Sleep Talking

The English Teacher


Zelo's POV:

I was a little tired after what I think was an explosive performance on Mnet. for once it went smoothly with no wardrobe malfunctions or stage disasters. We had one incident where a stylist noona had given us the wrong pants and the stitching wasn't strong enough, so when it come to the part in the dace where we kick our legs in the air, the seams almost ripped.

When we were actually shooting our music video we had to constantly change our pants because we kept ripping them. Since most of our performances were live and not pre-recorded, we had to double sew the lining of our pants to ensure they wouldn't rip. Our manager hyungs were so rigid about the correct clothes for this stage. I miss Warrior.

But surprisingly, we had no major mishaps that would have left a dent in our music career or in the audiences minds. Yongguk hyung didn't break the stage during the dance break (probably because he wasn't included in it) and Youngjae didn't foget his parts either like the last time we performed it.

I was really pleased about the performance and when I had mentioned it to Jongup hyung and told him the reasons why I was happy with it, he had warned me not to mention it to the others, because they would hit me. However, I had ignored his words of advice, and idiotically told Youngjae.

Youngjae hyung was the worst possible choice to tell. He had gotten really angry at me since he was still sore over having forgotten a few lines in his section and well, let's just say that my head still hurts.

"Zelo-yah, do you want some?" Yongguk hyung asked me and offered me a plate and a set of chopsticks.

"Huh?" I asked. My mind was still a little muddled from a bad nights sleep.

"Ramyun." Yongguk said in an explanation. "You want some?"

"Oh." I thought about it. Did I want some? Did I like ramyun? My mind was barely working because of exhaustion.

"Just give him some, he'll eat it." Himchan hyung ordered and Yongguk put the food in front of me.

I stared at the noddles that were so similar to my previous hair style; now I had severe hot pink hair. It took me a while to get my hand to pick up the chopsticks and eat the delicious food, I didn't even notice the others staring at me.


"Junhong-ah, are you alright? You seem a little out of it. Did I hit you too hard? I'm sorry." Youngjae told me as he placed a hand on my forehead. I promptly slapped it away, complaining about the icy feel of it.

"What's wrong, Zelo?" Yongguk hyung asked me. "Do you not like the food?"

"No, it's fine, I'm just a little tired. I don't think I slept that well last night." I said, attempting to stifle a yawn, but only failing miserably.

"I didn't sleep well either since you were sleep talking." Himchan muttered bitterly.

"I was?" I said in surprise, usually I had some recollection of talking in my sleep because someone would usually wake me up so that I would stop. I thought that I slept soundly through the night. "Did you wake me up?"

"We didn't have to, you were already awake." Daehyun poined out.

"What?" Himchan and I asked simultaneously.

"I thought he was just talking in his sleep. What was he doing then?" Himchan demanded of me and I just shrugged my shoulders. How was I supposed to remember?

"He was on the phone."

"What?! To who?" Himchan asked and prodded my shoulder.

"I don't know. I took the phone off of him and tried to find out, but they didn't talk back to me. I was very offended." Daehyun tried to put, but it came off as something closer to a grimance.

"Are you sure?" I asked. "Was I awake?"

"Yeah, you were awake. Awake enough to flirt." Daehyun replied, and took some of Himchan's food while he was preoccupied with being shell shocked.

"Zelo, you were flirting?" Himchan asked incredolousy. "With who?"

"I didn't even know I woke up, how am I supposed to know?" I asked in annoyance. Daehyun culd have told me this privately, he didn't have to say it out in front of the others.


After lunch I checked my phone, I was curious about who I had rung. I checked the last number that the phone knew and was shocked when I seen whose number it was - Nana's.

Oh crap, I was barely awake when I picked it up, did I embarass myself? I suddenly remembered the conversation we had, and I was relieved to find that it wasn't too cringe worthy.

Oh no, I was supposed to ring her after our schedule, not two hours later.I quickly rang the number and hoped that Nana wouldn't be too mad at what I did.

"Hello?" A familar voice asked in English.

"Nana?" I asked. "Is that you?"

"Oh, Zelo-yah! You finally rang me back!" Nana exclaimed, but her voice sounded closer to happiness and delight instead of the annoyance that I was expecting since I didn't ring her back.

