Ch. 15- I Won't Let Go

Grab Onto Your Heart

Myungsoo's POV:


Sungyeol, Sungjong, and I finished our vocal lessons and went back to the dorm. When we got inside the dorm I saw Sunggyu-hyung's and Woohyun's shoes by the doorway. I went to check up on Sunggyu-hyung to see how recording went so I went to their room. As I opened the door I was drinking from a water bottle to. My eyes widened and I almost choked on the water. On their bed Woohyun's arms were around Sunggyu-hyung's waist and and Sunggyu-hyung was snuggled close to him. I don't know why but I couldn't get mad at the two of them. For some reason I felt a bit relieved.

I quietly closed the door and walked away from their room. I put the water bottle in the fridge and when I closed the door I jumped. The reason why? Because Sungyeol's face was right there, and he went all owl eye on me. I swear I almost had a heart attack because of him. I didn't say anything so I turned around and went to my room. It felt like somebody was following me, though. I just ignored it and closed the door and laid down on the cold floor. Actually it isn't cold anymore because the sun made the room feel warm. There was a knock on the door but I ignored it.

" Myungsoo?"

Just ignore him. Ignore him.

" Can I come in?"

Don't get up! I'm telling you not to get up from the floor!

" Myungsoo, are you mad?" I threw the pillow over my head and sighed. Even though he was on the other side of the door I could tell he was pouting. I grabbed the pillow and threw is across the room. Then I reluctantly got up and opened the door for him.

Good job Myungsoo! You just gave into him.

" Thanks Myungsoo!"

" Whatever." I grabbed the pillow and laid on the floor again. I closed my eyes for second but it felt awkward. So I opened my eyes and Sungyeol was just standing there fumbling around with his fingers. With those big eyes of his, he looked at me, and I got shivers down my spine. Once again I gave in and slid over a bit.

" You can sit down here."

" Thank you again!"

He sat down next to me but he scooted closer and closer to me. I was feeling a bit uncomfortable because of it. I turned to the other side so I wasn't facing him. It became quiet all of a sudden. Neither of us said anything for a few minutes. Five years ago it wouldn't be like this. Sungyeol would be talking his head off and I would be laughing at him. Sometimes he would keep on saying he loves me and I would reply back the same thing. Look at us now, though. We barely say anything to each other. The atmosphere between the two of us is awkward. What can we do? Sungyeol doesn't remember me and I can't do anything about it. I don't now how much longer I can live like this. Not knowing what is in Sungyeol's mind: I used to be able to figure him out but now I can't. It's as if there is this invisible barrier between the two of us.

I lifted my head a bit to see what Sungyeol was doing. I wasn't surprised as to what I saw; a sleeping Sungyeol. It would be heartless of me if I left him like that so I lifted myself up from the floor and brought the pillow towards him. He must have been tired from all the practice because he was out cold when I laid him down on the floor. Since Sungyeol has my pillow now I guess I would have to use Dongwoo-hyung's banana pillow. Quite an interesting pillow. I wonder how he sleeps with this kind of pillow. Anyways, I put his pillow close to Sungyeol and laid back down. I stared at Sungyeol and realized at how much he has changed. His cheeks aren't as chubby anymore and he obviously has grown taller. He is even taller than me! Only by a little bit of course. That's all that really changed, though. He still has the same eyes that I loved, the smile that made me smile, and the warmth that radiates from him.

My hand drifted to his face and my finger traced his face: from the eyes, nose, and finally the lips. Sungyeol stirred a bit by the touch of my finger but didn't wake up. I was glad he didn't or else this would have been one awkward situation. Minutes passed by before I realized that I was still staring at Sungyeol. I sighed to myself at how pathetic I am. I shouldn't be like this because I'm supposed to forget not remember. I have to be stronger or else everything would go back to how it was before. I'm afraid that I would get hurt again, and I don't want to experience that pain once again.

Sungyeol, what are you doing to me? Even after all these years, you still make my heart stir a little bit. My heart that has frozen over time... Will it ever feel the warmth again?


Sunggyu's POV:


I moved a bit closer to the source of the warmth, and that's when I realized it wasn't a thing but a person. My eyes flew open and right next to me was Woohyun with his arms around me. I tried to squirm my way out but his grasp only tightened. Then I tried to push him away but he wouldn't budge either! I had to go to my last resort: I kneed him right in the crotch and Woohyun yelled out in pain. I immediately got away from him just in case he tries to do any other funny things to me.

" What the heck was that for!?"

" You were the one who was hugging me!"

" That doesn't mean you have to knee me there! Aish! It hurts so much!" Woohyun was rolling around on our bed clutching his crotch, and I have to admit- it's quite a funny sight. I had to turn my head to keep from laughing. I tried really hard to contain it, but it came out.

" Hahahahaha! You look so funny rolling around like that! Hahaha! It looks so wrong but it's so funny! I have to do this again to you!" I wiped away the tears that were falling from laughing so much.

" It seems like somebody enjoyed it! I might as well be in pain 24/7 to make you happy." I stopped laughing and stared at him.

