The Unexpected Kiss

My lovely Ex-Husband


It was 11.30pm when Donghae finally arrived to the apartment. Dinner was done and you with the others were watching drama on television while eating some fruits.

“Donghae-ah!” Eunhyuk called him as soon as he arrived in the living room.

“Oh you guys still here…” Donghae said as he noticed Ji Hyo and you were still there.

“We were about to leave when Heechul oppa asked us to accompany him watching this drama…” You sighed. Heechul surely acted a bit weird for these past days and all of them thought that he had a crush on Ji Hyo but Ji Hyo denied it telling that there was no way Heechul would like her. Heechul’s type of girl was like well, So Hee from Wonder Girls but Ji Hyo said that she was far far away from So Hee. She wasn’t as cute as her, didn’t have a long hair and couldn’t be compared with her. Besides, she didn’t even close to the guy but who knew that Heechul might really like Ji Hyo.

“Ah…I think I know why” Donghae chuckled but soon received an angry stare from Heechul.

“Oh look at this CF, Don’t you think ______ should be in this commercial?” Ryeowook commented a make up CF that was showing on the tv.

“Me? Why?” You raised your eyebrow, confused with what Ryeowook just said.

“Oh you’re right! _____ has better skin than that girl! I always told her that she would be perfect to endorse make up products” Ji Hyo joined the topic but you just laughed hearing those talking about how you would fit in endorsing make up products.

“Why don’t you try? I mean…look the bright sides, if you’re a celebrity too I think our agency will try to hide you relationship instead of breaking your relationship and besides you will have  a lots of people adoring you” Donghae said making you looked at Leeteuk and thought what Donghae was just said.

“You’re also pretty noona” Kyuhyun said making everyone in the room nodded.

“You guys…there’s no way I could…” You chuckled awkwardly since it seemed that all of them were hoping that you would give it a try.

“Yes you could! I’m going to sign you up in our agency! Besides, Lee Soo Man doesn’t know your identity and he might not remember you at all!” Heechul said

“Sign…Sign me up?” You stuttered then looked at Leeteuk hoping that he would stop them but Leeteuk just shrugged his shoulder.

“Just give it a try, if it would benefit us…why not right?” Leeteuk said as he gently patted your head.

“And if noona got accepted, you could spend all day with Teukie hyung!” Ryeowook said brightly.

“But…But I don’t know a thing about acting or stuff” You were still in haze not really sure that you should do it or not.

“Didn’t you play a school drama or something when you were in high school?” Leeteuk asked.

“Oh! Oppa! You still remember? But it’s not the same…I mean it’s been how many years since I graduated from high school” You sighed

“Noona, at least give it a try! We’ll support you and teach you everything!” Kyuhyun said and tried to reassure you.


Today was Saturday, the day Leeteuk and Donghae went to Japan to perform with Girls Generation. You woke up and reached your cell phone. You found out there were 3 miscalls and 4 text messages from Leeteuk.

First text message.

지금은3시30분이야…난 지금 혼자에게 비행기를 기다리고있어…자고있어? ㅠ.ㅠ

(now it’s 3.30am, now I’m wating for the plane alone…Sleeping?)

2nd text message.

_____-아~ 진짜 자고? 보고싶다…이러나!!! ㅠ.ㅠ

(_____-ah you’re really sleeping? I miss you…wake up!)

3rd text message

이러나 이러나아아아…

(wake up wake uuuuppp)

4th text message

______-아! 오빠 간다…일본에 왔을때 연락할까…빨리 이러나! 사랑해용!♥♥

(_____-ah! oppa is going…when I arrived in Japan I’ll contact you…hurry wake up! I love you)

You smiled happily as you read Leeteuk text messages over and over again. You wondered how would he manage to wait for the plane alone so you immediately dialed his number.

“______-ah!!” Leeteuk immediately picked up his phone as soon as he saw your name on the screen.

