Ch. 31- A Bite to the Heart

Grab Onto Your Heart

Woohyun's POV:

Last night Gyu and I celebrated his birthday. It really wasn't his birthday, but hey, it made him happy! He cried, which made me worry there for a second, but they were ' tears of happiness.' The same exact words he used to describe them. All I can say is he looked cute crying. As long he doesn't cry when he is sad then it's alright.

I may sound like a creep right now, but I'm watching Sunggyu sleep. After we ate the cake, and I mean all of it, we both fell asleep. During the night he snuggled closer to me so I wrapped my arms around him. He made me warmer too and I can tell I made him warmer as well because he was shivering before. Sunggyu is still snuggled up to my chest and hasn't backed away. I'm just hoping he doesn't freak out when he sees us in this position. Oh, wait, I spoke too soon!

I closed my eyes and calmed down my breathing to make it look like I was still sleeping. I could feel him trying to move out of my grasp, but I gripped onto him a bit tighter.

" Woohyun, I know you're awake. So let me go before I do something to you, and I definitely won't regret it."

Nope. Didn't make any sort of movement. It's probably an empty threat anyways.

" I'm being serious here."

I pulled him closer to me and placed my chin on top of his head. He smells like vanilla despite not taking a shower last night. But whatever.

Sunggyu suddenly started to punch me so I pushed him away to see what was wrong. His face seemed a bit red though that might have been because he is angry with me.

" Woohyun! You were hugging me to tightly and closely that I couldn't breathe!"

I simply smiled at him and pulled him back to me. I nuzzled my face into his neck and then up to his ear. I quickly bit his earlobe making Sunggyu emit and squeak. Which was pretty cute by the way! I love the reactions I can make come out of him.

Before he could retaliate, I got off from my bed and ran straight to the bathroom. Another thing to do in order to ensure my safety, I locked it too! That way he can't open it. I'm so smart aren't I!?

" Open the door right now Woohyun!"

" I'm taking a shower!"

" Don't lie to me! I don't even hear the water running!"

I quickly go turn on the shower that way he thinks I'm taking a shower.

" Now I am!"

" Well, how are you going to come out afterwards then? You forgot to bring a towel and boxers with you!"

I facepalmed myself for forgetting those two things. At least I should have brought a towel with me! But nooooooooo! All I could think about was making Sunggyu squeak like a mouse, or hamster to me, from biting his earlobe. Though, getting a glimpse of his really red face made me even more happy. Of course not the red face when he is angry. Now, that I think about it, I think he has many shades of red to his face depending on his emotions. I mean he is like a steaming red when he is angry, the beet red when he is embarrassed or flustered, pink (which is very, very, very light shade of red) when his emotions stirr him, and simply red whenever I'm near him.

I wonder what shade of red he is when he is writhing under--

" You better not be thinking of dirty thoughts!"

" I'm not thinking of dirty thoughts! You are thinking of dirty thoughts thinking that I'm thinking of dirty thoughts!"


" Gyu? You still there?"

Hm. He must have left because I beat him at his own words!


I whip my head around to see the doorknob twisting, and then the door opening. Slowly, I backed away afraid what was going to come in. It's like those horror movies, and I think I'm the character who dies first. I blocked my face with my arms waiting for my punishment to come.

" Woohyun, what are you doing?" I let my arms fall down to see Sunggyu standing there with a towel and one of my boxers.

" Oh, it's just you."

" What's that supposed to mean?"

" Haha. Oh, nothing! Don't worry about it!" I took the stuff out of Sunggyu's hands and placed them on the rack.

" Thanks for getting my things for me Gyu."

I was waiting for a response from him, but instead he crept up closer to me. He was getting closer and closer until we were both in the shower. It's a good thing that he closed the door and locked it or else it would have been awkward if one of our members saw us. Thought, I don't really mind this position. Sure Sunggyu's shirt is drenched and I can see his bare chest, but you know, whatever. I'm being pretty calm despite the situation.

I got the biggest shock of my life when Sunggyu pressed his body against mine and wrapped his arms around my neck. I didn't know what to do so my arms stayed limp.

" Woohyun-ah," he whispered into my ear, " You shouldn't have bitten my earlobe."

