Ch. 20- Personal Massager

Grab Onto Your Heart

Sungyeol's POV:
I woke up to the sound of Myungsoo snoring. I totally forgot that Myungsoo fell asleep on my bed. Though he looks a lot better now than last night. I'm glad he isn't crying anymore. I jus hope today will be better for him. I can't stand it if he is like this. Even if I were in his shoes, I would never be able to understand what he is going through. All of the pain he felt when I lost my memory, and now Sunggyu-hyung. At least Sunggyu-hyung remembers Myungsoo. If he didn't... I don't want to think about it. I shook Myungsoo up, but he wouldn't wake up. I tried tickling him, no response. I went to my last resort and I blew into his ear. Suddenly, I got hit in the gut by Myungsoo's knee. I looked at him and he was rubbing his eyes cutely. Myungsoo does look cold most of the time, but in the mornings he is like a cute, tired kid.

" Sungyeol-hyung? What time is it? And why does your face look so weird?"

" Oh, it's nothing. We better get up for practice."

" Um, okay."

Myungsoo got off the bed first and I followed suit. Before I did though, I woke up Sungjong who must have sneaked in last night. I shook his body and he woke up immediately unlike a certain person. I streched out my limbs when I got out of the room. When I got to the kitchen, a cup of coffee appeared in front of me. I gladly took it and took a sip. The warmth of the brown liquid made me wake up and my body all warm and hyper. I drank the rest of the coffee with Myungsoo laying his head on my shoulder. Luckily, nobody wasn't up yet either with the exception of Sungjong in the bathroom. If anybody were to catch us, they would probably wonder what our relationship is. Though there isn't anything going on between us. We both want to be together, but with sitaution we are in now, we can't. When we heard a door open, Myungsoo took his head off my shoulder and went into the bedroom. I sighed and cursed inside my head to whoever disturbed our time together. When I looked up from my cup, I saw Sunggyu-hyung walking out. He seemed really tired and limping a little bit. Then I noticed that he had bandages around his foot.

" Hyung, what happened to your foot." Sunggyu-hyung jumped and he was scared as heck. I guess he must have not noticed that I was here. He came into the kitchen and opened the fridge.

" I dropped a cup last night and accidentally stepped on a piece. It's fine though. I made sure I cleaned it."

" Are you sure? Does Woohyun-hyung-" Right at the same time, Woohyun-hyung comes out.

" Sunggyu-hyung, where are you?"

" I'm right here Woohyun!" I watched as Woohyun let a sigh of relief... I think.

" Next time wake me up when you wake up."

" I didn't want to disturb you, though."

The two of them kept on bickering back and forth. Somehow I wished that Sunggyu-hyung forgot how to nag and bicker, but I guess that's a part of his system. I placed my empty cup into the sink and went to change into sweats. I know we will be working our butts of today. We will be practicing today with few practices, and then we will have to sing as we dance. It's going to be hard since Sunggyu-hyung doesn't remember the moves or the song. Though if we practice really hard today, then maybe it will jog his memory. Maybe Sunggyu-hyung will get a part of his memory back. I really do hope that he will get his memory back. Even if it means his relationship with Woohyun-hyung becomes worse. But I don't want the two of them hating each other. I really don't want them to hate each forever.

" Sungyeol-hyung, you can go use the bathroom now."

" Thanks Sungjong." I went to use the bathroom to brush my teeth and washed my face. After I was done, I came out of the bathroom and laid down in the living room. There wasn't anything to do and Myungso hasn't come out of his shared bedroom with Dongwoo-hyung. I decided to go check up on him. As I opened the door, I was greeted with Myungsoo under Dongwoo-hyung. I didn't know how they were like that, and I didn't want to know why.

" Sungyeol, help me." I pushed Dongwoo-hyung off of Myungsoo and helped him up.

" How did you end up like that."

" You don't want to know."

" Dongwoo-hyung!"

" Hoya!" We turned to look at them. They were hugging each other now. They must have been dreaming of each other because they were puckering their lips at each other. I looked at Myungsoo and he must have had the same thought as me. We left the room and sat down in the living room. I played on my phone as Myungsoo just sat there next to me. He watched as I played and I would hand over my phone to let him play. It wasn't until another 30 minutes were the other members ready.

" Okay everybody! Lets go to the practice room!" Myungsoo stood up and held out his hand for me. I gladly took it and he helped me up. I felt him grip my hand three times. I know what that means: it means I love you. We would only use that to each other whenever we were around a group of people. I replied by gripping his hand three times. Myungsoo let go of my hand and we headed to the practice room.


Woohyun's POV:


Our choreographer came to the practice today. He practically had to do the moves slowly for Sunggyu-hyung. Luckily, he understood our situation and was happy to help us. I swear if he wasn't nice, we would have been dead by now. The whole time during practice, my eyes never left Sunggyu-hyung. If there was chance that he was going to fall over or about to faint, I was going to be there for him. After what I did to him, I have to make sure he doesn't get hurt anymore. When we got a ten minute break I got water bottles for Sunggyu-hyung and I. I watched him as he slumped to the ground. He was sweating more than he should be, but I knew he was working his off. I held out the water bottle for him and he happily took it.

