Ch. 29- Hey! It's-

Grab Onto Your Heart

Woohyun's POV:

" Woohyun-ah, wake up. You have to get ready for our schedule. If you don't wake up then I'm going to strangle you." I turned to my side to block out his voice. It didn't really help since he kept on shaking me too.

" Yah! Listen to your hyung! Get up or we will be late."

I reluctantly sat up and then pushed him off my bed. At this early in the morning, I didn't really care if he got hurt. Unless he was crying out in pain then it's a whole new matter. Anyways, I laid back down on my bed and tried going back to sleep. Schedule can wait for another five minutes or so. Right when I closed my eyes, I got jumped by him and he was now literally strangling me. 

" S-Sunggyu let me go!"

" Are you going to listen to me now," he whispered into my air. And lets just say it was hot air making my body feel awkwardly hot too. Also I could feel him brushing against me, and since Sunggyu doesn't even know what top and bottom means I don't think he realizes what he is doing to me.

" Alright alright! I will listen to you so please let me go!"

Sunggyu finally let me go and I could finally breathe. When I looked at him he didn't seem fazed at all. I begin to wonder if he does have hormones at all. Seriously. If he doesn't he must be one of the most innocent hamsters in the world. I wouldn't say totally innocent just in that certain area.

I forced myself to get up, wash my face, and make myself look decent. I just need to get out of the car and then to the salon to get my hair and make up done. While I was waiting for the member who is in the bathroom to get done, Sungyeol came over next to me. He just stood there looking at me weirdly almost as if he was trying to remember something. Knowing Sungyeol, he probably couldn't remember what it was.

" Oh yeah! I remember! Guess what Woohyun-hyung?!"

" What?" I wasn't really interested but decided to play along. Also because his boyfriend, aka Kim Myungsoo, was glaring at me saying that I should ' play along.'

" Teen Top are having their comeback today! Did you know that?"

" Oh...yeah... Now I remember. I almost forgot about it. It's a good thing that you remembered. I have to make sure Sunggyu knows that way we can go greet them later at the music station."

" Yay! Haven't seen the six of them for such a long time! Myungsoo, lets get inside the van before everybody else! I want to sit next to you!"

My eyes watched them as Sungyeol dragged Myungsoo out of the dorm. The cries of Myungsoo saying it was too hot reached my ears, but I decided not to help him. That's what he gets for staring at me like that. I don't like it when people weirdly look at me. Gives me the creeps at times. Though now it only makes me remember Myungsoo's icy, cold stares directed towards me.

...What am I talking about? I must be really tired or something. Maybe I will drag Sunggyu to get ice coffee this morning with me again!

" Woohyun, you can use the bathroom now." I snapped out of my thoughts as both Dongwoo-hyung and Hoya came out of the bathroom together. Then they just pass by me like any ordinary person would when coming out of the bathroom.

" U-Um... Y-You two...?"

" Hm?" Hoya turned to me while he was drying his hair with a towel. The words kept getting stuck in my throat so I decided to not say anything.

" Um, it's nothing. Go get dressed."

" Haha. Alright. Same goes for you too, Woohyun-hyung."

Just like that they continued into their own rooms leaving me with the bathroom to myself. First, I checked to make sure nothing look wrong or out of place. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary so I quickly washed my face and brushed my teeth. Then I dashed out of the bathroom to get dressed because now manager-hyung came inside the dorm saying I'm the last member to get inside the van. Once I was done putting clothes on, I grabbed my backpack, phone, wallet, and ran out of the dorm.

Since I was the last member to board the van, I had to sit next to Dongwoo-hyung. He started to play around in the van while the rest of us were trying to sleep. I swatted his hand away because he kept waving his hands in front of my face. Dongwoo-hyung left me alone once he realized that I didn't want to play around and turned towards Hoya. I sighed in relieft once he did and looked out the window. Today we are supposed to have a magazine interview of some sort, but first we have to go to the salon as usual.

I wonder what kind of questions they will ask us. Lets just hope it doesn't get too personal.



At the magazine interview...


We all sat in a circle while we waited for the interviewer. Snacks were passed among us since we didn't get to eat anything this morning. I caught Sunggyu eating a croissant to himself so I slid over and opened my mouth. He just stared at me so I pointed at the croissant then to my mouth. When he finally realized I wanted his croissant, he was about to give it to me, but then he pulled it back and finished the rest of it.

" Gyu-hyung! I wanted the rest of it!" I pouted at him but all he did back was shrug his shoulders.

" My croissant. Not yours. Go find your own."

