Ch. 30- Very Sweet Celebration

Grab Onto Your Heart

Woohyun's POV:

I met Byunghun back in America.

I rolled around in my bed waiting for Sunggyu to come back into the room. I was bored and there was nothing to do but sit around the dorm. The Myungyeol couple went out to eat something, Yadong went to practice some more, and Sungjong is busy texting on his phone. Then here I am on the bed with nothing to do. Sunggyu said he would be right back but he is taking longer than he should. I got up and put my ear against the door. From the other side of the door I could hear Sunggyu talking. I don't think he is talking to Sungjong because I don't hear another voice. I opened the door a little bit and peaked. There was Sunggyu in the middle of the living room talking on the phone.

" Yeah we can hangout later. Sure. Okay! See you!" I backed away from the door and jumped onto my bed. The door creaked open and I closed my eyes pretending I was asleep.

" Woohyun, I know you aren't asleep."

I felt a kick to my side but I didn't move. I felt another kick but didn't respond back. All of a sudden I felt the wind get knocked out of me when he straddled my back. Even though Sunggyu couldn't see it, my cheeks were on fire. Scratch that: my whole body is one fire. I can feel Sunggyu's plush on my back and well... I can his other thing too but I don't want to say it or else I'm going to go crazy if I did. Then he started to jump too which added oil to the fire.

" Woohyun-ah, wake up." He whispered into my ear which pulled the last string. I quickly flipped him over so now I was the one on top of him.

" S-Sunggyu, do you know what you are even doing?"

" ...Yes." I cocked my eyebrows at him.

" What is it?"

" Waking you up of course! Well, not technically waking you up because you were pretending to sleep. What else were you thinking?" He looked at with those innocent eyes of his. I mentally facepalmed myself and rolled to the other side of him.

You have got to be kidding me. He seriously doesn't know what he was doing to me? How could he be the leader and not understand these sort of stuff?!

I received a slap on my cheek out of nowhere from him. I pouted that it hurt and then I got the air knocked out of me for what he did next. He placed a kiss on the same cheek. When he pulled away he was madly blushing and I couldn't help but smile at how cute he was being. The way he was acting all shy made me pull him into a hug.

" Woohyun, let go of me!"

" Nope! I don't want to!" I rubbed our cheeks together receiving a chuckle from Sunggyu. I guess you could say I'm very happy that Sunggyu actually kissed me on the cheek.Then I stopped because my thoughts went back to the phone conversation Sunggyu had.

" Who were you talking on the phone with?"

" Oh! That was Byunghun! He said he wanted to meet me later to hangout since we haven't seen each for a long time. It's a coincidence that Teen Top and us have today off!"

Coincidence! As if! L.Joe is just lucky that we have the same day off!

" So, Gyu, what are you guys going to do?" He shrugged his shoulders at me.

" Probably go have dinner and come back. We don't want to stay out too long because of the fans."

" Good," I mumbled to myself.

" What did you say?" I looked back at Sunggyu and smiled.

" Oh, nothing! You two are going to wear masks right? Right?!"

" Yes we are! Don't worry!" Sunggyu stood up and I got up along with him. He was about to leave the room until I grabbed his arm to stop him.

" Yah! Let go of me!" I shook my head.

" I don't want to!"

" Woo--" My body reacted on its own as I pushed him against the wall. Our faces were centimeters apart and I could smell the mint toothpaste from his mouth.

" W-What are you d-doing? L-Let go of me!"

" No." Sunggyu glared at me with his hamster eyes as he struggled to get out.

" Woohyun, let go of--"

I cut him off once more by placing my lips on top of his. I wasn't thinking at all really. My lips began to move on their own against Sunggyu's lips. Let me tell you. His lips feel really soft right now. Sure I have had kisses back after Sungyeol figured out the truth, but this one felt different. It felt totally different from Sungyeol's lips. I remember kissing him that one time when we were recording and he went out of the room and I followed him. That time I never got to appreciate Sunggyu's lips. But now I can because I realized my feelings for him.

