Ch. 13- Remembrance of You

Grab Onto Your Heart

Myungsoo's POV:

" Myungsoo, wait up for me!" I didn't wait for him. I kept on walking and walking trying to ignore his voice.

" Myungsoo! Wait for me!" Even though Sungyeol did lose his memories, he is still the annoying choding I have known.

" Aish! Do you not-" There was a loud sound, and I turned around to see Sungyeol faceplant on the floor. I sighed at how clumsy he could be and went to help him out. I grabbed his arms and pulled him up. Then I walked him over to a bench that was close by. I examined his face, and there was a little bump on his forehead. When I looked straight into his eyes, he was crying.

" W-Why are you crying!? Does it hurt?" He nodded his head. I pinched the bridge of nose trying to calm myself down. I should have known that Sungyeol is so much like a kid that he easily gets hurt. I looked around to see if there was a store or something. There was one across the street, and I quickly ran over there. I looked around the store to see if there any bandaids, and luckily there were some, but they were Pororo.

Well, at least Pororo fits his choding side.

I also bought two popsicles and ran back to Sungyeol. I handed the popsicle to Sungyeol and he smiled he he took it. Then I sat down next to him and took one of the bandaids from the package.

" Hey, lean down." Sungyeol did what I told him. I unwrapped the band-aid and uconciously I blew on the bump before I put the band-aid on. My cheeks got warm as I realized what I did. To avoid any more awkwardness, I put the band-aid on him.

" There! Does that feel better now?"

" Yeah it does! Thank you!" I took my popsicle and began eating it. Then I stood up and was going to walk around as I ate, and of course he is still following me.

Sungyeol was walking a few feet behind me, and I would look over my shoulder making sure I didn't lose him. He was eating his popsicle still, and no matter what I thought, he was like the Sungyeol I knew back five years ago. I stopped all of sudden because a bicyclist passed by. Which caused Sungyeol to bump into my back. I looked over my shoulder to see what Sungyeol was doing, and he was playing games on his phone. I rolled my eyes, and took his phone and put it in his pocket. I definitely did not want him playing games on his phone while he was walking. I have known Sungyeol not to be multitasked.

While we were walking around, I noticed some girls looking at us weirdly. That was when I noticed Sungyeol wasn't wearing anything to cover his face. Luckily, I was wearing a cap and put it on him. I grabbed onto his arm and pulled him away from the group of girls who saw us and walked into some random store. Guess what the store was... A couple store full of couple t-shirts, mugs, and all sort of other crap! To actually think that I wanted to buy something like this when I was with Sungyeol. Then I noticed that Sungyeol wasn't next to me. I turn away for one second and he disappears all of a sudden! I roamed around the store until somebody popped right in front of, and I jumped in surprise. I fell down onto my and I groaned in pain.

" I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to really scare you!" I looked up to see Sungyeol standing above me wearing a sweater with a bunny on it. I was a bit confused as to why he was wearing that.

" Why are you wearing that?"

" Oh, this? That's right!" He pulled me up and then brought me to one of the sections of the store. I looked around to see as to why he brought me here, but then he threw a sweater at me. I held it in front of me and saw it was the same one as Sungyeol's sweater but grey.

" You want me to wear this?"

" Yep!" I threw the sweater back at him.

" No." He threw it back at me.

" Yes!" I threw it back.

" No!" Then he threw it back at me and started to throw a bit of a tantrum.

" Yes! You have to wear it! P-Please!" Now he was doing the puppy eyes and I couldn't deny him anymore.

What has he done to me to actually make me wear this... thing.

I put the sweater on. Then Sungyeol pulled me close and took out his phone. Before I knew it he took a photo of us. I felt something dig into my pocket too, and he grabbed my phone. In a second he took a photo of us two with my phone and then handed it back to me. I looked at the photo of us, and there was this warm feeling inside of me. Even though I wasn't smiling all it took was for Sungyeol to smile in the picture to make it...perfect? Anyways, I quickly took off the sweater and placed it back wherever he grabbed if from. I waited outside by the door for him, and he came out holding a bag. What did Sungyeol buy now? It better not be the sweatersr because I swear I will tear it up when we get back to the dorm.

" Look, Myungsoo! Look at what I got!" Sungyeol took a picture frame that had a bunny on the corner. Of course.

" Isn't it cute?" I looked at him, at the picture frame, and then back at him.

" It's cuter than you."

" Y-Yah! Take that back!"

" Let's go." I walked ahead of him, but because of his long legs he was able to catch up with me. He was swinging his back all over the place, and I swear his picture frame will shoot out from the bag and land on the ground. Then it will be broken and Sungyeol will start crying about it: which I will have to deal with.

