Ch. 18- To Forget

Grab Onto Your Heart

Myungsoo's POV:

It has been a week since Sungyeol revealed that he remembered everything. Ever since then, I have been avoiding him too. The reason why is because I needed my space from him and I have to think about what he said. Sungyeol said that he misses me, us, and he still loves me. The pain hasn't disappeared, though. There is this whole in my heart from five years ago, and it won't disappear. No matter how many times I think over Sungyeol's words, all I could think about is the pain five years ago. It won't ever leave my heart or mind. I'm just confused as what I should do or shouldn't do. I either give Sungyeol another chance or...forget about him and continue on with our lives. Though deep in my heart I know what I truly want.

" Myungsoo, are you okay?" I jumped by the person's voice which caused me to snap out of my thoughts. I looked up from where I was to see Sunggyu-hyung peering down at me.

" I'm okay. How about you? I heard you fever went down the next day last week." Red flashed across Sunggyu-hyung's cheeks, and I was curious as to why. Did something happen to Sunggyu-hyung that I don't know about?

" I'm doing fine too. Just a bit tired from practice. Here." He held out a water bottle for me and I gladly took it. I examined the room as I drank out of the water bottle, and noticed that Sungyeol wasn't in the practice room.

" Hyung, where did Sungyeol go to?"

" Manager-hyung said that he had to go film. He will be home later tonight." I nodded my head and handed back his water bottle back to him. I got up from the floor and moved to my spot for the song.

" Alright everybody! Let's continue on with practice!" Sunggyu-hyung turned back on the music and we began to dance again. We danced and danced until we couldn't feel our legs anymore.


After practice...


After dance practice, I asked Sunggyu-hyung if he could go on a walk with me. I needed to ask him some things and I needed answers right away. In my state of mind: I'm confused as to what I should do. Deep in my heart I want to be with Sungyeol, but then I don't want to break Sunggyu-hyung's promise. I feel like that if I break the promise then Sunggyu-hyung would be disappointed with me. I don't want him to be disappointed or mad. Sometimes I wonder if Sunggyu-hyung wonders what it would be like to be with Woohyun. Over the time we have practiced together, I could tell Sunggyu-hyung is trying to distance himself from Woohyun and build a barrier between them. All I want is for the two of us to be happy. Is that hard to ask for?

" Myungsoo, what did you want to talk about?" I took a deep, long breath and prepared myself as to what I was going to say.

" Sunggyu-hyung, what would you say if Sungyeol got his memories back?" Sunggyu-hyung stopped all of a sudden and I had to stop with him too.

" What did you say?"

" I said what if Sungyeol got his memories back? What would you say about it?" Silence befell on us and it felt like a hundred years until he spoke.

" Why? Why Myungsoo? Would you go back to him if his memories came back?"

" Sunggyu-hyung..."

" Myungsoo, I don't want you to get hurt again. You were sad for such a long time because of him! I don't want you to get hurt again! Besides, you promised me to not look back." I clenched my fists but he is right. Sunggyu-hyung is right that I was in pain because of Sungyeol. It wasn't just Sungyeol though, it was because of Woohyun too.

" I know. I know that I was in pain because of what happened five years ago! Don't you understand me too!? You were also in pain too but you decided to push all of it inside of you! You didn't shed a tear but held in the pain... I don't want you to be like this anymore. Sunggyu-hyung...?" A sigh escaped his lips and I watch his face harden.

" I didn't cry because I had to be the strong one for us. I couldn't let myself be weak, and I couldn't let others into my heart. Wait... Is there a reason as to why you are asking me this? It couldn't be right?"

No, this isn't good. If he finds out Sungyeol regained his memories...

" S-Sunggyu-hyung, wait, please listen to-"

He ran off before I could even finish. He was running towards the direction of the dorm, and I ran as fast as possible as my legs would let me. This isn't going to end up well if something happens to Sungyeol. Sunggyu-hyung must have realized that Sungyeol regained his memories. I'm such a fool to tell him these things because I know Sunggyu-hyung is smart. For now, I can't let any harm come to the two of them.

I opened the door to the dorm, but they weren't there. I went to the dance studio, and right in front of me was Sunggyu-hyung grabbing onto Sungyeol's shirt.


