Ch. 11- I Miss You

Grab Onto Your Heart

Sunggyu's POV:

After the kiss I ran all the way to the bathroom. I turned the sink of and splashed myself with cold water. I braced myself as I let what happened sink in. My grip on the sides of the sink got tighter and tigher. It was as if I was going to brake the sink, even though it's impossible to break it with you bare hands. I touched my lips, the one place he had to kiss me, and a tear dropped to the sink. Then tear after tear fell, and I fell down to my knees. I closed my eyes trying to forget the feel of his lips upon mine, but they wouldn't disappear. My head was full of the image of us kissing. At that moment I was so shocked that I didn't know what happened. It was as if my body froze on me, and my limbs went all numb. Though what I hate the most was the feeling of fluttering butterflies in my stomach. I wish I could just barf them out, but they won't come out no matter what.

Once I composed myself, I exited the bathroom, and went back to the recording studio. Everybody is probably thinking as to where I am and what I am doing. I can't say the truth to them because it will just make things confusing for all seven of us. Also I can't tarnish my image as a leader. I have to be strong no matter what, even if it means that I'm the only one who gets hurt. When I entered the studio everybody turned their heads to see who it was. Myungsoo came towards me, and gave me a hug. I hugged him back and whispered to him that I was okay. He let me go and I went to sit next to him on the sofa. I looked around to see if Woohyun was here, but it seemed like he hasn't come back yet. Just then the door opened, and came in Woohyun who looked really mad.

Why does he look mad? I'm the one who should be mad here! Not him!

I avoided eye contact with him. To be more exact I coudn't even stand being in the same room as him. If I were to make any sort of movement or expression that I wanted to leave, then the others will have a bad impression of me. I didn't want that either. To get my mind off of him, I looked at the lyrics of our song again. I practically have it memorized, but whatever. Anything to get my mind off of him is better than thinking about him. A few times I would peek over the paper to see what he was doing, and every time I caught him staring at me. I was getting shivers down my spine because of him.

" Alright everybody! We are done for the day. Let's go back to the dance studio and practice the dance again. Also, Sungyeol you won't be able to practice today, you have to go film for the sitcom you are in." I was surprised that Sungyeol was in a sitcom. I never knew that he had an interest in acting like Myungsoo.

" Oh, that's right! Myungsoo, you have an interest in acting too, right?" I looked over to Myungsoo. I knew where this conversation was going to, but before I could even say anything, manager-hyung had already beat me to it.

" Myungsoo, you can go with Sungyeol today, and see how acting is. Is that okay with you, Sungyeol?" Now I looked at Sungyeol, and I glared at him. I was hoping he would get the signal, but apparently he didn't.

" Nope! I don't mind at all!"

" Okay! sounds good to me! So the rest of you get into the van, and Sungyeol and Myungsoo will go into a different car."

" Yes!"

All of us left the studio and headed to the car. I sat in the passenger seat while everybody else sat in the back. On the way back, all I could think about was how Myungsoo was doing. Myungsoo alone with Sungyeol, that is not going to be good at all. If only I had spoken a bit faster then maybe he wouldn't have to go with Sungyeol. I'm the leader so why couldn't I do something as simple as that? This would be the first time since five years ago that Myungsoo and Sungyeol have been alone. Though knowing Myungsoo he probably will ignore Sungyeol the whole entire time. Then knowing Sungyeol, he would probably be talking the whole entire time. I shook my head thinking of the situation those two were in. Myungsoo and I don't even know if Sungyeol remembers us or not! Even if he does, will it be possible to forgive and forget? I don't know.

Before we started dancing, we changed our clothes into something a bit more comfortable to dance in. Then when I went to my room, Woohyun was in the room already. He was half : only wearing his boxers and not pants or a shirt. I could feel my cheeks get warm at the sight of Woohyun. Before Woohyun could find out I was blushing, I made a dash to my drawer and took out my clothes. Then I went to the bathroom and shut the door. I slapped myself quite a few times before I changed. Once I was composed, I changed into my sweats, and went out of the bathroom. Right when I came out, I bumped into somebody's chest. I looked up to see Woohyun right in front of me with a cold glint in his eyes. I flinched a little bit, but then I remembered all the times he made me mad. I glared at him back and pushed him out of my way.

" Move it, you are in my way." I went to the dance studio first, and stretched before anybody else came. Once the rest of the members came I let them stretch a little bit. Then I the music and we started to practice.



Myungsoo's POV:


I can't believe that I had to go with Sungyeol. Out of all the members, I get stuck with the one person I really didn't want to be near to. I sighed to myself and looked out the window. Today it was full of grey clouds. The weather forecast did say it was going to storm tonight. I just hope it doesn't storm while we are driving back home. I hate that the most.