"Yeah, I just remembered there. Sorry." I apologised, and shut the bedroom door so that the hyungs couldn't hear me, but there was no doubt that their ears were pressed up against the door right now anyways. "So what was so urgent yesterday that you couldn't wait until morning? Something about an article?"

"Uh huh, it's the Leafy Overview magazine, there's an article in there that I was just curious about, did you see it?" Nana asked me, and I frowned. I had never heard of the Leafy Overview. Were they a popular magazine?

"No, why? What's it about?"

"Just . . . go get the magazine Zelo, and ring me back once you do. There is a very upset girl right beside me." Nana told me, and I heard her yelp in pain and hiss at someone near her. "Well it's true. Why else did you ask me to ring him?"

"I didn't ask you to ring him, you offered!" The other mumbled back.

"Joy?" I asked, this was just getting weirder and weirder. "Okay, I'm worried now, what's going on?"

"Junhong-ah, just get the magazine . . . today, now if possible. You need to see it, even if you don't ring me back. Ring me soon, yeah?" Nana added on and hung up.

I got my coat out of the wardrobe. I was curious now; what was so important in that magazine and why would it make Joyce upset?

I opened the door and was unsurprised to see five figures outside.

"Who were you talking to?" Yongguk asked.

"No one." I replied and tried to pass him.

"Zelo, you seen what happened when Daehyunnie tried to go out with someone, don't make the same mistakes as him." Himchan warned me.

"Gee thanks, hyung." Daehyun muttered with a sour faced expression.

"Cheer up then." He retorted.

"It's nothing like that, hyung. I just got to out for two seconds, I'll be back soon, I just have to get something from the shop." I told them, and successfully dodged them.

"Wait!" Youngjae called after me. "At least let me come with you. I don't trust you."

I stopped in my tracks. "Fine, but I'm only going to the shops." I warned him.

"Yeah, yeah, like I believe you, you're probably trying to fool me so that you can sneak off. Well, I'm not that dumb, Zelo." Youngjae said and tapped his nose knowingly.

"Yeah, sure." I muttered under my breath. Didn't he know that he was only making himself look stupid? He would definitely regret doing that when he found out that I was only going to the shop for the sake of getting a magazine. Idiot.


"A magazine?" Youngjae asked like he couldn't believe his ears.

"Yeah, I told you there was something I had to get something from the shop. You were the one who insisted on coming." I told him, and gave him the most innocent eyes I could muster.

"Ay, so annoying." Youngjae muttered and ruffled his hair up and I smirked.

I browsed through the different names, trying to find the one that Nana had told me about, and trying to think of a reason that it could possibly upset Joyce.

"Ah!" I made a grab for the magazine that was buried under the more popular brands. 'Leafy Overview' it was an awful name. Couldn't they have been more inventive with their name?

"Why on earth are you buying that? That's for old people that don't remember how the war ended." Youngjae scoffed.

"Hah." I sneered at him, he was starting to bug me. He was the one who insisted on coming! If he was just going to complain, he should have stayed at home.

I flicked through it, trying to find something of worth, when my eyes landed on the offensive article.

"Daehyun hyung is so dead." I murmered when I finally found my voice.

"Uh huh . . ."




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Omg Joyce Lee is my English teacher at school no.lie!
Chapter 72: I died at the end from that little moment of sweetness >w< I thank you for a great story~! :3
Mistlea #3
Chapter 72: Loved the story and the ending :P Awesome work!
sam098 #4
Chapter 72: Its really awesome^^
I like daehyun, he is my bias >_<
Thank you for writing this story <3 <3 <3
BrizaMcsmile #5
Chapter 29: ahhh dame this is too interesting!! i swear i was on ch 2 like 5 mins ago! ..... oh gosh it's 2 in the morning! gosh i need to stop....but it's so good...
fatimaxamer94 #6
Chapter 72: This is so awesome story I really liked it.... and I enjoyed reading it.....well I think I finished it in a few days hehehe:p
ggy_erd #7
Chapter 72: this story is just awesome, especially the it...thank you for this.
Chapter 72: I love this story!!
I'm late to read this story from the beginning!