Ch. 14- Because of Time

Grab Onto Your Heart

Sunggyu's POV:

It is 5 AM right now. I don't know why I woke up so early, but I just couldn't stay asleep for much longer. No matter how many times I closed my eyes or forced them to stay shut I couldn't fall asleep. The sun was up a little bit so I decided to take a walk. I needed the fresh air because if felt like I was suffocating in the dorm. I quietly shut the door and then walked towards the park. My lungs were full of the fresh air and I felt rejuvenated. None of the stores were open at this time so I couldn't get anything to eat. I will survive until a bit later though when everyone is up and we can have breakfast together.

When I got to the park there were only a few people that were running around the park. I sat down on the nearest bench, and then I looked up to the sky. There was a faint outline of the moon. The sky was turning a bit orange, purple, and blue. Clouds covered the sky, and I felt a bit chilly. Even though it's summer, it can be cold in the morning. I wrapped my arms around me, but then I felt something put on me. I turned around to see Woohyun standing behind me. I was confused as to why he was here and up so early in the morning. I didn't need his pity so I shrugged away his sweater, but he didn't let me.

" You're cold so wear that. Anyways, we should probably head back to the dorm." Woohyun's sweater had his scent all over him. It's something that I have missed these past five years. Though, I would never admit that.

" Hyung, hurry up. You don't want to get sick right?" I stood up and walked ahead of him. I don't know what he is planning, and that sort of scares me. What does he want from me? Forgiveness? Friendship?... Love?

Woohyun was a few steps behind me and he didn't complain about me being too fast. He was starting to get on my nerves because he wasn't keeping up with me. Without noticing where I was walking, I tripped on the sidewalk and faceplanted onto it. 

" Sunggyu! Are you okay?" Woohyun lifted me up and brushed away my bangs.

" D-Didn't I tell you to call me Sunggyu-hyung?"

" Does that really matter right now? I swear you and Sungyeol are so clumsy all the time." I pushed his hand away from my face without knowing it. Then all of a sudden I went on a sudden outburst on him.

" Then why don't you go and worry about Sungyeol instead of me! You are obviously more worried about him!" I turned back to the dorm until he grabbed my wrist stopping me from leaving.

" What's wrong with you!? I'm just saying both of you are clumsy! Is there a problem with that?"

Yes. Yes there is.

" I hate it."

" W-What?"

" I hate being compared to Sungyeol. Even back then you would talk about so much about Sungyeol that I started to compare myself with him. Do you know what that feels like? To have the person you loved talk about whom they love all the time? You don't. You don't understand at all. J-Just, please let me go. I have already thrown you out of my heart, and I don't need you barging back in."

" S-Sunggyu..."

I pulled my hand back and ran back to the dorm. I didn't care about leaving him there. Ever since I came back here, all I had were problems. Everyday I felt like I was suffocating. All I want to ask for is some peace and quiet. Is that hard to ask for?

I arrived back at the dorm, and headed to our room. I threw Woohyun's sweater in the corner not caring if it gets dirty. Then I flopped onto my bed and pulled the blanket over me. I checked my phone and I had one hour until manager-hyung would come and wake us up. I heard the door open and I immediately shut my eyes. I tried to steady my breathing to make it look like I was sleeping. Heavy footsteps were getting closer. A hand was patting my head, and I knew who it was. It was quite obvious as to who it is.

" I'm sorry. I didn't know you felt that way. Next time I will be more careful. Sorry."

He took his hand off of my head, and I heard his bed creak. Woohyun must have went back to sleep. I slowly turn over to my side so I was facing Woohyun. His back was facing me, and unconciously I was reaching for it. Then I let my hand go limp and just let it stay there. My eyes were getting drowsy and soon I fell asleep. Though right before I felt my hand being held. All I know is it felt very warm.



Woohyun's POV:


This morning when manager-hyung woke us up, he told us that Dongwoo-hyung and Hoya will be working on the dance, Sungjong, Myungsoo, and Sungyeol will be going to vocal lessons, and I will being going with Sunggyu-hyung to the recording studio. The reason why we were the only ones going to the recording studio was because for our solo songs. I really didn't want to go with Sunggyu-hyung because I know he is still made about this morning. Which of course made the whole car ride there very awkward. What could I have done, though? Make him laugh? Smile? I don't even know what to do anymore!

" Woohyun, have you been going over the lyrics?" I nodded my head. I remember the producer telling the both of us to read the lyrics for our song over and over again. He wanted us to get the feelings of the song and then interpret through our singing.

" Sunggyu, how about you?" My eyes drifted to where he was sitting. Then our eyes met and we looked away immediately.

" Yes, I have."

" Good. Well, I want the Woohyun to go up first." Sunggyu-hyung stood up for some reason and was heading towards the door.