While we were in the car, I didn't make any sort of move that I wanted to talk to him. I didn't look at him, move closer to him, and speak to him. It was as if I was trying to avoid him all together. If I look into his eyes, I might melt. If I hear his voice, I might be thrown into a trance. If I were to be centimeters apart from him... I might just take those lips of his. I can't though. I can't do any of those stuff because there is a chance he doesn't remember me. Even if he does he probably moved on with Woohyun. Now that I'm thinking about Woohyun, I wonder what happened to between him and Sunggyu-hyung? If Woohyun hurted Sunggyu-hyung in any way, I'm going to kill him. Well not really kill him, but maybe torture him a bit. He deserves it anyway.

" M-Myungsoo."

Don't turn around.

" Myungsoo? Do you hear me?"

Yes I hear you! So stop talking to me!

" Can you please say something to me?" I could hear a tint of sadness in his voice. That made my heart drop a little bit. Just a little. I turned my head and stared at him. I prepared myself to say something, but then all of a sudden the car jerked forward.

" Sorry! I accidentally pressed the brakes too hard." We shook our heads to him and looked back at Sungyeol.

" Sorry, I'm just a bit tired."

" Oh... It's okay. Why don't you rest for a little bit then?" I nodded my head and my music.

Is this is how it's going to be for the rest of the time we are in Infinite? Will it be like this forever?

As we got the the filming studio, Sungyeol was the first one out of the car. I sighed when I saw the entrance of the building. I really didn't want to go: one, it was because of Sungyeol, and two, it was because of Sungyeol. I reluctantly followed him into the building, and then I saw the setting when we entered the place where the filming is supposed to take place. The set was just a plain room, which looked like a high school student's room, and then there was the living room on the other side. It didn't seem like there was much to me, but then all of a sudden all of these people came out. Somebody started to come towards us, and it seemed like the person was the director.

" Hello Sungyeol-sshi. And who do we have here?" I bowed to him and introduced myself.

" Hello, my name is Kim Myungsoo. I'm a new member in Infinite, and today I came to observe Sungyeol's acting."

" Hmm, I see. Do you have an interest in acting then?" I nodded my head.

" Yes, I do." The director patted my shoulders and smiled.

" Well that's great! I'm sure with a handsome face like yours, somebody will come ask you to be in their drama."

" T-Thank you."

" No problem. Now, Sungyeol-sshi, how about you go change into your clothes?"

" Okay!" I bowed to him once again, and followed Sungyeol to the dressing room. On the way there we met the actress who I guess is Sungyeol's character's love line. I introduced myself to her as well, and then we went to the dressing room. In the room Sungyeol's clothes for the scene was already laid out. I looked at his clothes, and they seemed like the type a student would wear. Sungyeol must be high school student or something because my eyes caught a uniform too.

" So, you are a high school student?" I asked him as I touched the sleeve of the uniform.

" H-Huh?" I looked at Sungyeol. For some reason he looked really surprised.

" I asked if your character is a high school student?"

" O-Oh. Yeah, my character is a high school student who doesn't care anything but school and grades."

" Hmm, I see. Interesting... I guess." I sat down on the chair and took out my phone to play around with. I got a text from Sunggyu-hyung asking if I was okay. I replied back saying that everything was fine. He must be very worried for me because I'm alone with Sungyeol.

" M-Myungsoo." I looked up from my phone to see Sungyeol struggling to put on his shirt.

" What?"

" C-Can you help me out?"

I sighed to myself. Why can't he put on clothes easily like any normal person. Though I do remember that he did have trouble even putting on a t-shirt. Which is like right now. Even though I didn't want to do it, I helped him that way he can go start filming. I got out of my seat and walked over to him. When I grabbed the ends of his shirt, my fingers slightly touched his skin. I froze on the spot, but then I shook my head to get the thought out of my head. To finish it quickly, I pulled down his shirt hard, but that wasn't a good idea. By pulling his shirt that hard it caused him to come towards me a bit. Our faces were now a few centimeters apart. My eyes slowly followed from his eyes to his lips. The lips that I have missed so much... but I can't have them anymore. I just can't.

" Myung-" I quickly backed off, and pushed him to the door.

" Let's go. You don't want to make them wait for you." I held the door for him and motioned him with my hand to go first. It looked like he was about to say something, but then he shut his mouth immediately. I followed him out. The short distance from the dressing room to the setting was enough for me. To see his back, to silently follow him: that's what I can only do now. Deep in my heart, I was concerned at how long I can keep this up.

Sungyeol, do you know what you do to me? Everyday I want to hold you in my arms, kiss your lips every minute, and just bath in your warmth. Everyday it's a struggle for me because I can't forget the past. Though you probably don't remember our past yet. I just wish that your memories will come back that way I can have some sort of answer. My can't deal with this much longer.


