Ch. 2- The Love Story That Hasn't Started

Grab Onto Your Heart

(A/N: This chapter will be at the end of their last year of middle school to the first year of high school.)


Myungsoo's POV:


" Myungie!" I felt somebody jump right onto my body, and I fell straight to the floor. I pushed the person off of me and rubbed my nose in pain.

" Yah! Lee Sungyeol! Stop doing that to me or else I will have to get a nose job someday because of you!"

" Aww! I'm sorry! Here let me help you!" His lips touched my nose in a second and I could feel my face get hot. I looked away when our eyes met and I stood up. Without helping him, I started to walk to my classroom, well actually our classroom. All four of us have the same classroom, and ironically today was the day before the graduation ceremony from middle school. There was no class today since graduation was close, and all for of us decided to go there for break. We were getting the gym ready for tomorrow, and Sungyeol here keeps on bothering me.

" Hurry up! Remember Sunggyu-hyung and Woohyun wanted us to go the classroom!?"

" Wait for me!" He grabbed for my hand and intertwined our fingers.

Sungyeol likes skinship and recently he has been initiating skinship between the two of us. We walked to our classroom like this, well we go to our classroom like this everday since we became good friends. I still can't believe that it's our last year of middle school and then we would be going to high school soon. Luckily, all four of us are going to the same high school, and the thing is they have dorms! I couldn't wait to start high school because all of us will be together. We already got our dorm numbers and schedules, and I got to room with Sungyeol! Sunggyu-hyung is rooming with Woohyun, and I know for sure he is really happy. He told me that he is glad he got to room with Woohyun and not some stranger.

When we got to the classroom, Sunggyu-hyung and Woohyun weren't in the classroom. I sat down in my seat and Sungyeol sat in his. I laid my head on the desk and closed my eyes for a second. My nose still hurted when I face planted on the floor. Yet the pain did go away when Sungyeol kissed it, but it only disappeared for a second. Just one second! Anyways, I could feel somebody tapping my shoulder but I brushed them away. They wouldn't stop after a few minutes so I lifted my head up to see Sungyeol's face close to mine. I was mesmerized by the beauty of his face: from his eyes, to his cheeks, nose, and then finally his lips. The lips that curved into smiles, and the one that made me laugh. I didn't know what I was doing, I was leaning forward, but I heard somebody cough. Our heads flew towards the door to see Sunggyu-hyung and a not happy Woohyun.

" O-Oh, Woohyun! Is there something wrong?" He walked to us with crossed arms and grabbed Sungyeol by the collar.

" Lee Sungyeol, were you trying to take advantage of Myungsoo here? I didn't know you were sneaky like that." Behind that smile I felt something more bitter. Behind him was Sunggyu-hyung who was playing around with his fingers. Then we were being dragged out by Woohyun to help finish up the gym.

" Let me go, Woohyun!" I watched Sungyeol trying to squirm his way out of Woohyun's grasp. I tried to get out, but to no avail, I wasn't able to get out.

" No. You two need to help us finish. We have little left to do." We groaned as we walked to the gym. There was little left do so they could have finished it themselves. Why call for us?

Woohyun handed me some chairs and I went to place them in the rows. Sungyeol was complaining about the chairs being to heavy for him so I took the chairs from his hands. He tried taking them away from me, but I didn't let him. I just wanted to help him out because he is annoying when he whines, and I kind of wanted to look good in his eyes. You know, just as a friend. Right when I turned around, I saw something falling towards Sungyeol. I ran over to him, but I was too late. The other students ran over to them with me, and we pushed the rubbish from him. To my surprise, I saw Sunggyu-hyung covering Sungyeol's body. What I didn't expect to happen was when Woohyun pushed Sunggyu-hyung off of Sungyeol.

" Sungyeol! Are you okay!?" I was holding in my breath waiting for Sungyeol to open his eyes. Just then his body started to move and I let out the breath I was holding in. I came closer to examine him, and to my relief he wasn't hurt.

" W-What happened?"

" Some piles of rubbish fell on you. Luckily, Sunggyu protected you, by the way, where is he?" Woohyu was right. Where is Sunggyu-hyung? After he was pushed away, I haven't seen him. Then my eyes saw something red- blood. I got on my feet and followed the trail of blood droplets.


Sunggyu's POV:


" He didn't have to push me away." I was clutching my arm that got scratched by something when that pile of rubbish fell on Sungyeol and I. It wasn't serious, but it was still bleeding.

I opened the nurse's office to see nobody there. I sighed that the nurse couldn't help me. It was a pain looking for the first-aid kit since my arm hurt a lot. To stop the bleeding, I had to put a towel around my arm. Finally, I found the first-aid kit in a drawer and took out the necessities. Carefully, I pulled up my sleeve and took a cotten ball out. As I was wiping the rubbing alcohol on my arm, tears started to fall down. I quickly wiped away the tears, but they wouldn't stop. I know why, though. I know why I was crying. It wasn't because of the pain from my arm, but the pain in my heart. The pain in my heart was a lot worse than the pain from my arm.

