Ch. 34- Shine Within My Heart

Grab Onto Your Heart

Nobody's POV:


It was the night of their first win when the members came out to their managers and the CEO. It took a while for them to accept the members but in the end everything was perfect. As long the members can keep their hormones under control especially when out in public.

That was fine with them, though, it was hard to not keep their hands off their significant other. Their excuse was fanservice and the managers just sighed and pretended they didn't see anything.

Myungsoo still kept on taking pictures of the other members. More of Sungyeol of course. He even took some in secret like when a member was sleeping or even in the bathroom too. He got scolded a few times by Sungyeol and Sunggyu as well.

Dongowoo and Hoya went to the practice room and practice new dance moves. Of course they wanted to spend time alone too. During those times, Myungsoo would would open the door slightly and take pictures of them too. Then Sungyeol would have to drag him back to the dorm and remember to lock the camera in a dark room so Myungsoo could stop playing with it.

Sungjong was having the most fun watching his hyungs mess around. Since both Teen Top and Infinite were busy with promotions, the only time he could contact Chanjo was through texting. He didn't mind, though, because every Sunday they would go out for breakfast early in the morning. Members from both groups didn't know where their maknaes went to but knew they were with each other. And Sungjong was happy spending those moments with Chanjo.




It was like any other day, but this time Infinite didn't have any schedule for the day. Like for the whole day. Sunggyu didn't know any of it until the managers told them this morning. Since they didn't have a schedule, Sunggyu decided to stay in bed and do nothing for the whole day. He felt Woohyun not sleeping next to him but ignored the thought.

So instead of worrying where his boyfriend was, he stayed in bed sleeping. While everybody else were busy bodies getting things together for the big event tonight. He slept through everybody running around the dorm.

Sungjong stayed behind to make sure Sunggyu didn't wake up and wonder where the other members were. Of course Sunggyu didn't wake up so that meant Sungjong had one of the easiest jobs out there. The others went out to buy the equipment and necessities for tonight. Also Sungjong had one more job. He had to pick out Sunggyu's outfit for tonight.

He looked through Sunggyu's closet and placed his clothes around in the living room of the dorm. They were all sprawled out as Sungjong tapped his chin trying to come out with an outfit. He closed his ideas thinking of how his clothes will go with the event tonight.

Then just like a flash bulb went on in his head. He grabbed the pale yellow blazer, denim button up, white t-shirt, white pants, matching socks, and these yellow, mustard Nikes. He threw them onto Woohyun's bed and waited until he got a phone call from one of the other members.

Each of the members had a specified place to set up. Myungsoo had the park, Sungyeol had the high school the four of them attended, Dongwoo had the café across their salon, and Hoya along with Woohyun had the rooftop of the company building. Then there is Sungjong who stayed home and watched over the hamster leader.

While waiting for he call, Sungjong couldn't help but chuckle at how this is so cheesy. But he can't also help think that this is so endearing and wished that Chanjo would do something for him too. It didn't have to be everyday but just once in a while would be great.

Just at that exact moment he got a text from Chanjo.


From: Chanjo

To: Sungjong

I know I don't say it that much, but I love you a lot. Also I miss you and regret that I can't spend as much time with you. But when there is time when we are both done with promotions, I'm going to take you on a trip for vacation. Just us two and nobody else.

I love you so much that I can't put in words. Also good luck with the plan today! Miss you a lot and love you lots!


Sungjong smiled and teared up a little bit at the text. He texted back saying he loved him and how he can't explain it in words either. And that Chanjo better hold to his promise. Then at the same time he received a text from Myungsoo that he was ready. So Sungjong stood up from where he was sitting and went to wake up the leader.

He poked Sunggyu's cheeks for fun to see if he would wake up, but he didn't. Sungjong kept on poking them until he got a response. Result: none. Then he went for the option of singing the loudest and highest he could not caring if it would hurt his vocal chords. It was like a siren went off in the dorm and Sunggyu woke up with a startle. He placed his hand over his heart thinking that he got a heart attack at his age.