“Oppa, I was sleeping…I’m sorry. Oppa what are you doing? Did you eat your breakfast? Had enough sleep?” You asked worriedly

“I did all, I didn’t have any energy earlier but when you called me I was energized!” Leeteuk said proudly with a chuckle following.

“Oppa…so cheesy…It's still 8am in here...” You said while Leeteuk just laughed. 

“You’re not working?” Leeteuk asked

“Oppa…this is Saturday, I’m off on weekends…Remember?” you said as you got up from her bed and opened the curtains in her room.

“Oh yeah…_____-ah I miss you, I’ll be back tonight and I’ll see you first thing in the morning! So don’t you dare go anywhere arasso?” Leeteuk said with a demand tone earning your giggle.

“Arasso oppa! Now, do you work well! Make a lot of money okay!” You while giggling.

“Aigoo…since when you became a material girl? But don’t worry, oppa has a lot of money so spend as much as you want” Leeteuk answered proudly and of course trying to show off his ability to his girl.

“Aish! Showing off too much oppa? I’m hanging up okay? Call me when you’re done…Saranghae oppa!”

“Eung~ na do neol saranghae, annyeong! I’ll call you soon” Leeteuk said before hanging up his cell phone.

You smiled happily as you ended your call with Leeteuk. It was just nice to hear his voice first time in the morning while he was far away. You stretched your body and was about to walked out from your bedroom when your phone started to ring again.  You smiled thinking that it must be from Leeteuk.

“Yobboseyo? Wae oppa?” You answered your phone without seeing the name on the phone screen.

“It’s me, Heechul!”

“Heechul oppa? Oh I thought you were…” Your smile disappeared, a little bit disappointed that it wasn’t from Leeteuk.

“Are you okay? Ya, meet me downstairs! Now!!” Heechul said impatiently and plus with his loud annoying voice.

“Why oppa? I just woke up…” You told him and were puzzled with why would Heechul asked you to meet as early as this morning.

“Mwo? It’s 8am and you just woke up?! Just hurry!” Heechul said and ended the call. You were confused and wasn’t 8am an early time to wake up? You sighed and immediately prepared yourself to meet Heechul.

It took you 30 minutes to be ready and it was as fast as you could do. You barely put make up on your face and your hair was still a bit wet because you didn’t have enough time to hair dried your hair since Heechul kept messaging you to hurry.

“Ya neo! What took you so long?” Heechul said as you walked out from the elevator.

“Oppa? What’s the matter?” You asked him confusedly

“Just come with me, I want to introduce you with someone” Heechul said while mischievously grinning.

You and Heechul arrived at a big familiar office building that none other was SM Entertainment Building. You raised one of your eyebrows when Heechul stopped his car.

“Oppa…what are we doing here?” You asked worriedly while getting out from Heechul’s car, your heartbeat started to beat faster since the last time you were here you ended up broke up with Leeteuk and surely you wouldn’t want that to happen again.

“It’s fine, It’s not like Lee Soo Man know you…He never know your identity so relax…besides, we’re here not because of your relationship with Leeteuk” Heechul said as he led you the way to SM Building.

“Oh Hyung!” Heechul said as he spotted a middle-aged guy that was about to walk in to the elevator.

“Heechul-ah!” The guy smiled and immediately walked out from the elevator.

“Hyung! There’s someone I want you to meet!” Heechul said as he grabbed your hand and dragged you with him.

Your POV

Meet? What? Is he going to introduce me with that man? What for? Oh gosh, I’m puzzled right now.

“She isn’t your girlfriend, is she?” The middle-aged guy asked with a fake smile on his face. This couldn’t be…He must be the owner of Super Junior’s agency! Now that I remembered…I saw this guy when I was with Ji Hyo having dinner to choose our advertising models…

I didn’t say and couldn’t say anything as I was frozen and afraid to look at his eyes. I was afraid that he would notice me and break me up with Jung Soo oppa.

