Don't Say Goodbye

The Boy's Letter

“Mom, had Yejin picked up Changjin yet?” Changmin asked his mother through the phone as he went in to his car. He just finished filming a variety show with the members and was coming home.


“She had not come by yet son.”


“That’s weird. She told me she would pick up Changjin… I’ll call you later Mom.”


Changmin disconnected the call and tried calling Yejin again. She was still not picking.


“Come on jagi, pick up please.” Changmin muttered as he continued to make his way to their house.


“Yejin-ah, where are you?” Changmin called out as soon as he entered their house. All the lights were turned off indicating that no one was home. He went over to their room only to find a note at their side table stuck at the frame where a picture of the three of them was displayed.


I’m sorry. I could no longer do this. Take care of our child, love and cherish him.



Changmin looked at their closet out of instinct. All her things were gone. No, this can’t be happening, everything was going perfectly right? Changmin got his phone and tried contacting Yejin again. He had texted her countless of times, asking where she was and pleading for her to come home.


Jagiya. Where are you please come home? Don’t do this please.


Yejin read Changmin’s text. A tear escaped her eye she wiped it away only to be replaced by more tears falling from her eyes. Why me? She thought to herself. Just when everything started getting better. She sat near the window of the train. She was making her way to the countryside, to somewhere where nobody knew her.




Eomma. Could you take care of Changjin for awhile? I need to do some things.” Changmin spoke to his mother. He was out searching. He did not have a clue as to where to start but he figured that he had to start looking.


“What happened son?”


“I think Yejin ran away… she’s not picking up her phone.” Changmin spoke his voice ready to break. He did not know what to do, where to start looking for Yejin. He was lost again.


“OMO. Okay, I’ll take care of Changjin. Do you have any leads on her whereabouts?”


“No. I’m scared Mom. What if she left us? What about Changjin? What about her?”


“How about you son? We’ll find her. She’s a kind girl… she loves her son and she loves you… something must have happened that we still don’t know…”


“I’m worried and so terrified Mom.” Changmin said like a child trapped in darkness.


“Be strong son. You still have Changjin.”


Neh, eomma.”






“Yes Changjin-ie?” Changjin had just woken from his slumber.


“Did Mom and Dad come? I want to go home.”


“Something came up baby. Your Mom and Dad had asked me to take care of you for awhile. They’ll pick you up tomorrow.”




Changjin sat at the couch beside his grandmother and looked at the door hoping that his mother and father would come to pick him up and take him home. His mother told him that she would come back soon.




Eomma will be back soon. Stay here with Grandma and be a good boy.”


Changjin nodded as he reached out to kiss her mother’s cheek.


“I love you Mom.”


“I love you too baby.” Yejin said to her child as she hugged him tightly.


“I love you so much…” She whispered as she kissed her son’s temple.





Update! 57 Subscribers! Welcome to the story! :)) Please bear with me! Until then...


always keep the faith.



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It's finished. :( I'm gonna miss this story. :(


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BriaMillz14 #1
Chapter 5: Chapter 36: One of the most touching but sad stories I have read. From Chapter 1 to 36 I would start to tear up.
meilianalim #2
Chapter 36: Good story. .... love it
Chapter 38: well done dear
love this story very much..
thank you
carissawhite #4
Chapter 36: ah, sad ending. but touching. good story.
beautiful. T______T heartbreaking from beginning to end.
alexamoon21 #6
Chapter 37: pleaseee alternative HAPPY ENDING!! pleasee u.u
Chapter 38: it's a sad ending, but you done it well
alexamoon21 #8
Chapter 35: Pleaseeeee dont kill her <\3 pleaseeeeee
carissawhite #9
Chapter 34: omo, so happy because they both finally married. and I hope some miracle for yejin to be cure from her illness.
waiting the next. :)
striped-cat #10
Lol i came here lookig for the rated M fic The Letter, but this seems good too