" Sunggyu, I want you to stay too."

" Huh? Why?"

" I want you to observe the way Woohyun expresses the song."

" Oh. Okay then."

He sat back down while I got up and went to the other room. I put on the headphones and did a thumbs up to show I was ready. He let me hear the beginning for a few seconds before we got down to singing. After a couple more times I signaled to him that I was ready. My eyes drifted towards Sunggyu-hyung, but he wasn't looking at me. Instead he was looking down at his lap and playing around with his fingers. I sighed to myself. I hope he will at least pay attention to my singing. The song started to play and I opened my mouth to sing.

Did time stop again?

Is it going to fall asleep like this again?

While staring blankly outside

I’m thinking about you with my two eyes closed


Sunggyu, these past five years, I have thought about you so much. There hasn't been a day where I haven't thought of you.


Even though time is passing by again 

I’m going back to that time again

Although I try hard to find everything in your memories


I haven't forgotten our happy and sad memories. The ones where you will sing me a lullabuy to sleep, or when we would get mad at each other but then we would make up on that same day.


I’m crying by myself there but

As my tears stopped I’m laughing but

I’m waiting again

Until I can breathe again


You don't know this, but I have cried a few times because I regret so much what I did in the past. I know I can't take it back, but living with a lie like that felt like I was suffocating.


I’m crying by myself there but

As my tears stopped I’m laughing but

after leaving you alone

I’m wandering around here with memories I can’t erase


After leaving you for Sungyeol, and after you leaving me: there was a part of me that was missing. I was happy spending everyday with Sungyeol as his boyfriend, but something was missing. The only thing you left me of you were our memories and the picture we took at our middle school graduation.


Although I don’t have anything to say and I can’t hear you but

even so if I can find you like this

I’ll wait for you now until time stops


One year turned into five years and here you are. You and Myungsoo came back and who would have thought we would have been in the same group? I waited until the day I can see you and apologize to you for what I have done. No matter what it takes, I will apologize to you everyday until time stops.


I know well that I can’t say anything

even so I’m searching for you but

I know well you won’t change your thoughts but

I still can’t forget you


You know that I'm not good with my words. I'm rash and I don't think at times. I always thought that actions speak more than words, but my actions are what caused our friendship to fall. It caused you to hate me. It caused you to throw me out of your heart and mind. I know I can't change your thoughts immediately, but slowly I will. Everyday I will tell you how sorry I am, and that I have never forgotten you.


Although I don’t have anything to say and I can’t hear you but

even so if I can find you like this

I’ll wait for you now until time stops


If I can find you, I’ll wait for you now, until I can breathe again


Sunggyu, I will wait until you can look at me the same way you used to. I don't care even if you look at me with the intent of being friends because that's all I want for now. I don't deserve for you to love me. Just look at me, that's all I ask of you.

" Good job, Woohyun! That was really good for the first time. There were a few problems here and there, but they will be easy to fix." I was still focused on Sunggyu-hyung who was actually looking at me. This whole time while singing the song, I was singing it to him hoping he would understand my feelings. I took off the headphones and put them the stand. I walked out of the room and went back to the other room. Right when I entered the room I was met with a water bottle in my face. I looked a bit to side to see Sunggyu-hyung holding it.

" Here it's for you." I took it from him and I was a bit happy. He actually did something for me.

" Thank you."

" W-Whatever... Anyways, you did a good job there." Did I mishear that? Sunggyu-hyung actually praised me?

" W-What did you say? Say it again!"

" No! I'm not saying it again!"

" Sunggyu, it's your turn!" Sunggyu-hyung walked passed me, but before he went to the other room, I gave him a back hug. Then I whispered into his ear so nobody would hear it.

" Fighting Sunggyu. You can do it. Just express the song with your own feelings. And thank you for listening to me." I let him go and pushed him towards the room. I gave him a fighting sign and he smiled a little bit. Just a little bit but that is fine with me.


Sunggyu's POV:

I headed into the room and put the headphones on. I took a sip out of my water bottle first and signaled I was ready. The producer did the same thing to me as he did to Woohyun. I listened to the beginning a bit and then I was ready. The music started playing and I sang my heart out.

I feel that

My meaningless expressions

My ending breath

And also

Memories of you that I wanted to erase


All of these memories I wanted to erase of you: I wasn't able to do it. Everytime I wanted to get you out of my mind, you would come running back in. Right when I was able to erase you: we just had to meet again.


I feel that

My endlessly shaking

eyes, lips, and heart

Traces of you that I wanted to erase

So much

Always I feel you


There was just so much of you. Eyes, lips, and heart: I tried erasing you. But they always lingered there in the back of my mind. I have always felt you no matter when or where.


