Murder Case

The Psychopath


The sky finally poured out it’s heart’s content in the dark of night. The rain mercilessly fall much to the dislike of the town’s people. The night was cold and wet. What everyone would probably be doing right about now is sitting in front of the fireplace to warm themselves up accompanied by a cup of hot chocolate. Even so, it didn’t stop one person from carrying out his activity.The activity that NO ONE ever knew about.

There stood a tall, lean figure in front of a well-built brick house with tree veins decorating it’s surface. The figure seemed to have been standing there for quite sometime seeing how he was soaked to his toe. His eyes were hard, cold and showed no mercy in them. They narrowed down to the front door of the house as though he was waiting for someone to walk out of it. And he was right. A petite young female figure in white knitted cardigan walked out, rubbing her arms and blowing air out from her pink lips. Her eyes were scanning the area. She shivered a little from the cold wind that hit her face. After sometime, she turned away and headed back in. The figure watched her every move. But before she could do so, a loud and deafening gun shot echoed throughout the neighbourhood. The figure retreated and vanished from sight. The petite female who standing at the front door seconds ago, was now, lying at the door step, soaked in a pool of blood that stained her white top. 


Exactly 25 minutes later, a car pulled over. Out stepped another petite young female who was dragging along her luggage. She shut the car door with a loud slam and ascended up the steps to her house. At the end of the steps, her eyes widened in horror as she witnessed a bloody figure sprawled on the ground, dead to the world. She dropped her luggage and with hesitant steps, she walked over to the lifeless body.




In panic, Se Ri shook her sister’s dead body. Her hands frantically went straight for her neck to check for pulse but to her horror, there wasn’t any. Tears blurred her vision and she couldn’t contain her sadness. The only family member she had left has abandoned her and went to another place far away from her.

Saejin, who did this to you?, she thought with a distraught mind.

Having to witness someone you love, die, isn’t such a pleasant thing to see especially when you just got back from abroad. With shaking hands, she tried to clean off the blood from Saejin’s body but the blood doesn’t seem to stop oozing from the open wound. Giving up finally at the end, Se Ri scooted back and slumped against the wall with her head burying in her hands. She sobbed silently and the rainy night witnessed her sorrow.



It’s been 3 days since the death of Saejin and Se Ri was still mourning. The police were still investing the murder of Saejin but there were no news till now. Se Ri was brought in for questioning 2 days ago but they couldn’t get much statement from her seeing that she was nowhere near when the mishap happened. What Se Ri was expecting was to have Saejin welcoming her into their warm home after spending 2 years in New Zealand. Little did she know that she would receive a “deathly welcome”. In the late morning, Se Ri decided to head out to the usual spot her sister and her always hung out before she flew off to New Zealand. Paired with a black hoodie and black jeans, she headed out of the house.

The playground on the other side of their neighbourhood held a lot of memory for them. That was the place where they first learnt how to ride a bike, play with the swings, race each other on monkey bars and where they fall and injure themselves. She continued her way down the memory lane with here hands in her hoodie pocket and mind filled with the memories of her sister.


Kai, a tall, dark and handsome man, was at the usual cafe, having his morning dosage of coffee. He took his takeaway cup and exited the café. He shut his eyes momentarily and inhaled the morning breeze. The scent of coffee filled the air. He opened his eyes and took a right turn and headed back to his home. He sipped on his coffee once in a while, while taking slow walks. Just then, a petite female in black hoodie walked past him. She had long wavy black hair, almond shaped face and distant eyes. Her features was enough to make Kai dropped his coffee, spilling its contents on the ground.



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Chapter 38: So sad it's over. But there a sequel ~
Chapter 34: Holy cow... He's so crazy!
Chapter 33: Now you know! Get the hell out of there!
Chapter 30: I hope he's not in any danger...
Chapter 28: Ooooh Zico ^^ Such a cutie
Chapter 20: That's what happens when you're too stubborn!
Chapter 18: What Chanyeol said was tough, but it's the truth. It had to be put out there so she'll finally realized what's going on....
Chapter 16: Don't give him a chance! He will never forget Saejin because he will see her in Seri! Don't fall for that BS!
Chapter 15: FINALLY!!! Her cluelessness was driving me crazy!