Woohyun's POV:


During dance practice all I could think about was Sunggyu-hyung and the kiss. My instincts took over when I kissed him. There just was this anger because of him. I just wanted him not to ignore me. Then I just had to mess it all up again. A kiss. A KISS! Out of everything that I could do to make him like me again, I just had to kiss him. I groaned at the memory of it. It kept on replaying in my head. Over, over, and over again. It just wouldn't disappear: his expression, his tears, and the last words he said to me before he ran off.

I hate you. I hate you. I. Hate. You.

When I was moving to my next spot, I accidentally bumped into somebody. We both fell to the floor and that's when I noticed it was Sunggyu-hyung. Our eyes met, but his eyes were full of anger and coldness. I stood up before him and held out my hand for him. He didn't take it, though. Instead he stood up and brushed away my hand. I looked like a fool because of that. Then I felt somebody pat my shoulder. I turned around to see Dongwoo-hyung smiling at me. I smiled back because I didn't want to look like I was affect by Sunggyu-hyung. I brought my hand back to my side, and we had to start all over again.

This time Sunggyu-hyung pushed us even harder. It's a good thing that Sungyeol and Myungsoo don't have to be here right now. If they were, they would be suffocating at this point. By now were sweating through our shirts so badly that we had to go change into a new shirt. I was the first one to go change, but Sunggyu-hyung was close behind me. I went into our room first to grab a new t-shirt. When Sunggyu-hyung came in, I thought I heard something drop. He left the room and then I walked to over his drawer. Something shiny on his bed caught my eye. I leaned down to pick it up, but it was snatched away in a second. I looked up to see who it was, and of course it was Sunggyu-hyung. Though when I looked at his face, it looked he was hurt emotionally. My eyes followed down to his hand that was clutching the thing that was on the floor.

" What is that?" I pointed to his hand, and then he shoved it into his pocket.

" It's none of your business. Hurry up and get back down to the dance studio." I decided not to pursue it any further just in case he gets more angry than he already is. I changed into my new shirt, and headed outside. The other members came inside to change too, and then in the studio it was just us two again. I swear it's like we are alone every single time.

" Woohyun, what are you doing? Get over here and practice the move that you keep on messing up."

" H-Huh? What do you mean?"

" Just practice!" I scrambled to my spot and began dancing. Then all of a sudden I stopped dancing. Instead I focused on how he was dancing. Sure it was not as good and fluid as Dongwoo-hyung and Hoya, but for some reason it caught my eye. The way how his body moves to the beat, eyes focusing on the mirror, and sweat falling down from his face. Without knowing it, I had already walked over to him. I grabbed his arm and he stopped dancing.

" What do you want?"

" I'm sorry. I'm sorry I kissed you back there." He yanked his arm from my hand and glared at me.

" It doesn't matter anymore. The didn't affect me in any way." My heart dropped right there. I looked into his eyes to see if he was lying, but I couldn't find anything. The wall between us was increasing bit by bit, and I had no idea how to break it down.

" Still, I'm sorry, for everything."

" Well, isn't it too late for an apology? Just go back to practice. You are bothering me right now."

" Am I really a bother?" I watched him hesistate before he answered. I braced myself for the answer, but then the other members came into the studio. He didn't answer my question and instead he went towards the stereo.

Why can't you just say you want me to disappear? Isn't that what you want? For me to disappear? If I'm such a bother, than why are trying to deal with me? Why?

Instead of going practicing, I went to talk to manager-hyung. I told him I wasn't feeling well, and if I could go rest. He said it was alright, and I went back to the dorm. First, I took a quick shower, and then went to lay on my bed after I put on clothes. The lights weren't turned off yet because I couldn't go to sleep. Sunggyu-hyung was running through my mind. It's like an endless cycle of him in my mind. No matter how many times I turned around in my bed, it didn't work. Even when I slept on either of my sides, I still couldn't fall sleep. Since I couldn't fall asleep, I decided to go get a glass of water. Right when I was walking to the door, I bumped into one of the boxes in the room and it fell down. It was the box where I put all of my CDs, but it also held something too. The lid came off when it fell and the contents spilled out. On the floor there were CDs, and a picture frame. I sat down and the first thing I reached out to was the picture frame. I flipped it over, and it was the picture of Sunggyu-hyung and I after our graduation from middle school.

We were smiling in the picture. Our arms were slung over each other and our faces were really close to each other. My thumb brushed over the frame, and then something dropped onto the frame. It was a droplet. Then another, another, and another fell. I touched my face to notice that I was crying. I wiped away the tears with my arm, and then I put the picture frame back into the box. I placed the box where it was before, and went back to my bed. I didn't feel like getting a cup of glass of water anymore.

Why am I crying? I shouldn't be the one crying, yet here I am crying in my bed. I sound like such a whimp.

