
The Boy's Letter



JULY 20, 2016

10:20PM KST


“Changmin said he remembers everything.” Yunho broke the news to the other three while they ate dinner.


“He was muttering to himself that ‘she left me and now she’s married’” Yunho added imitating Changmin.


“Did he introduce a girl to you?” Jaejoong asked Yunho quizzically.


“Nope. But months before he went to the army he would often stay out saying he’s sleeping over a friend’s house although I asked some of his friends none of them said anything about Changmin sleeping over their places.” Yunho stating how Changmin was then that maybe related to the ‘married girl’.


“Hmmm. Does your family know everyone in this town?” Yoochun asked Yunho.


“Yes. Everyone’s almost always related here.” Yunho answered.


“Then let’s just ask them if there is a married girl here about Changmin’s age or even younger or older.” Yoochun proposed trying to help figure out their dongsaeng’s behavior.


“Wait here.” Yunho said as he left the room and asked his dad. A few minutes later he returned.


“My father said that there was no ‘married girl’ in this town about Changmin’s age or younger… But a year ago a girl named Yejin moved here from Seoul with a two year old son.” Yunho explained what his father has said to him.


“This is getting weird.” Junsu muttered while thinking hard his eyebrows furrowed.


“I mean… a single mother and a two year old son… moving here to Gwangju when she’s already in Seoul… I have nothing against Gwangju, no offense man.” Junsu said looking to Yunho.


“Not taking.” Yunho replied.


“Let’s take a look at this ‘married girl and her son’ tomorrow. I have a feeling.” Jaejoong finally spoke.


“Let’s check the kid first.” Yoochun said.


JULY 21, 2016

2:30 PM KST


“They said the kid usually plays at the sand box and his mom picks him up there.” Yunho said to Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu. They are sitting by the park bench overlooking the sand box.


In a little bit Changjin came running into the sand box and started putting sand at the plastic pail with his plastic shovel.


Yunho, Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu walked closer to the sandbox and watched the little boy.


Ahjusshi, waeyo?” Changjin asked looking at Yunho as he stopped when he noticed four men were looking at him.


Eye color. Check.


Mismatched eyes. Check.


Nose. Check.


Lips are different. Mother’s.


“Changmin’s” They all blurted out.


“Changjin-ah! Eomma is here.” Yejin called out to her son.


Eomma!” Changjin ran to his mom leaving behind the four men at awe.


No. This can’t be why are they here? Did they find out? Where is he?  Yejin thought to herself.


“She called her ‘Changjin’” Junsu whispered.


“It’s definitely Changmin’s with all the eyes and nose.” Yoochun said low.


The four of them conversed while sitting beside the sandbox.


We must leave. Are they suspecting? It can’t be. Changmin never introduced me to anyone.


Eomma?” Changjin asked while patting his mother’s cheeks.


Eomma, let’s go home.”


“Wait!” Jaejoong called out to Yejin.


Yejin lifted Changjin and was about to walk when she was cornered by the other three.


“What do you want? I don’t have any money. Please don’t hurt my son.” Yejin said low.


“Do we look like some gang to you? You know who we are, don’t you?” Jaejoong said.


“I’m sorry, I don’t know who you people are; please let me and my son leave.” Yejin said pleading, eyes low.


“Lies.” Junsu said rolling his eyes.


“That kid you’re holding, its Changmin’s right?” Yunho said bluntly.


“I don’t know what you’re talking about, we’re leaving.” Yejin said still trying to hide his son.


“What’s your name?” Yunho asked again.


Yejin did not answer and they just let her leave.


“We know you’re hiding something and we’ll find out about it.” Jaejoong said within earshot.


They were sure the boy was Changmin’s.


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It's finished. :( I'm gonna miss this story. :(


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BriaMillz14 #1
Chapter 5: Chapter 36: One of the most touching but sad stories I have read. From Chapter 1 to 36 I would start to tear up.
meilianalim #2
Chapter 36: Good story. .... love it
Chapter 38: well done dear
love this story very much..
thank you
carissawhite #4
Chapter 36: ah, sad ending. but touching. good story.
beautiful. T______T heartbreaking from beginning to end.
alexamoon21 #6
Chapter 37: pleaseee alternative HAPPY ENDING!! pleasee u.u
Chapter 38: it's a sad ending, but you done it well
alexamoon21 #8
Chapter 35: Pleaseeeee dont kill her <\3 pleaseeeeee
carissawhite #9
Chapter 34: omo, so happy because they both finally married. and I hope some miracle for yejin to be cure from her illness.
waiting the next. :)
striped-cat #10
Lol i came here lookig for the rated M fic The Letter, but this seems good too