
The Psychopath

Baekhyun stared at her as though she was the dumbest person in the world.

"I'm going to Kai's house and you're gonna help me." She stated with determination. She walked over to the nearest drawer to her and took out a folded piece of paper. She unfolded it and raised it so that Baekhyun could see. The contents were neatly written in blue ink.

"Remember this?" She asked him. Baekhyun walked over unsure and squinted his right eye. When he saw the familiar handwriting, he nodded. "I gave that to you."

"Yes. Kai's address. I don't know how you manage to get this but I want us to go there. Whether you or he likes it or not." Baekhyun closed his eyes and sighed. Se Ri could be difficult if she wanted to. "I already told you to stay away from him. Could you listen to me?"

Se Ri nodded. "Yeah you did. You told me to stay away from him. But not his place."

Baekhyun was confused now. His eyebrow was knitted together. "Wait, what? You're saying..."

Se Ri smiled humourlessly. "Exactly."


At exactly noon the next day, the two friends set off. It took them a while to get to the intended destination added with Baekhyun's constant negations and no-no's.

"I wonder how Kai would react if he finds out you're trespassing his house." Baekhyun grumbled.

"He doesn't have know unless you tattle-tale on him." She threw him a cold look.

"Besides, I have to do this. I'm tired of playing guessing games when I'm with him. I feel like I don't know him well. So as a girlfriend I'm gonna do this."She walked on.

"I guess there's no way to change your mind." He followed suit with a troubled heart. He had this feeling something would go terribly wrong.

After 30 minutes of search, they finally came to a quiet neighborhood which they are sure they had never heard of. It seems as though the houses that lined up the street were uninhabited. The street lights flickered crazily as the wind blew, making crackling sounds of the trees. A thick fog was lingering in the air ehich makes it hard to see. Shingles covered the walls of the houses and a broken fire hydrant at the end of the road was shooting water in all directions. Se Ri could feel her goose pimples on her arm. She felt the chill running up her spine. Baekhyun on the other hand was a total contrast. He seemed as though he was used to this neighbourhood. He walked forward leaving a shaking Se Ri behind.

"Aren't you coming? You were the one who wanted to come here so much." Baekhyun said without looking back. Se Ri scrambled after him and stayed glue at his side.

"Are you sure he lives here? It looks like a scene from Silent Hill." She shuddered.

"That's what it says on the paper." He held it up.

"How did you get this anyway? For all I know, this could be your idea of a prank. Just like when you dissappeared." She absentmindedly said.

Baekhyun paused. In the thick fog, he looks intimidating with that monolid. "So you think I'm tricking you into this?" He asked in a tone no one could decipher.
Se Ri stopped too.

"Yes. Why would Kai live here anyways huh?" She sneered.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes and walked on. "I don't know. You tell me."

Se Ri's suspicions grew even more each day. What exactly these 2 guys she trusted the most are keeping from her. *Kai, Baekhyun. What are you guys up to?*

Baekhyun stood in front of a double storey house. He looked at the paper and nodded. "I found it."

Se Ri approached him and stared at the house in front of her. She gulped at the sight. Standing before her was a house, or to put it bluntly, a shabby house. The walkway leading to the house were cracked. A signboard was broken in two and has only the initials K and half of the letter I on it. There was a huge hole on the door and if anyone was brave enough, they could peek through it and get a glimpse of the interior of the house. Two wooden planks were nailed onto the door. Se Ri gripped onto Baekhyun's t-shirt. The fear in her grew as they started walking up the walkway.

"B-Baekhyun...." She whispered but Baekhyun made no effort to turn to her. He just kept walking with Se Ri tailing him like a scared puppy. The floor creaked as they walked up the front door. He reached out for the door knob and twisted it open with a careful step.


"AHHHHHH!" Se Ri shrieked and ducked. Baekhyun's reflex was fast and immediately covered Se Ri in his embrace. A group of angry crows flew out from the house and into the foggy sky. Both Se Ri and Baekhyun looked up. Both of them didn't feel awkward at their position they were in now as fear grip the tails of their heart. Se Ri clutched onto his front shirt and found her voice.

"Baekhyun....I don't think he lives here. Let's just go. Please." She tugged onto his shirt with a pale face.

"Wait." He said and grab hold of her fingers. "We've been this far. We can't go back now."