Sunggyu's POV:


I entered the dorm, went to Sungyeol's room and luckily he was in there. I pulled Sungyeol out of the room, and dragged him to the dance studio. I shoved him towards the front of the room, and I slowly walked up to him. Then I harshly grabbed onto his shirt and peered into his eyes. There was a glint of fear in his eyes, and I realized that what I was doing was wrong.

" S-Sunggyu-hyung, I'm sorry for whatever I have done. Please let me go."

" Sungyeol, tell me one thing, and you have to say the truth or else." He nodded his head at me and I proceeded.

" Sungyeol, did you already regain your memories back?" His eyes widened as to what I said and I knew I hit the spot.

" Y-Yes."

" Since when?"

" A year after you left."

" I see. I can't let you hurt Myungsoo again. I can't let you hurt anybody else. I will protect Myungsoo even if it means the two of you can't be with each other. The scars that are still left are deeper than you think. You wouldn't understand at all." Then all of a sudden I felt something wet on my hands. I looked at Sungyeol and noticed that he was crying.

" I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to lose my memories! I didn't mean to hurt Myungsoo like that! I didn't mean to hurt anybody! I-I'm so sorry..." The tears wouldn't stop falling no matter what. A pang of guilt rushed over me and I softened my grip on him. 

" S-Sungyeol, please stop-" Before I knew it, I was pushed away and I felt my head and whole body hit the mirrors. I heard glass crack, and I fell to the ground. The pain in my head was excruciating, and I felt something warm drip from the side of my head.

" Woohyun-hyung, what are you doing! You shouldn't have pushed Sunggyu-hyung like that!"

Woohyun? Why is he here?

" But he was hurting you! He was making you cry! Did you not notice your own tears falling down your face!?"

" W-Woohyun-hyung..."

" Sunggyu-hyung!"

Myungsoo's voice? He must have seen Sungyeol and I then. Haha. What a horrible hyung I am. I'm the person who is only hurting everybody. They must hate me now.

I tried to stand up, but my body wouldn't listen to me. My vision was getting blurry, and I feel like I was losing my mind. I looked up at them and their expressions changed from mad to worry. I don't know why though. They hate me so why are they worried? Maybe they are feeling pity for me. That has to be it. Another pang came to my head like a bullet again, and it was getting a bit worse.

" Sungyeol, go get manager-hyung right now!" Sungyeol left the room while Myungsoo got closer to me and helped me up. When I looked at him he was worried too. I couldn't help but laugh.

" Haha. You know Myungsoo, the truth is, I was actually jealous of Sungyeol. I was jealous because he got all of the attention from my bestfriend and the person I loved. It hurts you know. It's quite painful to be the one who isn't needed. I pretended like I was okay with everything when I really wasn't. I did shed tears when nobody was looking. I'm a horrible person aren't I? Woohyun and you still have Sungyeol in your guys' hearts. From the beginning I was never needed..."

" Sunggyu-hyung, that's not true! Woohyun, say something dammit!" Woohyun was standing there, but I couldn't see his face. I couldn't tell if he was angry, worried, or maybe even happy. I walked pass by Myungsoo and towards Woohyun. I placed a hand on his cheek and tears were beginning to stream down my face.

" Sunggyu, you shouldn't move-"

" Shut up Woohyun! Just shut up so I can forget you! I want to forget everything about you yet why is it so hard? Why? Why did you have to barge back into my life again!? Tell me... Why? You hurt me so much emotionally, mentally, and physically. I wish that I could just forget everything about you. I hate you so much." I wrapped my arms around his neck and gently whispered into his ear.

" Yet I still only have you in my heart." Then everything black out and I could feel myself slowly falling down. Somebody must have caught me because I didn't feel my body hit the ground.



At the hospital...


Woohyun's POV:


We have been waiting for the doctor to tell us about Sunggyu's situation. All of the members and manager-hyungs were here. Sungyeol and Myungsoo were sitting next to each other, and I couldn't help but notice that they were holding hands. Hoya was comforting Dongwoo-hyung who was comforting Sungjong. Then there was me who is sitting by themself because I'm the one who put Sunggyu in the hospital.

It's my fault this happened. If only I hadn't pushed him so hard then he wouldn't have hit his head. All of this is my fault. I'm the one who left Sunggyu by himself. I didn't even noticed that he felt so lonely even when all four of us were together.