" Sunggyu-hyung!" I felt somebody grip my shoulders tightly. I flinched in pain, but I looked at the person- it was Myungsoo.

" W-What are you doing here, Myungsoo-ah?" His hand gently touched the place where my arm was scratched.

" Hyung, you should have told me you were hurt. Here, let me help you." I just nodded and had him help me. He cleaned the it and then wrapped my arm up. When he was done, I rolled down my sleeve, and started to walk out. Myungsoo came with me too. We didn't speak, but I could feel that he wanted to say something.

" Just say it."

" W-Why were you crying?" I stopped in my tracks and stared deep into his eyes. It seemed like he got the message, and the both of us headed back to the gym. My heart broke a ittle bit, though. 

Right in front of me was Woohyun who was laughing with Sungyeol. I could tell Myungsoo was angry so I gripped his shoulder. He was about to say something but I shook my head for him to stop. It was over, and the good thing is that Sungyeol is okay. We were practically finished which means I wouldn't have to use my arm. I didn't want Sungyeol to worry about me because I know he would be guilty about what happened when it wasn't his fault. When my eyes met with Sungyeol, he ran over to me and hugged me. My arm flinched in pain because of the hug, but I masked the pain.

" Sunggyu, where were you? Are you okay?" I patted Sungyeol's head and smiled at him.

" I'm fine, Sungyeol-ah. Not hurt one bit!"

" That's good then! We are done, so how about we go do something before tomorrow? Let's go out to eat!" I nodded my head and he ran back to Woohyun. Woohyun and I made eye contact, and I could tell he was feeling guilty. I didn't feel like seeing him at the moment, so I turned around to get my stuff that was in the corner of the gym. As I was about to grab my backpack and blazer, somebody else grabbed it for me.

" Here." Woohyun was holding out my stuff, and I grabbed them from him.

" T-Thanks."

" I'm sorry."

" Sorry for what?"

" I shouldn't have pushed you away. It's just, I have known Sungyeol for such a long time, and seeing him like that made me worry a lot. I-I was worried about you too! So don't think that I only cared for just Sungyeol's safety." I couldn't really stay mad at Woohyun forever, so I hugged him. His body stiffened when I hugged him, but I didn't care. I like feeling his warmth pressed against my body.

" It's okay. I understand. Don't worry, I'm not made you or anything. I'm glad that you worry about your friends a lot. Now, how about we go out to eat?" I pulled away from the hug and walked back to Myungsoo and Sungyeol. From the sight of them, I felt like they had more feelings for each, but maybe I was just making assumptions.

After all of us grabbed our stuff, we left the school and went to go eat some ramyun. It was an enjoyable time being with them, but for some reason I feel like our future is just going to get harder. I know that we are entering high school, but this unsettling feeling wouldn't disappear. I had this feeling for like a month, and I wouldn't disappear no matter. That doesn't matter now, though. What matters is that I'm with my friends, and we were going to go to the same school. As long as I have them by my side, nothing else matters. Even if I can't have the person I love.


The next day.....


Sungyeol's POV:


Today was the day of our graduation! I was so excited this morning, that I was jumping around the house! I couldn't wait to get out of middle school and go into high school! I'm going to be rooming with Myungsoo too, and Sunggyu with Woohyun! High school is going to be so much fun with them. I'm glad I got to meet them on our first year of middle school. I wouldn't have been able to see a future without them. Weird isn't it? I think it's more weird that I'm more glad meeting Myungsoo more than Sunggyu. Whenever I'm with Myungsoo, my heart starts beating fast, my hands get sweaty, and I can't stop looking at him. Him being near me makes me go crazy!

" Lee Sungyeol." I got up to the stage to accept my certification of graduating from middle school. I held it up and screamed out to the audience.

" YAYYYYYYYYYY!" The audience bursted into laughter and I held out a thumbs up. I got off the stage and went back to sit in my seat.

Once all of the students got their certifications, we headed outside, and we took pictures with our classmates. I was finished taking pictures with some other classmates, and then I began to look for Myungsoo. I jumped up and down to look for him. I saw him and he was a few feet away. He was taking pictures with some girls, and I didn't like that at all. So, I walked over to Myungsoo and dragged him by the arm. Our parents were talking to each other, and I wanted to take pictures with him.

" Mom! Take a picture of Myungsoo and I!"