I released my lips from his and pressed our foreheads against each other. I was trying to get some air back into my lungs. Never realized how much a kiss can take out of you. I looked into Sunggyu's half-lidded eyes and couldn't help chuckle at his bright, pink cheeks.

" Gyu, I like you a lot. More than you think." His cheeks turned from pink to red.

" Y-You just can't throw those words at m-me!"

" Why not? I'm just vocalizing what my heart feels." I took his hand and placed it on my chest. My heart was beating really fast than ever before. Then I placed my hand over his and it was just the same as mine.

" See, Gyu, our hearts are beating as one. Beating really fast, though, they are beating as one. I like it because I'm the only one who can make you feel this way. Nobody else because I'm going to be there forever and ever."

There wasn't a response from Sunggyu. Thoughts of ' I probably messed it up', or ' He must think I'm overly cheesy or something' ran through my head. I dropped my hand from his chest and backed away. I was going to leave the room but then I felt a tug on my shirt. I looked over my shoulder to see Sunggyu looking down at the ground.

" Sung--" I got hit in the face and fell down to the ground. I thought he was mad but when I saw his face I couldn't help but smile. Sunggyu was madly blushing right now and purposely avoiding my eyes.

" S-Shut up! D-Don't say those kind of w-words to me you greasy tree!" Sunggyu ran out of the room and then there was a loud slam. I walked out to see that he locked himself in the bathroom. I knocked on the door knowing that Sunggyu isn't going to come out.

" Gyu-ah, please come out. I'm sorry for making you blush!"

" Don't call me Gyu-ah! I'm Sunggyu-hyung to you!" I sighed but then I remembered something.

" Hyung, would you come out if I made you your favorite food?"

"... I'm not hungry...but you could go buy me my favorite candy from the store near here." I chuckled at Sunggyu's child side.

" Okay, I will be right back."

" Hurry up and watch for the roads!" 

" Yes mom!"

" Yah! Nam Woohyun!"

I went to grab my wallet and phone and put on my shoes before he could come out. But then ran back in to grab a mask and hat to cover myself. I ran passed Sunggyu when I went in and ran passed him again as I headed out. I swear I did that in like three seconds. Fastest I have ever ran.

Now lets go find Sunggyu's favorite candy! I hope he still likes the same one if I remember correctly.




Sunggyu's POV:


It has been thirty minutes since Woohyun left. I have been laying on my bed for thirty minutes. Sungjong already left to go meet with Teen Top's maknae. I'm alone in the dorm with nothing to do. I'm not going to meet Byunghun until another hour or so and I really want my candy.

He better get here or else he is going to get another punch to that greasy face of his. Somtimes I just w--

" Gyu! I'm back!"

Of course I would know! You don't have to yell it out!

I got up from my bed to go into the living room but Woohyun already came into our bedroom. In his hands he was carrying a bag, which is probably candy, and a box too. First, he put the bag down in my lap and walked out of the bedroom. I looked through the contents of the bag and was pretty satisfied. He actually got all of the candy I really like. Also he got my favorite one: pepero! I ripped the box open, then ripped the plastic, and then savored the sweet chocolate stick of goodness. It has been such a long time since I have had these! I remember back in high school Woohyun and I would go buy junk food for us to eat. We shared a room together so why not buy junk food?!

At the moment when I was about to put the third stick into my mouth, Woohyun came into our bedroom carrying two drinks. They were probably filled with pop since I remember seeing Dongwoo buying two bottles of pop yesterday night. He gave one to me and then sat across of me. I put the stick into my mouth that way I can take out the other candy, but I jumped when Woohyun came close to me.

" That's not fair, Gyu-hyung, I want some too."

I was going to motion for him to grab something from the bag, but instead he bit off the stick inside my mouth. Then he got closer and closer until our lips were centimeters apart. I closed my eyes waiting for him to do something. He didn't though. I opened my eyes to see him holding his stomach because he was laughing! Laughing at me! I ate the rest of my pepero stick and then flung a bag of hard candy at his head. I hit dead on.