" Thanks Woohyun." He flashed me a smile and I felt my heartbeat increase. I shook the feeling away and sat down next to him. Then I took the towel that is hanging around my neck and wiped away his sweat.

" T-Thank y-you."

" No problem."

Our ten minutes break finished way too soon and we went back to practicing. My eyes didn't leave Sunggyu-hyung as usual, and I got in trouble because of it. I missed a step which I shouldn't have. I don't care, though. It's more important to watch over Sunggyu-hyung perfect a already perfect dance. As we were dancing, I saw that Sunggyu-hyung missed step, and tripped over his own feet. Then he took a step backwards, but that caused him to fall over his own feet. I stopped dancing, and jumped to his spot. Luckily, I was able to catch him before his body hit the ground. Though my back started to hurt now because of the landing on the ground.

" W-Woohyun! Why did you break my fall!?" Sunggyu-hyung sat up and I tried sitting up too. Though it was a bit hard to do so.

" I didn't want our leader to get hurt again."

" Aish! What if you broke your back or something!" I patted Sunggyu-hyung's head and smiled.

" It's okay hyung. Lets get up and get back to practicing." We stood up and I was going to go back to my spot, but he stopped me.

" Are you sure you are okay?"

" Yes I'm okay. Don't worry about it."

I went back to my spot and we began to dance again. I know what I did wasted a bit of time of practice, but I wasn't going to let Sunggyu-hyung get hurt agian. As long he wasn't hurt in any way, then it 's fine if I get hurt. While we were practicing, I felt my back starting to hurt again. I tried to ignore the pain, but it wouldn't disappear. I excused myself for a little bit and went back into the dorm. I looked through my backpack for one of those ice and hot packs for your back. When I finally found it, I ripped it open, and put it on my back. I got something to drink from the fridge first, and headed back to the practice room.

They were practicing still, and I don't know why but I was a bit upset. They didn't question as to why I went back to the dorm. Niether did they spare a look at me. I just jumped into where my spot is and danced along with them. My back wasn't acting up with the help of the pack, but if I moved it a certain way then it would hurt. Nobody noticed that I was pain because I masked it. The members shouldn't worry about me because I don't deserve it. I don't deserve their sympathy. I don't deserve the care of the members. Everything is really my fault, isn't? Maybe hurting my back is karma for hurting Sunggyu-hyung. Though I really don't believe that because I believe I will get a much worse punishment.

When practice was finally over, the members went back to the dorm while I went running. I grabbed a light jacket before I left and a hat to make sure that nobody could see my face clearly. I needed the fresh air to clear my mind. It felt like I was suffocating inside the practice room. I needed some time to think to myself without the other members next to me. While I was running, I could hear footsteps behind me. I decided to run a bit faster. The footsteps were getting closer, though. I ran even faster, and then all of a sudden I felt something jump on me. My body was falling to the ground and I couldn't stop it. The weight on top of me was too much to stop myself for falling down.

" Woohyun, are you okay?" I tried to turn my head to look up, and saw a mess of caramel brown hair.

Why is Sunggyu here? To be more exact: why is he following me?

" Sunggyu-hyung, get off of me please."

" O-Oh right! Sorry!" He finally got off of me, and I stood up. I wiped off the dirt on my hands and pants. When I looked at Sunggyu-hyung, I noticed that he was really out of breath. He also looked really tired, and I realized that I have been running for quite a while. I facepalmed myself realizing that Sunggyu-hyung has been following me the whole time.

" Hyung, why did you follow me? You should have stayed at the dorm and went to sleep."

" How can I sleep when one of my members is out and about? Let's go home, okay?" I rubbed my temples and groaned.

" Fine. Lets go home." I leaned down in front of him.

" What are you doing?"

" I'm giving you a piggy back ride. I know you are tired from chasing me so get on before I leave you here." He got on me and wrapped his arms around my neck. I can't believe I'm doing the same thing as I did last night.

" Woohyun, can I ask you something?"

" Sure. What do you want to ask?"

" Did we know each other before Infinite?" I stopped walking.

" W-Why? Do remember something?"

" Not really. I don't know actually." I let a breath of relief. Right now I didn't want Sunggyu-hyung to remember.

" Don't push yourself to hard. Just let your memories come back naturally."

" Okay! Oh, wait, I do remember something!" I gulped down my spit nervously. I waited for what he was going to say, afraid that he might have remembered the day of the incident.

" W-What di dyou remember?"

" I remember that you carried me like this last night!" I couldn't help but laugh.

" Really hyung? You really got me there!"

" Haha! I did get you!"

" Well, you better be prepared for your punishment then!" I got myself into a running stance. I could feel Sunggyu-hyung struggling to get off, but I wouldn't let him.

