...
Chapter 28: Ooooh Zico ^^ Such a cutie
Chapter 20: That's what happens when you're too stubborn!
Chapter 18: What Chanyeol said was tough, but it's the truth. It had to be put out there so she'll finally realized what's going on....
Chapter 16: Don't give him a chance! He will never forget Saejin because he will see her in Seri! Don't fall for that BS!
Chapter 15: FINALLY!!! Her cluelessness was driving me crazy!