Ch. 5- Return

Grab Onto Your Heart

Sunggyu's POV:

The day we came back was when the weather decided to be scorching hot. I was practically fanning myself as I was waiting outside. I was holding onto our luggages while Myungsoo went to the bathroom. He said he couldn't hold it in any longer and I told him to go before he peed in his pants. So here I was, with our luggages, sweating like crazy, and waiting for my parents to pick us up. As I looked to the sky, there were no clouds, just an empty, blue sky. Almost like my mind and my heart. No thoughts and no feelings.

Cars passed by picking up their families. I stared at a family who just picked up their son and they were giving each other hugs. Then I saw a woman run up to a man and leaped into his arms. I couldn't help but smile at the sweet scene, but there was a little tug at my heart. Just a little one. Smiles like those have disappeard from our faces, and we don't know what it means to be truly happy anymore. Ever since the day Myungsoo and I left, we haven't smiled as much. Though, the person who has changed the most is Myungsoo. He isn't the sweet, shy, and quiet Myungsoo I used to know. Now he is quiet, never shows his feelings, and has a cold glint to his eyes.

" Sunggyu-hyung." I snapped out of my thoughts and turned around to see Myungsoo standing next to me.

" You finished doing your business?" Myungsoo simply nodded his head at me and grabbed his luggage from me. I just sighed in response and focused on trying to find my parent's car.

" Hyung."

" Yeah?"

" Do you think we will be fine here?"

" I don't know. I don't know."

Everything went silent between the two of us. We truly didn't know what was going to happen to us now. Back in the states we were discovered by some scouts and they wanted us to join their company. My dream was to always become a singer, and I wanted to take any steps that will get me closer to it. Myungsoo agreed too because he had an interest in singing, and well since he is pretty good looking, that helped a bit too. They told us that we will be joining a group that has already debuted for about a year. There was five other members and we were going to meet them tomorrow morning. I was a bit curious as to who the members were. I guess I will just have to wait until tomorrow. Just then a car pulled up in front of us and a person came out of the car.

" Sunggyu! Myungsoo!" We were enveloped into a hug by my mom, and my dad just stood there and chuckled at us.

" M-Mom! Let us go! You are choking us!" She finally let us go and I had to catch my breath a bit.

" Sorry! I'm just so excited to see you two! The last time I saw was two years ago at Christmas!" I rubbed my neck and smiled guitly.

" Sorry mom. We have been busy and we didn't want to bother you guys with buying airplane tickets and such. It's not like we have missed much anyways."

" You have though." Myungsoo and I looked at each with confused looks. I looked back at my mom and questioned her.

" What do you mean?"

" Haha! Oh nothing! Let's go home, shall we?"

I didn't press on anymore. My dad helped us put our luggage in the trunk, and Myungsoo and I got into the back seats. As we drove by in Seoul, I realized how much it has changed. It wasn't the same as when we were younger. There are skyscrapers, businesses, hotels, and many other things I haven't seen before. Billboards of groups, lights flashing everywhere, and people walking along the streets. Seoul has changed quite a bit, but have I changed? Have I changed since we left five years ago? Five years have passed and now here I am. I'm back home, the place that I was hurt to the point of almost breaking. Though, I made so many great memories here, but I have to forget them because now my heart is just empty. Starting anew is what is best for me.

" We are home!" I looked out the window and noticed we were finally home. Though, I won't be here for that long. I got Myungsoo and my luggage out and brought them inside. One thing hasn't changed- home. It was still the same as I last saw it at Christmas two years ago. Pictures hung on the wall, the t.v. was still in the same place, and then on the shelf was my middle school graduation certificate. I turned away from it because right next to it was a picture of all four of us.

" Myungsoo, let's bring our luggage to my room. You can use the spare bedroom for tonight."

Maybe things will be different- I hope.


Myungsoo's POV:


Sunggyu-hyung helped me bring up my luggage to the spare bedroom. Even though Sunggyu-hyung must have thought that I didn't see his expression when he saw the picture of all four of us, I saw it. While Sunggyu-hyung went up first, I quickly walked over to the picture and placed it face down. I didn't want to see their faces, and Sunggyu-hyung didn't want to see them either. If we were to see them, we wouldn't know what to do. Ignore them? Greet them? Or will we just breakdown in front of them? Neither of us wants to see them at this moment. If we were to see them then did we come back at the wrong time?

" Myungsoo, get up here!" I ran upstairs and helped Sunggyu-hyung put my luggage into the spare room.

" Thanks."

" No problem! Now, how about we go downstairs and help my mom cook dinner?"

" Okay." Sunggyu-hyung patted my head and put our foreheads against each other. Gently, he whispered to me. As if the we were the only people who could hear it.

" No matter what, I won't ever leave you, let anybody hurt you, or make you cry. I will protect you like I always have." I silently nodded my head, and held onto my hand as we went downstairs.

" Mom, do you want any help?"