" H-Huh--"

I made a noise, not a squeak because only Sunggyu can makes squeaks, when Sunggyu bit my earlobe. I shivered when he suddenly the rim of my ear because I was totally not expecting for him to do this.

When he stopped, he whispered into my ear, " I. Got. You."

Sunggyu unwrapped his arms from my neck as I stayed in the shower fully clothed. I watched him take off his shirt and throw into the shower, took my towel, and walked out of the bathroom like nothing happened. Like nothing freaking happened!

" Yah! Sung--"

The door slammed shut before I could even finish my sentence. And now I have a bit of a problem. Down. There. I pushed my hand through my wet hair, groaned, and sighed.

" This is just my day isn't?"




Sunggyu's POV:


" Hyung, why are you dripping wet and have no shirt on?" I looked towards Myungsoo who just woke up. I shrugged my shoulders at him and went to my bedroom.

Great. Now I'm wet because of him. Though, it is kind of my fault for going into the shower too. But still! That was Woohyun's punishment for biting my earlobe today and making me nearly suffocate!

I took of my sweatpants and boxers along with it and then wrapped the towel around my waist. I just threw my wet clothes onto the floor and decided to wipe it later, or make Woohyun clean it up. It was his fault of course.

While I was waiting for Woohyun to finish with the bathroom, I looked through my drawers to get dry, clean boxers and another towel. I don't want to hear Woohyun complaining that he doesn't have a towel because of me. Then he will tell all of the managers on how bad of a leader I was because I didn't give him a towel. 

I was about to go get the towel, when I stepped on something. I looked down to see my locket on the floor beside the bed.

Woohyun must have taken it off before he fell asleep. He probably thought I would be uncomfortable wearing it.

Right when I was about to pick it up, Woohyun came bursting in... Without a towel. 


I threw whatever was next to me and covered my eyes with my other hand. Then I ran out of there as fast as possible because I was not going to stay there after seeing...that.

I went into the bathroom, placed my towel on the rack, and the shower. I didn't care if the water was cold because I the image needed to be washed away down to the drain.




On our schedule it said we have a radio show to go to. Right now I'm listening to Sungyeol and Dongwoo singing their butts off, Woohyun and Hoya making fun of them, Sungjong ignoring them, and there was Myungsoo sleeping with his head on Sungyeol's shoulder.

I still don't know how Myungsoo can sleep with Sungyeol like that. Like seriously. Myungsoo is truly a deep sleeper.

I focused my attetion back on the road when I got a text message-- it's from Byunghun.


From: Byunghun

Good morning! How are you today?


To: Byunghun

Lets just say this morning was a bit hectic, but I was able to deal with it...somewhat. How about you?


From: Byunghun

I'm more happy now I get to talk to you. Or more like text you. :)


To: Byunghun

Of course! I always make my dongsaeng's day better! You're very welcome!


From: Byunghun

Thank you Strawberry-hyung. Anyway, I was wondering if we could meet up tonight? I know there is a park near your dorm so we could meet up there.


To: Byunghun

Sure! After schedules are over I will meet you over there at about 9:00 PM? I probably will have practice for a few hours.


From: Byunghun

That's fine with me! See you later!


To: Byunghun

Bye! :)


" Hyung, who were you texting?"

I looked over my shoulder to see Woohyun's face up close to mine. I kind of freaked out and pushed his face away making it slam into the driver's seat. I started to panic because I kind of hurted Woohyun. Well, on the bright side, he doesn't have a bruise on his face.

" I-I'm sorry. Are you okay?" Woohyun was rubbing his face and his face contorted in pain. I didn't know what to do because how am I going to take the pain away?

" I'm fine. But it will be better if you give it a kiss."

I take it back. I don't care anymore.

I pushed away his face that was creeping closer making it slam into the driver's seat once more.




While we were at the radio station, Byunghun kept on texting me. Some of them were jokes, which some were funny and others were not. Also I felt like he would send me random messages and it would be for the wrong person. Apparently, he sent me a text that was actually for Chunji-sshi...even though he said they are sitting next to each other in their van.

