Ch. 16- I...

Grab Onto Your Heart

Woohyun's POV:

" Woohyun! Hurry up! You are even slower than the hamster Sunggyu-hyung!"

" I heard that Dongwoo!"

I rolled my eyes at the both of them. There is a reason for me being all slow and what not. First, I'm still tired from 6 AM for morning excercise. Second, I fell to the ground because a certain clumsy dinosaur kept bumping into me. Third, I was just tired. After I helped with Sunggyu-hyung's bump on his forehead, he ignored me for the rest of the day. He didn't even wake me up and got Hoya to do it for him! Today isn't starting off as how I like it. I wish we could have just slept in for the day. This is the life of an idol.

" Woohyun, hurry up." I looked up to see Sunggyu-hyung with his arms crossed and standing there. He must have been waiting for me, and he doesn't look very pleased. I picked up my pace and finally made it to the others.

" Okay everybody! Get in the car!" All of us headed to the car with our sweaty bodies. Seven guys who just finished their morning excercise inside one car isn't that pleasing.

On our way back to the dorm all of us were dead tired from running along the Han River. Myungsoo fell asleep on Sungyeol, Dongwoo-hyung fell asleep on Hoya, and Sungjong's head was leaning against the window. I was tired but I couldn't fall asleep. Instead I stared at Sunggyu-hyung who wasn't sleeping either. I didn't notice that he turned his head around and our eyes locked onto each other. It was only for a second until he looked away, but I kept on looking. Even if he doesn't look at me, I will keep on going.

We finally reached back to our dorm and I had to wake everybody up since I was the only member in the back who wasn't asleep. I shook Dongwoo-hyung and Hoya up first since they were sitting next to me. Then I woke up Sungyeol first since he is a light sleeper and he woke up Myungsoo and Sungjong. I got out of the car and headed straight to my room. When I opened the door, I accidentally ran into Sunggyu-hyung changing. I caught a glimpse of his back before I quickly shut the door. Luckily he didn't know it was me or else he would have gone off on me. I decided to go take a shower before the others came inside and I just wanted to get away from Sunggyu-hyung for a bit.

I stripped my clothes off in the bathroom and turned the shower on. I stepped into the shower and let the water wash away the sweat all over my body. I tried to erase the image of Sunggyu-hyung's back but it wouldn't disappear no matter what. Also his sweatpants were hanging a bit low too so... yeah. It just looked so...

Wait! What am I saying? I'm trying to make him forgive me. I shouldn't be thinking of stuff like these. He would hate me even more if I thought these sort of images.

" Woohyun-hyung, are you done yet?" I snapped out of my thoughts and realized I have been in here for too long. I turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. I grabbed my dirty clothes and walked out of the bathroom.

" Finally you are done!" Sungyeol pushed me out of the way and ran into the bathroom. I chuckled to myself and went to the bedroom. It seemed like nobody was in there since the door was open: which is good.

I looked through one of my drawers for my clean boxers. Then I took off my towel and quickly put the boxers on. While I was looking through my drawer for a t-shirt, I didn't realize that somebody had come into the room. As I turned around, Sunggyu-hyung was standing there with his mouth open. I looked at myself only realizing I still only had my boxers on and nothing else.

" I-I'm sorry! I should have knocked. I-I will go then!"

" Sung-" The door slammed before I was able to say anything. I sighed to myself and continued dressing myself. I was done changing into clean clothes so I went out to the living room where everybody was already done changing. Today was another day of recording for the album, and this time all of us were going to be there. I guess today Sunggyu-hyung and I won't be working on our solo songs.

Everybody got into the car and we headed to the company. This time everybody was noisy so I had to put on my headphones. Even through the the headphones I could hear Dongwoo-hyung's laugh and Sungyeol's screaming. Sunggyu-hyung would look back once in a while for us to be quiet and then we would get scolded by manager-hyung too. I wanted to say something but I was too tired to. Slowly, I started to fall asleep to the music that was taking me away from all the noise.


Sunggyu's POV:


We arrived at the company and everybody got out of the car before I did. I made sure everybody was out but there was one member missing. I checked the car and saw Woohyun still sleeping. I rolled my eyes even though I knew he wouldn't see it. I was about to turn away and let him get into trouble, but something kept on pulling me back. Instead of leaving him I decided to wake him up. I opened the door and carefully took off his headphones. Then I leaned in close to his ear and was about to blow into it but I stopped because I heard him mumbling something. I leaned my ear closer to him to hear what he was saying.

" I miss you... Sunggyu-hyung... Don't leave..." My heart stopped beating for a second. I backed away from him and saw a tear slip from his eye. I sighed to myself and wiped off the trail the tear left. I changed my mind as to how to wake him up and instead shook him.

" Woohyun-ah, wake up." His eyes slowly opened and all of a sudden he lunged at me. I tried pushing him off of me but he wouldnt let me go. His grip on me was too strong.

