Ch. 17- I Remember

Grab Onto Your Heart

Sungyeol's POV:

" I... Can we got to the dance studio to talk about this. I don't want the others to hear what I'm going to say."

" Really? Whatever. Let's go then."

I headed out of the dorm first and went to the dance studio. I wanted to come here because I don't want the others to hear what I'm going to say. Even if they are listening to their music or are deep asleep, I still don't want them to know. Once we were in the dance studio, I took a few more breaths before I told him. This is the moment I tell him, and the moment where everything will be finally cleared. I can finally tell him what I have wanted to say since the day I saw him at the company.

" So, what do you want to tell me?" I walked a bit closer to him and grabbed his hand. I intertwined our fingers, and everything just felt so right. I miss this, I miss us.

" Sungyeol, what are you doing?"

" Just listen to me Myungsoo. Don't say anything and just listen." I looked at him and he nodded his head in reply. I took one more deep breath and I could already feel the tears coming.

" What I wanted to say is that I remember."

" Wait! What-"

" Myungsoo!"

" S-Sorry."

" Anyways, I remember everything Myungsoo. I remembered everything four years ago. I remembered a year after you left for the states. I don't know how my memories came back, but I remember reading a letter from a person called Myungsoo. As I read that letter, tears were falling down from my face. I was confused as to why I was crying over some letter from a person I don't remember. Then as I kept on reading it said there was a box of memories for me in my closet. So I did as what the letter told me to do and when I found the box: more tears fell. No matter how much I tried wiping them away, the tears kept on falling. When I opened the box, there were pictures of me and another person. There also letters from that person to me, and me to that person. All of a sudden my head started to hurt and my memories came back all of a sudden. Right after that I had a emotional breakdown because I realized that you weren't beside me anymore. I didn't realize that when I was with Woohyun, there was a piece of me missing. I tried so hard to find it, but I never could. I'm so sorry Myungsoo. I'm sorry that I forgot about you. I put you through so much pain. I love you, I miss you Myungsoo... I miss us. Myungsoo?"

Myungsoo was staring at me with blank eyes. All of a sudden he pulled his hand from mine and turned his back to me. He started to walk away from me, and I started to panic. I quickly grabbed his arm, spun him around, and pulled him into a hug. I held onto him as tightly as I could so he couldn't run away. This time I wasn't going to lose him. This time I am going to hold onto him no matter what. I can't let him leave this time. I just can't.

" Myungsoo, please say something, anything. Just don't leave again."

" Sungyeol..." I looked at him with hope in my eyes, but his were blank still; void of all emotion.

" Yes, Myungsoo?"

" Is what you are saying true? Have you already remembered me? Us? Do you truly remember everything?" I nodded my head. I unwrapped my arms from his body and placed them on his cheeks.

" Yes, I'm being honest here. I remember you confessed to me and kissed me without getting a reply first. I remember the day on my birthday you took me to the park where you decorated the trees with light up stars. I remember everything, Myungsoo. Please believe me." Tears were now falling down my face and so was Myungsoo. I wiped away his tears and he did the same to me.

" You do remember everything. I-"

" What are the both of you doing?" We both turned around to see Sunggyu-hyung standing by the door. It looked like he was crying because his eyes were puffy and red. Then we realized that our hands were at each other's face so we dropped them immediately.

" I said, what are you two doing in the dance studio? Myungsoo, care to explain?" He looked at me and there was a faint smile. Was that supposed to be a reassuring smile? Or ' I am sorry' smile? Myungsoo turned his back on me and walked towards Sunggyu-hyung. I took a step forward to stop him but he looked back at me. Another smile but this time I could see feelings in his eyes. I stopped myself and smiled back at him.

" We weren't doing anything. Sungyeol just asked me to come down here to look for something he forgot. What are you doing here Sunggyu-hyung?"

" I forgot my phone." Sunggyu-hyung brushed pass me as he went to get his phone. Then he walked pass me again. He didn't spare me a glance, and then they both walked out of the studio. I sighed to myself and then followed them.

When I got to my room I shared with Sungjong and Hoya, I was glad that they weren't awake. At least they wouldn't bother me as to why I was still awake and not asleep. I laid in my bed and stared at the ceiling. I reached up and touched the light up stars that I put on the ceiling. One day after practice, I was looking through my drawers and saw a small package. When I took it out, I noticed the package had light up stars in it. I decided to put the stars on the ceiling where I my bed was so that I could remember everyday of that night on my birthday.