" But hyung~ I already ate mine! You should give me yours because I'm your dongsaeng and I'm still growing." All of them turned their heads to me and it became silent until Sungyeol started to laugh his head off.

" Yeah, sure hyung, you are still growing. Yet I'm taller than you." I jumped out of my seat and went at Sungyeol. Right when I was about to grab his collar, the interviewer entered the room. Sunggyu pushed me away from Sungyeol and nudge me to straighten myself out.

" Hello, I'm the interviewer from the magazine. Lets get along, shall we?"

" Yes! Thank you for interviewing us! We are Infinite!" We all bowed at the interviewer and sat down.

" So, I'm going to start off by asking a few simple questions. What is the room arrangement at your dorm?"

" Well, I share a room with Woohyun, Dongwoo and Myungsoo share a room, and Hoya, Sungyeol, and Sunjong share a room together," said Sunggyu.

" I see, I see. What do you guys usually like to do in your spare time?"

" We haven't had a lot of time to ourselves because of the immense amount of time we have to practice. If we aren't practicing then we have a schedule to go to and then have practice afterwards," said Hoya. He put in some pauses that way the interviewer could get everything down.

" That's too bad. I hope all of you can get some time to rest. Onto the next question then, this one is for Sunggyu-sshi, why did you want to become an idol?"

The rest of the members and I turned to Sunggyu. Now that I think about it, I don't really know why he wanted to become an idol. I only realized that he wanted to become a singer after he joined Infinite, but I never saw him the type to sing and dance. Lets just say I have seen a lot of Sunggyu's dance moves back then. They were either hilarious or plain awkward.

" Um, I didn't really want to become an idol. I wanted to be a musician and sing my own music. One of my favorite bands is Nell and they are under Woolim so when I sent in my audition tape, I thought I could become a singer like them. But when I got an e-mail saying I passed, I didn't know that I would be working in a dance group." 

I looked at him amazed at what he truly wanted to be. I never knew he wanted to be a musician. He never told me his dream back then. Maybe it's because I never paid enough attention to him that I never got to know what he wanted... or what he felt. Then after all these years he comes back as the new member and leader of Infinte. Ironic isn't? I stared straight at Sunggyu as he kept on talking.

" When I realized I was going to be in a dance group, I wasn't really happy with it. It was a struggle at first when having the first few practices. Also it didn't really help that I became the leader too, but it changed eventually. There were bumps along the road, but there were times when I was truly happy with the other members. After having stressnous practices and recording again and again, I began to enjoy my time here. Now, I'm glad that I'm not a solo singer because I wouldn't have been able to meet Infinite."

" It seems like you have built a strong relationship with the members despite it only being about two months or so." Sunggyu scratched his neck and his cheeks were really red. I couldn't help but ruffle his hair making him go even redder which made everyone laugh.

" Y-Yah! Don't touch my hair!" We all laughed again and the interview continued on.

" I was wondering, if you guys have an ideal type?" It was time to turn my grease on.

" My ideal type is somebody who cheers me on, makes me happy everyday, and supports me all the time!"

" Really Woohyun-sshi?" I nodded my head and smiled.

" Of course! My ideal type are my fans! They are already my girlfriends too!" This caused for everyone to laugh but hey, I'm just greasy like that.

" Is that true Woohyun-sshi? Your ideal type are the fans?"

" Yep!" They all laughed at me, but I'm happy. I'm glad to be able to put a smile on their faces especially Sunggyu's.

After that were single interviews so each of the members had our own time with the interviewer. I was the first one to finish so I had to wait for the others. The couch I was sitting on dipped, and I turned my head to see if it was Sunggyu but it wasn't. The person was Sungjong texting on his phone once again. I swear he needs to get off his phone before one of the manager-hyungs take it away from him.

" Sunjong, who are you talking too?" He looked at me and then back at his phone.

" I'm texting Chanjo."

" Why?" I was curious actually. I don't know why he is so attached to his phone. It is like his life. 

" We are just talking, hyung. He wants to see me when we go to the music station today since it's their comeback."

" Oh, okay. The two of you must be really close." He nodded his head at me without taking his eyes off the phone.

" Yep."

Sungjong just said that to me and then walked off. That boy has many secrets that I don't know. Sure we debuted along the same time with Teen Top, but I didn't expect for Sungjong to be close to Chanjo. It must be a maknae thing since they are both the youngest in the group. I was back to being by myself but whatever.

I looked around the room. Sungyeol and Myungsoo are taking pictures together, Dongwoo-hyung and Hoya are playing games on their phones, Sungjong is still texting, and Sunggyu was nowhere to be found. I was feeling lonely so I stood up to go find where Sunggyu is. I'm sure his interview shouldn't be taking this long. Unless his answers were ridicuously long, but I otherwise think no.