Se Ri felt like killing herself. She was the one that brought him into this and she regretted for being stubborn. She wished she had listen to Baekhyun in the first place. Slowly and carefully, they approached the opened front door. With wary steps, Baekhyun led Se Ri in. Their eyes flitted at every corner of the house. A musty, dank odour creeped into their nose and they cringed at the smell.The house was dead silent except for the intermittent creaks and moans. Black and brown mold dotted the ceiling in clusters, evident of rain seeping through the roof. They quietly entered the living room. The fluorescent light flickered illuminating the room for a few seconds. All they could make was the wallpaper. It was of those English-themed floral wallpapers which was stained with dirt. The TV was on and it was playing a recording of a school event. Se Ri unlatched herself from Baekhyun and walked towards the TV. The recording reached the end of it's film and went on auto-rewind. Se Ri found the remote and pressed play. Baekhyun walked over after inspecting the kitchen. He saw Se Ri focusing on the TV.
"Hey, that's our school's play from 3 years back." Before Se Ri could ask more questions, the TV boomed with a voice.

"Jongin! It's recording!" The voice spoke with a hint of tease. The screen was black but Se Ri could recognise that voice. That voice. The all too familiar voice. Se Ri held her breath with her heart beating like a drum. The screen came on and she gasp.


It was her sister. Her dead sister, Saejin.

She pulled a male towards the camera and instantly Se Ri's eyes widened.


It was Kai. Her sister's ex-boyfriend and her current boyfriend.

Baekhyun studied the TV. Kai was smiling shyly and covered his face with his palms.
"Stop it." He say but Saejin held his hands back. "Come on, say it." She laughed. "Fine fine." Kai cleared his throat and breathed out. "Today is Saejin's debut in the theatre production of our school. I wish her the best and not get stage fright. Saejin, saranghae." He made a reluctant heart with his hands and burst out laughing in embarrassment. The recording ended after Saejin blew a kiss towards the camera and the screen went to black for a few seconds before it starts auto rewind again.


Baekhyun looked over to find Se Ri staring into the black screen. Then she spoke. "We have come to the right place."
He scanned the entire living room. "Yeah, we should look around before Jongin comes back." He got up and approached the cracked stairs.

"I didn't know he was living like this." She whispered loud enough for Baekhyun to hear. To be honest, Se Ri was still shocked from the discovery that Kai had been living this way. She had no idea at all. She never knew about Kai's life because she didn't want to pry if Kai wouldn't want to tell. She went over to Baekhyun and together, they climbed up the stairs leading to the next level. The wall along the stairs hung a few pictures of a baby boy and a lady. Se Ri guessed it might be Kai and his mother. But the only thing that was wrong with the picture was that, the face of the lady was scraped off with a sharp object and there were ugly stains on it. Se Ri looked forward and almost trip on a loose plank. If it wasn't for Baekhyun, she would have fallen  down the flight of stairs.

"Careful." Baekhyun steadied her. "You go to the room on the right. I'll go search the other rooms." He pointed out. She nodded and they parted ways. As quiet as a mouse, she warily pushed open the old oak door and made sure the hinges made no sound. The room was dark. She could barely see anything except the little rays from the sun that managed to sneak in from the closed window. Her hipbone banged onto something hard and she winced. She touched the edges of the thing and confirmed that it was a table. As she walked forward, her forehead collided with something that was suspended off the ceiling.

*It's a pull chain light* She thought.

Se Ri grabbed  the chain and yanked on it. The light made a buzz sound before illuminating the room after a five second flicker. As soon as her vision was adjusted with the light, her eyes went wide. On the other side of the wall were selcas and daily routine pictures of her dead sister, Saejin. It was decorated to form a heart shape and in the middle were scribbles which she couldn't make out. Se Ri walked closer to see that the pictures were arranged in a chronological order before she was pronouced dead.

Then something caught the corner of her eye. She turned her head and instantly her blood ran cold.

Se Ri felt the intense fear. She paled, slowly raising a hand to cover her beating heart as she took in the scene in front of her. Countless gulping of saliva was made. She didn't believe what she was seeing.

Pictures of her were sloppily plastered on the wall. Pictures of her which she didn't know someone could manage to take. There were pictures of her sleeping, watching tv at home, pictures of her working in the library and pictures of her daily routine. She began to hyperventilate. Her knees felt like jelly and she steadied herself with the help of the bed's headrest. She scanned the pictures one by one. The last picture was enough to knock her out from her consciousness.








A picture of her.......laughing with Baekhyun....with a red circle drawn and a pocket knife stabbed onto his face.

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Chapter 38: So sad it's over. But there a sequel ~
Chapter 34: Holy cow... He's so crazy!
Chapter 33: Now you know! Get the hell out of there!
Chapter 30: I hope he's not in any danger...
Chapter 28: Ooooh Zico ^^ Such a cutie
Chapter 20: That's what happens when you're too stubborn!
Chapter 18: What Chanyeol said was tough, but it's the truth. It had to be put out there so she'll finally realized what's going on....
Chapter 16: Don't give him a chance! He will never forget Saejin because he will see her in Seri! Don't fall for that BS!
Chapter 15: FINALLY!!! Her cluelessness was driving me crazy!