I was getting tired so I finally went to sleep. I could finally sleep peacefully knowing that I told Myungsoo that I remembered. My heart felt a bit lighter, but I wasn't able to hear his answer. I wasn't able to hear if he still loves me or not. If only Sunggyu-hyung hadn't barge in like that. Though I don't know if I'm ready to hear Myungsoo's answer. I'm afraid that he will say he doesn't love me anymore. I'm afraid that he hates me.

Myungsoo, please don't hate me. I will do anything to have you fall in love with me again. Just don't say you hate me... Please...


Sunggyu's POV:

I was in my bed thinking about Sungyeol and Myungsoo. I heard their whole entire conversation. It means that Sungyeol remembers everything about Myungsoo then. Will Myungsoo go back to Sungyeol knowing now that he remembers? Or will he keep his promise to not look back at the past. I know Myungsoo is still in pain from what happened five years ago, and I don't think by what Sungyeol said would make him forgive him. Since Sungyeol remembers everything, does that mean Woohyun and Sungyeol broke up after one year we left?

" Sunggyu-hyung?" I jumped at the sound of Woohyun's voice. I slowly looked over to see if Woohyun was awake. His eyes were still closed so it seemed like he was sleep talking. Unconciously I reached over to touch his cheek and I smiled bitterly.

Woohyun, did you enjoy your time with Sungyeol while we were gone? Did you even think of Myungsoo and I? Did you ever think of me?

" Sunggyu-hyung, I'm sorry."

I pulled my hand away immediately, but it got stopped. Woohyun was holding onto my hand tightly, and now I wasn't sure if he was really asleep or not. I tried pulling my hand away, but no matter how many times I did, it wouldn't budge. I sighed to myself and decided to give up. I wasn't going to waste my energy to try to pull my hand away if it only was going to be futile. I laid there on my bed as Woohyun is holding onto my hand. I was starting to fall asleep from what happened today. Sometimes I wish time could stop, like right now, and everything would be okay. Everything would be okay.


The next day...


" Sunggyu-hyung, wake up. It's time for our morning run." I opened my groggy eyes and noticed that Woohyun wasn't holding my hand. To be more exact he wasn't in bed anymore. I tried sitting up but all of a sudden my head started to hurt. I clenched my head in pain and then I noticed that I was drenched in sweat.

" Hyung, are you alright? You don't look so good." Dongwoo placed his hand on my forehead and gasped.

" Hyung, you are burning! You shouldn't try to move today! You need to get your rest." I shook my head. I wasn't going to bring down the group because I am sick. 

" No, I'm fine. I can practice today. Also don't tell the other members, okay?"

" B-But-"

" Dongwoo." I gave him a stern stare and he backed off.

" Okay, but don't push yourself too hard. If you need anything just tell me."

I nodded my head and he left the room. Firstly, I need to get changed out of these clothes. Maybe it must have been that I was running around the park last night and crying at the same time. Maybe it's not a good idea to do that next time. Once I changed out of my clothes then I went to the living room where everybody else was already waiting for me. I made sure to avoid all contact with Woohyun too. Then when I looked around for Myungsoo because I needed to talk to him, he was already walking to the car with Sungyeol. It was early in the morning so I didn't want to do anything that will make me look like a bad leader.

When we got to the river, Dongwoo and Hoya were the first ones already running along with Sungjong. Woohyun and Sungyeol were running together while Myungsoo was a few steps ahead of me. I know he would look over his shoulders to check if I was okay and then I would smile at him. I didn't want him to worry since I'm sick, and he would get mad that I didn't tell him. As long as he doesn't realize that I'm sick then it's fine.

As we were running, I tripped over my own feet, and I scrapped my palms on the ground. Nobody noticed that I tripped so I quickly stood up and brushed off the gravel that got onto my palms. When I did that, I felt a sting from it, and realized that I got a few cuts on my palms. I pulled down my sleeves just incase the other members see it. After a couple more steps, my vision was starting to get blurry. My breathing was becoming irregular and my head was hurting. I stopped running to catch my breath and once it was a bit better, I started to run again. Though soon it happened all over again. I out all of a sudden and fell to the ground.

" Sunggyu-hyung!"


" Move out of my way! Sunggyu, are you okay?"

Woohyun? Is that Woohyun?

I felt myself being lift up. There was a lot of noise all around me, but I couldn't make it out.