Sunggyu looked up to see Sungjong standing before with a smile. Well, more like a smirk. Sungjong pulled Sunggyu up and pushed him towards the bathroom. Then he leaned against the door and waited for Sunggyu to finish taking a shower and whatever else he has to do.

"Yah! Sungjong! You better open this door or else!" Sungjong rolled eyes.

"Or do what hyung?"

"You know what I would do! If you don't open this door I'm going to make your practice all night long?"

Sungjong turned around and glared at Sunggyu through the door.

"Those are empty threats hyung! Now get ready! I have to take you out somewhere!" Sunggyu sighed and gave up.

"And where am I going?"

"...A secret."

Sunggyu rolled his eyes as he turned the shower on. He stripped himself and entered the shower. Once the warm water hit his body, he relaxed. Thoughts of what is Sungjong doing kept on running through his head. He kept on thinking that they don't have any schedules for today.

Unless something came up suddenly. Maybe that's why Sungjong woke me up like that. Still, he didn't have to wake me up like that! I swear I was about to go deaf because of him!

Once he finished showering, he grabbed the towel on the rack and wrapped it around his waist. Then he brushed his teeth and after that washed his face. He knocked on the door signaling he was done. And Sungjong happily opened the door for him.

Sunggyu glared at Sungjong when he came out of the bathroom as he went to his room. Though Sungjong beat him to his room. Now, Sunggyu was wondering what the heck was happening. He has never seen the maknae like this before. Deep inside he was actually scared what was about to happen.

Slowly, and creepily, Sungjong walked over to him. Before Sunggyu knew Sungjong had taken the towel from his waist and threw it to the corner of the room. Sungjong grabbed one of Sunggyu's briefs and threw it to Sunggyu to put on. He did so very quickly feeling embarrassed being in front of the maknae.

"Sungjong, what's up with you?!" He shrugged his shoulders in response.

"Just hurry up and get dressed. I still have to finish doing your hair and put makeup on you."

"W-What?" Sunggyu opened his eyes wider at Sungjong. "Why are you doing all this to me? Or is this for me? Ugh! I don't know anymore! This is all really weird to me!"

Sungjong simply shrugged his shoulders and threw the other clothes he laid out to Sunggyu. He leaned agains the door and waited until Sunggyu was finished dressing. After that, he pulled Sunggyu and did his hair and makeup. Sungjong smiled to himself to see at how well he did styling Sunggyu for today.

"There all done!"

The makeup is what the stylists would do. Simple but stunning. Sungjong smiled at how amazing he was able to make Sunggyu look. Then he swung his arm under Sunggyu's and dragged him outside. Waiting in the car was Dongwoo-hyung, who was in the driver's seat, and was smiling at the two.

"Hey hyung! You ready for today?!" Sunggyu squinted his eyes not believing who was in the car.

"Dongwoo? What the heck are you doing with the company van? Did the manager-hyungs let you take the car? Did the CEO let you take it?" Dongwoo laughed off Sunggyu's question as Sungjong pushed Sunggyu into the van.

"Dongwoo, Sungjong, tell me where you two are taking me." Sungjong turned to him and crossed his arms.

"Hyung, don't worry about it!! Just trust Dongwoo-hyung and I. Today will be a day you won't ever forget," Sungjong turned to Dongwoo, "Off to the park!"

"Alright! Hang onto your seatbelts!"





Dongwoo drived to the park where Myungsoo had confessed to Sungyeol. It was a surprise to Sunggyu because there was nobody at the park at this time of day. The park was literally empty. Sungjong couldn't stand it watching Sunggyu being confused on what was going on so he pulled him out of the van.

Then he gave a little push and left Sunggyu standing by himself in the middle of the park. Dongwoo drove off along with Sungjong. Then just like that Sunggyu became more confused. He turned around and yelled at the car.


