Winter Rose

The Boy's Letter

Eomma. What are you doing?” Changjin asked his mother as he sat on her side. The two of them already had dinner and were at the living room.


Eomma is packing. We are going somewhere.” Yejin said to his son who simply stared at the boxes and bags. There was not much to pack in their house to begin with.


“Why don’t you get your toys and put them here Changjin?” Yejin said as she placed a hand on his shoulder causing the little boy to jump from his reverie.


“Oh, okay.” Changjin then dragged the box with him, which was slightly bigger than him towards a bin where he kept his toys. One by one he picked them up and tossed them to the box. After sometime Changjin had finished transferring his toys to the box, noticing this Yejin thought that it was time for bed.


“Changjin-ah! Let’s brush our teeth and go to sleep.” Yejin said as she lifted Changjin towards the sink.


“Say ‘AH’.” Yejin said to Changjin. The boy giggled then opened his mouth she then started gently brushing Changjin’s teeth. After awhile, they were done and were now comfortably in underneath the covers.


Eomma. Where are we going?” Changjin asked her mother as she hugged him closer.


“Changjin-ah, do you want to see daddy?” Yejin asked the little boy. She was becoming unsure of everything but thought of Changmin’s words.


“I… I have a daddy?” Changjin said in a high pitched voice. Yejin nodded in affirmation.


“Oh. I wish it was the ahjusshi who put me on his shoulders earlier. I want dad to put me on top of his shoulders. I like it. I saw a lot of things. The world was different from up there. I wish I will be tall as him.” Changjin narrated to his mother with child-like innocence.


“And I wish he would hug me like this.” Changjin said as he tried to enclose his mother in a mini-bear hug and kissed her cheek. Yejin only laughed at his little boy’s actions.


“I love you, Changjin.” Yejin said as she kissed her son’s forehead and hugged him.


“I love you too Eomma.” Changjin murmured as he drifted off to sleep.


Changmin was standing in front of Yejin’s door. He knocked softly. Slowly, the door opened and Changmin was greeted with a surprise. It was Changjin who opened the door with a piece of bread in his hand.


Eomma.” Changjin called out to his mother as he saw Changmin.


“Changmin...” Yejin said as she looked up to the door while wiping her hands on the apron.


“Can I come in?” Changmin asked Yejin.


“Come... come in.” Yejin stuttered in reply. Changmin went in and closed the door.


“Did you have breakfast?” Yejin asked as they sat at the dining table. Changjin followed closely as he ate his bread.


“Already did.” Changmin replied as he watched the little boy eat.


“What brings you here?” Yejin asked Changmin as she poured him a cup of coffee.


“I was thinking you need help packing and I was hoping we could send some of your things to Seoul. The house has been ready for awhile now.” Changmin said as he took a sip of his coffee.


“Oh.” Yejin breathed out.


“Well, I have already finished packing.” Yejin said as she pointed to some boxes.


“I helped her.” Changjin said as he raised his hand and broke to a fit of giggles.


Eomma said we’re going to see daddy.” Changjin said as he took another bite of his bread.


Ahjusshi, are you my dad?” Changjin asked out of nowhere throwing the two in utter shock.


Yejin and Changjin looked at each other then back to the little boy. Changmin gulped with his eyes wide.


“Do you want me to be your dad?” Changmin asked little Changjin. He was nervous to what the boy will answer.


“Well, eomma always said that my dad loves me a lot. Whenever I ask her why he doesn’t come home? She says that dad is very busy. If I had a dad I just wish he would come home to us.” Changjin said which left the two in awe, how could such a little boy utter such words?


“Changjin-ah. I’m your dad.” Changmin faced Changjin in front of him and held on his tiny frame.


“So, you’re appa not ahjusshi?” Changjin said blinking at Changmin. Changmin nodded in return.


“I have a dad!” Changjin exclaimed as he hugged Changmin.


“Dad. Why did you not come home? Do you hate Changjin?” Changjin asked silently as he hugged Changmin.


“Dad was busy, I’m sorry… and Dad loves you so much.” Changmin said as he kissed the boy’s cheek then hugged him tight. The little boy giggled then broke away from him.


“How much do you love me? This big?” Changjin asked as he tried to make a circle with both his arms then laughed again


“Much more than that my dear boy.” Changmin replied at his son’s cuteness. His son. Their son.


Yejin picked up Changjin for a warm bath while Changmin started cleaning up the dishes. There were only a few so he was able to finish quickly. He initially wanted to look at the frames of photos he had seen before; apparently they have been put away already.


He settled to watching Changjin take a bath. He watched from the door frame as the two played with soap bubbles. I could get use to this. He thought to himself. He took out his phone and took a picture; they were blowing on soap bubbles and laughing.


“I want to spend Christmas with the two of you.” Changmin said. The two of them were talking at the living room while Changjin played with a few toys he took out. He promised he would put them back again into the box later.






I'm working on the next chapter. Hopefully, I could update again tomorrow. :)) I just like Changjin. And I'll stick to my seeming interpretation of the song 'The Boy's Letter' for the story, flow and end of this story. I already have scenarios in mind what is left is to write them out. GAH! Oh my feels in writing this! Thank you so much for your comments lovely fizzles. I actually wanted to finish all my fanfictions as soon as possible. I'll be starting my senior year in college in a few days and I would really like to focus. I really hope you enjoy reading this work. I wish writing a thesis is this bearable. Until then...




 always keep the faith.

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It's finished. :( I'm gonna miss this story. :(


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BriaMillz14 #1
Chapter 5: Chapter 36: One of the most touching but sad stories I have read. From Chapter 1 to 36 I would start to tear up.
meilianalim #2
Chapter 36: Good story. .... love it
Chapter 38: well done dear
love this story very much..
thank you
carissawhite #4
Chapter 36: ah, sad ending. but touching. good story.
beautiful. T______T heartbreaking from beginning to end.
alexamoon21 #6
Chapter 37: pleaseee alternative HAPPY ENDING!! pleasee u.u
Chapter 38: it's a sad ending, but you done it well
alexamoon21 #8
Chapter 35: Pleaseeeee dont kill her <\3 pleaseeeeee
carissawhite #9
Chapter 34: omo, so happy because they both finally married. and I hope some miracle for yejin to be cure from her illness.
waiting the next. :)
striped-cat #10
Lol i came here lookig for the rated M fic The Letter, but this seems good too