Magic Castle

The Boy's Letter

“Hey.” Changmin said as he stood at the door of Yejin’s dressing room. He was admiring Yejin as she rummaged through her things. Beautiful. He thought to himself.


“Hey.” Yejin turned to look at Changmin.


“You look quite handsome standing over there.” Yejin said as she held out her hands trying to frame in Changmin.


“Take a photo it lasts longer.” Changmin said.


“Oh right! Just stay there.” Yejin said as she grabbed her purse and looked for her phone.


“I’m not going anywhere love.”


“Found it! Hold still. Do a cool pose. Like the ones you do in a photoshoot.” Yejin instructed Changmin which the latter happily obliged. After snapping pictures, Changmin went over to sit beside Yejin.


“Let’s take a picture.” Changmin said as he took the phone from Yejin’s hand.


“Lean in closer.” Changmin said as Yejin leaned in closer to him their cheeks touching.


“Ready 1, 2, 3!” Changmin said as he took a photo.


“Let me see.” Yejin grabbed the phone from Changmin. It showed Yejin smiling at the camera while Changmin looked at her lovingly.


“Ey. You’re not looking at the camera.” Yejin pouted.


“You’re so cute.” Changmin cooed as he pinched Yejin’s cheeks.


Appa! Eomma!” Changjin came running in and sat in between Changmin and Yejin. He started giggling.


“What’s funny baby?” Yejin asked the little boy.


Eomma looks so pretty in a white dress.” Changjin said as he pointed at his mother.


“… and Appa looks so handsome.” Changjin turned to his father.


“Let’s take a picture!” Yejin said.


“Okay.” Changmin nodded as he positioned the camera.


“Jin baby look over there okay and smile.” Yejin said to Changjin as she pointed at the camera phone and smiled.


“Okay!” Changjin answered.


Hana, deul, set!”


“Let me see, let me see!” Changjin said as he tried to get the phone from Changmin. Changmin let out a chuckle as he handed Changjin the phone, he suddenly remembered someone. He made eye contact with Yejin, the latter let out a small laugh.


“Please get ready.” A male staff entered the room.


“Are you nervous?” Yejin asked Changmin.


“Why would I be? I’m marrying the woman I love… I know that she loves me, knowing that makes me feel I could face anything.” Changmin said as he hugged Yejin. Yejin’s eyes started to brim with tears.


“Hey. Uljima (Don’t cry)… I don’t want your make-up to smear.” Changmin said as he cupped Yejin’s face in his hands and placed a kiss on her foreheard.


“I love you.” He whispered once more. He would tell her that every chance he gets.


“I love you.” Yejin said as she looked at his eyes, their foreheads touching.


“We need to go… that ahjusshi might get mad.” Changjin said as he tugged on her mother’s dress.


Arasso.” Yejin said as she held on to Changjin’s hand.




Changmin stood in front of the altar watching Yejin walked down the aisle along with their son.

Yunho, Junsu, Yoochun and Jaejoong began singing when Yejin started walking.


Changmin started getting teary eyed as he look at Yejin and Changjin. Not long ago he had decided to kill himself. Life back then was dark, no light in sight. He was thankful to the higher power for giving him one more chance. What is important is right now.


“Hey.” Changmin leaned in closer to Yejin.


“Hmmm?” Yejin looked at him as he locked their arms and started whispering to each other while walking towards the altar.


“Have I told you?”


“Told me what?”


“How beautiful you are?”


“Almost everyday.”


“How much I love you and Changjin?”


“Yes, if you weren’t sleeping or working, almost every minute of your life.” Yejin said as she placed a kiss on Changmin’s cheek.


“I love you.”


“I love you.”




“We wish you nothing but happiness…” Junsu said as he raised his glass of champagne for a toast. There were at the reception.


“Thank you Su… and now, we will let our hoobaes sing you a congratulatory song… Well. I really wanted to sing for you guys, but those guys over there told me not to specially that evil one over there.” Heechul said as he pointed at the table where members of Super Junior sat particularly at Kyuhyun.


EXO’s D.O., Chen, Baekhyun and Chanyeol started singing "Don't Go", a song from their first full length album 'XOXO'.