" Y-Yah! What are you thinking of doing!? Let me down now!"

" Haha! Nope!"

I set off from my stance and ran at full speed back to the dorm. He repeatedly hitted my back but I wouldn't let him go. I wasn't willing to let him go. Suddenly, he started to laugh and I knew he was enjoying it. Ever since he has been here, I haven't heard him laugh like that. Now, I'm thinking if it was good that he lost his memories. That's not right, though. I can't let him not remember what happened. It's my responsibility to help him remember. For now though, I'm going to make him smile and laugh as much as possible.


Sunggyu's POV:


When we got back to the dorm, Woohyun was practically huffing and puffing. He let me down as we got inside, and I went to to grab a drink while he went to the bedroom. Then I heard the bathroom door open, and saw the bedroom empty. Woohyun must have been the one who went to the bathroom. I had a glass of water in my hand for Woohyun but it seems like it will have to wait. When Woohyun got out of the bathroom, I handed him the glass of water. He gladly took it and thanked me. I went to put the cup into the sink and went back to the bedroom. Woohyun was already sleeping on his stomach. Then I noticed that something was under his wifebeater. I walked towards him, and quickly pulled the wifebeater up. There was one of those hot and ice packs on the lower part of his back.

" Woohyun, you hurt you back when you caught me didn't you!?"

" Sunggyu-hyung, please be quiet. The other members are sleeping."

" I don't care! Why didn't you tell me that you hurt your back!"

" I'm okay. It's just a bit sore." I looked at his back and back to him. I sighed and took off the pack.

" W-What are you doing hyung?" I placed both of my hands on his back and started to massage it.

" I'm going to give you a massage so don't complain about it."

Woohyun didn't complain after that. I heard him moan a few times, and I felt my cheeks get warm. I was thinking of any dirty thoughts okay!... Okay maybe I was, but it's not my fault Woohyun was making those sort of...sounds. Anyways, I need to stop thinking about that! As I made my way to his shoulders, I saw there was a chain on his neck. I touched it, and all of a sudden Woohyun's body went stiff. I immediately stopped touching whatever was on his neck and went back to massaging his back.

Finally I finished after like 30 minutes. Though when I shook Woohyun's shoulders, he was already deep asleep. I laughed at how cute he was with his mouth open and a bit of drool dripping. I pulled the blankets over him, but then I stopped. I looked at the chain on his neck and noticed it was a necklace. I waved my hand in front of Woohyun to make sure he was deep asleep. There was no response so I carefully pulled the necklace towards me. The pendant came out and it was a locket. All of a sudden my head started to hurt. A image flashed into my head, and it was a picture. A picture in a locket. I couldn't make out what the picture was. I was able to make out a the shape of the locket, though, and it seemed really similar to the one Woohyun is wearing. My head couldn't take much anymore so I didn't pry any further. I went to put shut off the lights and went to my bed. I pulled the blanket over me and closed my eyes. The image that popped into my mind didn't go away. It was stuck on my mind until sleep finally overtook me.







(A/N: Hey everybody I finally updated! Sorry for the late updates! School has got me in circles and stuff! Anyways I know this is a short chapter, but I tried my best. And it seems like Sunggyu is starting to remember! And regarding about Sunggyu: DID YOU GUYS SEE THE SHIRT HE WORE! ITS LIKE A MAN APRON! UGH! WHY CAN'T HE JUST WEAR THAT SHIRT WITHOUT THE BLAZER!!!!!!!! Anyways, thanks for suscribing (omg 124 suscribers!), reading, and commenting! Sorry if there are any mistakes! It's like 4 am right now so yeah. Until next time! P.s. read this too! I have been writing this for like the past two weeks!)



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701 streak #1
Chapter 2: woohyun is an idiot!
701 streak #2
Chapter 1: started reading 😁
Chapter 26: rereading this and still hating woohyun so much in this fic.gotta have to read a fic with a whipped woohyun now.
Chapter 34: I love the story..
Vanja77 #5
This story is great ;)
kisanet73 #6
Chapter 34: this was soooooo great!!!
thank you for such great story.
khasabat #7
Chapter 34: Ahh- i so happy for them-
In begining i am so upset and angry for Woohyun because their selfsh make distand and pain for Myungsoo and Yeolie!
But i gland they move on and comeback for rise their sweet relationship!
God job author- i like your storys
Chapter 34: In the middle of the story I was about to comment on how I hate it to see sunggyu being so stupid for holding onto woohyun and for woohyun to play around with sunggyu even when he's not sure of his feelings.he pushed and hurt sunggyu twice in the story!can't help being mad at my babygyu for still accepting him.
But well towards the end u kinda ....kindaaa made it up hahaha
Chapter 34: Wow this took me so long to finish but its worth it. Its was breath taking. Im happy they found their lost heart back wow that was too cheesy~ kekeke ♡. Thanks authornim for this wonderful fic!!!
honeyplum #10
Chapter 34: awww so sweet ^^