Please Stop Time

The Boy's Letter

“Changjin-ah, what do you want for Christmas?” Changmin asked his little boy they were at the living room talking while Yejin prepared lunch in the kitchen.


“I don’t know Appa.” Changjin replied to his father without looking up as he continued with his drawing.


“You, what would you want for Christmas?” Changmin asked Yejin who settled beside him.


“I don’t know what I would want for Christmas, I have everything now.” Yejin as she looked at her son then at Changmin. She smiled at him.


“You’re still cute.” Changmin said to Yejin smiling then turned to look at his son again.


Moments later Changjin held up his paper and showed it to his parents grinning.


“What’s that Changjin?” Yejin asked her little boy.


“It’ us. The one in the middle is me. The beautiful one is you Eomma and the tall one is Appa.” Changjin explained as he pointed to the colourful stick figures he had drawn on the blank paper.


“It’s beautiful.” Changmin said to his son. Changjin quickly went in between Changmin and Yejin and sat there. He started giggling.


“Why are you laughing baby?” Yejin asked the little boy.


“I have a dad and a mom.” Changjin answered as he gave the two a peck on the cheeks then burst out giggling. Changmin got hold of his son and started tickling him.


“Mom help me!” Chanjin yelled as he tried to break away from his father’s tickles.


“You can do it Changjin!” Yejin yelled as she went to the kitchen and continued cooking. Having had enough, Changmin let down the little boy.


“I wish I could grow as tall as Dad.” Changjin said as he patted the top of Changmin’s head. Changmin only laughed at his little boy’s action.

“Changmin, could you and Changjin set up the table?” Yejin yelled from the kitchen.


“Yes Mom!” Changjin yelled as he went to the kitchen with his arms outstretched.


Changjin and Changmin had set the table while Yejin prepared to bring in the food. They all ate lunch. This has been Changmin’s routine for the rest of their vacation spending as much time with his family. He came in the morning and stayed until the evening he sometimes slept over. At some days they would all go out together with the members.


It was Christmas and Changmin had asked the two to stay at the JUNGs residence so they could celebrate together.


Eomma, where did appa go? He’s not in his room.” Changjin asked his mother as he rubbed his eyes. He had just woken up from his sleep. He went over to sit with his Mom at the couch and looked at the beautiful set up Christmas tree it was white decorated with red ornaments.


“He went out with your samcheons to buy something.” Yejin said to Changjin as she held him closer to sit beside her and draped a blanket at their legs. It was nearly midnight.


“Changjin-ah, wake up.” Changmin called out to his son sleeping in Yejin’s lap. The little boy had fallen asleep waiting.


“Oh…” Changjin got up as he rubbed his eyes with his hands.


“Merry Christmas baby!” Changmin and Yejin said to the little boy as they showered his cheeks with kisses. The little boy giggled. He took hold of Yejin and kissed her cheeks and did the same for Changmin.


“Merry Christmas eomma and appa.” Changjin said as he sat in the middle of them.


“Here.” Jaejoong tried to let Changjin hold a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows.


“Merry Christmas Changjin.” Jaejoong said to the little boy.


“Merry Christmas samcheon.” Changjin replied as he took a sip of the hot chocolate.


“Hot.” Changjin said as he quickly stuck his tongue and started fanning it, he handed his mother the cup of hot chocolate.


Yejin helped Changjin by blowing at the jot chocolate as he drank.

“Presents!” Yunho yelled as he entered the living room. Everyone gathered in the living room. Mr. and Mrs. JUNG sat on the couch while the rest plopped down on the floor.


“Okay, let’s give our gifts to everyone.” One by one each gave each other presents. They purposely wanted to give Changjin’s gifts last. By the time it was Changjin’s turn to receive his gifts; Changjin was already near the Christmas tree looking dejected touching the ornaments aimlessly.


“Changjin-ah, why are you there? Come over here baby.” Yejin called out to her son. The little boy did not move. Changmin then stood up and went to the little boy and picked him up.


“What’s wrong champ?” Changmin asked Changjin.


“I did not have gifts to give.” Changjin whispered to his Dad.


“That’s okay champ; we did not expect anything from you. How about next Christmas? Let’s buy them gifts okay? Why don’t you open your gifts for now?” Changmin said to the little boy who nodded and muttered a yes but still feeling down.


Changmin brought Changjin near them again and let him sit on the floor.


“What happened?” Yejin whispered to Changmin.


“He said he did not have gifts to give.” Changmin replied as they look at their son.


“Chanjinnie!” Junsu cooed as he got near the little boy.


“Here’s my gift for you.” He said as he gave the little boy a blue paper bag. Changjin opened it and took out a soccer ball.


“Thank you samcheon.” He said as he tried to dribble the soccer ball like a basketball.


“Changjin-ah, it’s not played that way. Let’s play tomorrow okay? I’ll teach you how it is played and be like Cha Bum Kun but for now… yeah, you could do it like that.” Junsu said as Changjin played with the ball.


“My turn!” Yunho said as he handed Changjin a green paper bag. Changjin opened it and saw different colouring materials.


“WAH! It’s so many! Mine was just eight! Thank you samcheon!” Changjin said as he held up a crayon.


