Because Tomorrow Will Come

The Boy's Letter

It has been a month since Yejin ran away. Changmin had a hard time explaining to Changjin when he finally took the little kid home.


“Dad, where is Mom?”


“Mommy had things to do. She’ll be back soon.”




“Dad. When is Mom coming home?”


Changmin could not find the words to say to his little boy. He was still at lost in his thoughts when he heard the phone ring.


“SHIM residence.” He spoke when he picked up the phone


“Does Miss SONG Yejin live here?”


“Who is this please?”


“It’s Nurse JANG Soomi of Seoul National Hospital. I am speaking to?”


“SHIM Changmin.”


“Miss SONG’s legal guardian?”




“Doctor YANG had wanted to hear from Miss SONG regarding her treatment.”


“Treatment? I don’t recall Yejin having had undergone any treatments.”


“Oh. Mr. SHIM. I believe that it would be of your best interest if you could have a discussion with Doctor YANG regarding Ms. SONG here at the hospital.”


“Yes. Thank you.”




“…only have a few months to live… Treatment could only prolong her life…”


What now? Those were the words that ran through Changmin’s mind when he got out of Dr. YANG’s office.




“Changjin-ie, KYU samcheon is here!” Kyuhyun greeted loudly as soon as he entered the SHIM household. Changjin hurriedly greeted his uncle after setting aside his sketches. Changmin then emerged from the kitchen.


“What brings you here, Kyu?”


“Well, I thought I should drop by my favourite nephew since we are shooting not far from here... and I wanted to play with him, Junsu hyung has been filling up Changjin’s weekends with soccer.”


“Changjin-ie, wanna play with the family computer?”


Neh!” The little kid gleefully replied.


“YO GaemGyu! Not too close to the screen okay? It’s bad for his eyes.”


“Yes boss.” Kyuhyun answered as he set up the family computer in the living room.




“Dinner’s ready!” Changmin yelled from the dining area.


“Just a second Dad, I’m about to beat Kyu samcheon... and fire! I won! I won!” Changjin screamed and jumped after ending a round of their games.


“I beat Kyu samcheon Dad.” Changjin told his father as he sat on his chair.


“You lost to my baby boy?” Changmin asked Kyuhyun who was entering the dining area looking rather sulky.


“It’s not Starcraft we were playing... ah whatever...” Kyuhyun flailed his arms as he sat down. They started eating when Changmin finished setting up the table and sat beside Changjin, Kyuhyun sat opposite of them.


“So, any updates?” Kyuhyun asked Changmin who was busy washing the dishes. Changjin was back at the living room sketching.


“Still nothing.” Changmin answered.


“I heard from your mom.” Kyuhyun said as he sat at the nearest table.


“We should find her soon. Have you tried looking for her in Gwangju?”


“Yunho hyung already asked helped from his family, still nothing.”


Appa! Look!” Changjin came running in the kitchen holding another sketch in his hands. Changmin washed and wiped his hands thoroughly then proceeded to pick up Changjin and let him sit on top of the table.


“Look at this Dad. I saw this on my way home today.” It was a ddukbuki stand.


“How about we eat them tomorrow?”


Changjin laughed in response in clapped his hands. Changmin hugged his son tightly.


“Dad. I miss Mom.”


“I miss her too. Why don’t we go upstairs and get you to bed?”


“I’m sleeping at the guest room!” Kyuhyun interjected.




“Go to sleep baby.” Changmin said as he kissed his son’s forehead.


“I love you Dad.”


“I love you too, son.”


Changmin stood up from the bed after Changjin fell asleep.


He was about to enter the master’s bedroom when he saw the light at the balcony .




“Hey.” Changmin greeted as he sat at one of the steel chairs. Kyuhyun was drinking wine.


“Yo. I apologize for crashing in like this.”


“It’s nothing. I’m glad that you could stop by and play with Changjin.”


“How is it?”


“What is?” Changmin answered as he poured himself a glass of wine.


“Being a father.”


“Tiring but I’m happy.”


“You’ll find her soon.”


“I hope so.” Changmin replied as he took a sip of wine. They both stayed silent for awhile until Changmin’s phone rang.


My Yejin


Changmin answered the call.


“Yejin-ah, where are you? Are you okay?”


“Good evening but is this Changmin?” It was a voice of an older woman that Changmin did not recognize.


“This is Mrs. LEE Daeshin. Your number was listed number one on speed dial. It’s an emergency. The owner of the phone this fell unconscious inside a restaurant. She’s currently in the emergency room.”


“Where is the hospital?”


“Busan Provincial Hospital.”


“Okay. Thank you so much Mrs. LEE. Will you look after her for me, please don’t let her out of your sight?”


“Thank you.” Changmin finally said as he disconnected the call.


“Hey, Kyu. Could you stay here for awhile, look after Changjin? My mother will be here first thing in the morning.”


“Where are you going?”




“What for?”


“Yejin. She’s in the emergency room as of the moment.”


“Go! Quickly! I’ll take care of Changjin.” Kyuhyun was practically pushing Changmin out of the house.




“Great.” Kyuhyun said as he sat down on the living room couch after Changmin left the house.


Appa?” Changjin was standing at the bottom of the stairs rubbing his eyes with his hands.


“Changmin appa went out for awhile Changjin. Why are you up? Let’s get you back to bed.” Kyuhyun said as he went to pick up Changjin and went upstairs.


“Where did appa go, samcheon?”


“Your mommy is coming home soon.”




“Yes. So, you better sleep and get all the energy you need to hug her tight when you see her.”






“I saw you performing a song about a dragon. Will you sing it for me?”


“Okay, after this promise that you will go to sleep. Promise?”




“Okay.” Kyuhyun started singing an English song from way back, Puff The Magic Dragon. After repeating the song twice, Changjin finally fell asleep.




“Please. Please. Save her.” Changmin was chanting again and again as he tried to go the airport and take a rushed flight to Busan.

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It's finished. :( I'm gonna miss this story. :(


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BriaMillz14 #1
Chapter 5: Chapter 36: One of the most touching but sad stories I have read. From Chapter 1 to 36 I would start to tear up.
meilianalim #2
Chapter 36: Good story. .... love it
Chapter 38: well done dear
love this story very much..
thank you
carissawhite #4
Chapter 36: ah, sad ending. but touching. good story.
beautiful. T______T heartbreaking from beginning to end.
alexamoon21 #6
Chapter 37: pleaseee alternative HAPPY ENDING!! pleasee u.u
Chapter 38: it's a sad ending, but you done it well
alexamoon21 #8
Chapter 35: Pleaseeeee dont kill her <\3 pleaseeeeee
carissawhite #9
Chapter 34: omo, so happy because they both finally married. and I hope some miracle for yejin to be cure from her illness.
waiting the next. :)
striped-cat #10
Lol i came here lookig for the rated M fic The Letter, but this seems good too