Ch. 10- Closing the Distance

Grab Onto Your Heart

Sungyeol's POV:

" Happy Birthday, Sungyeol!"

" W-What is this!?"

" I know you said you wanted to get closer to the stars, so I thought of this."

The park was illuminated with glow in the dark stars. They hung from the tree branches: I was enchanted. I can't believe that Myungsoo went through all of this for me. Now I know why he wanted for us to celebrate my birthday at night. He wanted me to see this. This has to be one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. This has also has to be the most amazing thing somebody has ever done for my birthday. I will forever remember this. I turned around jumped onto Myungsoo and we both fell to the ground. I couldn't hold down my happiness so I started to laugh out loud. 

" You are the best, Myungsoo!"

" I know I am."

I raised my eyebrow and looked at him with a questioning look. Then we suddenly burst into laughter. After what seem like forever of laughter, we stopped. My eyes followed from his eyes to his lips. Slowly, I leaned down closer and closer until our lips connected. It was sweet, lovely, and full of happiness. I pulled away with a smile. He smiled too and brushed away my bangs from my eyes. Then he kissed my forehead, to my eyes, nose, both cheeks, and finally landing on my lips. It was only a peck but it made my heart flutter.

" M-Myungsoo."

" Hm?"

" I-I love you."

" I love you too. No matter what happens to us in the future, I won't leave you. Even if I'm not physically here, I will always be in your heart."

" Myungsoo..."

" Whatever happens to us, I will come running back to you. Our feelings for each other will never break...because we are meant to be." Tears were now running down my face. I buried my face into his neck and he rubbed my back.

" T-These feelings for y-you will never disappear, M-Myungsoo."

" I know they won't. My feelings for you will never disappear either."



" Sungyeol! Get your lazy out of bed! We have to go practice!" I rolled around in my bed and pulled the blanket over my head.

" Ugh! Somebody come wake up Sungyeol for me! I'm not doing it anymore!" I grabbed my pillow and threw it at Sungjong's head.

" Be quiet, Sungjong!"

" Yah! Don't throw your pillow at me!"

" Then shut your mouth!" I heard him scoff at me and stomping out off the room. Finally he was out of the room. I went back to sleep until the door opened.

" Sungyeol, what are you still doing in bed?" I immediately turned around and was faced with Sunggyu-hyung.

" S-Sunggyu-hyung."

" Get out of bed."

" O-Okay."

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash up. Woohyun came out at the same time as I got to the door. From the look he was giving me, he was probably the first one to wake up. I brushed my teeth and washed my face as fast as I could. I didn't want to get on the bad side of Sunggyu-hyung again. Even though I probably am on his bad side since day one. After I washed myself up, I went to change in my sweats and drank a cup of coffee. I took each sip savoring the sweet yet bitterness of it. I don't know why but a smile crept onto my face. I put the cup in the sink when I finished and followed the others to the dance studio. Right away we began dancing.

Every single time I caught myself looking at Myungsoo. His choice of clothing is...interesting? All I have ever seen him wear to practice was black, black, and black. Like seriously! All I have ever seen him wear is black! Well, maybe after a while he will get into different colors. I wonder why he likes wearing black. I remember that he did like the color black but not to the point where he wears it everyday. All of a sudden the music stopped and I looked to the other members. Manager-hyung was the one who turned off the music because he brought food for us! We ran to him but I walked. My ankle was bothering me a bit, but I didn't want the others to know. I waited for the others to grab their food and finally took mine. I went to sit next to Woohyun. While I was eating something dropped onto my lap. I looked up to see Sunggyu-hyung standing in front of me.

" Here take this. I don't want you to slow down the group." Sunggyu-hyung then went back to where he was sitting with Myungsoo. I took the ice pack and placed it on my ankle. This is weird. This was the first time he has done something like to me since the first day.

" Sungyeol, you alright?"

" Yeah...Yeah, I'm alright. I'm just feeling weird."

" Because of Sunggyu-hyung?"

" Yes."

We went back to eating, and after we were done we went back to practicing. Though we were fooling around quite a bit, and that did not make Sunggyu-hyung happy. I swear I saw smoke coming out of his ears. The only person who was able to calm him down was Myungsoo- of course. We practiced dancing until midnight and we were finally sent back to the dorm. To decide the order of taking a shower we played rock, paper, and scissors. The order this time was Dongwoo-hyung, Sunggyu-hyung, Woohyun, Myungsoo, me, Sungjong, and then Hoya-hyung. So while Dongwoo-hyung went to take a shower, I sneaked into Dongwoo-hyung and Myungsoo's room. And the person who I wanted to talk to was in there.