“Who knows he could be the next Picasso or Da Vinci.” Yunho said to the adults as they watched Changjin fumble around the colour pencils and crayons.


He was about to start drawing on the sketch book when Yoochun faked a cough and diverted Changjin’s attention to him. Yoochun held out a long box wrapped in yellow smiley gift wrapper and placed it in front of Changjin knowing that it will be a bit heavy for the little boy to hold. Changjin then took it and started tearing out the wrapper. It was a mini keyboard.


“He’s going to be the next Beethoven, Mozart even.” Yoochun said as Changjin started tapping the keys.


“This is so cool samcheon. Thank you.” Changjin said as he starts to make tunes.


“Okay, my turn.” Jaejoong sat in front of Changjin.


“Well, I originally wanted to give him knives and ladles so; he could be the next… Me! But he’s still too young for cooking maybe when he grows a bit older. So here.” Jaejoong said as he handed Changjin a red paper bag. It was a set of Dr. Seuss books.


“Oh.” Changjin said as he flipped to the first page. He was yet to learn how to read but he liked the drawings.


“Thank you samcheon. I don’t know how to read yet but when I learn I’ll read all of this.” Changjin as he browsed through the pictures.


“Changjin-ah.” Changmin and Yejin called out to their son who came running to them giggling and sat in between them.


“Mom and Dad got you a gift would you like to see it now?” Changmin asked Changjin who nodded in return.


“Close your eyes.” Yejin said Changjin quickly covered his eyes with his little hands.


“Open them.” Changmin said.


“WAH!” It was Changjin’s favourite dessert, strawberry cake. Yejin handed him a spoon and quickly took a bite.


“YUM!” Changjin said.


“You try.” He then proceeded to feeding Changmin and Yejin along with the members.


“Let’s eat breakfast.” Mrs. JUNG called out to the people in the living room. Changjin then started to clean up his gifts.


“Do that later Jin. Let’s eat first.” Yejin said to the little boy who was busy putting everything back to the paper bags.


“Just a second Mom, here... Done!” Changjin said as he put the soccer ball in the blue paper bag then ran to the kitchen and sat in between his father and mother giggling.


“Did you like it Changjin?” Junsu asked the little boy.


“Very much.” Changjin replied.


“We’re going somewhere fun later so eat it a lot. You’ll need it.” Yunho said to Changjin.


“Yes sir.” Changjin said with a salute as he started eating.


“Hey. Let’s take a picture!” Jaejoong said as he took out his camera. Everyone gathered together. The members took turns taking pictures with Changjin.


Samcheon. Where are we going?” Changjin asked as he sat at the back of the van with his parents. They were off to somewhere and there be no way they are telling the little kid.


“You’ll see when we get there.” Jaejoong answered as he drove the van.




“We’re here! Gwangju’s Family Land!” Yunho announced to the group. Yejin and Changmin took hold of Changjin’s hand.


“Here.” Changmin draped a necklace on Changjin.


“What is this Dad?” Changjin said as he looked at the dangling necklace.


“It’s Mom and Dad’s handphone numbers. If you get lost quickly go to those kinds of counters where you buy tickets and tell them to call these numbers, okay?” Changmin explained to Changjin and the little boy nodded.


“Let’s go. What do you want to ride first?” Changmin asked Changjin.


“Dad.” Changjin uttered.


“What is it?” Changmin asked as he knelt down in front of the boy.


“Can I ride on top of your shoulders? There are too many people I can’t see anything.” Changjin whispered to Changmin.


“Okay champ. Yejin-ah, could you help us?” Changmin called out to Yejin. Yejin helped Changjin to Changmin’s shoulders.


“I knew it! The world is different up here.” Changjin said in excitement and giggled.


“Do you like it?” Changmin asked Changjin.


“Very much.” Changjin said as he looked around.


“Let’s ride that one!” Changjin said as he pointed somewhere. Not knowing where the child pointed Changmin had asked for Yejin’s help to lead them.





Finally updated! Took me awhile to have this posted, I'm yet to have internet connection at our apartment. Anyways, comments are greatly appreciated. :)) Working on the next chapter. Please look forward to it. :)


always keep the faith.


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It's finished. :( I'm gonna miss this story. :(


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BriaMillz14 #1
Chapter 5: Chapter 36: One of the most touching but sad stories I have read. From Chapter 1 to 36 I would start to tear up.
meilianalim #2
Chapter 36: Good story. .... love it
Chapter 38: well done dear
love this story very much..
thank you
carissawhite #4
Chapter 36: ah, sad ending. but touching. good story.
beautiful. T______T heartbreaking from beginning to end.
alexamoon21 #6
Chapter 37: pleaseee alternative HAPPY ENDING!! pleasee u.u
Chapter 38: it's a sad ending, but you done it well
alexamoon21 #8
Chapter 35: Pleaseeeee dont kill her <\3 pleaseeeeee
carissawhite #9
Chapter 34: omo, so happy because they both finally married. and I hope some miracle for yejin to be cure from her illness.
waiting the next. :)
striped-cat #10
Lol i came here lookig for the rated M fic The Letter, but this seems good too