" You will be alright Sunggyu. I will take care of you."


Back at the dorm...


I felt something wet touch my forehead as I opened my eyes. Everything was blurry at first but then I started to make some things out. A person's face was right in my face and I sat up immediately causing me to hit their head.

" Ow! I didn't know you had such a hard forehead!"

" W-Woohyun? What are you doing?"

" What else does it look like to you? I'm taking care of you of course!"

" W-What? What happened?" He pressed the wet towel on my forehead again.

" You fainted because you have a high fever. Why didn't you tell any of us?" I pushed his hand away and stood up.

" Because I'm the leader. Where are the other members?"

" Manager-hyung decided to do recording today instead of dance practice. Hyung, you shouldn't move around. You are still sick."

" I'm fine. I just need something to drink." I tried taking another step but then I fell to the floor. Woohyun ran to me and helped me up.

" Why are you trying to push yourself!? You need to rest! Please listen to me for once!" I laughed. I laughed because he actually wanted me to listen to him. Why should I since he never listened to me.

" Why should I listen to you? You never listened to me so I don't have to listen to you."

" Sunggyu..." I was about to open the door but then I was pulled away. I felt my back hit the bed and my arms were pinned above my head. I tried to squirm my way out but I was too weak to.

" Woohyun, get off of me at this instance!"

" At this instance? Really? Why should I listen to you?" He let go of me and then left the room. I just laid there and without knowing it: tears started to fall. I brought my hands to my face to stop crying but they kept on falling.

Why are you crying you idiot! You shouldn't be crying over something like this! S-Stop crying... It hurts. It hurts so much.

I heard the door open and footsteps coming close to me. My hands were torn from my face and I felt something cold touch my lips. I pushed away whatever it was, but it kept on being pushed to my lips.

" Sunggyu, you said you wanted to drink water. I got water for you so drink, okay?" I shook my head. I felt so weak not because of my stupid fever but because of him.

" I-I don't want it anymore. I feel fine."

" You don't know what you are saying."

" I said I'm fine! Just leave me alone! You already did that to me once so you could do it to me plenty more times." I felt the cup of water touch my lips again and I pushed it away again. It kept on going like that until I heard him sigh.

" Fine. Since you won't drink from the cup, then I will force you another way." My eyes flew wide open, but it was too late.

" Woo-"

His lips were pressed against mine, and I felt him trying to open my lips. I wouldn't let him, though. After a couple more tries, he was able to open my mouth I felt water being passed from his mouth to mine. I swallowed the water and then he did it again. He kept on doing it until it got to the last ounce of water. This time, though, he didn't stop. His lips lingered on mine for a few more seconds, and then he started to pull away. I don't know what I was thinking, but then all of a sudden I pulled his face back to mine. Our lips crashed together but neither of us moved. Tears streamed down my face and I slowly pulled away from him. Woohyun's face was fill with shock, but was it bad shock or good? More tears fell down when Woohyun didn't say anything, and I was getting really tired. My hand dropped from his face, and my eyes started to close on me. I fought hard against them but I was just so tired that I gave up right away.


Woohyun's POV:


I was still shocked as to what just happened. I kissed Sunggyu without knowing it and then he pulled me down for another kiss. When I felt his hand drop from my face, my heart dropped a litle bit too. I looked down to see Sunggyu sleeping with a pained expression on his face. I sighed to myself as to what I just did to him. Carefully, I laid him down on my bed and pulled the blanket up to his chest. I brushed away his wet bangs and smiled at him. There was still a tingly feeling to my lips from the kiss. Then I noticed that Sunggyu's lips were bleeding a little bit from when I tried to make him open his mouth. I grabbed the wet towel and dabbed it at his lips. I sighed to myself once again at how idiotic I was being.

" Sunggyu, what are you doing to me?"

I stood up and went to put the cup into the sink. I went back to the bedroom and sat next to him. I went through his drawer seeing if he has any medicine for fevers, but there wasn't anything that would help him. Then when I turned around, I saw something shiny by his pillow. I looked at Sunggyu making sure he wasn't awake, and picked up the shiny thing. My eyes widened because it was the locket I bought Sunggyu for his birthday. Slowly, I opened the locket to make sure if it was the locket I bought for his birthday. There it was: the picture of Sunggyu and I at our middle school graduation. I laughed to myself not because of the picture, but at how happy we were back then. If only we can go back to those days.