" Sure! How about you cut up the vegetables?" Sunggyu-hyung let me go and got two cutting boards. He gave me a knife to cut up the tomatoes and he was cutting the onions.

I haven't cooked for a while since Sunggyu-hyung was the one who cooked in our apartment back in the states. Ever since I was little, I wasn't very good with cooking. At least cutting tomatoes wasn't that hard, and I wouldn't burn anything. Before I even started cutting, I heard a little sniffle coming from Sunggyu-hyung. He was crying and I got a little bit worried as to why he was crying. So I dropped the knife and walked over to him. I lifted up his head and there was tears about to fall. I gently wiped them away and he chuckled at me.

" I'm not crying because I'm sad. I'm crying because I'm cutting up the onions. You don't have to worry about me."

" O-Oh. S-Sorry."

" It's okay. Thank you for worrying about me. Now, finish cutting up the tomatoes." I nodded and went back to cutting the tomatoes. In less than five minutes, I finished cutting the tomatoes. Sunggyu-hyun finished before me and he was just waiting for me.

" Thank you, boys. You can go off and do what you want to do."

" Okay!"

Sunggyu-hyung and I walked out of the kitchen and then I saw the piano in the corner of the room. I remembered when Sunggyu-hyung would play the piano and I would be sitting next to him with my feet hanging off the chair. He would sing nursery songs and I would hum along with him. Those were the times I missed the most. When we didn't have to worry about a thing in the world. We could just live as kids and enjoy ourselves. Yet, we can't do that anymore. We are adults who are going to go into this big, scary world. What's even more scary, we are going to be in a group of idols and we will have to perform in front of others. These past five years, I have learned how to play the guitar and Sunggyu-hyung helped me with my singing.

" Myungsoo, do want to sing along with me?"

" W-What?"

" The one that you were listening to yesterday we boarded the airplane."

" That one?"

" Yep! I will play the piano and you sing along with me." I slowly nodded my head and sat next to Sunggyu-hyung. He started to play the chords and he started to sing. I closed my eyes and followed along with him.

I should go, I should hurry up and go
Or else my lingering feelings will be tears
I should hurry up and go so I can't see you left behind

It's crying, the leaving love is
The sadness filled up and poured out
It's hard to even walk a step
So I turn around and just cry standing

Don't fall in love, break-up always comes along
It hurts so much that you can't breathe
I thought that forgetting would hurt just as much as love
I thought it could happen but
No, it hurts a thousand times more

I'm scared of living with my eyes opened
Because I won't be able to even find
It's better to just fall asleep missing you

Again, again, no, can't
I talk by myself like a fool

Don't fall in love, it hurts to death
You cry everyday
I used to say that it'll be easy to forget once new love comes
But no, not my love
Not me

I slowly opened my eyes and I swear I saw a tear slip from Sunggy-hyung's face onto the piano. I was going to ask him if he was okay, but his mom came to get us from the kitchen.

" Sunggyu, Myungsoo, dinner is ready!" Sunggyu-hyung jumped out of the chair and threw a smile at me. I knew better than that- he was trying to mask his feelings.

" Let's go eat."

" Hyung-"

" Myungsoo, it's okay." I simply sighed and followed him silently. Dinner was filled with laughter but I know Sunggyu-hyung was pushing himself too much. I wish that he could just give himself a break.


The next morning.....


Nobody's POV:


While Sunggyu and Myungsoo were making their way to the company. Five other boys were in the dance studio practicing for their first full album. Sweat trailing down their bodies as they excuted each move in sync. They were in a different world and everything on the outside didn't matter. They wanted to perfect their moves to the point there were no flaws. Once the song finished, all of them dropped to the ground and catch their breath. Even if it was tiring, it's what they wanted. While they were getting water and just lying around, their manager came inside.

" Everybody, the CEO wants to see you, so get up and get into the van." All of them got up even though they didn't want to move at all.

" Yes."

One by one they got into the van. The oldest one sat in the front while the others sat in the back. Each of them were curious as to why the CEO wanted to see all of them. Though, they do remember that the CEO had something they wanted to tell them, but not until later. It was silent since they were tired until the oldest spoke to their manager. 

" Hyung, why does he want to see us?" 

" I don't know. You will just have to wait and find out."

" Fine. I guess we will just have to wait."

The car ride wasn't long, and all of them ran out of the car as fast as possible. Being stuck in the van with six people, and to make it worst on a hot summer day, made the van feel like a sauna. They pushed each other out of the way so they could get into the cool building. Even if they were getting weird looks, they didn't care. When everybody got into the building, they made their way up to see the CEO. Just then, somebody just had to go us the bathroom.

" Manager-hyung, I have to use the bathroom! You guys go on ahead of me!"

" Wait, I have to use the bathroom too!" Now two of them had to use the bathroom while the others went ahead of them.

The rest of them made their way up to the CEO's office. Once they opened the door, they were greeted with more than their boss. There was two other people whose backs were face to them. Then their boss saw them and walked over to them. They bowed to him, and looked back at him with confusion plastered on their faces.

