Made up (finally)

Kidnap my heart



Chapter twenty-three:

[ONE WEEK LATER…*comeback stage day*]


Your POV:

“And that,” I said, turning off the music. “Wasn’t too bad.”

It was more than that, actually. Much more. It was amazing. It was brilliant. It was perfect. He was more than ready for his comeback stage tonight, I was 100% sure of it, and I was actually looking forward to watching him impress everyone with his moves.

“Shouldn’t we practice a few more times?” He looked pretty worried, from the way he was biting his lip as he spoke. “What if I mess up on the stage? It’s just a few hours away…”


It was 4pm, and Yoseob had been practicing for three hours straight already, without taking a single break in between. He was determined on making it perfect for his fans; something which I found was pretty admirable. He really did care about his fans, and I could see that when he practiced.

“I think you’re ready.” I reassured him, but kept the cold tone in my voice.  “Besides, you’ve been practicing for three hours already, and the comeback stage is only a few hours away. I think you should take a break till then, or you might be too tired to dance tonight.”

*And besides* I added silently in my head. *You’ve been overworking yourself* But I didn’t say that out. It made me sound like I was actually concerned for him. I wasn’t. I was only concerned about my job.


He nodded, rather reluctantly.

Cue awkward silence…again…

“Well then,” I cleared my throat awkwardly. “I guess that’s the end of practice.”

He nodded, and started to leave, while I packed my bags.

Before he left the room, he turned around.

“Ms. Park?”


“Umm…thank you.” He said so softly that it was almost a whisper. “For…helping me with my dance…” Then he turned around and left the room.



Did I hear that wrongly?

Did Yang Yoseob honestly thank me?

When just a week ago, he shouted at me? He told me to mind my own business? He told me to get lost?

Were the two really the SAME Yang Yoseobs?

They LOOKED the same, but…


For the entire week, it was the same schedule over and over again. At 5pm, I would meet Yoseob at the same dance practice studio. We’d work on his solo dance for about two hours, and then I would dismiss him. With each day, he kept improving. I could see that fire, that determination in his eyes to work hard. I knew he wanted to do well. For his fans. And for everyone who believed in him. The truth is, his sincerity made me believe in him, and I know he’s going to do a great job on stage tonight.


Lessons with him were pretty awkward. No, make that EXTREMELY awkward. Awkward with the capital A. We barely talked to each other, even when we saw each other one-on-one for two hours every day. And for most of the time, the atmosphere in the studio would be excruciatingly awkward and the tension would be so thick it actually felt nauseating.


But teaching him wasn’t as bad as I thought it would have been. He never talked back. He never rolled his eyes, and he wasn’t rude to me, not the slightest bit. He never questioned what I asked him to do, and he always did it to the best he could.


In addition, over the week…I started to see a new side of him. A new side of Yang Yoseob that I had never seen before. The nice side of him. The innocent side of him. Whenever I complimented him, his eyes would automatically light up, like a little child. And seeing how shy he was just now when he thanked me…


Why did he have to hide this side from everyone so much?

Didn’t he realize how much more likeable he was like that?

Why did he have to put up such a cold front and surround himself in a barrier, distancing himself from people, especially girls?

When he could be this likeable…

I just didn’t get it…

Yang Yoseob, I just didn’t get him…


Aishhh! He’s probably just…bipolar or something. Whatever.


If he wanted to remain as a jerk, I couldn’t care less.


Yoseob’s POV:

“Na eobshido tteugeob-get-ji bul-taneun Friday” Junhyung finished off his rap, and the music was going to end in about twenty seconds.


To me, that twenty seconds meant everything. All the work I’ve been putting for the past week. All the hopes my fans pinned on me. All the expectations Mr. Hong had for me.

I had to nail it. I absolutely had to nail it.

I couldn’t afford to screw it up.


I took a deep breath. It was time.

“YANG YOSEOB! YANG YOSEOB! YANG YOSEOB!” I could hear fanchants around me. I tried my best to drown them out, and to focus on my solo dance.

I closed my eyes, remembering what Ms. Park had taught me.

Okay, now try to walk backwards, but resist a little. Try to pretend you’re on a travelator that’s moving forward, and you resist it and move backwards. You should feel a lot of friction between your feet and the floor.

“RELAX, YANG YOSEOB!” I mentally heard Ms. Park scolding me. “You need to relax, or how else are you going to glide properly?”

That’s right, relax, Yoseob.

Here goes nothing…

Just…do it like Ms. Park taught you to…

Then I started to dance.

For some weird reason, I could hear Ms. Park in my mind. She was guiding me throughout the entire dance.