" Woohyun..." I quickly threw the locket under his pillow, and turned around. It seemed like he was still asleep but just sleep talking. I crawled over to him and touched his forehead and touched mine. 

" You are still warm." I stood up from the floor to go see if we have any other medicine in the cabinets, but a whine stopped me.

" I-It's cold..." I sighed to myself for the nth time. I went to grab his blanket from his bed and placed it over him. Then I went to the other side of him and laid down next to him. I slid under the blankets and hesistantly wrapped my arms around his waist.

" What are you doing to me to make me do these things?" Sunggyu turned around and now his face was snuggled up against my chest. During these times he can actually be cute without trying. I remember that he would try to do aegyo on me to make me happy. Now that I think about it, he would do some of the most random things to make smile and laugh.

" It hurts..." On instinct I brought him closer to me. I patted his head and pulled him closer to me. His shivering stopped now and his breathing was getting calmer.

" Woohyun... It hurts..." I didn't know what else to do so I kissed his forehead. My thumb brushed his cheeks and then my eyes landed at his lips. Those lips that I tasted looked so inviting. He is sleeping he shouldn't feel it. Slowly, my lips found his, and then I quickly pulled away. It left another tingly feeling to my lips again and warmth radiated throughout my body.

Seriously, what are you doing to me?


Dongwoo's POV:


We just came back from recording, and went straight to Sunggyu-hyung's and Woohyun's room. I threw the door opend and was about to yell, but then I saw the two of them peacefully sleeping. I smiled at them and mouthed goodnight. I quietly closed the door and went to my room. I quickly changed into some sweats and ran to the dance studio. When I got there, Hoya was already waiting for me to practice. We practiced our song repeatedly until we both got tired.

" Hyung, what do you think that was about yesterday? Do you know something?" I shook my head.

" No, I don't. I don't know what happened last night. I don't know why Sunggyu-hyung went on an outburst like that. I just hope that it never happens again. Though it did seem like Woohyun and Sunggyu-hyung made up."

" Really? How do you know?"

" I saw them sleeping together on Woohyun's bed. And you know Woohyun doesn't easily let others sleep on his bed."

" That's good. So..." I looked up at Hoya was getting really close to me. Then he pushed me against the wall and pinned my arms above me.

" H-Hoya, what are you doing?"

" I missed you, hyung. Because of practice and everything, we haven't had time to ourselves."

" I-I know, but what can we do? We are idols after all." He let go of my arms and wrapped them around my waist. His chin was resting on my shoulders and I wrapped my arms around him. It feels nice being in his arms.

" Dongwoo-hyung, I know I don't say this a lot... But I love you so much." A smile spread across my face. I pulled away from him and stared into his eyes. I slowly got closer to him and our lips touched.

" I love you too."





(A/N: Decided to add a little bit of Yadong in this chapter. But yeah I decided to update today since I had a lot of time than I thought! Anyways I have a question. If I were to write a Myungyeol fic but it would be like supernatural/fantasy, would you read it? Because I never really wrote those type of genres before, so yeah. I probably won't write it until I'm done with either this one or Dancing Butterflies so yeah. Anyways, thanks for reading, suscribing, and commenting! All of you are the best! Until then!)


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701 streak #1
Chapter 2: woohyun is an idiot!
701 streak #2
Chapter 1: started reading 😁
Chapter 26: rereading this and still hating woohyun so much in this fic.gotta have to read a fic with a whipped woohyun now.
Chapter 34: I love the story..
Vanja77 #5
This story is great ;)
kisanet73 #6
Chapter 34: this was soooooo great!!!
thank you for such great story.
khasabat #7
Chapter 34: Ahh- i so happy for them-
In begining i am so upset and angry for Woohyun because their selfsh make distand and pain for Myungsoo and Yeolie!
But i gland they move on and comeback for rise their sweet relationship!
God job author- i like your storys
Chapter 34: In the middle of the story I was about to comment on how I hate it to see sunggyu being so stupid for holding onto woohyun and for woohyun to play around with sunggyu even when he's not sure of his feelings.he pushed and hurt sunggyu twice in the story!can't help being mad at my babygyu for still accepting him.
But well towards the end u kinda ....kindaaa made it up hahaha
Chapter 34: Wow this took me so long to finish but its worth it. Its was breath taking. Im happy they found their lost heart back wow that was too cheesy~ kekeke ♡. Thanks authornim for this wonderful fic!!!
honeyplum #10
Chapter 34: awww so sweet ^^