" It seems like you are a little bit confused?"

" Yeah we are." The oldest spoke up for them even though he was probably the one who was the most confused.

" I have an announcement for- wait, where are the other two?"

" Bathroom."

" Of course. Anyways, I have an announcement. From now on, you guys will have two new members. Sunggyu, Myungsoo, come over here!" The two boys turned around and walked to the other three.

" Hello, my name is Kim Sunggyu. I will be the main vocal and leader of the group. The CEO has told me that your group name is Infinite. Please take care of me!" He bowed to them and gave them his signature eye smile.

" Hello, my name is Kim Myungsoo. I will be the vocal and visual of the group. I hope we will get along." He bowed to them too. Even though the other three were surprised and didn't know what to say, they just went along. They couldn't do anything at this point.

" Hi, I'm Jang Dongwoo! Main rapper and dancer! Also the one with the most loudest laugh ever! Welcome to Infinite!"

" Hello, my name is Lee Howon, but my stage name is Hoya. I'm the rapper and main dancer. Let's get along."

" Hi! My name is Lee Sungjong! I'm the maknae of the group! It's nice to meet you two!"

They greeted each other, and the atmosphere became awkward for a bit. All of them didn't know what to say because they were kind of surprised, and were practically out of their minds. There was laughter coming from the hallway, and all of them turned around to see who it was. Once the two other members stepped in, they didn't expect to see what they haven't seen in five years. Right in front of them were the people who they thought they would never ever see in their lives.

" You guys finally came back! Sunggyu-sshi, Myungsoo-sshi, this is Nam Woohyun and Lee Sungyeol! Go and greet them!" Dongwoo pushed the two of them towards Sunggyu and Myungsoo. It was obivous that there was a tense and awkward atmosphere surrounding them. Sunggyu made the first move and held out his hand.

" Hello, my name is Kim Sunggyu. It's nice to meet you." Woohyun didn't know what to do so he just shook his hand. There was an electrifying feeling between them and Sunggyu immediately pulled away. Then he shook Sungyeol's hand. Myungsoo was up next, but he was reluctant.

" My name is Kim Myungsoo. I hope we get along." Instead of shaking their hands he bowed to them.

" H-Hi, I'm Nam Woohyun."

" Lee Sungyeol." Just then the CEO slung his arms around Sunggyu and Myungsoo not noticing the atmosphere.

" Well, since you guys met take care of each other! Got it!"

" Yes!"

The four of them looked into each other eyes. Woohyun looked straight into Sunggyu's, but he was afraid. He was afraid that he would see hate, sadness, and anger. Though, that is what he didn't see: it was worse. He saw emptiness: almost as if the feelings weren't there anymore. It was as if they were erased. Sungyeol looked at Myungsoo and was heart broken. He received a cold glare from Myungsoo and the only solution was to look away. Sunggyu could feel his feelings rise up and he pressed them back down as hard as possible. He didn't want to break his visage so he simply looked at Woohyun with no feelings. Just emptiness. Myungsoo was trying his best not to jump Sungyeol. He couldn't believe that after all these years, the person he loved the most was standing right in front of him.

Why are they here? Why do they have to be in the same group I'm in?

Does he remember us? Me? Or is he still living a lie made by him?

He is back. He is finally back. I have so much to say to him, but will he accept me back?

I don't want to see you. I don't want to see the two of you together. Why? Why does this have to happen to us?




(A/N: Okay now they finally met after like 5 years. To make it clear, Infinite has debuted as a group without Sunggyu and Myungsoo. They just had finished promoting Nothing's Over. Just wanted to clarify that's all! Comments are appreciated!)





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701 streak #1
Chapter 2: woohyun is an idiot!
701 streak #2
Chapter 1: started reading 😁
Chapter 26: rereading this and still hating woohyun so much in this fic.gotta have to read a fic with a whipped woohyun now.
Chapter 34: I love the story..
Vanja77 #5
This story is great ;)
kisanet73 #6
Chapter 34: this was soooooo great!!!
thank you for such great story.
khasabat #7
Chapter 34: Ahh- i so happy for them-
In begining i am so upset and angry for Woohyun because their selfsh make distand and pain for Myungsoo and Yeolie!
But i gland they move on and comeback for rise their sweet relationship!
God job author- i like your storys
Chapter 34: In the middle of the story I was about to comment on how I hate it to see sunggyu being so stupid for holding onto woohyun and for woohyun to play around with sunggyu even when he's not sure of his feelings.he pushed and hurt sunggyu twice in the story!can't help being mad at my babygyu for still accepting him.
But well towards the end u kinda ....kindaaa made it up hahaha
Chapter 34: Wow this took me so long to finish but its worth it. Its was breath taking. Im happy they found their lost heart back wow that was too cheesy~ kekeke ♡. Thanks authornim for this wonderful fic!!!
honeyplum #10
Chapter 34: awww so sweet ^^