" Ow! That hurts! You know that is hard candy and not soft candy!" I stuck out my tongue at him and proceeded to eat my candy.

Woohyun took out his laptop and went on some website to watch a movie. He said he seen it before but wanted to watch it together with me.

" Why do you want to watch it again?"

" Because I feel like I would enjoy it more now since you are here." I felt my cheeks flush in a second. I turned my head away in order to hide this stupid cheeks of mine.

" Sunggyu, you're cute when you blush."

" S-Shut up Woohyun!"



One hour later....


I checked my phone to make sure I wasn't going to be late. He said the place wasn't too far that way I could walk there. When I checked that I had enough time, I double checked that I had everything. My phone was in my pocket and my wallet in my back pocket. Hat on my head. Check. Mask on that way nobody recognizes me. Check. Have to make sure I take procedures. Don't want anybody seeing me.

I was about to head out until Woohyun stopped me.

" Woohyun, what do you want now? I have to leave like...right now."

" Come home right afterwards, okay?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

" Why?"

" I have a little surprise for you!" For some reason that actually made my heart excited. I guess now I have a reason to come home a little bit earlier.

" Okay, I will try to come home earlier. Happy?" He nodded his head like a child who had receive candy. Then I was caught off guard when he took off my hat and kissed my forehead. It felt like time stopped all of a sudden when he kissed my forehead. I felt my hat being put back on and then my body was being turned towards the door. 

" Have Gyu! Watch for the roads, you got it?" I laughed at his words because those were the same ones I told him.

" See you later!"

" See ya!"




Here I was waiting for Byunghun but he hasn't come yet. I mean I'm here a few minutes earlier than needed but it's not bad to me earlier. I just like to be punctual at times. Though it's a bit boring having nobody to talk to. Also standing by myself makes me feel weird and stand out. I just hope nobody has recognized me yet. That would not be good if a group of girls recognized Infinite's leader. In that situation, I probably would book it ou of here.

" Hey! I'm here!" My head flew up but only to be disappointed when it wasn't him. It was some guy meeting his girlfriend. I watched their backs as they walked away.

It must be nice, being able to date like that.

" Strawberry!" I immediately turned around at that nickname which one person would only use. There he was running towards me. Of course, though, that nickname made my cheeks turn pink.

" The nickname still fits you."

" Shut up Byung. I don't like that nickname."

" Sure you don't. Well, sorry that I was late. Manager-hyung was telling us our schedule tomorrow." I nodded my head understanding what he has to go through.

" It's okay. You still made it so lets go eat! I'm starving!"

Haha. Even though I already ate like a lot of candy. Oh well!

" Me too! Running here made me feel really hungry and thirsty! The place makes the best western food ever! I'm sure you haven't had western food for a while have you?" I shook my head.

" I haven't had any since I've been here. Only like the burgers from McDonalds."

" Good! Lets go enjoy ourselves then!"

He grabbed my wrist and made us run there. Yet he said he was hungry from all that running earlier. He must have got a lot more energy after becoming an idol because I remember him being not so athletic.

" Byung!"

" What!"

" You're more energetic than before." He turned to look at me and smiled.

" So are you."



At the restaurant...


We got a table in the corner of the restaurant away from the other customers. We didn't want anybody to recognize us and we were lucky enough they even had a table open in the corner. When we seated ourselves, a waitress came over to give us glasses of water. I thanked her and then looked through the menu she gave us.

Lets just say everything on the menu look and sound good. There was ribs, steak, sandwhiches, burgers, and whatever else there is at a Western restaurant. I took a sip of my water to keep myself hydrated because I could drool at the menu. I wanted to order everything but since I'm an idol now, I have to watch my weight. Dang you stupid diets. I guess I will just have to work even harder tomorrow.

" Hyung, what are you going to order?"

" I don't know! Everything sounds really good right now."

" Well, I think I'm going to order a burger. How about you?" I thought about it and decided for the sirloin steak.

