
The Psychopath

"Baekhyun?". She whispered into the air. But the figure had already pushed his cap down, covering his eyes and walked away.

"Se Ri". Kai called as he walked towards her. "Huh?" She breathed, noticing the change in her voice and hating herself for it. Kai wore an unreadable expression on his face.

"You know him?" He asked, his eyes not leaving the guy who was already a far distance from them.
*Yes.* Her mind screamed. "N-No I don't...I thought he was you.." She answered absentmindedly.

"Me? I don't wear like that." He jabbed his thumb towards the guy.
"Right. I should have known." She nodded nervously, twisting her fingers together before locking eyes with him. "You ready?" He asked. "Huh? Ready for what?" Her head snapped towards him.
Kai raised an eyebrow. "Our date?" He answered in a matter of fact tone. Se Ri wanted to smack herself. "Yeah. Right. Our date. Sorry." She laughed nervously. "Are you okay? You look pale. Do you want to go home?" He intertwined his fingers with her and lead the way. She shook her head and followed like a bull pulled by its nose. She peered up at him. "So you didn't see...." "See what?" He turned his head to her. She quickly look away. "Nothing." "You're jumpy today. That is so unlike you." He chuckled. "Bad day at work huh?"

*So he didn't see? He didn't see the kiss. Oh my god. He didn't see!* Se Ri wanted to fist pump the air but tried not to show that she was relieved. She felt as though a boulder had been lifted from her chest. "Yeah. It was but I pulled through." She smiled up at him.

Kai adjusted her messy bangs and returned her with a dazzling smile. "Dinner first then movie?"

"I would love that." She beamed. Smiling the two of them walked side by side, swinging their hands.

A figure stood still from behind a pillar. He sighed for the nth time and walked away.


The movie ended and the crowd started to exit the theatre. "Come on Kai -" Se Ri turned her head to see Kai sleeping in his seat. *I should have known. Kai and sappy love  stories don't go together.*

She leaned over and shook him gently. "Kai, wake up. The movie's over." Kai's eyelids started to open. He raised his head halfway and blinked at the lights that had came on. In a daze, he turned around as though he was looking for something. His eyes landed on Se Ri and his lips curled upwards. "Is the movie over yet?" He asked in his sleepy voice. Se Ri gave him a look. "Yes. Now come on. Get up." She tugged on his arm. "Man, that was one sleep worthy movie. I'm never watching that again." He stretched and yawned. "Well, technically, the movie is watching you." She strode out without waiting for him. Kai got up and dragged himself out of the empty theatre.
Se Ri waited for him outside. Kai came up to her behind and slid his arms around her waist. He rested his chin on her shoulder. "Baby, are you mad at me for falling asleep?"
"No." She answered short. "You are. I can tell." He nuzzled her cheeks with his nose. "Way to conked out on our date." She grumbled. Kai chuckled. "I'm sorry baby. But I did stay awake for the first 20mins. Give me credit for that." Se Ri bumped her head to his on purpose. "Oww." He winced. "You deserved that." She pressed her lips into a thin line to stifle her laughter and walked away.

"Where do you want to go now?" She asked him. "Your place." He answered without hesitance. "We always hang out at my place. I have a better idea." She suggested. "What?" Kai looked at her. "How about we go to your place. I've never been there." She said.

Kai froze. He wasn't sure if he heard it right. ""

Se Ri nodded.
"Why?" He asked again, beginning to be defensive.

Se Ri gave him a funny look. "Because I'm your girlfriend. And as a girlfriend, I want to know where my boyfriend lives?" She stated annoyed.

After a moment Kai spoke. "No...we can't."
"Why not? Come on, I wanna see your place. You've never offered to bring me -"

"I said no!" He raised his voice. "Why are you so stubborn?!"

"Why are you being like this?! Are you keeping something from me that I can't even come over?!" Se Ri raised her own voice as well. She didn't seem fazed by Kai, in fact, she got used to Kai's abnormal temper. Her clenched fist shook and she was holding back her anger. If looks could kill, Kai would have been dead by now. "Tell me Kai, what are you keeping from me?"