Myungsoo's POV:


I was lying on the floor when the door opened. I opened my eyes to see who it is thinking that it was Dongwoo-hyung who just finished taking a shower. I was totally wrong though. The person who came in was Sungyeol. He closed the door and just stood there against the door. I just stared at him until I turned around so my back was facing him. But it didn't stop there. I could feel his footsteps get closer and closer. I could tell he sat down next to me and now he was caressing my hair. Something he did back then when we were together. The memories were coming back to me, and I harshly slapped his hand away. That didn't stop him though. Now he was tugging on my shirt.

" Myungsoo-ah."

Why? Why are you doing this to me? Why are you making things hard for me?

" Are you asleep?" I didn't say anything.

" I guess you are. I came here because I wanted to say something. Actually, I don't know how to say it. It may be just a few simple words, but I just can't explain it like that. I want to tell you so much more, but I'm afraid you wouldn't listen to me. All this time I was wondering what you were thinking. Every single day, hour, minute, second; I-I want to be with you."

" W-What are you saying?" I turned over and sat up to face him.

" M-Myungsoo! You weren't sleeping!?"

" I was pretending."

" Oh, I guess that means you heard everything?"

I nodded my head. Sungyeol looked away from me, but I grabbed his chin and made him face me. I tried to look in his eyes to look for an answer, but I was blinded. For some reason something was blocking me from seeing what was truly behind Sungyeol's eyes. Even though he said it, I wanted to see the meaning behind his words. It may be selfish, but I can't help it. This whole time I have wanted to grab Sungyeol and take him far away from here. I can't though. I can't look back and I have to move on. Five years ago: it broke my heart. One heart wasn't broken but two. It's already bad enough to break one heart but to break two? I...I can't seem to understand that. And I can't seem to forgive that...yet. I stood up and grabbed him too. I brought him out of the room and shut the door. In a second the door opened once again.

" Myungsoo, why did you just shut the door in Sungyeol's face?" I turned around to see Dongwoo-hyung who finished taking a shower. 

" Because I didn't want to talk to him."

" Are you sure? It didn't seem that way. Did you two get into a fight?"

" No we didn't. There is no need for us to get into a fight."

" You know you can tell me anything."

" Yeah I know, I know."

I can't tell you because you wouldn't understand.

When it was my turn I quickly took a shower and went to the kitchen to get a cup of water. Something caught my attention on the counter though. It was a cup of water and it had a note on it.

Here is your water before you go to sleep! Goodnight! - Sungyeol

I ripped off the note and gulped down the water. I put the cup into the sink and went to the bedroom. Before I went to mine, I went to Sungyeol's room that he shared with Hoya-hyung and Sungjong. My hand grabbed onto the door handle but I stopped right there. Deciding whether to go in or not ran through my mind. To say goodnight to Sungyeol or not. I didn't care anymore so I turned the knob, but I heard a door open.

" What are you doing, Myungsoo?" I know who voice that belongs to.

" Sunggyu-hyung, I was just closing their door because it was open. I'm going to go to sleep, goodnight."

" Stop right there." I stopped where I was and he came over to me. He stood right in front of me and grabbed my shoulders.

" I know what you were going to do. I going to tell you this once again: don't look back."

" I promise."

" Good. Now go off to bed." He pushed me towards my room and I watched him go to his.

Sunggyu-hyung, why do you keep things to yourself? Why do you bring pain to your own heart while you try to heal mine? Have you really let go of the past yet? Have we moved on yet?

I laid down on my side of the room and closed my eyes. I was soon drifting off to sleep, but I know one thing for sure. The words Sungyeol said to me before will continue to bother me.


The next day......


Sunggyu's POV:


This morning the manager-hyungs told us we have a couple of hours to ourselves before we went to record our songs. I wanted to stay home but the others wanted to go to the park to play basketball. Since I was the responsible leader I had to go with them. So after everyone got dressed and had the stuff they needed, we walked to the park. Luckily there weren't any fans that noticed us and we got to the park easily. Since there are seven of us, I decided to stay out and watch them. That way it will be an even number of people.