Unfortunately, they couldn't hear him since they were already gone. Sunggyu mentally sighed to himself and pulled at his hair. Like a puff of smoke, a person pulled Sunggyu's hands away from his hair and the person wrapped his arms around Sunggyu's waist.

Sunggyu turned his head and his eyes widened seeing Woohyun hugging him from behind. He fully turned around and pushed Woohyun off of him. Woohyun stumbled back a bit but caught himself before he made a fool of himself.

"Why are you here Woohyun?! Tell me what is happening!"

Woohyun smiled his eye smile and took Sunggyu's hand into his. The latter blushed but tried to pull away afraid that they would get caught. But Woohyun held onto him tighter not wanting to let go.

"Woohyun, what if someone sees us?" He looks at Sunggyu and presses a kiss to his forehead.

"Then we run?" Sunggyu smacked Woohyun's shoulder and rolled his eyes at the answer. Woohyun laughed at his boyfriend as they walked along the park together.

"So, tell me, what are we doing here?"

"Lets just say today is just for you and I. Well, mostly you."

Hand in hand they continued until they came to the spot where Myungsoo set up the starry event for confessing to Sungyeol. But this time there were little hearts strapped onto the trees and a circular table in the middle. Woohyun pulled Sunggyu to the table and pulled the chair out for him. Sunggyu sat down amazed with the set up.

"Woohyun...did you do all of this?"

"Yes and no. I had a bit of help from the members." Sunggyu turned to Woohyun who sat down and smiled happily.

"This is amazing. I love it."

"I know you would. Now, how about we have breakfast? I know you haven't ate yet because Sungjong was too busy getting you ready."

From under the table Woohyun pulled out two steaming cups of coffee and two blueberry scones. Sunggyu couldn't help but giggle. He took the first sip of the coffee and smiled.

"Thank you. I needed this especially after what Sungjong put me through." Woohyun brushed away a leaf that fell onto Sunggyu's head. The latter blushed at the gesture and went back to drinking his coffee.

"Anything for you."

"You're so cheesy and greasy you know that?"

Woohyun took a sip of his coffee and smirked at the other. "Hey, my name is NamGrease."

They laughed at the ridiculous nickname. Woohyun threw hearts, blew hearts, and made kissy hearts at Sunggyu making him laugh uncontrollably. It has been a while since Sunggyu has laughed like that, and Woohyun was in joy that he got Sunggyu to let loose and have fun. The setting was perfect for Woohyun since it was all hearts. A fitting scenery for the both of them.

After that the two of them ate in silence with a few sneaky glances at each other. After they finished eating their breakfast, Woohyun called Dongwoo to pick them up since he is the only one in Infinite who has a license. Together they waited holding each others hand. Sunggyu's cheeks turned red and Woohyun couldn't help but pinch those cheeks he loves so much.

Dongwoo came to pick them up and they went to their next destination: their old high school. The place where many memories were made. Sad memories and happy memories. Sunggyu was a bit reluctant to because this was the last place he lived at before he left for America. Woohyun noticed it but gave a little squeeze for reassurance.

Once they stepped onto the grounds of the school, Sunggyu noticed the school was empty too. Either they were in the dorms or they were in class right now.

Woohyun brought Sunggyu to the music room and made Sunggyu sit down on the piano bench. Then he sat next to him and lifted the cover of the piano. He setteled his fingers on the keys and began to play.

The words I wanted to say in front of you
the words I couldn’t say
Without the chance to say them
you left me alone in this place


Sunggyu watched Woohyun play the piano and sing. This was the first time seeing Woohyun play the piano. He didn't even know that Woohyun could play the piano this well. But his heart was moved.


