Ch. 22- I Don't Hate You

Grab Onto Your Heart

Sungyeol's POV:

" Yah! Everybody wake up! We have to go to film for the music video!" I pulled the blanket over me and groaned into my pillow. In a flash my blanket was stolen from me. I tried reaching for it but I couldn't feel it.

" Give me my blanket!"

" Sungyeol, if you don't get up then I will kiss you on the lips." I got goosebumps from his voice. It's quite obvious who the person is. I wish he didn't have to use his seductive voice on me. Scratch that. I like his seductive voice. I turned my head so now I was facing him.

" What if I want a kiss?" Myungsoo tapped his chin with his finger. I know where he was going with this. He is purposely dragging it out. I pouted my lips at him. I turned my head back because he wasn't giving me what I wanted.

" Sungyeol, please look over here." I shook my head.

" No." I heard him sigh. Inside I started to feel a tiny bit guilty. It's his fault for teasing me. I just want a good morning kiss.

" I-I'm sorry. Please d-don't be made at m-me."

Crap. Is Myungsoo really crying?

I turned my head around. The guilt grew even more when I saw his face in his hands. His shoulders were shaking too. I moved closer to him and pulled his hands away. Myungsoo wasn't looking at me. I couldn't help but feel totally guilty now. I didn't think that Myungsoo would become like this. Seriously, I was just joking! Why can't Myungsoo understand that?

" Myungsoo-ah, don't cry okay?" His slowly lifted up, and I saw there were no tears. Before I knew it, he placed his lips on mine. We stayed like this for a few seconds until he pulled away. Then he just had to tease me by my lips.

" Are you happy now?" I felt my cheeks get really warm. I glared at him and pecked his lips.

" Yes... I'm happy."

" I'm happy too."

" Yah! Myungsoo and Sungyeol! Get your butts out of the room and get ready! We don't have much time!"

" Coming!" Myungsoo helped me get off my bed as if I'm some sort of princess. Even though I'm obviously older, more mature, and taller than him. Of course Myungsoo doesn't think like that. I'm the dominant one in the relationship!



At the music video set....


Sunggyu's POV:


All of us finally made it to the music video set. Once we finish filming then we can focus on our comeback/debut day. It's a comeback for their five of them while it's Myungsoo's and my debut. I'm nervous as heck, and it doesn't help that I lost my memory. Woohyun did say that I'm slowly remembering which is good. Though whenever Woohyun mentions my memory, his face becomes solemn. Then he would smile shortly after that. His smiles look forced. Sometimes I wonder if he doesn't like the idea of me remembering. I open my mouth to ask him, but then the words disappear into thin air. I try to look in his eyes for an answer: I can never find one. It's as if he is hiding something from me.

" Sunggyu-hyung, is there something wrong?" I looked up to see Dongwoo and Hoya waiting for me. The others were already getting dressed while I was standing here staring into space. I shook my head at them.

" No, it's nothing. Let's get dressed." They followed me as we grabbed our clothes from the stylists. It seems like we will be filming the group parts first. The stylist handed me a white shirt, black blazer, and black skinny pants with studs on the thighs. Everybody else was starting to change so I went to the changing room first. I took of my clothes and quickly put on the clothes I was handed. I struggled a little bit to put on the pants, but I was finally able to get it on. When I got out of the changing room the stylist gave me my shoes.

" Hurry hyung! We are waiting for you!" I ran over to the set and got into my position. All of us standed in a line and bowed to the staff.

" Hello we are Infinite! Please take care of us!" We all said that to them and bowed. Then we got into our positions for the dancing part. I jumped a little bit when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

" Sunggyu-hyung, you look good." I lowered my head down a bit to hide the blush on my cheeks.

" T-Thank you Woohyun. You look good too."

" Thanks! Let's work hard today, okay!" He gave me the thumbs up and i did the same to him. Woohyun went to his spot, and then the music started to play.



We just finished the dancing with our first outifts. Who would have though that we would have to change into different outfits for the dance again. Were given a fifteen minute break to get something to drink and retouch our makeup. This is what it really feel likes to be an idol. To do hectic things like these and then perform on stanges. While they were retouching my makeup, my eyes kept on drifting towards Woohyun. He was changing into his next clothes- without going into the changing room. His muscles flexed, and then I saw his abs. My eyes widened at the sight of his top half. I couldn't look anywhere because the mirror was right in front of me and I would get scolded if I were to turn my head while they were doing my makeup. I tried focusing somewhere else but it was futile.

" Sunggyu-sshi, please look this way."