“Don’t forget to smile!” Imaginary Ms. Park instructed me, and I flashed a smile immediately, even adding a playful wink at fangirls. They screamed in excitement.

Before I knew it, it was over.

And judging from the fanchants and the standing ovation, I had nailed it. Well, B2ST had nailed it. Which means I hadn’t messed up my part. I didn’t let B2UTYs down!

Thank goodness.

I smiled and waved at the audience, grinning happily.

I really did it! I really really did it!

“Hmmm” Even imaginary Ms. Park was stumped. “It wasn’t too bad…”


Backstage, I was being swarmed by the entire CUBE family.


“THAT WAS AMAZING, YANGYO!” Doojoon patted me on the back.


“WHERE DID THAT COME FROM?” Hyunseung exclaimed.




“HYUNG! THAT WAS AWESOME! I LOVE YOU!” The maknae threw himself onto me, squeezing me to death. Well, that was maknae, I guess.


“Meh. I could have done better.” Junhyung, as usual, said, grinning to show that he was joking and that he was proud of me.


“Yoseob ah” Finally, Mr. Hong approached me and patted my back. “That was incredible. I have to say, I’m extremely impressed. To think you were struggling with the dance just a week ago. Ms. Park really did an incredible job with you.”


Speaking of Ms. Park…

I didn’t want to make it too obvious, so I subtly looked around for Ms. Park.

Where is she?

She DID see my performance, right?


Why do I even care?

I don’t care

I’m not supposed to care

Whatever. Now that this was done, one to one lessons with her were over.



Suddenly, I felt someone cough softly behind me.

It was Ms. Park

“That was…” she began, biting her lip. “good…You really did well…” She looked like she was using all her willpower to compliment me. Then she cracked a small smile, a really tiny one, in my direction, before looking down at her feet awkwardly.


It was until now when I realized that I had been taking that smile for granted all this time.

Ever since she came, she had been smiling non-stop. Back then, I had found it incredibly annoying. Sickening sweet. Disgusting.

Until I saw her poker-face

When she didn’t smile, she looked almost scary. Her eyes became dead, and her entire face became lifeless.

So when she flashed that same smile again, my insides suddenly just soared. When she smiled, her entire face would light up. Her cheeks would turn slightly pink, and her eyes would twinkle as well. She would look extremely sweet…


“Thank you.” I smiled back. “It’s thanks to you that I managed to do so well. You’re…you’re a good teacher.” I admitted hesitantly, wondering if she still remembered how I declared that I didn’t need her help at all that night.

Then I considered apologizing for my behavior to her. I wanted to, actually. I honestly, truly felt bad about it now. After all, she HAD indeed helped me greatly. I owed her big time. And to think I claimed that I would never need her help.

But…I just couldn’t…I wanted to, but my stubborn pride wouldn’t let me.


She immediately blushed, and looked down again. “Thank you…” she murmured, trying to suppress another smile upon hearing the rare compliment from me.

Then we looked at each other, and smiled, wider this time.


I didn’t have to apologize to let her know that I was sorry. And she didn’t have to say anything to let me know that I was forgiven.


A simple smile was enough


Communicating without words…where have I done this before?


Managed to make time to update :D thank me kekeke! I did it just for you guys <3 So show your love and comment, okayy :DDDD 

Gomawo~ See you again the next time I update!

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Queenka94 #1
Chapter 40: Omg. The plote twist.......yahh!!! Author-nim~~!!!! Noooooooo. Ugh. UGHhhH!!
Queenka94 #2
Uwahhhhh!! I can't wait!! This sounds soo exciting. Haha, I feel like saying "itadakimasu" ..except a different version...for reading. You know. Lol (=^.^=) hehe xD
Chapter 58: Oh my god!!! Im going crazy!! *sing go crazy song*...This fanfic is jinjja daebak! I love this story~ If you don't mind please make a sequel?
ennykitty #4
Chapter 58: This story was awesome!!!
Chapter 59: I loved this story so much!!!
Chapter 9: I hate woohyun here. Sorry, inspirit. You just changed 'my' name, u said tht my parents die when I was a baby. And u separate me with my seobie //uglysobs// bye. Ive got class tomorrow and need to sleep now. Night.
Chapter 58: Aww such a sweet ending!!! >.< loved it!!
New reader 
Chapter 58: I'll miss this. TT-TT
Good Job. author nim. Thanks for giving this great fanfic. :')
waiting for ur future B2ST and Yoseob fanfic. :)
b2utyoseobbie #10
Chapter 58: the end T^T
i will miss this story
it's a great story>_<