“Aniyo hyung, She’s my best friend. Pretty isn’t she? Don’t you think she will make it big in the industry hyung?” Heechul oppa said as he patted my shoulder. In the industry? Omo!!! Is he like selling me out right now?

“Oppa…” I whined as I secretly poked him hoping that he would stop but he just hushed me.

“Now that you talk about it…She seems to be perfectly fit with CFs…” The middle-aged guy said while observing me but I kept my head down.

“Annyeonghaseyo, I’m Lee Soo Man. The owner of SM Entertainment, It’s an honor to meet you miss…” He stopped talking when he was about to say my name. I kept quiet but Heechul oppa secretly pinched me.

“A...Annyeonghaseyo, I’m Song _____...It’s an hon...honor to meet you too” You said nervously.

“See hyung? Isn’t she such a cutie?” Heechul oppa said as he patted my head.

“Of course, so…why don’t we continue our conversation in my office Heechul-ah and _____ssi?” Lee Soo Man said as he led the way to his office.


Author POV, In Japan

“In 2 minutes guys! Be ready!!!” One of the backstage coordinator told Leeteuk and Yoona.

“We can do it! Fighting!” Leeteuk did high five with Yoona to make her feel less nervous since she was really nervous.

“Okay now!” The backstage coordinator said. There, Yoona went out first singing L.O.V.E song and then followed by Leeteuk making the crowd screamed louder as they noticed the special guest none other than Super Junior’s leader, Leeteuk.

It was going really well, Yoona did awesome with her English and so did Leeteuk. In the end of the song, Yoona and Leeteuk sang face to face while holding their hands.

“Gomawo, Yoona-ah!” Leeteuk said on the stage while patting her hair after she finished singing the song making the crowd screamed louder and louder. Yoona smiled beautifully but Leeteuk wasn’t aware what she was going to do with him in any seconds. Leeteuk was about to walked back to the stage but then Yoona grabbed his hand and kissed him on his lips making the crowd screamed out loud from their lungs but thankfully the light that was spotting them immediately turned off making the two of them couldn’t be seen.

comment replies


chikahime haha yeah it was quite short, but I just updated a bit longer than last one…hope you enjoy it ^^

JanicePokez Awww thank yooou, I just updated! Hope you enjoy it dear ^^

BratzMiinah updated kkk, enjoy ^^

Ericaiyen thank yoou, updated! Hope you’ll like it ^^

ParkSang-Hee thank yoou ^^ I just updated, hope you enjoy it ^^

leonagoh97 haha you’re right! kkk

superhyukkie yep, makes you want to kiss him more doesn’t it? Kkk ^^

kwondaeri98 hihi well at least for now she wont :):)

miss_carmela ur welcome ^^ I just updated~ hope you’ll like it dear :):)

teukfie thank yooou hihi, but I’m not planning Donghae with sica so far kkk…I still have no idea who should he be with in the future kkk anyway hope you enjoy the update^^


For all of you who read, subscribed and commented my story I appreciate it! Thank you so much guys ^^ hope you won't get bored wit this fic  :):)



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update please =(
i should apologize first to author, i'm not leave comment when i finished one chapter :p

I just found this fic today and asdfghjkl>< finish 41chap, in one day..

Can't wait for the next chapter ;AAA;

You're good =)
PLEASE UPDATEEEE!!!! im dieing here !!
comyfantasy #4
I want to continue reading my story with Leeteuk! Haha!! Please update soon!! =)

You got yourself a new subscriber! ^^
omg, donghae.
Ihope you update soon. I have been waiting for it... =)
Queenbee_tity #7
wow <3
i love ur story but~ maybe i cant read till the final :(
it's been two days since i started reading ur story , and in one word it's just PERFECT
Shenteuk #9
Is this fanfic on hiatus? Update soon
queena_kyu #10
Whoah! I was shocked by donghae! Please Update soon.. I really want to know what Teuk will do if he knew about this....