Bury the hatchet

The Psychopath

Time flies when you're having fun. Or so they say. But not for Se Ri.

Ever since she accepted the job in the library, her soul seemed to be out of her body. It wasn't the job that she was having a hard time with, but a certain someone. No, it wasn't Baekhyun but Baekhyun's self-proclaimed girlfriend, Eunji, which was also her devil supervisor.

"You better make sure those books are arranged neatly on those shelves. Do it the proper way, or I'll report you to Mrs Lee."
"Yah! Find those missing books. Check the book drop area if needed. If you can't find it, check on the other levels."
"Oy, replace the colored stickers on those books. And for those torn pages, please get a magic tape and mend them
. I expect them to be ready after lunch."

Se Ri had been running around the entire day for almost a week, trying to get on the good side of her supervisor. Before she could finish one task, another task was thrown at her. Once she was done with her last task, she slumped at a quiet corner, away from the readers. Sweat formed on her forehead even though the library was entirely air-conditioned.

*I can't do this anymore. I have to stand up to her and tell her everything.* She had an idea.
She took out her new phone, which Kai and her had bought together, from her pocket and texted her boyfriend.

"Hey Se Ri, I've been looking everywhere for you." Baekhyun appeared out of nowhere, switching her heart into panic mode. She almost dropped her phone but quickly caught it with both her hands.
"God Baek, don't do that. You scared me." Se Ri sighed in relief.
"It's just me. Who do you think it was?" Baekhyun took a seat next to her on the ground, eyeing her face.
"Who else if not your girlfriend." Se Ri made quotation marks in the air with her hands and rolled her eyes.
Baekhyun sighed. "She's too much. I'll go look for her." Baekhyun was about to stand up when Se Ri caught his arm.
"No Baek, it's fine. I've got it." Se Ri patted his arm and he sat back down.
"What are you gonna do?" Baekhyun peered at her.
She just shrugged her shoulders. "Just see."


After the hard day's work, knock off time was finally here. Se Ri couldn't wait for the day to end. She grabbed her bag and chucked in her stuff and made sure Eunji hasn't left yet before making her way out of the building. There, stood Kai with his hands in his pockets, leaning against the wall with a duffel bag slung on his right shoulder. He had an exhausted look on his face but yet still looked exceptionally gorgeous.


Se Ri brightened at the sight of him. She walked eagerly towards him, her heart rate tripled the speed. Kai smiled when he saw her and straightened himself.
"Hey." Kai greeted her. Se Ri threw her arms around his neck and stared into his eyes.
"Hey Kai." she grinned at him.
Kai raised his eyebrows, "You look happy today." he commented.
Se Ri nodded, "Cuz...." she poked Kai's chest lightly and did her aegyo, "...you're here with me."
Amused, Kai gave a hearty laugh. "My baby is using aegyo on me right now? That's a first."
Se Ri pouted and wrinkled her nose. Kai chuckled and wrapped his arms around her tiny waist.

At the corner of her eyes, she saw her supervisor leaving the building. Eunji slung her bag across her shoulders and looked up to see Se Ri in the arms of a guy. When she confirmed that Eunji was looking her way, Se Ri leaned in and peck Kai on his lips. Before she could pull away, Kai placed his left hand behind her head, pulling her closer. Se Ri smiled through the kiss when she notice Eunji walking away, still staring at Kai and her. Satisfied, she pulled away and hooked her arms into Kai's. With a grin, she look at him.
"Shall we?" Se Ri suggested. Kai shook his head and chuckled. "You must have had a good day." Kai said as they walked side by side.
*Oh it wll be.* Se Ri thought happily.


Se Ri couldn't wait for the next working day. She wanted to get the problem done and over with. Just as she had expected, the moment she entered her working area, Eunji greeted her with a smile.
"Hi Se Ri!" she greeted her with a wide smile. Actually, a TOO wide smile. Se Ri placed her stuff in her locker and greeted her as usual. "Hi Eunji unnie." She pretended as if she didn't know Eunji had witnessed everything yesterday.
"I've done a few of your tasks, so you need not worry about it. Just go through the cart and put the books back in order. If you can't find the actual location, just call me. I'll help you out." Eunji suggested and walked away to do her other task.
Se Ri followed her disappearing figure and raised an eyebrow. "Wow, what a total transformation. I think she looks better when she was mean." Se Ri smiled, proud that her plan had worked.