I walked to the room where the interview is, and saw that the door was cracked open. I quietly walked up to the door and peeked inside. Sunggyu was still having his interview. I pressed my ear to the crack and listened to their conversation.


Nobody's POV:


" So, Sunggyu-sshi, I know you told me that you didn't expect to become a member of a singing and dance group. I was wondering if there were any specific struggles with any certain members." Sunggyu looked down at his lap then back at the interviewer. He took a deep breath and nodded.

" Oh, really? Who?"

" ... Um, Woohyun."

" Woohyun-sshi? What were the struggles between the two you? Did you two get into fights?" Sunggyu quickly shook his head. It's true they got into serious fights but he couldn't tell the interviewer. One, he would get in trouble and two, he just didn't want to make Woohyun look bad.

" We had a few confrontations with each other. Sometimes we would get on each other's bad side but that was because the stress on our shoulders. At first, I didn't really like him, but after a while our relationship got a bit better. Now, he is the one who I can trust the most."

A faint blush painted across Sunggyu's face, and it's a good thing the interviewer didn't see it. However, on the other side of the door, Woohyun heard everything. He had his hand covering his mouth to keep himself from smiling like an idiot. Also to stop him from screaming in glee.

" I see. That's good your relationship between the two of you is better now. What was the reason for the dissonance between the two of you?"

" I guess it was because he huge amount of grease on him," joked Sunggyu. Of course Woohyun pouted at that comment but let it slide.

" Well, thank you for answering all my questions. I hope your promotions will go well."

" Thank you for interviewing Infinite!" They both stood up, bowed, and shook each other's hand. Hearing that they were done, Woohyun booked it out of there before Sunggyu caught him.

Sunggyu walked back to the room while the manager walked out with the interviewer. When he got inside, he only saw five members. He saw Woohyun's phone on his backpack, but he was nowhere to be found. He was about to leave the room to go find him, but then the door opened. Sunggyu didn't notice he bumped into somebody until he started to fumble back. Before he fell, though, that person caught him.

" Woah! Sunggyu-hyung, you should be more careful where you are walking. Instead of looking down at your feet, you should be looking up." Sunggyu did look up and realized the person he bumped into was Woohyun. Their faces were inches from each other, bodies practically pressed against each other, and the other members were staring at them.

" H-Help me stand up," Sunggyu stuttered out. He cursed to himself about it as Woohyun helped him straighten out. Just then the manager-hyungs came and told everyone to pack up so they could leave. While Sunggyu was packing up his stuff, something cold got pressed against his cheek.

" W-Woohyun?" Again, he cursed himself for stuttering at Woohyun.

" Here for you. The interview was longer than I though so your throat must be sore."

" Thank you."

Sunggyu took the water from Woohyun and took a sip. They walked together to the car. All of the members sat in their same spots from this morning, and then they left to go to the music station. Woohyun noticed that Sunggyu was playing around with the water bottle. He couldn't help but smile at how flustered he made Sunggyu. The smile grew wider but got caught by Myungsoo. So Myungsoo threw his neck pillow thing at Woohyun making him glare at Myungsoo.

" What was that for Myungsoo?" Myungsoo didn't want to say it out loud so he sent a text instead. Woohyun's phone dinged signaling he got a message.

From: Glaring Myungsoo

Stop eye Sunggyu-hyung. Makes you look like a e. Just saying.


Woohyun glared at the message and turned his around. He bore holes into Myungsoo's head and turned his head back. Then Woohyun sent a message back to Myungsoo. Another ding went off so Myungsoo checked his phone to see a message from Woohyun.


From: PedoWoo

Says the person who tries to defile Sungyeol!


From: Glaring Myungsoo

Ew. Why would you think I would do something like that? You are definitely a ert.


The conversation ended there when Woohyun gave up. Myungsoo fist pumped into the air once he won. Sungyeol was confused at Myungsoo's act but decided to shake it off. Instead he leaned his head on Myungsoo's head and nuzzle his face into Myungsoo's neck.




Sunggyu's POV:


When we finally made it to the music station, we were led to our room. I began to take off my shirt in order to change into our stage outfits. While we were getting dressed, the manager-hyungs brought us lunch. I ate first since I was finished before the others and afterwards they joined me. I went to get my water bottle from my backpack because I was getting thirsty. I was watching the other group rehearsals on the t.v. That was when the group Teen Top came on. I almost spitted out my water across the table when I saw a certain person show up.

So I was right. It is him!