" Sorry noona."

As my makeup got finished, it was my turn to change clothes. I actually went into the changing room since I'm not very confident with my body. Let's just say I don't really have abs like Woohyun. I turned around so my back was facing the curtain of the changing room. I took off my shirt and was about to put on the shirt the stylist gave me, but then I heard the curtain slide open. My body froze up immediately, and I slowly turned my head to see Woohyun staring at me. Without thinking, I threw my shirt at him and hit him right in the face. I grabbed my other shirt and covered my body.

" Y-Yah! Haven't you heard of knocking!?" The shirt slid off of Woohyun's face. He wasn't looking at me, though. He was looking away.

" But how can I knock when it's only a curtain?"

Oh yeah... I forgot.

" Well, at least say something! I wasn't even dressed yet!" I watched as Woohyun picked up the shirt, which I was supposed to put on, and walked towards me. I back away in response, but then my back hit the wall.

Dang you walls. You must really hate me.

" Y-Yah! Stay back!"

" Hyung..." In a swift movement, he pulled the shirt I was covering myself with and threw it to the floor. Then he lifted both of my arms up and put my shirt on. I wasn't able do anything because he was doing everything so quickly. After he was done, I tried to comprehend what just happened.

" Thanks... I guess?"

" Y-You're welcome. I'm just going to grab my shirt that I left hanging here." Woohyun grabbed his shirt and left. Then here I was just standing trying to register what just happened. Though, for some reason it feels like the same thing happened before, but my shirt was being taken off.

I shook away the thoughts and proceeded to put the rest of my clothes of. Though it took me a bit longer since all I could think about was Woohyun putting my shirt on for me. Out of everything that had to happen to me, it had to be Woohyun. Why was my heart beating so fast, though? I shouldn't be feeling like this right?



Woohyun's POV:


We finally finished filming the dance parts for the music video. Tomorrow will be our individual shootings and then the day after that will be our photoshoot for the album. Then it will be the day when we will finally perform. While we were on our way to change back to our casual clothes, I saw Sunggyu-hyung struggling to walk. I immediately went towards him and put my hand around his waist. He looked up to me and smiled. We continued to walk to the changing room, and I made sure not to go near the changing room if I don't want the same thing to happen again.

When we got back to the dorm all of us took quick showers. We need a lot of sleep if were are going to survive the next few days. Especially Sunggyu-hyung. I can tell how tired he is. Everybody else was worried about him too. As long he doesn't faint then it should be fine. I can't stand him looking so exhausted like that. I wish that I can make him less tired than he should be. Maybe it's because he is the leader and has to take more responsibility. Also it's probably because he memory hasn't come back.

After I took my shower, Sunggyu-hyung was lying on my bed. I chuckled at how cute he looked because his mouth was slightly open. I shook him a little bit so he would move over to his bed, but he didn't wake up. I tried again but nothing. I sighed and went around the bed. Since Sunggyu is sleeping on my bed then I would just have to sleep on his. Maybe Sunggyu was just too lazy to move to his bed. Even though it isn't really that far.

" Woohyun, are you sleeping?" I turned over so I was facing him. At the same time he turned to face me.

" No not yet. Is there something bothering you, hyung?"

" No it's nothing. I just wanted to say good job today. You did really well." I smiled at his compliment. I guess I should enjoy the compliments I get from him while it lasts. Because once his memories come back then he would never say anything to me.

" Thanks. You did well today too. Sunggyu-hyung, you should go to sleep. I can tell you are really tired." Even though it was dark, I could tell he shook his head at me.

" I can't sleep. Actually, I don't want to sleep... I'm afraid."

" What do you mean? Why are you afraid?" I heard blankets shuffling, and the mattress creaking. Then I felt the edge of my shirt being pulled.

" I'm afraid to get my memories back." I took his hand into mine.

" Why?"

" Because I don't want you to hate me..."

" W-What? Why would I hate you?"

" I have a feeling that you don't want me to remember my memories." I grabbed onto his arm and pulled him towards me. I wrapped my arms around his waist and rubbed circles on his back.

" I do want you to remember. I'm one who should be afraid. I'm afraid that once you get your memories back you will hate me."

" Why would I hat-" I pulled him closer. I snuggled my face into his hair: he smells like strawberries.

" Shh. Just go to sleep. We have a lot of work tomorrow."

" Okay. Goodnight Woohyun-ah."

" Goodnight hyung."

Sunggyu-hyung relaxed in my arms. I pulled the blanket over us and made sure it covered our bodies. I kissed Sunggyu's forehead before I fell asleep. The exhaustion was finally getting to me, and I closed my eyes.