" Myungsoo, guess what I'm going to put in the picture frame?"

" What?"

" The picture we took together." I stopped in my tracks and looked at him. Why would he want to use that photo of us in the picture frame? Shouldn't he put a photo of himself with Woohyun?

" Why?"

" Because I can and I want to."

" Do whatever you want then."

I was getting a bit hungry, so I went into this ramen shop that was only a block away. I went to pick a seat for us while Sungyeol went to use the bathroom. Then all of a sudden from the corner of my eye, I saw Sungyeol running towards the table.

Great. What does he want now?


Sungyeol's POV:


I was coming back from the bathroom when I saw Sungjong sitting with somebody. I ran back towards our table and jumped in excitement.

" What is it, Sungyeol?"

" Myungsoo, I saw Sungjong sitting together with Chanjo!"

" Chanjo?"

" Oh, that's right! Chanjo is from another group called Teen Top."

" Okay... What does this have to do with us?"

" Because! Sungjong said to me that he was going to stay home, but here he is in the flesh. Look! They are feeding each other!" I pointed at the two of them, but then Myungsoo pushed my hand to the table.

" It's not nice to point! Anyways, you are going to make it more obvious that we are here!" I pulled my hand to my side. I pouted a little bit because Myungsoo just has to ruin the mood.

Our ramen finally came, and I breathed in the scent of the delicious ramen. I was starting to hate eating those packaged ramen, and now I can finally eat the ramen from a restaurant! I took a big bit, which caused my tongue to get burned. I took big gulp of my water, and then took another big bite. Whenever I looked up at Myungsoo, I remember on one our dates he took me out to a ramen restaurant too. Was this a way to make me remember, or maybe he just forgot that we ever had a date at a ramen restaurant. Though, our situation is different now. He thinks I don't remember, but I actually do. He probably thinks that I don't remember ever going on a date to a ramen restaurant. I do, though. That date was one of my favorite ones because even something so simple was so nice and beautiful.

When I looked over to where Sungjong and Chanjo were sitting, I noticed that they were gone. Then I looked over to where the customers pay, and I saw them paying for their meal. Myungsoo was already done with his food so he was waiting for me. I slurped everything down, and took a big gulp of water to wash it down. I grabbed my bag, and then we walked over to the cashier. I helped pay for half of it since Myungsoo didn't say that he would pay for all of it. Though, I guess I should expect that from him from now on. I grabbed Myungsoo's hand when we got of the restaurant, and followed Sungjong and Chanjo. So far they haven't notice that we were silently following them.

" Sungyeol, do we reallly have to do this? Can't we give them some space? It's quite obvious they don't want you to be following them."

" I can't! I have to know what they are doing at all times!" I proceeded to follow them until they turned around, and that was when I had to push Myungsoo behind the bushes.

" Chanjo, do you feel like we are being followed?"

" Hm, I don't think so. Maybe you are just imagining things."

I peeked from the bush and they were walking away. When I looked down to see how Myungsoo was doing, I noticed how closed our bodies were. Our legs were tangled up and our chests were practically touching each other. I was flustered at how close were so I looked away. Suddenly, my chin was pulled to face him. His deep, brown orbs weren't as cold as before: it was as if they had melted in a second. I could see the old Myungsoo in his eyes. The Myungsoo that I miss and love so much.

" Sungyeol, can you get off of me?"

" H-Huh? Oh, yeah, s-sorry." I got off of him and helped him up. By the time we tried looking for them, they were already gone. I decided to give up and just interrogate Sungjong when we get back to the dorm. I looked at phone to check what time it was, and noticed it was already 3:30.

" Myungsoo, I think we should go back." He nodded his head at me, but then he took quick steps towards me. I closed my eyes waiting for him to do something towards me. I didn't feel anything, though. Instead he was adjusting the hat on me and then patted my head.

" There, it looks much better. It was off by a little bit."

" T-Thank you." He held out his hand and I was a bit confused as to why he was holding out his hand.

" Take my hand. I don't want you to slow us down. I don't want to anger manager-hyung and Sunggyu-hyung because we were late. Hurry up!" I grabbed his hand, and he led the way back home.

It's warm: his hand. It has been such a long time since I have held his hand. Why is he holding my hand, though? Is it because he misses me or maybe he really doesn't want me to slow down the two of us. Even if it's the latter, I will just think it's because he misses me, us, and everything. I gripped onto his hand tighter, and I swear I felt him grip back. Warmth from his hand spread throughout my body. I was already warm because of the weather, but now I fee like I'm burning. Just a single touch from him sends signals throughout my body, and I become on fire. This is what I have missed these past years. I missed everything about him: from his face, his whole body, and most importantly his heart. I miss the way he would hold me, when he gives me light kisses on my neck, and the good morning and goodnight kisses. The way he laughs at the jokes I would say or how he would simply smile when he looks at me. I miss everything about him. I just want to grab onto him and shout out to the whole world that I love Kim Myungsoo.