The groups were Woohyung, Sungyeol, and Sungjong, and the other group was Dongwoo, Hoya, and Myungsoo. I couldn't really decided who was going to win, but I did hope that Myungsoo's group was going to win. I went to lay next to a tree that had a good view of them. At least they had to be in my line of vision that way I can keep an eye on them. Who knows what will happen if I don't watch over them. I was getting tired of watching them though. Going back and forth was getting tiring for my eyes. So I closed my eyes for a second and leaned against the tree. I got into a comfortable position and soon I was drifting off to sleep. But then I heard somebody crying. I opened my eyes to see a girl sitting on a swing crying her eyes out. I just couldn't leave her to be so I walked over to her. She looked like she was between the ages of 5-7. I got onto my knees and asked her what was wrong.

" Hi, little girl. Why are you crying? Where are your parents?" She looked up at me and there were big, fat tears strolling down her face.

" I-I'm lost. I w-want my m-mommy!"

" Shh. How about I help you find your mom?" She wiped away her tears and there was a little smile on her face.

" R-Really?" I nodded my head and stood up. I held out my hand for her to take. She took my hand and we started to walk around the park.

" Sunggyu-hyung!" I looked over my shoulder to see Woohyun running towards us. I wanted to leave before he got here, but the little girl wouldn't move.

" What do you want, Woohyun?"

" Why are you with this little girl here?" Woohyun knelt down so they were eye level and held out his hand. I kept saying in my head for her not to take his hand, but of course she took it. The thing is her smile grew bigger than before.

" Hamster-oppa, who is this person here? Do you know him?"

H-Hamster-oppa!? Did she just call me Hamster-oppa!?

" My name is Woohyun! You can just call me Woohyun-oppa, okay?"

" Okay! My name is Taeyeon! Hamster-oppa is helping me look for my mommy! Do you want to help too?" Woohyun looked at me and then back at her.

" Sure I will love to help you!"

" Yay! Now I'm sure we can find my mommy!" Woohyun took her other hand and we began to look around the park. I heard a soft chuckle, though. I turned my head and glared at Woohyun who was obviously the person laughing.

" Stop laughing."

" I can't. She called you Hamster-oppa. I think it's cute." My cheeks got warm when he said that.

The park wasn't big, but we couldn't find her mom at all. We even checked in the weirdest places too. Also it was almost time to go back to the dorm, but I just couldn't leave this girl alone. I will find her mom even if it means I get scolded by the managers. Even if I am working with Woohyun, I will just have to deal with it. This girl is more important than anything else at this moment. Though I couldn't help but drift off at times. I noticed that people gave us weird looks when Woohyun and I were holding hands with Taeyeon. They either thought that we were es or we were...a couple. I didn't want to be a pedo or be a couple with Woohyun. At this point I was praying that her mom would pop out of nowhere.

" Woohyun-oppa?"

" Yeah?"

" I think you and Hamster-oppa look cute together!" My cheeks turned red in a second and I looked away from Woohyun's gaze. I know he was probably smirking at me or something. I wasn't going to give him any enjoyment either.

" Oh, really? Thank you, Taeyeon-ah!"

" TAEYEON-AH! TAEYEON, WHERE ARE YOU!?" Taeyeon let go of our hands and yelled out for her mom.

" Mommy! Is that you!?" I turned around in circles trying to find her mom. When I looked behind us her mom was right there. I took Taeyeon's hand and turned her around. Taeyeon was now smiling and she ran to her mom. Woohyun and I followed behind her. They were hugging each other and I couldn't help but smile.

" Taeyeon! I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have let you out of my sight for a second! I-I'm sorry!"

" Mommy!" They came towards us and then she bowed at me.

" Thank you for finding my daughter. I don't know how I can repay you." I shook my head and smiled at her.

" All you can do is just watch over her more carefully."

" I will. Thank you so much again! Shall we go home, Taeyeon-ah?"

" Wait! I want to say to something to them!" Taeyeon jumped out of her mom's arms and came towards us. She motioned for us to lean down. I thought she wanted to say something, but she kissed me on the cheek. I was a little bit shocked and it took me a few seconds to shake it off. Then she went to Woohyun and kissed his cheek too, but she whispered something into his ear. I wondered what she said to him because he smirked at me when she finished.

" Bye bye, Woohyun-oppa and Hamster-oppa!" I waved goodbye at her and watched her leave with her mom. My phone started to ring all of a sudden and I looked at the caller id- it was manager-hyung. I answered it knowing that I was going to get scolded. I hung up after he was done scolding me. I started to go back to the dorm since everybody else was there. I was curious as to what she said to him, though.

" So...What did she say to you?"

" Why? Are you curious?" He was wiggling his eyebrows at me. Woohyun kept on getting closer and closer, and I pushed him away.