Please don’t stay in my heart once you’re gone

I still want you

Don’t linger around my ears anymore (because)

I wanna listen. I wanna listen


I didn't want you to stay in my heart when I left you. Your heart was already taken so what was the point of keeping you? Though I kept on wanting you. Everytime I heard your voice whether it was from a memory and in the flesh, I listened every time.


I hear that

Where you are right now,

How you are, I don’t know

But why do I hear your breath


When I was in the States, I kept on wondering what you were doing. How you were or where you were. Even when we were living on different countries, continents, and separated by the vast bodies of water: I could feel you around me. No matter what I was doing or where I was: your scent surrounded me.


I feel that

No matter how hard I try

No matter how much I pray

It will never work

Even if I try to shake you off

I still feel you


I would pray everyday that you would disappear from my heart and mind, and it didn't work. I just had to pretend that it did.


Please don’t stay in my heart once you’re gone

I still want you

Don’t linger around my ears anymore (because)

I wanna listen. I wanna listen your sound.


All I wanted was you. Was that so hard to ask for? Was it impossible for me not have you?


As I drift farther and farther

I gradually get closer and closer to you

As I hurt and hurt (like this)

I gradually want only you, you more


The farther we were from each other, the more I wanted you. It felt so different not having you in within arms distance, but then I never really had you at all. I didn't have your heart only your presence. Which only made me hurt more and more.


Your eyes, your smile, and your hand motions still torture me

Making it so I can’t do anything, think anything, or do something else

No matter how much I look around, you’re not

anywhere, but I keep hearing only your voice

Even after I erase and erase all of your traces

I feel you more as the days go by


The past five years made me think. Wherever I looked you were there. Whatever I was thinking was about you. Even if you weren't around me, I could still hear your crystal, clear voice. The voice that enchanted me on the first day of middle school is still imprinted in my heart. Woohyun, have you thought about me these past five years? Because I have.


Please don’t stay in my heart once you’re gone

I still want you

Don’t linger around my ears anymore

I wanna listen. I wanna listen your sound.


Even if I told myself to stop listening, I wasn't able to. I kept on listening for you.


As I drift farther and farther

I gradually get closer and closer to you

As I hurt and hurt (like this)

I gradually want only you, you more


All I ever wanted was you. It was my fault for falling for you, but it was your fault to. Why did you have to attract me to the point where I fell for you? Did you know it would only bring pain? Did I know it would bring pain?


I feel that.. I feel that.. I only want you more. I feel that I feel that

Your all

I feel that.. I fell that.. I feel that

Your all


My heart still feels for you Woohyun, but I can't admit that. I don't want to, I can't, and I just won't. These feelings have to be thrown away because I'm afraid if I go digging for them I will fall for you again. That's way I have to distance myself from you and make myself hate you even more. I have to let my feelings of hate overtake me... but what if I can't? What would you do, Woohyun?

" Sunggyu, that was good too! There are a bit problems here and there but we will be able to fix them." I didn't hear what he said. I took off my headphones and walked out of the room. For some reason I felt really dizzy, and when I opened the door to the other room I stumbled on my feet. I didn't fall, though. Instead I felt strong arms catch me. The person brought me closer to them and I was enveloped in their warmth. I could feel my eyes closing on me, but I heard the person say something to me before I out.

" I'm sorry for putting you through so much pain. Also, you sang beautifully there. I love your voice the most, even more than Sungyeol's."




(A/N: Sorry if this a really long chapter, but I really wanted to incorporate both of their solo songs in this chapter! Well, thanks for reading this chapter! Until next time!)




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701 streak #1
Chapter 2: woohyun is an idiot!
701 streak #2
Chapter 1: started reading 😁
Chapter 26: rereading this and still hating woohyun so much in this fic.gotta have to read a fic with a whipped woohyun now.
Chapter 34: I love the story..
Vanja77 #5
This story is great ;)
kisanet73 #6
Chapter 34: this was soooooo great!!!
thank you for such great story.
khasabat #7
Chapter 34: Ahh- i so happy for them-
In begining i am so upset and angry for Woohyun because their selfsh make distand and pain for Myungsoo and Yeolie!
But i gland they move on and comeback for rise their sweet relationship!
God job author- i like your storys
Chapter 34: In the middle of the story I was about to comment on how I hate it to see sunggyu being so stupid for holding onto woohyun and for woohyun to play around with sunggyu even when he's not sure of his feelings.he pushed and hurt sunggyu twice in the story!can't help being mad at my babygyu for still accepting him.
But well towards the end u kinda ....kindaaa made it up hahaha
Chapter 34: Wow this took me so long to finish but its worth it. Its was breath taking. Im happy they found their lost heart back wow that was too cheesy~ kekeke ♡. Thanks authornim for this wonderful fic!!!
honeyplum #10
Chapter 34: awww so sweet ^^