" What do you mean?"

" If it means me being in pain can make you laugh and happy then I wouldn't mind. As long as you are happy I don't mind being in pain." My hands clenched together in fists. I don't know why but I was angry.

" Are you an idiot!? Why would you want to be in pain for me? Y-You shouldn't do that." I got up from the floor and went out of the room. I went to fridge to get something to drink. Then I grabbed a banana to eat as a snack and sat down in the living room. While I was just sitting there I started to think about what he said.

That idiot. Why would he say something like that? Why would he want to be in pain for me to be happy? He must be going crazy or sick because he would never say that especially to me.

The door opened and Dongwoo and Hoya came inside. They must have came back from dancing because they were sweating a lot. The dorm is pretty small and I could smell them from where I was sitting. Let's just say they didn't smell good at all. My face scrunched up in disgust when they passed by and I had to cover my nose to keep away the stench.

" Dongwoo, Hoya, go and take a shower or something. You guys smell like sweat." They both looked at each other and they smiled all of a sudden. Then they came closer to me and I couldn't move because I was against the wall. I looked to both sides but I couldn't find a way out. I closed my eyes in fear of their sweaty bodies inclosing me until somebody stepped in to stop them. 

" Dongwoo-hyung and Hoya, manager-hyung said for you guys to shower. Even though we have dance practice a bit later we don't want to you stinking up the studio even more."

" Fine. You two are no fun!" Dongwoo-hyung stuck out his tongue at us and Hoya followed him to the bathroom. I guess they went together to shorten the time of showering and to save money on the water bill.

" You alright there, Sunggyu-hyung?" I turned my head away from him and crossed my arms. I wasn't going to talk to Woohyun. Nope. Not one bit. Not at all.

" Oh yeah! Sunggyu-hyung, did you remember passing out at the recording studio?"

My head flew around and I eyed Woohyun. What did he mean about me passing out? I don't remember passing out at the studio. All I remember is that I went to record my song, came out of the room, and... Wait. I don't remember what happens after that. Did I really black out? I looked at Woohyun and it seemed like he wasn't lying. Well, at least that's what it feels like to me. 

" I p-passed out? Are you sure?"

" Yep! I caught you before you fell and then you passed out. Then I had to carry you to the car, bring you to our room, and lay you on the bed. The thing is, you wouldn't separate from me. You kept on saying ' Don't go, don't go, don't go' and stuff."

My face became red from what he told me. I didn't want to admit that any of that was real, but then who knows. Woohyun doesn't lie about those kind of things. Maybe that's why he was holding me like that on the bed. I guess I really didn't let go of him as he was trying to put me on the bed. Of course this always have to happen to me too. Why couldn't the other person be Myungsoo instead of Woohyun. There is one thing I would admit: sleeping together with Woohyun felt warm and safe.

" Sunggyu-hyung? Are you listening?" I snapped out of my thoughts but I didn't dare face him.

" H-Huh?"

" Like I was saying. You wouldn't let me go so I had to sleep together with you. Now that you know the truth, shouldn't you be apologizing as to what happened a bit earlier?"

" W-What do you mean?"

" I mean about you kneeing me down there. It hurted so badly! You wouldn't understand... Unless I do the same thing to you." My eyes went wide in panic and I got up from where I was and ran into the bedroom. I closed the door tightly and held onto the door knob. I was not going to let him inside no matter what happens.

" Hyung, open the door! I have to grab something! Please!"

" NO! You can't come in!"

"... Fine." I waited for a few seconds until I heard nothing and let go of the door knob. That was a bad choice, though. Woohyun bursted through the door and I got hit right in the face by it. In a matter of seconds I was down on the floor.

" S-Sunggyu-hyung! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hit you like that! A-Are you okay?" My head was in a daze and everything was blurry. It's kind of like in those cartoons where somebody gets hit really hard and starts seeing stars. That's how I am right now.

" I-I think so?" I tried to stand up but I fell back on the floor again. I thought I heard somebody laughing but I wasn't sure.

" Here let me help you up."

Woohyun pulled me up on my feet and led me to the kitchen... I think. All of a sudden I was lifted up into the air and placed on something flat. It must have been the counter because then I heard something open. I was waiting for whatever Woohyun was doing and it felt like hours waiting for him. Out of nowhere I felt something cold on my forehead. Whatever it was, it was cooling down the swelling on my forehead.

" Do you feel a bit better?" I nodded my head.

" Yeah I feel so much better. Thank you." I felt it being lifted off from my forehead but I didn't want it to disappear. So I quickly grabbed onto his hand and held it to my forehead. When I touched his hand I touched the thing that was pressed against my forehead and realized it was an ice pack.

" Don't you dare remove it from  my forehead." I let go of his hand hoping that he wouldn't move his. Luckily he didn't pull back his hand and left it on my forehead.

" Hyung, my arm is starting to hurt."

I opened my eyes and glared at him. It seemed like he got the signal and didn't say anything back. This was so wrong on many levels but no matter how many times I told myself to stop in my mind, my heart tells me a different thing.