" L-Let go of-"

" I thought you left. I thought you left again, but it was just a bad dream. Everything was just a bad dream..." My arms went limp went he said that.

Woohyun must have had a dream of me leaving again. But why is he crying about it? I don't get him at all. He makes me confused. He makes Aish! I don't know anymore!

" Sunggyu, is there something wrong with Woohyun?" I turned my head to see manager-hyung waiting by the door. I shook my head at him and shrugged my shoulders.

" I think he is just really tired from this morning!"

" Oh, okay! Hurry up!" Manager-hyung went inside the building and I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding in. I turned back to Woohyun who wa still holding onto me. Since his face was against my stomach, I could feel him breathing and it was tickling me a little bit. Though I didn't want to laugh because I didn't want to ruin the mood.

" Woohyun, you have to let go. We have to go record now." His grip just tightened and he didn't get up. I heard him mumbling again and I was getting a bit tired of this.

" What did you say?"

" I don't want to let go."

" Why is that?"

" I'm afraid you will leave again. I'm afraid that if you leave you won't come back."

Why are you doing this to me? Please stop. Please.

I felt his grip on me loosen so I pulled his arms off of me quickly. I backed away and put some distance between the two of us. I fought back the urges to walk back to him, but I couldn't be like this anymore. If this was how it was going to be like the whole time then I don't know anymore. All I know is that there has to be some space between the two of us. Even though there was thousands of feet between the two of us for five years.

" Sunggyu..."

" Hurry up Woohyun."

I left him there and then I heard the door closing. I turned my head around a little bit to see if he was following me and he was. My feet led me to the recording studio and everybody eyed the two of us. They were probably wondering why were taking so long. The atmosphere changed when we entered the room, but the producer brokeit.

" Okay, it seems like everybody is here now. How about we have Sunggyu and Woohyun go do their vocal lessons while the other five record? Does that sound alright to you?" Great. Another way to stick us together.

" It's fine with me."

" Okay."

Woohyun led the way to the practice room where our teacher was waiting for us. I seriously didn't want to go but what else could I do? If I didn't go then I would definitely get scolded by manager-hyung and possibly by the CEO. We entered the room where she was waiting for us and we began our lessons.



Myungsoo's POV:


While we were in the recording studio and Sunggyu-hyung and Woohyun were at vocal lessons: I couldn't help but worry. I felt this sort of tension between them when they entered the room. I'm also sure that everybody else felt it. I wasn't the only one. At least it was a good choice to make them go to vocal lessons instead of stay here with us. Though I do wish that Sunggyu-hyung wouldn't always be stuck with Woohyun. Every time they are together I know it only brings pain to Sunggyu-hyung.

" Myungsoo."

" Hm?"

" It's your turn now."

" Okay." I got up from my seat and went into the other room. I put on the headphones and the music started to play.


At the dance studio....


After we finished recording for one of the songs, we headed back to the dorm and went straight to dance practice. There was tension between the two of them and being a person on the sidelines who couldn't do anything. As we danced I noticed how Woohyun wouldn't stray his eyes away from Sunggyu-hyung. We continued with practice despite the tension in the air. Though whenever we made small mistake, Sunggyu-hyung would get mad at us, and make us dance the whole song again. While I was looking at myself in the mirror I saw Sungyeol trip on his feet and falling down to the floor. I stopped dancing and ran over to him to stop him from falling onto the floor.

I didn't make it, though. I didn't become the person who caught him.

" Sungyeol are you okay?"

" Woohyun-hyung? W-What happened?"

" You tripped over your feet so I caught you before you fell to the floor."

" T-Thank you." I stood there as he helped him up but then a hand stopped Woohyun. I looked at the owner of the hand and it was Sunggyu-hyung.

This is not good.

" Sunggyu-hyung, what are you doing? Let me help Sungyeol up."

" Sungyeol should stand up himself. A person can't always rely on another person's assistance."

Sunggyu-hyung please stop...

" What? Why are you saying stuff like that!? A person can't always be by themselves! They need other people too!"

" I don't believe that." Sungyeol was sitting on the floor between the two of them, and I could see him cringe at their conversation. I couldn't take it anymore so I walked over to Sungyeol and helped him up. Then I brought him to over where I was standing, but then Sunggyu-hyung caught me.

" Myungsoo, what are you doing?" I turned around meeting with his cold eyes. I hate it when he is like this. I hate it when I can tell he is in pain but won't admit it.

" I don't think Sungyeol has to be involved that's all."

" So you think that people should rely on the help of others then?"

" That's not what I mean."

" Then it means that your heart has already forgiven."