All I can do is watch,
all I can do is hold on,
and wait for you here
You’ve gotten farther away
leaving only regrets,
say it with both eyes closed


I call out without sound,
I call out remembering you
I try forgetting you,
knowing you don’t share my feelings


The words I couldn’t say to you…I love you.
The words I couldn’t bring myself to say
Without the chance to say them
you’re leaving me alone here
and going farther away


All I can do is wait,
all I can do is close my eyes,
and I’m stopped here
You’ve gotten farther away
leaving only regrets,
say it with both your hands together


Woohyun turned to Sunggyu and smiled. And Sunggyu saw it all in Woohyun's eyes. The regret, pain, and loneliness when he left him. Then he saw the love that had slowly bloomed the five years they were apart and now when it blossomed into a beautiful, colorful love.


I call out without sound
I call out remembering you
I try to empty myself of you,
knowing your mind isn’t here


I say it with my mind,
thinking that maybe you’ll come back to me
You don’t share my feelings,
but if you came back I might run into you

This song depicted what happend five years ago. The moment Sunggyu decided to leave Seoul along with Myungsoo. When Sunggyu left the letter for Woohyun that he poured his sorrowful heart into. And when Woohyun was to late to stop Sunggyu from leaving and was too dense about how Sunggyu felt for him the whole time.

Woohyun sang out his feelings of when Sunggyu left without saying a proper goodbye. How he wasn't able to voice out his heart even though he didn't know how he felt about the other. The distance that was put between them and the years that had passed so slowly and painfully. Every single detail was stiched into the song.

I yell out again today
knowing that my voice won’t be heard
You won’t hear me, but I keep calling
Our story, written on an empty notebook
I’ve become alone after you ripped it apart
In a house without you, there’s nothing to do
I know that you’ll already have forgotten about me
I try to erase traces of you in my room


I say it with my mind,
thinking that maybe you’ll come back to me
You don’t share my feelings,
but if you came back
I might run into you
I wait…
I wait thinking that I may run into you..


His fingers left the keys and Sunggyu let the tears fall out. Woohyun smiled softly at the other's reaction. He kissed away Sunggyu's tears and pulled him into a hug.

They didn't know how long they stayed like that but Woohyun had a schedule to keep. He didn't want Sunggyu to cry so he kissed him on the lips gently. Sunggyu closed his eyes as he placed his hands on Woohyun's chest and the other wrapped his arms around Sunggyu's waist. The place where Sunggyu left him is the place where they finally made a new, happy memory.

Before Woohyun pulled away, he placed a kiss on Sunggyu's forehead and then held onto his hand. He led Sunggyu and him out of the school. On the way back to the car Sunggyu couldn't help but smile.

"Woohyun, that song was from the second album right?" He nodded his head.

"You're right. Voice of my heart. A fitting song isn't it? I just felt like since this was the place that we last saw each other, I wanted to make the place where we came together as a couple. I don't want to get rid of the sad memories because they are as important as the happy ones. Our memories here...brought us closer because now I know how important you are to me."

Woohyun kissed the back of Sunggyu's hand. The other blushed at Woohyun's words so he placed a chaste kiss on Woohyun's lips feeling embarrassed afterwards.

"Thank you...but I don't have anything for you." Woohyun shook his head.

"I don't need anything for you. All I need is you. That's all I could ask for."

The two of them entered the car as they moved to the next place. Dongwoo drived them to the café across from their salon. Yeah, it may sound a bit dangerous to go there since there are probably fans there. But Woohyun was willing to take that chance. If they were found out... Then Woohyun was willing to risk anything to protect Sunggyu.

When they arrived, Woohyun put a cap on Sunggyu's head and the same for him. Dongwoo gave them a fighting sign and left. The couple entered the café and felt relieved there weren't many people. Woohyun told Sunggyu to go sit down while he ordered a lunch for them. He ordered sandwhiches for them since the weather got a bit warmer.

Woohyun came back with a tray of food for the both of them and Sunggyu thanked him for buying them their lunch. Right when Sunggyu was about to take the first bite out of his lunch, a girl came out of nowhere holding out their Over the Top album.

"Sunggyu-oppa and Woohyun-oppa, will you please sign this for me?" The two of them looked at each other then at the fan with a smile.