" Okay, okay! Calm down! Okay...Say cheese!" I wrapped my arm around Myungsoo's neck and held out a peace sign. I gave my best smile ever, and held Myungsoo closer to me. Our cheeks softly touched each other, and my body got all warm. My heart started to beat faster, my hands got sweaty, and after the picture was taken, I stared at him.

" Is there something on my face?"

" H-Huh? O-Oh, nothing is on your face."

" Okay? Well, let's go find Sunggyu-hyung and Woohyun!" He held my arm as we began looking for them. We saw them taking pictures together, and Myungsoo ran over to them. We got right in the picture right when Woohyun's mom pressed the button.

" Yah! You got in our picture!"

" for you then!" Myungsoo and I both stuck our tongues out and he began chasing us.

" You can't catch me!" He did, though. His arms wrapped around my waist and he lifted me up into the air.

" What did you say now?"

" Y-Yah! Let go of me!" Woohyun let me go and he stuck out his tongue back at me. Myungsoo and Sunggyu were laughing at me, but I felt like it was a bit forced. I walked to them and wrapped my arms around their shoulders.

" Just because you are taller doesn't mean you can wrap your arm around my neck!"

" Oh come on, Sunggyu! You are such a nagger!"

" Am not!"

" Are too!"

" Am not!"

" Both of you are naggers!" Sunggyun and I turned our heads to Woohyun and shot glares at him. Then we laughed at him as he froze right on the spot. Sunggyu and I did high fives to each and dragged Myungsoo and Woohyun to us. All of our parents was now with us and they began to take pictures of us.

I can't believe today is the last day, but it means it's the start of a new beginning. As long we are together, then I will be fine.


4 months later......


Woohyun's POV:


The four of us have been going to high school for about four months now. All of us have a few classes together, but most of my classes are with Sunggyu. When I woke up, I didn't see Sunggyu in his bed. It was 7 o'clock, and class doesn't start until 8. He has been doing that recently, though. I only saw him in the mornings a few times. He says that he has stuff to do, but I don't believe him at all. Not one bit.

When I finished putting my uniform on, I walked to the cafeteria to grab some breakfast. After I got my food, I saw Sunggyu in corner by himself. He was eating a piece of toast and sipping on his coffee. I went towards where he was sitting, and sat down. He was surprised because he jumped in his seat. Sunggyu and I looked at each without saying anything. Just like before, he went back to eating his piece of toast while I ate my bagel. I would catch him sneaking glances at me and I smiled in the inside. Sunggyu really can't try to be sneaky at all.

" So, what are you doing here? I thought that you usually have something to do."

" Oh, I finished early so I decided to get breakfast. Sorry, did I wake you up?" I shook my head.

" No, I didn't hear you leave."

" Oh, okay. Well, are you done yet? Class starts soon." I nodded my head and stood up. We threw our trash away, and headed to class. The four of us had first period together, and knowing Myungsoo and Sungyeol, they were probably going to be the last ones to class.

I sat down in my seat and eyed Sunggyu as he sat in his seat. In middle school, Sunggyu usually sat behind me, but now he is sitting in front of me. On our first day of school, I sat in the front seat, but Sunggyu said he wanted to sit in that seat. Being the friend I was, I let him take that seat. I didn't question why, thinking that he just wanted to change things up a bit. In class he doesn't turn around, though. When he passes papers back, he doesn't even look at me. It feels like I have done something wrong, but I don't know what.

" Sungyeol, hurry up! We are going to be late!" I know those voices- Sungyeol and Myungsoo running to class once again. I rolled my eyes when they stumbled into the classroom. I smiled, though, when I saw Sungyeol waving at me. I waved back at him and they both sat down in their seats.

" Hi Woohyun and Sunggyu! How has your morning been? Well, Myungsoo here was taking too long in the bathroom so we were almost late to class!"

" Yah! You took way too long in the bathroom too, Sungyeol! Not just me!"

I rolled my eyes at them. Sungyeol stood up so he would feel like he was higher than Myungsoo, but things went wrong. He slipped on his feet, and I jumped out of my chair to catch him. I didn't catch him, though: he didn't fall back but forward. Myungsoo was the one who caught him and I got a perfect view of how close their faces were to each other. I could see the faint blush on their cheeks, and I felt anger boil in me. My hands clenched in fists. I couldn't take it anymore so I pulled Sungyeol off of Myungsoo. Then I placed him in his seat and pinched his cheeks.

" Be. More. Careful." I let go of his cheeks and faced the front. What surprised me the most was the sight of Sunggyu: his eyes were full of sadness, but he he smiled at me, a bitter smile.

" Sung-"

" Everybody get in your seats!" Sunggyu turned around and now his back was facing me.

Really!? The teacher just had to come at the wrong time!? Ugh! Now, I won't know why Sunggyu looks like that! I guess I can ask him later.