Sungyeol's POV:


My back was feeling really sore for some reason and when I opened my eyes I realized that I was sleeping on the floor. Then my eyes widened at the sight of a sleeping Myungsoo right next to me. We were close to the point where I felt his breath hit my lips. Red flamed over my cheeks as I how close we are but I didn't mind it at all. I haven't been this close to him since... five years ago. I sighed to myself at those memories and a tear fell from my eye to the pillow. I took my hand and caressed his cheek. A faint smile washed over my face at how his cheeks still felt the same as back then. I leaned a bit closer and hesistated as my lips were close to his forehead. I decided I didn't give a care anymore so I kissed his forehead.

Slowly I pulled away from him and brushed away his bangs. I smiled once more and got up from the floor. I stretched out my limbs from sleeping on the floor and went out of the room. Then when I was going to make myself a cup of coffee, I was greeted by the sight of Sunggyu-hyung sitting on the counter with Woohyun holding an ice pack against his forehead. I was a bit confused as to why they were in that sort of situation, but I decided to not bother them. I backed away quietly and went to my bedroom I shared with Hoya-hyung and Sungjong. When I got into the bedroom, Sungjong was texting on his phone. He was probably texting to Chanjo. I went to my bed and laid there. Then I turned to my side and stared at Sungjong until he noticed me.

" What do you want Sungyeol-hyung?"

" You finally noticed huh? Too busy texting to your boyfriend aren't you?" I laughed as Sungjong's cheeks became red. Even though he can be a diva at times, he can totally be adorable too.

" Just tell me what you want!"

" Aigoo! Did I embarrass our maknae? Haha! I'm just teasing you! Anyways, back to the bigger issue. W-What would you do to get the person you love back?" Sungjong looked at me with raised eyebrows.

" Hyung, do you love somebody?" I thought about whether I should tell the truth to him or not. I don't have to say it's Myungsoo so it should be fine.

" Yeah, I do."

" I never knew that."

There are some things that you don't know about me.

" I do love somebody, and I want to get them back."

" Well, I don't know how to really help you. That sort of situation hasn't happened to me before so I don't know what to say. I guess, I guess you would just have to try your best as who you are. I think if you put yourself in front of the person you love maybe they will come back to you."

" I see. Thanks Sungjong-ah."

" No problem. Also Sungyeol-hyung, who is the person you love?" I smiled to myself and brought my finger to my lips.

" It's a secret."

" Tch. You're no fun!"

Sungjong went back to texting Chanjo and I turned to the other side of my bed facing the wall. I took out my phone and went to the pictures. The first picture that came up was the one I took with Myungsoo. Even though he wasn't smiling the picture made me happy because it's the first picture we took since five years ago. I decided to make this picture my screensaver for my phone. I smiled at the picture of the two of us but a few tears slipped once again.

Everyday ' what if's' run through my mind. What if I hadn't crossed the road at that time? What if I didn't lose my memory? What if, what if, what if. I thought about these ever since I got my memories back. I regretted for not trying to remember Myungsoo back then. I regretted for believing in Woohyun that we were going out. I should have noticed at how Myungsoo was so worried for me back then. I should have noticed Woohyun's feelings for me. I should have noticed Sunggyu-hyung being left out in all of this. I should have noticed a lot of things, but now I have to make up for five years. I don't know how long it will take me to make up for those years, but I don't mind if it even takes me a fifty years: I will grab onto Myungsoo's heart and never let it go.





(A/N: Yay! I finally updated! I'm so happy that I have 104 suscribers for this fic! Sorry if this chapter is shorter than most of the other chapters. I love everybody who have been reading my fic! Thanks for reading, suscribing, and commenting! Until next time!)



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709 streak #1
Chapter 2: woohyun is an idiot!
709 streak #2
Chapter 1: started reading 😁
Chapter 26: rereading this and still hating woohyun so much in this fic.gotta have to read a fic with a whipped woohyun now.
Chapter 34: I love the story..
Vanja77 #5
This story is great ;)
kisanet73 #6
Chapter 34: this was soooooo great!!!
thank you for such great story.
khasabat #7
Chapter 34: Ahh- i so happy for them-
In begining i am so upset and angry for Woohyun because their selfsh make distand and pain for Myungsoo and Yeolie!
But i gland they move on and comeback for rise their sweet relationship!
God job author- i like your storys
Chapter 34: In the middle of the story I was about to comment on how I hate it to see sunggyu being so stupid for holding onto woohyun and for woohyun to play around with sunggyu even when he's not sure of his feelings.he pushed and hurt sunggyu twice in the story!can't help being mad at my babygyu for still accepting him.
But well towards the end u kinda ....kindaaa made it up hahaha
Chapter 34: Wow this took me so long to finish but its worth it. Its was breath taking. Im happy they found their lost heart back wow that was too cheesy~ kekeke ♡. Thanks authornim for this wonderful fic!!!
honeyplum #10
Chapter 34: awww so sweet ^^