Of course, I only text when songs are being played because the rest of the time we are talking. Woohyun was being greasy for the fans, Sungyeol cracked some jokes, Dongwoo laughed as usual, Hoya did some rhyming, Sungjong danced to a girl song since this is video recorded too, and Myungsoo...well it seemed like he was still out of it.

A fan sent in a question saying if we ever have fallen in love before. Of course all of us say no. Also we joked about it saying Sungjong hasn't had any experience yet because he is the maknae. Even though he is already in a relationship.

" So, Sunggyu-sshi, have you ever been in love before?"

" In love?"

" Yes. So have you? I'm pretty sure the fans want to know."

" Well, it's a secret."

" Aigoo! Keeping it a secret from the fans! I'm pretty sure the fans are even more curious now! How about we listen to their new song Be Mine!"

The radio host put our song on and Dongwoo started to dance to it. We laughed at him and soon Hoya joined in.

I was about to check my phone for any new messages, but then a hand stopped me. I looked up to the hand's owner-- it was Woohyun. For some reason he looked really sad and angry? Why is he angry, though? I'm just texting Byunghun.

" Let go of me Woohyun."

" Stop texting. We are attending our schedule so your attention should be on Infinite and not on your phone." I pried my hand away from Woohyun and unlocked my phone. There were three messages: two from Byunghun and one from Woohyun.


From: Byunghun

I was wondering if you would like me to bring anything for tonight?


From: Byunghun

Nevermind! I'm going to bring you some bubble tea so you can't whine about it! OK!? OK!


From: Woohyun

Yah! Stop texting to that shorty! I don't like him!


I laughed at Byunghun's messages, but glared at Woohyun for his. Just because Byunghun is a little bit shorter than others doesn't mean he has to be made fun of. So I punched Woohyun's arm, very slightly to make it look like a playful punch, that way he needs to stop. He sent me a 'playful' punch too and then turned back.

" Alright we are back with Infinite! I hope you enjoyed hearing their song!"




After we finished our schedule around 6 PM, we headed straight for practice. On our previous performances we saw a few mistakes so now we have to correct them. I was getting a bit frustrated because Myungsoo and Sungjong were missing a beat, but I calmly told them that they were wrong. They got it down after that.

Manager-hyungs told us that we could leave at 9 to get some sleep since our schedule is packed tomorrow. Truly, I didn't expect for the idol life to be like this, but like I said before, I don't regret it. All of us headed to our dorm and went to our rooms. I got a drink of water before I had to leave and meet up with Byunghun. I'm already five minutes late and I don't want to keep him waiting.

Once I threw on a light sweater, I put on my shoes, and was about to head out until a hand stopped me.

" Gyu, I don't want you to go."

" Woohyun, I'm just meeting up with Byunghun. There is nothing wrong with that."

" Still, I don't like it. I want you to stay here."

" I don't want to keep him waiting any longer. I will see you later."

I yank off Woohyun's hand and proceeded outside. Inside of me I wanted to turn around, but I pushed away those feelings and went to meet up with Byunghun.

When I got to the park, he was already sitting there on a bench. It looked like he was holding onto some drinks too. I decided to scare him, but not too much I hope. So I covered his eyes with my hands and he jumped where he was sitting. Also he emitted a girlish scream. I just hope the neighbors didn't hear him.

" Yah! Hyung! What the heck was that for!? I almost got a heart attack there!" I ruffled his head and laughed.

" You're fine. So why did you want to meet up for?"

Byunghun handed me one of the drinks, which I happily took. I opened the can and drank out of it-- it was ice coffee. I nodded to him as a thank you and continued to drink waiting for him to answer.

" I actually wanted to ask you something."

" Sure. Go ahead."

" Nam Woohyun. Is he the one you told me from before back in America?" I almost choked on my ice coffee but was able to hold it back in. I wiped the edge of my mouth since a little bit came out.

" W-Why do you ask?"

" Is he? Is he the one who hurt your feelings five years ago?"

I looked down at the ice coffee and sighed. My thumb traced the rim of the can and the crickets of summer filled in the silence. I took another sip of my drink before I answered him.

" Yeah, he is. That is the same Woohyun I told you about." He abruptly stood up making me look up at him wondering what he is doing.

" Do you still have feelings for him?"

" W-What?"