"Sure we can sign it. Do you have a pen?"

The fan took out a pen from her purse and gave it to Sunggyu who signed it first then to Woohyun. The fan thanked them many times but still had one more question. There was an evident blush to her cheeks but she tried to look anywhere but the two of them.

"Is there something wrong? Do you still need something," asked Woohyun.

"Um, I was wondering, how come you two are the only members here?"

Sunggyu choked on his piece of sandwhich that he just bit off and Woohyun coughed up a bit of water. Then he handed Sunggyu's glass of water to him to help him swallow the piece of sandwhich. The fan saw their reactions and smiled at the two. She bowed to them and left them alone.

"Gyu, do you think she knows?"

"I don't know. I feel like she does. If she does know...I hope she will keep it a secret for us."

Woohyun nodded along with Sunggyu's statement. They went back to eating their lunch and stayed their for a while.

"Hyun, why are you taking me around these places?"

"Because I want to. I just want to do something special for you because in the future I may not have time to do things like this." Sunggyu took Woohyun's hand into his and smiled.

"I don't need to have events planned out like this all the time. Just holding your hands, kisses, and having you beside me is all I need from you. All I need is you beside me. Just like how you said all you need is me, it's the same for me. Things like these is great once in a while. Next time, I'm going to plan out something way better than this."

Woohyun raised his eyebrow at Sunggyu. "Oh, really? I want to see you try top what I've have planned for tonight. I'm going to make you remember today for the rest of your life."

"I will see about that later, Woohyun-ah."

They smiled at each other and continued to talk. A few more fans came over to have signatures but they were mostly left alone. Woohyun is right though. All Sunggyu could think is about what has happened and what is about to happen. The last thing on the list was coming up and the both of them couldn't help but feel excited.

Sunggyu stood up and went to use the restroom. That was when Hoya came out from the other side of the café carrying a cupcake. A cupcake that had a heart shape on it and white frosting. Then he scrammed out of there into the van and kissed Dongwoo on the lips since they haven't seen each other since this morning.

Without knowing anything, Sunggyu came out of the bathroom. When he got back Woohyun was holding out the cupcake to Sunggyu. The other didn't know what to do with it so he took it from Sunggyu.

"What's this for?"

"It just a small sample of what is going to happen later tonight. Go ahead and take a bit. I made it." Sunggyu examined the cupcake and slowly took a bite.

He couldn't believe how good it tasted. Sure it may not be good like a professional baker, but it was still amazing. He just couldn't believe that Woohyun made something so delectable like this.

"Hyunnie, did you seriously make this?! It's so good! Where have you been hiding your baking talents?" Sunggyu took another bite and moaned at how it melted in his mouth.

Woohyun wiped away the frosting on the side of Sunggyu's lips making him blush.

"Gyu, you actually called me Hyunnie." Sunggyu blushed even harder.

"It's only because I was in the moment!"

"In the moment? Really? In the moment because of a cupcake?"

He nodded his head and continued to eat the cupcake until he bit onto something paperlike. With his teeth he pulled it out. Sunggyu opened the piece of paper, read it, and smacked Woohyun's head.

"Yah!" Woohyun grasped onto his in pain. "What was that for?!" Sunggyu showed the piece of paper to Woohyun.

"Really? Really?! You are definitely the most cheesiest and greasiest person I have ever known!"

On the paper it read.

"Our hearts are connected the red string of fate. No matter how much the string is streched out or worn out, we will always be connected forever wherever."

Woohyun smiled and shrugged his shoulders. "What? I think it was romantic."

"Romantic my . This is so not a fortune."

Sunggyu stood up but put the piece of paper into his pocket and making sure Woohyun didn't see him do that. The other caught up with him and entered the van together. And the instantly regretted it because Dongwoo was sitting on Hoya's lap and they were making out.


Yeah totally awkward.