I was about to say something back but his eyes turned sad. My heart broke because he thinks I broke the promise. I didn't, though, so why can't he understand me? Why can't he try to see it from my point of view. It was getting awkward because Dongwoo-hyung, Hoya-hyung, and Sungjong were just standing there not knowing what was going on. I didn't want Sungyeol to get involve with this because he doesn't remember anything. I don't want anybody to get hurt, and I want Sunggyu-hyung to understand that. But the pain that we felt five years ago keep on replaying in my mind.

" Sunggyu, don't bring in Myungsoo to the conversation. He isn't part of the problem here."

" Sunggyu-hyung, Woohyun, please the two of you, stop this. We have to continue with practice." Dongwoo-hyung was trying to calm down the situation but he wasn't being very successful.

" I don't need your advice Dongwoo." I could feel the icy tone in his voice. All of a sudden Woohyun grabbed onto Sunggyu-hyung's shirt. I was about to stop them before it gets any worse, but a hand stopped me. I looked over to see Sungyeol holding onto me and pleading me with his eyes to not go. I stayed where I was and didn't do anything.

When will this stop?

" Don't be mean to Dongwoo-hyung! He didn't do anything."

" Let go of me Woohyun."

" Why? Why are you being like this!? Why are you being such an idiot! Can't you just move on already!" 

No, this isn't good. I have to stop them before Sunggyu-hyung loses control.

" Sung-"

" What is going on here!?" All of us whipped our bodies around to the door where manager-hyung was standing. We didn't know what to do especially since Woohyun is holding onto Sunggyu-hyung's shirt. From the corner of my eye I thought I saw Sunggyu-hyung wiping something from his face.

" I don't know what is going on but everybody go back to the dorm right now! GO!" We scrambled back to the dorm and Sungyeol's hand never left mine. When we stepped into the dorm everything was a bit more calm. Sungyeol let go of my hand when he realized he was still holding onto me. I could feel my cheeks getting warm and I thought I saw him blushing too.

" I want everybody to wash up and go to sleep. There will be no breaks for all of you tomorrow so it will be beneficial for you to get a lot of sleep tonight." Once manager-hyung finishd talking, I walked up to him to ask where Sunggyu-hyung went.

" Manager-hyung, where is Sunggyu-hyung?"

" Sunggyu? He asked for permission if he could go on a walk by himself. He said he needed some fresh air. I swear if something like this happens again then I don't know what I'm going to do with the seven of you."

" O-Okay. Thank you." Manager-hyung left the dorm and I just stood there. Then the door opened again and Woohyun was right in front of me. The sight of him angered me and I grabbed onto him like he did to Sunggyu-hyung.

" If only you hadn't break his heart five years ago. If only you hadn't to break up Sungyeol and I. Then none of this would of have happened. All of this... All of this is your fault. Think of your actions and what you said." I shoved him and he fell onto the floor. I definitely didn't feel like helping. I walked away to my room, but then a voice called out for me. A door slammed shut and I knew it was Woohyun who went to his room.

" Myungsoo, can I talk to you."

" What do you want Sungyeol?"

" I have something to tell you"

" What do you need to tell me?"

" Please don't hate me for this."

" Just tell me already! I'm really tired and with everything that happened tonight I just can't take it anymore!"

" S-Sorry, I-I guess I will tell you another time." I sighed to myself at my outburst. I grabbed onto Sungyeol's wrist before he could leave.

" Sorry, I didn't meant to get mad at you like that. You can tell me now."

" O-Okay. I..."




(A/N: I'm back with an update! Sorry if some parts are a bit confusing. Especially with the last part. I wil try to update soon! Probably won't be until next weekend so yeah! Anyways thanks for reading, suscribing, and commenting! Until then!)



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805 streak #1
Chapter 2: woohyun is an idiot!
805 streak #2
Chapter 1: started reading 😁
Chapter 26: rereading this and still hating woohyun so much in this fic.gotta have to read a fic with a whipped woohyun now.
Chapter 34: I love the story..
Vanja77 #5
This story is great ;)
kisanet73 #6
Chapter 34: this was soooooo great!!!
thank you for such great story.
khasabat #7
Chapter 34: Ahh- i so happy for them-
In begining i am so upset and angry for Woohyun because their selfsh make distand and pain for Myungsoo and Yeolie!
But i gland they move on and comeback for rise their sweet relationship!
God job author- i like your storys
Chapter 34: In the middle of the story I was about to comment on how I hate it to see sunggyu being so stupid for holding onto woohyun and for woohyun to play around with sunggyu even when he's not sure of his feelings.he pushed and hurt sunggyu twice in the story!can't help being mad at my babygyu for still accepting him.
But well towards the end u kinda ....kindaaa made it up hahaha
Chapter 34: Wow this took me so long to finish but its worth it. Its was breath taking. Im happy they found their lost heart back wow that was too cheesy~ kekeke ♡. Thanks authornim for this wonderful fic!!!
honeyplum #10
Chapter 34: awww so sweet ^^