I can't wait to tell the members that I had steak today!

" I'm going to order the sirloin steak." Just then the waitress came back and we told her our orders. Then she left leaving the two of us alone.

" So, hyung, what have you been up to lately?"

" Oh, you know, being the leader of Infinite takes up most of my time. Yours is probably Teen Top, huh?"

" Yep. I'm glad we got the day off today. We have been practicing non-stop for our comeback and our schedules have been packed too." I sighed and nodded with him.

" Same here. At first I didn't think it would be this hard being an idol especially being the leader. Even though I wanted to be more of a singer than this...I don't regret it at all. I've met great people because I joined Infinite, and I made tons of new memories. Some of them weren't always good but it's getting better."

" That's good hyung. I'm glad you are enjoying yourself. You know, I haven't seen you smile this much for a long time, and I'm certain it isn't because you are practically running towards your dream. There must be a certain person who has been affecting you."

I shyly smiled. He was right. It's because of Woohyun. Everything has changed because of Infinite and him. I never expected to be in the same group as him, but maybe it was fate that I joined the group. Everything has a reason right? So I just simply nodded my head.

" Ahh, I see. Well, you have to let me meet this person someday. I have to make sure this person is treating my Strawberry-hyung well." I punched his shoulder lightly because of my nickname.

" Yah! I told you to stop calling me that embarrassing nickname!"

" Why? You are my Strawberry-hyung whether you like it or not."

" Tch. Fine! Do whatever you want! Not going to care anymore!"

We laughed at each other and then our food came. I drooled at the sight of the sirloin steak before me. I haven't had this kind of food for a while so I'm going to let myself savor this moment. I poured some steaksauce on it and then sliced some pieces off. Right when I was about to take a bit, Byunghun gave me some of his fries. I smiled as a thank you and stuck the first piece of the steak into my mouth. I mentally cheered and then took another piece and another.

During the time we ate it was silent. It wasn't uncomfortable-- it was nice. I can feel like this with Byunghun because I have known him for a while. I don't ever remember an awkward moment between us except the first time I met him.




I searched for an empty music room for me to use. When I found one, I slipped my backpack off and placed it beside the piano stool. Then I lifted the cover of the piano and started to play it. Then I took a breath and let the notes come out.

Though it was short lived because there was a crash and I immediately stopped. My fingers were still hovering over the piano keys when I looked over my shoulder to see someone on the floor. Faceplanted onto the floor to be more exact.

The person was guy as the stood up. Then they brushed their pants, though there probably wasn't anything on them, and then our eyes met. He looked like a freshmen because he simply looked like one. Also I have never seen him in the halls too. Now, there was an absolue awkward atmosphere between the two of us until he broke it. 

" U-Um, I'm sorry for interrupting, b-but I couldn't help but l-listen. I j-just wanted to say y-your voice is b-beautiful! Bye!" The kid ran out before I could even say anything. I noticed he dropped something on the ground so I went to pick it up: its his school id.

" What an idiot. He dropped his school id. Well-- Wait! What the? He is in the same grade as me?! Who would have thought?"

I put the card into my backpack and headed home. Since I was interrupted I didn't feel like staying any longer. Though meeting that guy was pretty interesting.




" Hyung, what are you laughing at?" I shook my head but still laughing.

" Oh, nothing. Just remembering how you were like in the past."

" Hey! Don't laugh about that! Hmph! Anyways, you finished yet?" I nodded my head. I placed the utensils on the plate and wiped my mouth with the napkin.

" Yep! I'm good now!"

" So, I wil--"

" No. I know you are going to say you are going to pay for it but I won't let you. Also you won't let me pay for it so we are doing half and half. Got it?" He laughed at me and nodded his head.

" Okay, okay. You are definitely Infinite's leader." I nudged his elbow as we went to go pay for our food.

After we paid, we headed out and started to walk back home. When we reached the meeting place we went our separate ways. But then I felt a tug on my sleeves making me stop.

" Byung? What's wrong?"