Dongwoo got off of Hoya and sat back down on the driver's seat. "Haha! Alright! You didn't see that and lets go onto our next destination! The company building!"



At the company building....



Before they got out of the car, Woohyun blindfolded Sunggyu. Hoya and Dongwoo gave a thumbs up to Woohyun and wished him good luck. Woohyun replied with a smile and got out of the car and helping Sunggyu too.

He led Sunggyu holding onto his hand tightly. Sunggyu wasn't too happy about the situation but decided to go along with it knowing that Woohyun put a lot of work into it. He knew they were going to the company building since Dongwoo annoucned it, but he was still wondering what Woohyun planned this time. It could be dinner but he a feeling it wasn't going to be dinner.

Maybe he is going to play the piano again or maybe not. I don't think he is going to give me a cupcake and neither do I think he is going to give me a cup of coffee. I wonder where we are going. I can feel stairs so we are going up.

"Sunggyu-ah, watch your step. We are going upstairs and I don't want you to trip."

"Alright. Just make sure you don't let me go."

Woohyun kissed Sunggyu's lips. "I will never let you go."

Sunggyu rolled his eyes even though Woohyun couldn't see. He let Woohyun continue lead him to wherever they were going to. The only place that would be at the top is the roof but what would Woohyun have up there?

Right when they got to the top, Woohyun let go of Sunggyu and went to do something quickly. Sunggyu held out his hands calling out for Woohyun. He couldn't help but chuckle at how cute Sunggyu looked calling out for his name.

"Yah! Woohyun, I can hear you laughing at me! Get your over here before I beat you into a pulp and feed you to the do-- What the...?"

At that moment Woohyun took off the blindfold stunning Sunggyu. It was obvious they were at the rooftop, but what stunned him the most where the lights not from the other buidlings but the lights strapped onto the roof. There were lights strapped onto the rails and there was another circular table similar to the one from the park.

This time instead of hearts it was lights bright as the stars. Sunggyu walked around the place with his arms wide open enjoying the moment. He hasn't come up to the rooftop of the building much, and now this place has become totally different.

On the table were two boxes: one medium sized and one small. Woohyun entwined their hands together and led the other to the table. He took out the birthday hat from behind him and put it on Sunggyu. Then he took the medium sized box and slid out the cake he had made.

"So is this what you meant by the cupcake?" Sunggyu questioned him.

Woohyun nodded his head and lighted the candles. This time the candles were sprinkler candles making it a bit harder to blow out, but Sunggyu was successfully able to do it.

"Happy 28th day of every month birthday." The cake was placed down onto the table and then Woohyun picked up the smaller box.

"This one isn't a smaller vision of the cake. I reassure you about that." Sunggyu laughed at Woohyun's lame joke but ushered him to continue.

He purposely opened the box making Sunggyu become impaetient. Finally, Woohyun opened it all the way revealing two silver bands hanging onto their own chains. Woohyun took them out and placed one on Sunggyu and other on him.

Sunggyu grasped the ring and saw there was an inscription in the inside of the ring it said:

"My heart is yours.--Woohyun"

He took a step foward to the other and looked at the inscription on the inside of the ring hanging on Woohyun.

"And my heart is yours.--Sunggyu"

A single tear followed by many fell down Sunggyu's cheek. He started to hit, lightly, Woohyun's chest and at that he was pulled into a hug. Woohyun patted Sunggyu's head Sunggyu gripped onto his shirt.

"S-Stupid Woohyun."

"But I'm your stupid aren't I?" He nodded his head.

"Yeah you are. You're my stupid."

Woohyun pulled away and slowly leaned forward closer to Sunggyu. The latter closed his eyes as Woohyun closed the distance. A kiss so sweet that both of them could have got a cavity. A kiss full of love that soared into the sky for everyone to admire. Sunggyu's salty tears mixed into the kiss but that didn't matter because they were tears of joy. Full of passion and love for the other surged through their body making Woohyun pull in Sunggyu.