" N-No! I'm not curious! I'm going ahead of you!"

I started to run back to the dorms. I got there before Woohyun, and ran to my room before the managers got on my tail. When I finished gathering my stuff, I was about to head out to the living room, but I was met with Myungsoo's face. I could tell he wanted me to spill as to why I came back late, but right now I was too tired to deal with him. Everybody else were in their rooms so I went to get them. The only person we were waiting for was Woohyun who finally arrived. He just changed into different clothes. I made sure everybody was ready, and then we headed to the car.

I feel so tired right now. I wonder how long I can take this.


Woohyun's POV:


As we were on our way to the recording studio, I couldn't get my mind off what Taeyeon said.

Woohyun-oppa, I can tell that Hamster-oppa really, really, really likes you! You better marry him and make me the flower girl! Okay!

I laughed to myself once again, and Hoya looked at me weirdly. I stuck out my tongue at him and he rolled his eyes at me. The more I thought about it it probably wouldn't happen. I sighed at the thought. Sunggyu and I getting married? That's...impossible. I don't even know how I feel about him. I know for sure that he hates me. So yeah. Impossible. Though, he was pretty cute today. He blushed quite a few times. I haven't seen him blush like that since...five years ago: when I took away his happiness. My heart was beating fast when he did blush. Also when we were holding hands with Taeyeon. It just all felt like something a family would do.

We made it to the recording studio and we each took our time with our parts. Sunggyu-hyung and I were usually the last ones to go since we have more parts. That meant we were always the one waiting together while the others record their parts. Sunggyu-hyung wouldn't look at me in the eyes no matter how many times I looked towards his way. He was always looking at the lyrics or at his phone. I was getting irritated fast, and I did something really bold. Well, I think it was bold. I went to sit next to him and peered over to look at his song.

" What are you doing?"

" Nothing."

" Whatever." He pushed me away and left. I followed him and I found him getting something from the vending machine. Right when he was about to grab for his drink, I snuck my hand in there and took it. I opened it and drunk right in front of him.

" What the heck, Woohyun! You better buy me another drink!"

" And what if I don't want to?"

" I-I...I-I don't know. Just buy me another one!"

" I. Don't. Want. To."

I took one last sip and dropped the can to the floor. I looked around to make sure there weren't any people or cameras around. I grabbed his shirt and brought our lips together. I passed the cola from my mouth to his and I could feel him swallow it. I smiled but then I realized I just kissed him. I. Just. Kissed. Sunggyu. Just like how I grabbed him in a second, I pushed him away from me in a second. I wiped away the leftover cola on my lips. All of a sudden I was punched on the face and I fell to the ground. I touched where he punched me. Slowly, I looked up to see him with tears on the edge of his eyes. Sunggyu-hyung was standing right above me, and just then a single tear dropped onto my cheek.

" Y-You! I-I can't believe you actually k-kissed me! I-I...I hate you!" I watched him run away somewhere I didn't know. I sat here leaning against the vending machine with my hand massaging my cheek. I clenched my fist in anger and hit the ground with the side of my fist.

I hate you. I hate you. I. Hate. You.

" Good job, Woohyun. You just made him hate you more."



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701 streak #1
Chapter 2: woohyun is an idiot!
701 streak #2
Chapter 1: started reading 😁
Chapter 26: rereading this and still hating woohyun so much in this fic.gotta have to read a fic with a whipped woohyun now.
Chapter 34: I love the story..
Vanja77 #5
This story is great ;)
kisanet73 #6
Chapter 34: this was soooooo great!!!
thank you for such great story.
khasabat #7
Chapter 34: Ahh- i so happy for them-
In begining i am so upset and angry for Woohyun because their selfsh make distand and pain for Myungsoo and Yeolie!
But i gland they move on and comeback for rise their sweet relationship!
God job author- i like your storys
Chapter 34: In the middle of the story I was about to comment on how I hate it to see sunggyu being so stupid for holding onto woohyun and for woohyun to play around with sunggyu even when he's not sure of his feelings.he pushed and hurt sunggyu twice in the story!can't help being mad at my babygyu for still accepting him.
But well towards the end u kinda ....kindaaa made it up hahaha
Chapter 34: Wow this took me so long to finish but its worth it. Its was breath taking. Im happy they found their lost heart back wow that was too cheesy~ kekeke ♡. Thanks authornim for this wonderful fic!!!
honeyplum #10
Chapter 34: awww so sweet ^^