" You heard me correctly. Do you still have feelings for him?!" I looked back down at the ground and sighed.

" Yes. Yes, I still have feelings for him."

" What about him then? What are his feelings for you?"

" He says that he is going to try to make me fall in love with him again." Byunghun came and stood in front of me, but I didn't make any eye contact. I was still looking down at the ground but now at his shoes.

" Do you love him then?"

" I..."

" I what? I what, Sunggyu-hyung?!"

I couldn't take it anymore. I don't like he way he is being with me. Byunghun is not this kind of person. He wouldn't try to pry into my life unless I let him. Why is he being like this now? What is happening?

So I stood up and looked straight into his eyes.

" If you so badly want to know... I lo-"

I was shut up with a pair of lips on mine. My eyes widen realizing it was Byunghun's lips. I tried to push him away but his grip on my shoulders was stronger than I thought. It wasn't until a few seconds later did he finally pull away. For some reason, I couldn't help but wipe away my lips like they felt dirty. Even though Byunghun is my friend, I felt disgusted.

" W-Why? Why did you do that?"

"... Isn't it obvious," Byunghun placed his hand on my cheek and caressed it, " I like you."




Nobody's POV:


He followed Sunggyu just making sure nothing happened to him. It's pretty dangerous out at night so he wanted to be there for him if a robber comes robs Sunggyu.

He watched and watched as Byunghun and Sunggyu conversed. A yawn escaped from his mouth from being tired, and his muscles are pretty sore from dance practice. Nevertheless, he kept being on the watch out if Byunghun dared make a move on his Sunggyu. Things were getting a bit serious when Byunghun stood up. He got a bit closer wondering what was happening, but still couldn't make it out.

Sunggyu was still looking down but then he stood up and made eye contact with Byunghun. He wasn't liking any of this. They were too close to each other for him, and he wanted to go tear them apart. Of course, Sunggyu would probably get made at him because he followed him here.

Then he started to notice that Sunggyu was getting a bit mad so he walked away from his spot...but then he stopped. What stopped him was the two of them kissing. In that second he ran away not looking back. He didn't want to look back because the image of their lips against each other shattered his heart. After everything he tried to get Sunggyu's heart back he couldn't help but feel stupid, dumb, and an idioit that Sunggyu still loves him.

Now he knows the answer.

" Woohyun-hyung, where did you do? Hey! I'm talk-"

He slammed the door shut and dove into his bed. He covered his face with his hand trying to stop the tears from falling, but they wouldn't. It was like an endless river that will soon flood.

This whole time Sunggyu didn't love me. This whole time...was I being played?





(A/N: Hello everyone! Sorry for the very late update! I was having a bit of writers block on what to write for this fic, and this is the result. Also I think I'm going to end this fic sometime maybe within 10 or less chapters? Anyways, thanks for reading, suscribing, and commenting! P.S. Sorry if there are any mistakes! School is tomorrow and its like midnight so I probably should go to sleep! Until next time!)


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701 streak #1
Chapter 2: woohyun is an idiot!
701 streak #2
Chapter 1: started reading 😁
Chapter 26: rereading this and still hating woohyun so much in this fic.gotta have to read a fic with a whipped woohyun now.
Chapter 34: I love the story..
Vanja77 #5
This story is great ;)
kisanet73 #6
Chapter 34: this was soooooo great!!!
thank you for such great story.
khasabat #7
Chapter 34: Ahh- i so happy for them-
In begining i am so upset and angry for Woohyun because their selfsh make distand and pain for Myungsoo and Yeolie!
But i gland they move on and comeback for rise their sweet relationship!
God job author- i like your storys
Chapter 34: In the middle of the story I was about to comment on how I hate it to see sunggyu being so stupid for holding onto woohyun and for woohyun to play around with sunggyu even when he's not sure of his feelings.he pushed and hurt sunggyu twice in the story!can't help being mad at my babygyu for still accepting him.
But well towards the end u kinda ....kindaaa made it up hahaha
Chapter 34: Wow this took me so long to finish but its worth it. Its was breath taking. Im happy they found their lost heart back wow that was too cheesy~ kekeke ♡. Thanks authornim for this wonderful fic!!!
honeyplum #10
Chapter 34: awww so sweet ^^