They both smiled into the kiss and were left breathless when they pulled away.

"My heart is yours." Woohyun gently kissed Sunggyu.

"And my heart is yours." Sunggyu softly kissed Woohyun back.







"Myungsoo, don't you think we shouldn't be taking picture of them?"

"No. I think I should record their moments and put in a photo album so I can blackmail them later." Myungsoo took ten more pictures of the Woogyu couple.

"But Woohyun-hyung told me that he was going to chop your camera into pieces if you do it again." Hoya moved Dongwoo a little bit because the other's was digging into his thigh.

Myungsoo scoffed. "As if he could lay a hand on my precious," Sungyeol glared at him, "I mean my camera that is second to my precious Sungyeol."

Dongwoo rolled his eyes and kissed Hoya kind of shocking him since he wasn't ready. "Hoya-ah, I'm glad Myungsoo isn't like that to us." Hoya absently nodded his head and Myungsoo took a picture of him like that.

There was a tapping noise and all of them turned their heads to see the maknae texting on his phone. Sungjong looked up and glared at his hyungs.

"What? At least I'm mind my own business."

They shrugged their shoulders and went back to the Woogyu couple. Sunggyu and Woohyun were dancing to no music but you could hear the two of them softly humming a song. Myungsoo took this chance to take pictures of them dancing.

Woohyun spun them around making Sunggyu's back facing the other members. Myungsoo's eyes widened when he saw Woohyun staring, more like glaring, straight into the camera lenses.

"You're so dead...but I will deal with you later." Woohyu mouthed to Myungsoo.

Myungsoo wiped away the imaginary sweat and looked at the pictures he took. He smiled at the first one he took. It was of Woohyun and Sunggyu simply smiling at each other with all their heart.

Myungsoo looked up at the two and smiled.

"I'm happy for you Sunggyu-hyung. We finally got back the hearts we lost. Now our hearts are shining with the one we love. I'm happy now, Sunggyu-hyung. We are now happy."



..............OMG THIS FIC IS FINALLY DONE! It's been a long time since I have started and to the day I ended it which is today. I would first like to thank the 267 suscribers. I'm so happy that you guys suscribed to my fic. I didn't know how this fic was going to end up but I'm happy that many liked it. Then I would like to thank the 23 who upvoted this fic. cyd4294

Also I would like to those who commented and just for simply reading my fic! I hope you enjoyed the ups and downs of the story like I did and can't wait read for my next fic! Also sorry if there are mistakes!

All I want to say is THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!


And here is the link for next fic! Enjoy!

This story is Woogyu! It's called My Personal Angel.


And here is my Myungyeol historical fic! Read it if you haven't.











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701 streak #1
Chapter 2: woohyun is an idiot!
701 streak #2
Chapter 1: started reading 😁
Chapter 26: rereading this and still hating woohyun so much in this fic.gotta have to read a fic with a whipped woohyun now.
Chapter 34: I love the story..
Vanja77 #5
This story is great ;)
kisanet73 #6
Chapter 34: this was soooooo great!!!
thank you for such great story.
khasabat #7
Chapter 34: Ahh- i so happy for them-
In begining i am so upset and angry for Woohyun because their selfsh make distand and pain for Myungsoo and Yeolie!
But i gland they move on and comeback for rise their sweet relationship!
God job author- i like your storys
Chapter 34: In the middle of the story I was about to comment on how I hate it to see sunggyu being so stupid for holding onto woohyun and for woohyun to play around with sunggyu even when he's not sure of his feelings.he pushed and hurt sunggyu twice in the story!can't help being mad at my babygyu for still accepting him.
But well towards the end u kinda ....kindaaa made it up hahaha
Chapter 34: Wow this took me so long to finish but its worth it. Its was breath taking. Im happy they found their lost heart back wow that was too cheesy~ kekeke ♡. Thanks authornim for this wonderful fic!!!
honeyplum #10
Chapter 34: awww so sweet ^^