Rainy Night

The Boy's Letter


JANUARY 1, 2016

3:46AM JST


Junsu was alone in their waiting room the others already went out. He was the only one left. He just finished changing into a blue hoodie, white jeans and white rubber shoes. He was staring at the blue box at the counter. He took it, sat at the couch and opened it. Inside the box was a soccer keychain. With an engraving:



There was a letter, he pulled it out and opened it.

He could recognize this handwriting anywhere even the voice of its owner.


Junsu’s tears escaped from his eyes.


All he could think of was the happy memories they had together, the smiles and tears they shared. He cried all the tears he had forcefully stopped for five years. Tears for the way things turned out.


“Changmin-ah, hyung missed you too, so much.” Junsu whispered while hugging his knees to his chest. Not letting anyone who might come in catch a glimpse of his tear streaked face.

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It's finished. :( I'm gonna miss this story. :(


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BriaMillz14 #1
Chapter 5: Chapter 36: One of the most touching but sad stories I have read. From Chapter 1 to 36 I would start to tear up.
meilianalim #2
Chapter 36: Good story. .... love it
Chapter 38: well done dear
love this story very much..
thank you
carissawhite #4
Chapter 36: ah, sad ending. but touching. good story.
beautiful. T______T heartbreaking from beginning to end.
alexamoon21 #6
Chapter 37: pleaseee alternative HAPPY ENDING!! pleasee u.u
Chapter 38: it's a sad ending, but you done it well
alexamoon21 #8
Chapter 35: Pleaseeeee dont kill her <\3 pleaseeeeee
carissawhite #9
Chapter 34: omo, so happy because they both finally married. and I hope some miracle for yejin to be cure from her illness.
waiting the next. :)
striped-cat #10
Lol i came here lookig for the rated M fic The Letter, but this seems good too