" Hello?" All of our heads flew up to see the doctor come out of the room. We all stood, but I was the slowest one out of all of them. The reason why: I was afraid as to what is Sunggyu's diagnosis.

" Are you the doctor?"

" Yes I am. I guess you are all related to Sunggyu-sshi somehow. Well, it seems like his symtoms are fine. There aren't any brain damage, but because of the head impact from the mirrors, it did cause him to have a concussion. We still have to do more tests to make sure nothing else is wrong so he will have to stay here for a few more days. You can go see him but right now he is sleeping."

" We understand. Thank you for everything." We all bowed to him and headed towards Sunggyu's room. Everyone else went in first while I stayed in the back. When it got to be my turn to see him, I froze up. Sunggyu-hyung was sleeping on the bed, bandages around his head, and a respirator around his mouth. His skin was so pale that it looked ghostly. I know that he wasn't dying, but just looking at him right now made it look like he was at the last second of his life.

" Excuse me?" We turned around to see the nurse behind us.

" Yes?"

" I was wondering if one of you could stay behind for the patient?" We all looked at each other, and then I volunteered myself.

" I will do it." Everybody looked at me and couldn't believe that I would actually do especially after what happened.

" Okay sounds good to me! Also visiting hours are over so only he can stay behind. If everybody else could get out of the room..." One by one they left the room, and then Myungsoo came up towards me.

" You better make it up to Sunggyu-hyung when he wakes up. I won't forgive you until you do."

" I'm sorry." He shook his head at me.

" The one who you should say sorry to is Sunggyu-hyung not me." Then he left the room along with everybody else. I pulled up a chair next to his bed and grabbed his hand.

" I'm sorry Sunggyu. I'm so sorry. I know you can't hear me, but I regret everything. All of this is my fault. If only I hadn't pushed you so hard that you hurt your head against the mirror then you wouldn't be here. I-I'm so sorry. P-Please, please, please wake up."

Tears streamed down my face onto his hand. I stood up and kissed his forehead. Then I went to grab the extra blanket from the closet, but I noticed his necklace on the table. I grabbed the necklace from the table and opened it up. The picture of our middle school graduation was still in there and I couldn't help but laugh to myself. I couldn't help it because behind Sunggyu's smile, he was probably holding in his tears. Even after five years, he still carried this necklace. After everything that happened, he still had me in his heart.

Why couldn't I have fallen in love with Sunggyu instead of Sungyeol? Wouldn't everything be better then?

I put down the necklace and went to lay on the couch. I pulled the blanket over my body and laid on my side so I was facing Sunggyu. I could see is chest go up and down signaling he is still alive. My eyes began to close on me, but I didn't want to fall asleep. I wanted to watch over Sunggyu, I wanted to make sure nothing happens to him, and I want to be with him the whole time.

" Sunggyu, I'm sorry..."



The next day....


Sungyeol's POV:


Today manager-hyung told us we have the day off. After what happened yesterday, he wanted all of us to reflect on ourselves. Whether or not we had something to do with it or not, we had to reflect upon ourselves. Right now I'm in the dance studio sitting in front of the mirrors. I kept on staring at the broken mirror and the area where the shards from the mirror that were sweeped up this morning. I closed my eyes for a few minutes until I heard the door open. I turned around and Myungsoo was standing by the door. I got up from where I was and made my way to him. 

" Myungsoo? Is there something you need?"

" Let's go out right now. I need fresh air." I agreed with him and nodded my head. He handed me a hat and he wore one too. We headed out of the studio and went towards the park. Luckily there weren't tons of people walking in the park. I wanted to be with Myungsoo, just us two.

As we were walking around the park, we decided to go get something to eat instead. We ate this barbeque place, and we ate tons of meat. Right now we didn't care about our diet and just ate and ate. We stuffed ourselves till we were full and we paid the bill half and half. Before we knew it, it was already dark. The manager-hyungs and other members were probably going to worry about us so we decided to walk around the park for a little bit.

We stopped by a bench and sat down for a little bit. It was silent between us, actually the whole entire time we haven't spoke a word to each other. It wasn't awkward either, but I think we just needed each others presence. After what happened yesterday, all of us were in a jumble without our leader. I looked up at the lamppost that was shining on us, and then looked up at the sky. The night sky was empty without it's glimmering stars, and somehow it felt a bit lonely. It feels like it has been such a long time since I have seen the stars properly. Though my favorite stars will always be the ones from Myungsoo.