It was late at night as I walked back to the dorms. I went to get a late night snack from the cafeteria when I saw two people walking by. They were heading the same way as I was, and I decided to follow them. Then they stopped right in the middle of the big cherry blossom tree. In the darkness, you can still see the pink cherry blossoms. It almost gave off a mysterious yet beautiful sight. The two people started talking, and I couldn't help but listen. I know this is bad of me, but my curiousity was getting the better of me.

" Why were you talking to that girl during class? Do you like her?"

" What do you mean? I barely know her."

" I saw her give you a love letter. Did you accept it?"

Wait these voices! They sound like Sungyeol and Myungsoo!

" What do you think?"

" Y-You accepted it?" I heard sobs coming from the person, and I knew who sobs those were.

" I didn't accept her love letter! There is only one person I would ever accept!"

" Who is it then!? That girl from gym? Art? History? Who is it!?"

" It's you! The person I like, no love, is you, Lee Sungyeol!" I fell to the floor. I was shaking my head not wanting to believe it.

" M-Me? You're lying."

" I'm not."

" Myung-"

I saw him grab Sungyeol and pull him into a kiss. My heart broke into two pieces and I ran from them. Tears were falling down as I ran to the dorm. I didn't care if people heard me crying, but right now I really needed somebody to comfort me. I barged into the room, and I fell down to the floor. I brought my knees to my face and cried into them. Just then I heard the bathroom door open, and I heard steps. I could smell the scent of soap and shampoo. I saw his feet and he lifted my head up.

" Woohyun? What's wrong? Are you hurt? Why are you crying?" He held out his arms for me and I jumped into them.

" S-Sungyeol and M-Myungsoo. They love each other.....I never got my chance with S-Sungyeol. He loves Myungsoo, n-not me." I cried into is shoulder as he patted my back.

" Are you sure?" I pulled away from him and yelled at him.

" YES! I SAW THEM KISSING EACH OTHER!" Sunggyu pulled me into his body again and I cried even harder.

" I'm sorry, Woohyun-ah. I don't know what I can do, but I will be here until your tears stop falling. I promise."

" P-Promise?"

" I promise."

He began singing a lullaby for me. I didn't really hear him since my cries were louder than his voice, but it go a little better. I was calming down bit by bit by the soothing voice of his. My eyes were starting to close from the emotional fatigue. I could feel my body being lifted up and placed on something much more comfortable. The other side dipped a little bit, and warm arms circled around my body. I snuggled into his body and started to fall asleep. He continued singing to me, and my crying finally stopped. Soon, I fell asleep to his warmth and his voice. 


Sunggyu's POV:


" Goodnight, Woohyun." I brushed away his bangs and brought him closer to me. Tears were beginning to spill as well. I couldn't stop them because my arms were wrapped around Woohyun. I didn't want to brush them away because I knew that they would keep on falling.

Woohyun, I wish you knew how I felt about you. I guess you won't because your heart was already taken by Sungyeol. My love hasn't even started. What a fool I am to believe that I actually had a chance with you. All I can do now is just comfort your heart and help stitch up bit by bit.

Woohyun, I love you. I wish you knew.





(A/N: Sorry for taking too long to update. I got a lot of homework on the first week of school! Well, since school is in session, it means I will have less time to update. So I hope you guys will be paitent with the updates! Thank you for reading! Comments are appreciated! And omg! I have 44 suscribers for this fic already! So happy! Next chapter will be when they are in their second year of high school! Sorry if you guys don't like the jumping around in time, but I have to do that! Thanks for reading again!)


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708 streak #1
Chapter 2: woohyun is an idiot!
708 streak #2
Chapter 1: started reading 😁
Chapter 26: rereading this and still hating woohyun so much in this fic.gotta have to read a fic with a whipped woohyun now.
Chapter 34: I love the story..
Vanja77 #5
This story is great ;)
kisanet73 #6
Chapter 34: this was soooooo great!!!
thank you for such great story.
khasabat #7
Chapter 34: Ahh- i so happy for them-
In begining i am so upset and angry for Woohyun because their selfsh make distand and pain for Myungsoo and Yeolie!
But i gland they move on and comeback for rise their sweet relationship!
God job author- i like your storys
Chapter 34: In the middle of the story I was about to comment on how I hate it to see sunggyu being so stupid for holding onto woohyun and for woohyun to play around with sunggyu even when he's not sure of his feelings.he pushed and hurt sunggyu twice in the story!can't help being mad at my babygyu for still accepting him.
But well towards the end u kinda ....kindaaa made it up hahaha
Chapter 34: Wow this took me so long to finish but its worth it. Its was breath taking. Im happy they found their lost heart back wow that was too cheesy~ kekeke ♡. Thanks authornim for this wonderful fic!!!
honeyplum #10
Chapter 34: awww so sweet ^^