He stood there, not making any sound. Kai pinched his eyebrow together and sighed. "Just....just not right now okay. It's not the right time."

"When is the right time? I don't feel that anytime is the right time for you. We've dated for 7 months. For 7 months I don't even know where my boyfriend lives. Which district, which street. I don't even know. It really hurts me not to know. I just wished you could understand that fact." Se Ri turned around and left out of sight.


With depressed shoulder, Se Ri walked up the slope to reach her neighbourhood. She pulled on the strap of her bag and sighed. *Was I too harsh on him?* Se Ri remembered the look on Kai's face and instantly felt bad. *Probably it's something that he's not ready to tell and I'm being a horrible girlfriend.* She began to smack herself on the head. "Babo babo!" She grumbled.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." a voice said.

Se Ri looked up and her eyes rounded. A male figure was leaning against her gate and tapping his watch. "Took you long enough."

"Baekhyun!" She exclaimed with eyes as big as saucers but still stayed rooted. Her eyes flitted to his clothes. *They're the exact same clothes the guy earlier was wearing!*
"Hey. Aren't you going to invite me in?" He grinned. Se Ri snapped back to reality and her eyes narrowed. Without a word, she went past him and unlocked her gate. Before Baekhyun could get in, she slammed the gate shut.

"Hey!" Stunned, he stumbled back. "Se Ri!" "What?!" She turned around and gave him an angry glare. "What's wrong with you? Why are you angry at me?" He pointed to himself. "What's wrong with me? Wow. Oh hey Baekhyun, I have a friend who went missing like "poof!" and he came back like nothing ever happened. Apparently THAT is nothing wrong!" She bit sarcastically.

"Open the gate." He demanded. She ignored him and went up the front door. "Se Ri please. I have something to tell you. It's important." He begged.

"Tell me that when you dissappear and decide to come back again." She waved him away.

"IT'S ABOUT YOUR  BOYFRIEND!" He blurted desperately.

Se Ri halted from unlocking the door. Slowly she turn around. "W-What about him?"

"Open the gate." He tapped the gate with a wistful expression.

5 minutes later, they were in the living room with a cup of green tea in their hands. They sat in slience waiting for the other to bring up the issue. Se Ri couldn't take the awkward silence, so she spoke. "Where were you?"

Baekhyun was sipping his drink and his eyes flickered towards her.  He cleared his throat. "I do something important"

"What did you have to do that you couldn't tell me? Am I your friend?" She questioned with a hint of anger. Baekhyun squirmed in his seat and sighed. *No. You're more than a friend to me* He thought silently.

"It's complicated. I can't tell you now. Not yet. It's not the right time." He said as he let his gaze drop to the floor.

"It's funny. I heard the same thing earlier on with Kai." She scoffed.

"Did you.....argue with him?" He asked warily. She shrugged. Se Ri got up to clear the cups when Baekhyun grabbed her wrist. She look at him as he locked his eyes on her with seriousness.

"About him....I need you to stay away from him for the time being." He firmly said. "Why?" She asked defensively.

"Just listen to me. I care for you."

"The last time I checked, you weren't around to care." She spitefully said.

At that line, Baekhyun felt the guilt eat him up. "I'm really sorry." He let go of her wrist and got up. "I'm really sorry...I should leave. If you are ready to talk to me, call me." He turned around traipse towards the door.

"Baekhyun." Se Ri called after him. He turned round to face her.

"I need to get to Kai's house. You'll help me right?"

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Chapter 38: So sad it's over. But there a sequel ~
Chapter 34: Holy cow... He's so crazy!
Chapter 33: Now you know! Get the hell out of there!
Chapter 30: I hope he's not in any danger...
Chapter 28: Ooooh Zico ^^ Such a cutie
Chapter 20: That's what happens when you're too stubborn!
Chapter 18: What Chanyeol said was tough, but it's the truth. It had to be put out there so she'll finally realized what's going on....
Chapter 16: Don't give him a chance! He will never forget Saejin because he will see her in Seri! Don't fall for that BS!
Chapter 15: FINALLY!!! Her cluelessness was driving me crazy!