We arrived back at the dorm, and Sungjong arrived before us. When we entered the dorm, Myungsoo immediately let go of my hand. The cold Myungsoo came back, and I don't know when the other Myungsoo was going to come back. The warmth from him evaporated and I was left with nothing. There was just tingling feeling left. Though, if I were to touch him right now, then all I would feel is coldness from him. I definitely do not want that. I went to my room to put away the picture frame. Then I saw Sungjong on his bed texting somebody. I walked up towards him and poked his side.

" What do you want, Sungyeol-hyung?"

" I was wondering what you did today?"

" I stayed home obviously."

" Where are the others?"

" I checked the dance studio and it seemed like Dongwoo-hyung and Hoya-hyung were practicing the choreo again. Sunggyu-hyung is in Dongwoo-hyung's and Myungsoo-hyung's room and Woohyun-hyung is in their room."

" Okay, thanks! Also, you should really try to hide yourself better. I saw you and Chanjo eating at the ramen restaurant." He stopped texting and faced me with a horrified look.

" W-What? How did you know!?"

" Like I said. I saw you eating with Chanjo and the ramen restaurant! Anyways, you better get ready soon! We are almost leaving soon for recording once again!" He grabbed my wrist before I could leave.

" Sungyeol-hyung, promise me you won't tell anybody about it? Please?"

Why does he think I would actually tell anybody? There is no prize for me even if I told anybody. I hope he doesn't think I'm a bad hyung! Oh no! What if he does think I'm a bad hyung!? Then he would start complaining to Sunggyu-hyung and then he would start nagging me about every single thing!

" Um, Sungyeol-hyung, are you still there?"

" H-Huh? I'm still here!"

" Oh, okay, well can you promise me you won't tell anybody?"

" Of course I will! Believe in me!" I was about to step off the bed when I accidentally missed and fell onto my .

" Yeah, I would totally believe you! Haha!"

I stuck out my tongue at him and went out of the bedroom followed by Sungjong. Everyone was now in the living room, and we were just waiting for manager-hyung to pick us up. When they came to pick us up, I sat in the back along with Sungjong and Myungsoo. Of course Sungjong was texting to Chanjo the whole time. Myungsoo was nodding off so I placed his head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around his waist and brought hit a bit closer. I have known for a long time that Myungsoo likes to sleep especially in vehicles. One time when our class took a trip to somewhere, we sat next to each other. Within five minutes of the red, he already fell asleep so I placed his head on my shoulder and let him sleep. I placed my head on his head and closed my eyes too. Being able to sleep like this is so comforting. I like how Myungsoo is able to fall asleep like this because then I can fall asleep along with him. The others don't really care we sleep like this in the car. They just think of it as a friendly gesture, though I know Sunggyu-hyung doesn't think like that at all.

Sunggyu-hyung, what will it take for you to forget? Are you being strong for Myungsoo? You know he isn't a child anymore.

I didn't want to think of any negative thoughts right now, so I thought only of Myungsoo. I only thought of him on one of our many dates. I imagine his genuine smile, his sweet laugh, and the way he intertwines our hands together. Everything about him ran through my head, and soon I fell asleep too.


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701 streak #1
Chapter 2: woohyun is an idiot!
701 streak #2
Chapter 1: started reading 😁
Chapter 26: rereading this and still hating woohyun so much in this fic.gotta have to read a fic with a whipped woohyun now.
Chapter 34: I love the story..
Vanja77 #5
This story is great ;)
kisanet73 #6
Chapter 34: this was soooooo great!!!
thank you for such great story.
khasabat #7
Chapter 34: Ahh- i so happy for them-
In begining i am so upset and angry for Woohyun because their selfsh make distand and pain for Myungsoo and Yeolie!
But i gland they move on and comeback for rise their sweet relationship!
God job author- i like your storys
Chapter 34: In the middle of the story I was about to comment on how I hate it to see sunggyu being so stupid for holding onto woohyun and for woohyun to play around with sunggyu even when he's not sure of his feelings.he pushed and hurt sunggyu twice in the story!can't help being mad at my babygyu for still accepting him.
But well towards the end u kinda ....kindaaa made it up hahaha
Chapter 34: Wow this took me so long to finish but its worth it. Its was breath taking. Im happy they found their lost heart back wow that was too cheesy~ kekeke ♡. Thanks authornim for this wonderful fic!!!
honeyplum #10
Chapter 34: awww so sweet ^^