Inyeong's sixth sense

Kidnap my heart


Chapter twenty-nine:

Yoseob’s POV:

If I had to choose the one thing that I hate the most, ONE THING only, it’d be the holidays.

No. You didn’t hear me wrongly.

Holidays, vacations, breaks, whatever

I hated them all


And no, before you ask, let me make it clear that I am most definitely NOT a crazy workaholic. Who wouldn’t want to relax and chill after months and months of training and hard work? I certainly would.

Too bad I’d have to spend it all alone


Yes. All alone


During the holidays, the other guys would head back home and make use of the rare few weeks given to them to spend with their family. They would come back, rejuvenated and happy, with many photographs and stories of their vacation to share with the others.

But as for me…

Don’t get me wrong, I do have a family. A father, a mother and an older sister, in fact

But they never really seemed to have any time for me

Not even a few weeks

Not even on the rare occasions when I got a break from my career

Not even on my birthday

No, they couldn’t spare time to see me. Not even then.

And it hurt. It hurt badly.


It wasn’t as if they didn’t care about me.

They just cared about their jobs more, apparently


At first, I would travel all the way back home during the holidays, excited and eager to finally see them.

But they weren’t at home most of the time

I basically spent most of the holidays facing an empty house. An empty, cold house.

Eventually, I stopped. I stopped a year ago, actually.


That’s all my father had to say in reply.


They didn’t even try to persuade me to come over to visit them.



So, you could probably picture my disappointment when Mr. Hong announced the holidays a few days after I completed promotions for ‘Caffeine’.


“See it as a reward, Yoseob, for all your hard work!” He patted my back proudly. “And to the others, see it as a free treat from Yoseob!”

Tchhh. Reward my foot.


It was 9:00am in the morning, and the dorm was empty already. I was the only one in it. The others had left eagerly early in the morning, excited to reunite with their families again.

Their families who took a few weeks of unpaid leave just to spend time with them


I sighed. There wasn’t anything to do, now that the guys weren’t around.

Maybe I could head to the arcade?

Nah, it wouldn’t be fun destroying aliens by myself


How about the basketball court?

What the heck? Who plays basketball by themselves?


How about eating ramen…

My mind immediately flashed to Eunmi. Unknowingly, I smiled, remembering how she had scalded herself on the tongue with the ramen.


I wonder if she’s free now…

Yah! Yang Yoseob! Don’t be so selfish! She’s busy working on Gayoon and Jiyoon’s choreography now, how can you pester her?


Besides, I didn’t feel like leaving the room.

I didn’t know why, but I was feeling exceptionally lethargic today. My eyelids were heavy, and my knees were pretty weak, even though it was only morning.

I just felt like lying in bed the whole day. Go to sleep and never wake up.

Not until the holidays were over, that is.

Maybe I will.


Your POV:

I was worried.

Seriously worried

It was 11pm, yet somehow I couldn’t seem to fall asleep, even after a tiring session with Gayoon and Jiyoon a few hours ago.

Something was tugging at my heart, and I knew what it was.


-FLASHBACK- (8pm, shower stalls in CUBE entertainment building)

I was drying myself in the shower stall after a refreshing shower when I heard footsteps. There were people entering the showers, and they were talking pretty loudly. From their voices, I recognized them as Hyosung, the secretary, and Sunhwa, the maid.


“Hey, want to know something?” Hyosung sounded excited to share whatever news she had with Bora. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop on their conversation, but I couldn’t help it. They were talking so loudly.

“Something about what?” Sunhwa asked.

“Yang Yoseob!”

My ears involuntarily pricked up at the mention of Yoseob’s name.


“What about him?”

“Well, I overheard a conversation between the BEAST manager and President Hong just now, when I was delivering some files to the President. Apparently, Yoseob didn’t leave for vacation, unlike the rest of the BEAST members.”


“And,” Hyosung’s voice went up a notch. It always did whenever she got eager. “he hasn’t left the dorm yet. For the whole day. He didn’t come down for breakfast, for lunch, or even for dinner! Mr. Hong’s worried, but he doesn’t want to check up on Yoseob, because it’s supposed to be his private time this week.”

“Really?” Sunhwa gasped. “But they don’t have food in their dorm! I was dusting their dorm the other day and the shelves were totally empty! That means he hasn’t been eating for the whole day!”



I bit my lip. Something was not right.

One didn’t have to be a genius to know that Yang Yoseob LOVED food. He couldn’t miss a meal, let alone three, without dying of hunger. He couldn’t. And I knew. God knows how many times he interrupted a lesson just because his stomach was rumbling.


I dialed his number a couple of times already, but he wasn’t picking up. I texted him, but he didn’t reply.

Something was definitely not right.

What if he’s sick? What if he fainted in his dorm or something, and no one’s there to help him?

Should I check on him?


Don’t be silly, Park Eunmi! He’s probably sleeping now! And besides, he’s a guy, how can you just enter his dorm as and when you like?

He’s fine…

He’s fine…



I couldn’t stand it. Without thinking, I threw on a sweatshirt and ran out of the house like nobody’s business. 


HELLO :D :D :D I missed you guys so much! I'm sorry I haven't been updating much, even though I keep saying I will D: mianhe!

Oh and what do you think happened to Yoseob? :D kekeke~

Okay I'll be busy for the next few days with assignments and tests and stuff (x.x why does the school dump so much homework on us?) so no updates in a while D: But I will try to update as soon as possible kay? So see you guys when I see you (: 

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Queenka94 #1
Chapter 40: Omg. The plote twist.......yahh!!! Author-nim~~!!!! Noooooooo. Ugh. UGHhhH!!
Queenka94 #2
Uwahhhhh!! I can't wait!! This sounds soo exciting. Haha, I feel like saying "itadakimasu" ..except a different version...for reading. You know. Lol (=^.^=) hehe xD
Chapter 58: Oh my god!!! Im going crazy!! *sing go crazy song*...This fanfic is jinjja daebak! I love this story~ If you don't mind please make a sequel?
ennykitty #4
Chapter 58: This story was awesome!!!
Chapter 59: I loved this story so much!!!
Chapter 9: I hate woohyun here. Sorry, inspirit. You just changed 'my' name, u said tht my parents die when I was a baby. And u separate me with my seobie //uglysobs// bye. Ive got class tomorrow and need to sleep now. Night.
Chapter 58: Aww such a sweet ending!!! >.< loved it!!
New reader 
Chapter 58: I'll miss this. TT-TT
Good Job. author nim. Thanks for giving this great fanfic. :')
waiting for ur future B2ST and Yoseob fanfic. :)
b2utyoseobbie #10
Chapter 58: the end T^T
i will miss this story
it's a great story>_<