Myungsoo's POV:


I closed their door and sat against the wall. I overheard Sunggyu-hyung's and Woohyun's conversation. I know I shouldn't be eavesdropping, but I couldn't help it. Before I went to bed I wanted to make sure Sunggyu-hyung was sleeping well. It seemes like he is sleeping now because of Woohyun. The thing is, I'm still concerned about Woohyun's intentions towards Sunggyu-hyung. Are they real or is it because he wants to get on the good side of Sunggyu-hyung? I still can't believe him because I can't forgive him for what he has done. Some say it isn't good to hold onto grudge for too long. But what can I do? What can I do for Sunggyu-hyung that will help him move on from the past?

" Myungsoo?" I looked up to see Sungyeol holding onto a few blankets and two pillows. He set the blankets and pillow down next to me, and slid into them.

" What are you doing up still, Sungyeol?"

" I had a feeling you were still up so I came out here and I was right. What are you doing up still?" I opened the covers and slid next to him.

" I just wanted to check on Sunggyu-hyung."

" How is he doing?"

" It seems like he is being taken care of by Woohyun. I just hope Woohyun won't hurt him." Sungyeol took my hand into his. Then he kissed each of my knuckles. While he was doing that, I couldn't help but laugh.

" What's so funny?"

" You." He lightly hit my chest and smiled at me. I wrapped my arms around his waist and brought him closer to me.

" Myungsoo."

" Hm?"

" While you were in America... Did you ever think about me?" I pulled him even closer and held onto him even tighter. I guess you could say I was afraid of losing him.

" I thought about you everyday. I cried everyday because of you, I smiled everyday because of you, but most of all: I was able to live because of you. Even though you weren't by my side and I wasn't in your memories: I know in your heart I was still there." Sungyeol lifted his face my chest and looked up at me. My eyes widened when tears were streaming down his face.

" I-I'm sorry for all the pain I put you through. I'm sorry... I'm s-sorry. I know me saying sorry won't make it up, but I willing to say sorry as many times as you want me to." I wiped away his tears with my thumb and gently kissed his tears. Even though he is crying, he still looks beautiful.

" Don't say you are sorry... Instead say you love me everyday. That's all I need." Sungyeol finally smiled at me. He took my face into his hands and leaned closer so our lips were almost touching.

" I love you. I fell in love with you, I love you in my heart, I love you in my memories, and I will love you forever."

" I have never hated you, Sungyeol. I have always loved you and still love you forever."

Our lips connected with each other. It wasn't rushed, but sweet and full of passion and longing. A kiss that makes up for all the kisses that he were lost in the span of five years. Memories appear in my mind of our past, and now I can finally focus on the present. Even though I can't forgive Woohyun yet. I still want to be with Sungyeol no matter what.




(A/N: Hey everybody! Sorry if I haven't updated for a while! Though now since it's break I can finally update! Yayyyyy! So I hope you will wait for those updates because I can't wait either! And omg! I have 140 suscribers for this fic! So awesome! Well got to go! Until next time! P.S. Sorry if there are any mistakes!)

A little preview for you guys too!




" Sunggyu watch out!"

" Woohyun wake up! Woohyun!"


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701 streak #1
Chapter 2: woohyun is an idiot!
701 streak #2
Chapter 1: started reading 😁
Chapter 26: rereading this and still hating woohyun so much in this fic.gotta have to read a fic with a whipped woohyun now.
Chapter 34: I love the story..
Vanja77 #5
This story is great ;)
kisanet73 #6
Chapter 34: this was soooooo great!!!
thank you for such great story.
khasabat #7
Chapter 34: Ahh- i so happy for them-
In begining i am so upset and angry for Woohyun because their selfsh make distand and pain for Myungsoo and Yeolie!
But i gland they move on and comeback for rise their sweet relationship!
God job author- i like your storys
Chapter 34: In the middle of the story I was about to comment on how I hate it to see sunggyu being so stupid for holding onto woohyun and for woohyun to play around with sunggyu even when he's not sure of his feelings.he pushed and hurt sunggyu twice in the story!can't help being mad at my babygyu for still accepting him.
But well towards the end u kinda ....kindaaa made it up hahaha
Chapter 34: Wow this took me so long to finish but its worth it. Its was breath taking. Im happy they found their lost heart back wow that was too cheesy~ kekeke ♡. Thanks authornim for this wonderful fic!!!
honeyplum #10
Chapter 34: awww so sweet ^^