" I-I was wondering if we can d-do this a-again?" I ruffled his hair and smiled.

" Of course! We can hangout again!"

" Great! See you later hyung!" He quickly placed a kiss on my cheek and ran off before I could scold him.



Back at the dorm...


I was so tired when I got back to the dorm. I just wanted to jump under my blankets and go to sleep. Then I remembered about Woohyun's secret and got excited again. I slowly opened the door to see the living room empty and everything quiet.

Hm. Everyone must be in their rooms alseep.

I took off my shoes and headed to the bedroom. I carefully opened this door too because I wasn't sure if Woohyun was sleeping or not. Though when I came inside, there was Woohyun holding out a cake that said ' Happy Birthday to Sunggyu!'

" Um, Woohyun, you do know my birthday was in April, right?"

" Yeah, I know, but I wanted to celebrate your birthday."

" Why?" Where is he getting at? Is this a prank? Hidden camera?

" I want to make it up to you. I have missed quite a few birthdays so I thought I should make it up to you. Even though it's past the 28th, from now on I want to celebrate your birthday on the 28th of every month. Until April comes of course. Also it will be only the two of us celebrating. Even if we are busy with our schedules or in another country, I want to celebrate your birthday-- Um... S-Sunggyu-- W-Why are you c-crying?" I punched his arm lightly while my other hand was furiously wiping away the tears.

" B-Because of y-you! It's because of you that I'm crying you idiot!" Woohyun must have placed the cake down because he was hugging me now. I returned the hug and cried into his chest.

" I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry. Forgive me?" I nodded my head.

" Idiot. I'm crying because I'm happy."

" Good. That's good."

He unwrapped his arms from me and went to cut two pieces of cake for us. He handed one to me and I ate it happily. Out of nowhere, an idea popped into my mind. I dipped my finger into the cake then quickly wiped it on Woohyun's nose.

" What was that for?!" I stuck out my tongue at him.

" That was for making me cry tears of happiness!"




(A/N: Sorry for the late update! I just hope this chapter makes it up to you! But I want to thank all of you guys who suscribed to this fic! 203 suscribers makes me cry! I didn't think that this fic would get so many suscribers and votes and views but I have to thank all of you guys for reading it! I'm so happy! Anyways, thank you for reading, suscribing, and commenting! Love you all! P.S Sorry if there are any mistakes. It's like 5 am so yeah....

P.P.S I was wondering if you guys have any other OTPs from other groups. I was thinking in the future I would venture out into other groups. Not yet of course because I have more fic ideas for Infinite. I have one for Woogyu right now too which is probably going to be the next one I write after I finish one of these tree fics. But I was wondering if you have an OTPs from other groups! Thanks!)







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701 streak #1
Chapter 2: woohyun is an idiot!
701 streak #2
Chapter 1: started reading 😁
Chapter 26: rereading this and still hating woohyun so much in this fic.gotta have to read a fic with a whipped woohyun now.
Chapter 34: I love the story..
Vanja77 #5
This story is great ;)
kisanet73 #6
Chapter 34: this was soooooo great!!!
thank you for such great story.
khasabat #7
Chapter 34: Ahh- i so happy for them-
In begining i am so upset and angry for Woohyun because their selfsh make distand and pain for Myungsoo and Yeolie!
But i gland they move on and comeback for rise their sweet relationship!
God job author- i like your storys
Chapter 34: In the middle of the story I was about to comment on how I hate it to see sunggyu being so stupid for holding onto woohyun and for woohyun to play around with sunggyu even when he's not sure of his feelings.he pushed and hurt sunggyu twice in the story!can't help being mad at my babygyu for still accepting him.
But well towards the end u kinda ....kindaaa made it up hahaha
Chapter 34: Wow this took me so long to finish but its worth it. Its was breath taking. Im happy they found their lost heart back wow that was too cheesy~ kekeke ♡. Thanks authornim for this wonderful fic!!!
honeyplum #10
Chapter 34: awww so sweet ^^