" Gyu-hyung, are you alright?" I took my eyes of the television and nodded my head at Woohyun.

" Yeah, I'm okay. The water went down the wrong way."

" Hm. Okay then. Be more careful when you drink."

After we finished eating, it was our time to go practice. The music started and we began to do our thing. However, from the corner of my eye, I swear I saw someone watching the group. It wasn't a fan either because of the clothes they were wearing. Though, it feels like they are staring at me. I can't tell who the person is because out there it's dark and my eyesight isn't that good. Don't blame how small my eyes are because they aren't!

The members and I got off the stage to watch our performance to see what we need to fix. I pointed at some points how our bodies were positioned during the dance break. They all nodded their heads to me and then we went back to our room to rest. Sungjong ran off somewhere but I trust him enought for him not to get into trouble. However, Sungyeol us another group's room: it was Teen Top's room. Sungyeol knocked on it first, and then we entered the room. There were six people in the room excluding Sungjong. It seems like he ran off to come here. He was talking to one of their members and they were sitting extra close. Like you could put a piece of paper between them! I decided to go up first since this is my first time meeting them.

" Hello, I'm Kim Sunggyu and the leader of Infinite! It's nice to meet you!" I bowed to them and they did the same. I shook their leader's hand whose name is C.A.P. He introduced himself as Bang Minsoo too.

" It's nice to meet you too. My name is C.A.P, this is Niel, Ricky, Chunji, and the one sitting next to Sungjong is Chanjo. Chunji, where is L.Joe?" I looked at the Chunji guy who just shrugged his shoulders at his leader. Suddenly, the door opened. All of us turned around but I couldn't see anything because Sungyeol was standing in my way and there were too many people. 

" I'm here hyung!"

That voice! I know that voice!

" There you are L.Joe! Where did you go?"

" I had to go to the bathroom! Sorry that I had to relieve my bladder." The said L.Joe made his way through us, but then stopped right at me. Like in slow motion, he turned around and our eyes met. Mine widened and so did his.

" S-Sunggyu-hyung?"

" Byunghun?" Before I knew it, his arms were around me. I wrapped my arms around him and I couldn't help but smile. He pulled away from me first, pulled me back in, and then pulled away.

" Hyung, since when were you here? Also you changed your hair! You look really good hyung!" I punched his shoulder lightly and he did the same.

" Same goes for you! I haven't seen you for about three years. To actually think the Lee Byunghun is an idol!"

" Surprised aren't you?... I missed you so much!" He wrapped his arms around me again.

" Okay! Okay! I get it! I'm going to die if you keep on hugging me like this!"

" Haha! Sorry hyung!" He finally let me go, and that was when I realized that everybody were staring at us. To be more exact, Woohyun was glaring at me and Byunghun while the rest were confused what was going on.

" Sunggyu-hyung, how do you know L.Joe?" I rubbed my neck. I really didn't know how to put it in words. But I guess I can simply put it like this:

" I met Byunghun back in America."




(A/N: Hi everybody! I'm sorry for the very late update. I'm having a bit of writer's block right now, so yeah. Anyways, look who appeared! L.Joe appeared! I hope you enjoy this chapter! Well got to go so thanks for reading, suscribing, and commenting! Also I'm so happy to have 192 suscribers for this fic! I love you guys a lot! Thank you! Until next time! P.S Sorry if there are any mistakes!)


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701 streak #1
Chapter 2: woohyun is an idiot!
701 streak #2
Chapter 1: started reading 😁
Chapter 26: rereading this and still hating woohyun so much in this fic.gotta have to read a fic with a whipped woohyun now.
Chapter 34: I love the story..
Vanja77 #5
This story is great ;)
kisanet73 #6
Chapter 34: this was soooooo great!!!
thank you for such great story.
khasabat #7
Chapter 34: Ahh- i so happy for them-
In begining i am so upset and angry for Woohyun because their selfsh make distand and pain for Myungsoo and Yeolie!
But i gland they move on and comeback for rise their sweet relationship!
God job author- i like your storys
Chapter 34: In the middle of the story I was about to comment on how I hate it to see sunggyu being so stupid for holding onto woohyun and for woohyun to play around with sunggyu even when he's not sure of his feelings.he pushed and hurt sunggyu twice in the story!can't help being mad at my babygyu for still accepting him.
But well towards the end u kinda ....kindaaa made it up hahaha
Chapter 34: Wow this took me so long to finish but its worth it. Its was breath taking. Im happy they found their lost heart back wow that was too cheesy~ kekeke ♡. Thanks authornim for this wonderful fic!!!
honeyplum #10
Chapter 34: awww so sweet ^^