It wasn't until another hour when the others came back to the dorm. I still wasn't asleep yet either. Then when I heard the door open, I quickly shut my eyes and stayed still. I didn't want Sunggyu-hyung to know that I pretended to be asleep so I couldn't stay and avoid him. Footsteps were getting closer and closer. All of a sudden I felt a hand on my forehead. I flinched a little bit at the touch of his hand upon my forehead. When he pulled away his hand, I wanted to grab his hand and make him stay. I couldn't do that, though. I had to make sure it looked like I was sleeping. The door opened again and the footsteps drifted away. Then the footsteps got louder again, and then I heard something being placed on the floor next to me.

" I know you aren't sleeping or feeling sick. Also...drink the water." The door closed and I opened my eyes to see a glass of water by my bed. I sat up and grabbed it. For a few minutes I stared at questioning why he did that for me. Thinking that he didn't put anything in there, I took a big gulp of water, and then finished it. I placed it back on the floor. I laid back on my bed, and this time I was actually able to fall asleep.


Sungyeol's POV:


We were on our way back from filming. On the way back, all I could think about how Myungsoo was watching me while I was acting out my scenes. Then whenever I looked over to him, I would get nervous and I would forget my lines. I would mentally punish myself every time that happened. When we were on our break, I was surprised when Myungsoo commented me on my acting. Though then he said how I looked weird and awkward with glasses. That didn't really help with my self esteem, but I was surprised he talked to me first. This whole time I thought that he would never utter a word to me, but I could see some improvement.

When I looked over to Myungsoo, I could see him nodding off. His head was going forward and then he would bring it back. I had to hold in my laughter or he might wake up. Well, actually Myungsoo is a deep sleeper if I remember. I couldn't stand it anymore so I brought his head to my shoulder. What I didn't see coming was when he snuggled closer to me. He wrapped his arm around my waist, and I did the same to him. I could hear little snores coming from him which was pretty cute. I brushed away his bangs but by doing so I made him move around in his sleep. Which then caused him to snuggle even closer to me. I didn't know what else to do so I placed my head on top of his. All of a sudden I heard Myungsoo mumble something. The sound of rain hitting the car made it feel more calm and...serene? I leaned down a little bit so hear what he was saying, and I was caught off guard with what he said.

" Sungyeol, I miss you." A tear slipped from my eye and it dropped onto his cheek. I used my other hand to wipe away the tear, and I brought him closer to me.

Myungsoo, I want to say so many things to you, but I just can't put them into words. No matter how many times I open my mouth, all the words I want to say disappear.

" We are back."

I looked out the window to see we were back at the dorm. I got out of the car first without waking up Myungsoo. Then I carried Myungsoo on my back and ran  into the dorm because I didn't want us to get wet. I didn't notice how light Myungsoo was because he was the one usually carrying me. When I got to the room he shared with Dongwoo-hyung, I carefully placed him on the floor. First, I took off his shoes and then the sweater he was wearing. Luckily, Dongwoo-hyung is also a deep sleeper too. I threw his sweater into the corner and then put the blanket over him. I made sure he was tucked in, and I brushed away his bangs one last time. I leaned down so our faces were centimeters apart. I kissed his forehead and whispered to him.

" I miss you too." I stood up, turned off the lights, and closed the door. I took off my shoes and placed our shoes on the shoe rack. Then I went to my room and changed into my pajamas. I was too tired to take a shower, and it was already really late.

I was able to say I miss you to him, but he was a sleep. So I guess that doesn't count. Oh well, I'm sure there will be plenty of times to tell him.







(A/N: Hey everybody! I finally updated! Sorry if I took too long to update! Well I hoped you enjoyed it! Until next time!)





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693 streak #1
Chapter 2: woohyun is an idiot!
693 streak #2
Chapter 1: started reading 😁
Chapter 26: rereading this and still hating woohyun so much in this fic.gotta have to read a fic with a whipped woohyun now.
Chapter 34: I love the story..
Vanja77 #5
This story is great ;)
kisanet73 #6
Chapter 34: this was soooooo great!!!
thank you for such great story.
khasabat #7
Chapter 34: Ahh- i so happy for them-
In begining i am so upset and angry for Woohyun because their selfsh make distand and pain for Myungsoo and Yeolie!
But i gland they move on and comeback for rise their sweet relationship!
God job author- i like your storys
Chapter 34: In the middle of the story I was about to comment on how I hate it to see sunggyu being so stupid for holding onto woohyun and for woohyun to play around with sunggyu even when he's not sure of his feelings.he pushed and hurt sunggyu twice in the story!can't help being mad at my babygyu for still accepting him.
But well towards the end u kinda ....kindaaa made it up hahaha
Chapter 34: Wow this took me so long to finish but its worth it. Its was breath taking. Im happy they found their lost heart back wow that was too cheesy~ kekeke ♡. Thanks authornim for this wonderful fic!!!
honeyplum #10
Chapter 34: awww so sweet ^^