At lunch, Eunji had asked Se Ri to have lunch together and she had agreed to it. They sat at a fast food outlet and ordered a lunch set. There was an awkward silence, at least to Eunji. Se Ri knew this was going to happen somehow so she went along with it. Eunji broke the silence.
"So...Se Ri...I want to...ummmm....apologise...." Eunji stuttered. She took a sip of her cola and glanced at Se Ri who was happily eating her fries.
"Hmm? Oh...that...it's okay unnie." Se Ri flicked her wrist lazily and munched on a fry.
Eunji began to relax. "I should have known that you didn't have anything with....Baekhyun."
Se Ri paused from eating. She look at Eunji and smiled. "Unnie, we're just friends. I was trying to make you understand but you were mad at me so...."
"I know. I'm sorry. It's just that...I've been crushing on him for....like...forever ever since mother hired him." Eunji complained.
"Mother?" Se Ri raised her eyebrow.
"Yeah. Mrs Lee, she's my mother. Baekhyun didn't tell you?" Eunji raised her own eyebrow.
"No. I didn't know that." Se Ri chuckled. Eunji sighed. "I'd like to confess to him, before it's too late."
"Too...late..?" she questioned.
"I'm leaving for Milan in a 3 months time. I got accepted to their fashion school and I wouldn't be back for 4 years." she ducked her head down, depressed.
"Go for it."
"What?" she tipped her head to the side
"Go for it." Se Ri urged her. "Confess to him. Be yourself. Don't be someone that you're not. I'm sure he'll listen to whatever you have to say. Although I only knew him for a few weeks, I can tell he's a nice guy." She smile.
With those words, Eunji finally gathered some courage. She straightened up with a wide smile and nodded her head. "Right. I have to do this...no..I CAN do this! Whether he accepts it or not, at least I got it off my chest." Eunji suddenly grabbed Se Ri's hand. "Thank you Se Ri. You're really nice." She beamed.
Se Ri couldn't help but laugh at Eunji's expression, like a kid who just got her first candy.

"So...." Eunji fiddled with her fingers and peeked at her. "...was the guy yesterday your boyfriend?"
"Hm? Oh...you saw us?" Se Ri pretended to be surprised.
"Yeah...you guys were out in the open. Anyone could see it."
Se Ri chuckled. "Yeah. That's my boyfriend. His name is Kai."
"Well. He's cute." Eunji blurted. Surprised by what she just said, she slapped her hands on .
Se Ri raised her eyebrow, amused.
"Sorry! I didn't mean to...I mean...he's really good-looking-" she gasp and shut her eyes in panic.
"Unnie, relax. I'm not angry." Se Ri laughed. "And I agree, my boyfriend is pretty good-looking."
Eunji flushed, embarrassed. "Sorry. Don't think that I'm a boyfriend snatcher, please." She pleaded.
"You're really funny, unnie." Se Ri laughed. Eunji couldn't help it and laughed along with her.

Eunji held out her right hand. "Friends?"
Se Ri stared at it for a couple of seconds before breaking into a smile. She held out hers and firmly shook Eunji's hand. "Friends." She stated.

And just like that, Se Ri gained another friend.

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Chapter 38: So sad it's over. But there a sequel ~
Chapter 34: Holy cow... He's so crazy!
Chapter 33: Now you know! Get the hell out of there!
Chapter 30: I hope he's not in any danger...
Chapter 28: Ooooh Zico ^^ Such a cutie
Chapter 20: That's what happens when you're too stubborn!
Chapter 18: What Chanyeol said was tough, but it's the truth. It had to be put out there so she'll finally realized what's going on....
Chapter 16: Don't give him a chance! He will never forget Saejin because he will see her in Seri! Don't fall for that BS!
Chapter 15: FINALLY!!! Her cluelessness was driving me crazy!