The small fluttering of your wings

Seemed like it was telling me to follow you

The sad eyes and unspoken stories in your heart

That night in which the whirlwind was raging


I was mesmerized by your mystery

I stared at you and had my one soul stolen

Because I am completely dazed by your movements,

I even forgot how to breathe

Like a dance, I sit lightly

I can’t take my eyes off of you

My eyes naturally follow you every time you walk


Guide me, take me together with you

To the place where you live

Even if the world ends,

I’ll follow you

So please don’t go out of my sight

Even when the morning comes,

Don’t disappear

This walk that I’m dreaming

You’re my only beautiful butterfly


Wherever you came from,

Or wherever you’re going,

Up until now you always kindly greet me

A steep climb, the cliffs that cut off,

Don’t worry because

There is no place to be afraid of


Your graceful figure, I fall for it many times

Like this love, without even me knowing,

Comes and finds me unexpectedly

Like a dance, I sit lightly

I can’t take my eyes off of you

My eyes naturally follow you every time you walk


Guide me, take me together with you

To the place where you live

Even if the world ends,

I’ll follow you

So please don’t go out of my sight

Even when the morning comes,

Don’t disappear

This walk that I’m dreaming

You’re my only beautiful butterfly


Even if we wander in unfamiliar places,

Even if we get lost

I’ll follow my heart that’s more honest than anyone else’s

Because I can’t resist your quiet actions that strike me,

Your sharp and soft gaze


Take me, take me together with you

To the place where you live

Even if the world ends, I’ll follow you

No don’t go out of my sight

Even when the morning comes,

Don’t disappear

A small wave of your hand

Makes a whirlwind strike in my heart


Not long after the party was in full swing, SM Town groups would do random live performances of requested songs. Kyuhyun, Ryeowook along with Yesung took care of the ballad requests. Random members of different groups took up different instruments to accompany them.


“Before this night ends I would like to sing a song for my wife and I like my hyungs to help me with this one and also my dongsaengs.” Changmin stood in front.


A familiar tune started playing with Chanyeol and Sungmin strumming their guitars, Henry playing his violin, Ryeowook and Lay on the two grand pianos. It was an acoustic version of ‘Flower Lady’ from TVXQ’s fourth album: MIROTIC.


Like the glittering sun;

When a flash of wind whirls around me,

I end up looking for you, who has faded into the scenery,

Why is it this so fragrant, as if this is a dream?

Like flowers my lady, you have been rooted in my heart,

So you can’t go elsewhere


Stay with me, you’re so beautiful,

Shine your leaves; will you always bloom for me?

So only I can see it, stay, you stay always


I’ll gather all the dampened petals,

Fill it with love, and put it upon your lips,

I want to send you my passion;

My love which will never dry, baby,

Like flowers my lady, your natural body language,

Your bright smile, and even your soft lips


Stay with me, just by my side,

Blow my heart; will you always bloom for me?

Eternally in my heart, stay, you stay always


No matter if the winds blow, I hope you’ll come towards me,

I pray that I’ll be the bright sun that makes you laugh,

I pray that I’ll become like the little prince in the fairy tales,

Just for love, so stay


Stay with me, you’re so beautiful,

Shine your leaves; will you always bloom for me?

So only I can see it, stay, you stay always


Stay with me, just by my side,

Blow my heart; will you always bloom for me?

Eternally in my heart, stay, you stay always


“I love you. I would say it to you every waking moment of my life, every chance I get, every time I close my eyes, I love you.” Changmin said as the song finished and he walked over to Yejin who had tears in her eyes.


“Thank you… thank you for making me feel loved.” Yejin hugged Changmin and she continued crying.

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It's finished. :( I'm gonna miss this story. :(


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BriaMillz14 #1
Chapter 5: Chapter 36: One of the most touching but sad stories I have read. From Chapter 1 to 36 I would start to tear up.
meilianalim #2
Chapter 36: Good story. .... love it
Chapter 38: well done dear
love this story very much..
thank you
carissawhite #4
Chapter 36: ah, sad ending. but touching. good story.
beautiful. T______T heartbreaking from beginning to end.
alexamoon21 #6
Chapter 37: pleaseee alternative HAPPY ENDING!! pleasee u.u
Chapter 38: it's a sad ending, but you done it well
alexamoon21 #8
Chapter 35: Pleaseeeee dont kill her <\3 pleaseeeeee
carissawhite #9
Chapter 34: omo, so happy because they both finally married. and I hope some miracle for yejin to be cure from her illness.
waiting the next. :)
striped-cat #10
Lol i came here lookig for the rated M fic The Letter, but this seems good too