" Sungyeol..." I looked away from the night sky towards Myungsoo.

" Yeah?"

" I don't think we shouldn't do this anymore." My heart stopped beating for a second. What did he mean we 'shouldn't do this anymore?'

" W-What do you mean?"

" You know exactly what I mean. Woohyun is still obviously in love with you because he pushed Sunggyu-hyung away from you. He didn't even care that Sunggyu-hyung was crying! I don't think I can leave Sunggyu-hyung in a state like that. When we were in the States, he was the one who always comforted me and protected me. He never cried in front of me, and always tried to make me forget. Yet, I haven't done anything for him. In order to repay him, I think it would be best if we didn't get together." Myungsoo stood up and walked a few steps foward. I did the same and hugged him from behind.

" Myungsoo, please, don't say that. You know I still love you. I don't love Woohyun-hyung! The one I love is you!" He turned around and hugged me. His arms wrapped around my body perfectly, and a tears escaped from my eyes.

" I know you do, but this is for the best."

" Can I ask you something Myungsoo?" He pulled me in closer to him and my heart started to beat irratically.

" Do you still love me?" It was silent for a few seconds, but then he said the four words I wanted to hear in such a long time.

" I still love you."


The next day at the hosiptal....


Nobody's POV:

Everybody were back at the hospital because of the news that they received: Sunggyu woke up. They all scrambled to his room and soon the entire room was pact. Sunggyu was sitting on the bed looking everybody with a confused look. He was confused as to why everybody was smiling or had looks of relief. He was even more confused as to what happened and why he is in the hospital.

" W-Why am I here?"

" You suffered from a head injury and ended up here. Hyung, we were all worried." Sungjong spoke up first to Sunggyu and then placed the new flowers into the vase.

" S-Sunggyu-hyung..." Everybody made some space for Woohyun to come in. Sunggyu looked at him with a confused look too.

" Sunggyu-hyung, are you okay?"

" I feel okay, but I have something to ask." Woohyun nodded his head to continue on, but there was a tug in heart that felt like something bad was going to happen.

" Actually, I don't remember who any of you are."

Everything froze for a second until the sound of a breaking vase exploded throughout the room. Their manager went to grab the doctor while everybody else surround his bed. They kept asking him questions, but it didn't jog up any of his memory. The one who was greatly affected was Woohyun. He stood there not knowing what just happened, and his heart shattered into a million pieces.

What just happened?





(A/N: Hey everybody! Finally updated! OMG did you guys watch Sunggyu's MV! So fricken amazing! The mv was so sad though! Myungsoo crying was so sad! Support Sunggyu's solo album okay! Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter even though it had mostly drama and agnst in it! Anyways, thanks for reading, suscribing, and commenting! Until next time! P.S Sorry if there are any mistakes that I missed!)




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701 streak #1
Chapter 2: woohyun is an idiot!
701 streak #2
Chapter 1: started reading 😁
Chapter 26: rereading this and still hating woohyun so much in this fic.gotta have to read a fic with a whipped woohyun now.
Chapter 34: I love the story..
Vanja77 #5
This story is great ;)
kisanet73 #6
Chapter 34: this was soooooo great!!!
thank you for such great story.
khasabat #7
Chapter 34: Ahh- i so happy for them-
In begining i am so upset and angry for Woohyun because their selfsh make distand and pain for Myungsoo and Yeolie!
But i gland they move on and comeback for rise their sweet relationship!
God job author- i like your storys
Chapter 34: In the middle of the story I was about to comment on how I hate it to see sunggyu being so stupid for holding onto woohyun and for woohyun to play around with sunggyu even when he's not sure of his feelings.he pushed and hurt sunggyu twice in the story!can't help being mad at my babygyu for still accepting him.
But well towards the end u kinda ....kindaaa made it up hahaha
Chapter 34: Wow this took me so long to finish but its worth it. Its was breath taking. Im happy they found their lost heart back wow that was too cheesy~ kekeke ♡. Thanks authornim for this wonderful fic!!!
honeyplum #10
Chapter 34: awww so sweet ^^