Ch. 4- Don't Look Back

Grab Onto Your Heart

Sunggyu's POV:

The numbness of my arm woke me up as I was turning around. I opened my eyes and realized that Myungsoo was sleeping on my arm. Pain was etched on his face. The tears are now dry, and his breathing is steady. I brushed away his bangs, and got up from the bed. I made sure that I didn't wake up Myungsoo, and went to the bathroom. Since I didn't take a shower last night, I took a shower. I peeled off my clothes and stepped into the shower. The hotness of the water trailed down my body as thoughts ran through my mind. I just stood there in the shower thinking of what was going to happen next, and would Sungyeol memories come back. The emotional state that Myungsoo is in troubles me. All I just want is for the two of them to have a happy ending, but two things stand in their way: Sungyeol's memories, and Woohyun.

At this point I didn't want to think of Woohyun. He didn't tell the truth to Sungyeol about Myungsoo. He lied to Sungyeol which caused Myungsoo to get hurt. Also he hurted me in the process without knowing it. I couldn't believe that Woohyun would put all of the blame on Myungsoo too. I knew the truth, though. I know why Woohyun was being like that. Deep inside of his heart he was happy that Sungyeol forgot about Myungsoo and I. Almost as if he was going to get a fresh start with Sungyeol. Just thinking about how Woohyun is being makes my blood boil. To think he would do that to all of us. He is willing to break apart the two of them for his own selfish needs. He doesn't care about our feelings at all.

I finished showering, and stepped out of the bathroom. While I was putting on my boxers, I felt a pair of eyes staring at me. I turned around to see Myungsoo sitting up and staring at me. I sighed and put my other clothes on. Then I sat on the bed with him and wrapped my arm around his neck. He came closer to me and he laid his head on my shoulder. I laid mine on his and sighed a little bit.

" Do you want to go visit Sungyeol?"

" Can we go a bit later. I'm still tired."

" Sure. Get some sleep. I will go get some food for us." I laid him back to bed, grabbed a light sweater, and headed outside.

It was still morning, so it was a bit chilly outside. I could see my breath when I blow out air, and it fascinated me for some reason. Maybe it's because I just needed something to distract me. I came by a bakery shop and decided to get something from there. The place was neat and clean. This place must have been new because this is the first time I have seen this place. It's cozy and just makes feel right at home: a place that I am missing right now. Now that I think about it, I haven't talked to my parents a lot. It's probably because I have been so busy with trying to keep Woohyun's mind off of Sungyeol and Myungsoo that I just forgot about everything else. To actually think that I have been paying less attention to my parents because of Woohyun.

After I ordered two croissants for us and went back to the dorm. As I was walking back, my phone started to ring. I checked the caller id to see it was Woohyun. The way he was being right now, I ignored his call and continued walking back to the dorm. Luckily, the dorm wasn't that far away because I was getting a bit cold. When I got to my room, I unlocked the door. I peeked in to see if anything was out of the ordinary, but everything seemed okay. Myungsoo was still on the bed but he wasn't sleeping. I took off my shoes, and took out one of the croissants for him. He gladly took it and we both ate in silence. Then I went to go grab a water bottle from the mini fridge, and handed one to him. Again we ate and drank in silence.

" Are you almost done?"

" Yeah. Let me just change." I threw away our trash, and laid back on my bed while I was waiting for Myungsoo. I eyed the picture that was standing on my nightstand. It was a picture of Woohyun and I at our middle school graduation. The picture made me angry and gloomy, so I placed it face down. Myungsoo was done changing, and we took the bus to the hospital.

" Sunggyu-hyung."

" Hm?"

" Do you think Sungyeol has remembered me now?" I turned my head around to face him. He was looking at his lap and I took his hand into mine.

" I don't know. I don't know."


At the hospital.....


Myungsooo's POV:


We finally arrived at the hospital, and to be honest, I was scared. I was scared to face Woohyun and Sungyeol. Sungyeol probably doesn't remember me still, and what if there was a chance he never would? I pressed back those thoughts and proceeded to his room. My hands were above the door handle, and I didn't have the courage to open it. I backed away from the door and let Sunggyu-hyung opened the door. I followed him as he walked inside first. At least when I entered I wasn't greeted with glares from Woohyun. Sunggyu-hyung went to Sungyeol first while I went to sit on the couch that was in the room. I was in pain once again when I saw how Woohyun was holding onto Sungyeol's hand.

" Sungyeol, has any of your memories come back yet?" My eyes stayed on Sungyeol as he shook his head. My hopes were crushed at that second, and I had to bite my lips to stop myself from crying.

" I....see. Well, I hope your memories will come back."

" I hope so too. I really want to remember you guys."

" I think the person who wants you to remember the most is that person sitting over there." All of them turned to look at me, and I felt myself shrinking away. I gazed away and looked at this ugly painting that was hanging on the wall.

" Myungsoo." Sungyeol's voice was calling out my name, but it was empty. It wasn't filled with the love it once had. I tried my best to not look at them, but I couldn't help myself.

" Yeah?"

" You want me to remember the most? Why?" Slowly, I walked over to him, and stood next to him.

" Yeah, I do. I want you to remember because we made tons of great memories together."

" If you say that, then I have to get my memories as soon as possible!" I laughed at his statement. This was the Sungyeol that I remembered. All of a sudden he grabbed onto my hand and forced me to look at him. Our eyes met, and deep inside of his eyes, I could see my Sungyeol.

" Hurry up and get your memories back then!" We laughed at each other, but I could feel a cold glare emitting from Woohyun. I didn't care, though. Sungyeol is mine and mine only. No matter how or how many times Woohyun tries to budge in our life, I will always be the one to hold a place in his heart.

All four of us just talked about random things, and sometimes we would go to the vending machines to get something to snack on. They didn't have the best selections, but hey. At least it's something. While I was eating my candy bar, Sungyeol tried to sit up, and Woohyun and Sunggyu-hyung were getting some more snacks. I went over to help him, but then I slipped. My hands were on his shoulders and our faces centimeters apart. I could feel his breath against my lips. The taste of his lips floated back to my senses, and I wanted to feel them once again. Maybe if I kissed him, he would remember. Though, it would be like taking advantage of him. It didn't matter anymore because I was letting my heart take over me. My body leaned closer and closer to his and he was gripping onto my shirt. I could feel his lips on mine, but it didn't happen. Before I even had the chance to claim Sungyeol's lips, Sunggyu-hyung and Woohyun came back with a few snacks. I immediately pulled myself away from him and sat back down on the couch. They eyed the both of us but we didn't dare look straight into their eyes. 

" Did something happen between the two of you?" Sungyeol and I looked back at each other, and shook our heads.

" NO! N-Nothing happened to us." We both said at the same time.

" Oh, okay?" It seemed like Sunggyu-hyung believed us, but Woohyun didn't. He was giving me ice, cold glares from the side of Sungyeol's bed.

Why is Woohyun being like this? I know that Woohyun blames me, but can't he try to understand me? Sungyeol didn't forget about him! He forgot about Sunggyu-hyung and I! Sungyeol forgot about our relationship, and not his with Woohyun! So why? Why does Woohyun continue glaring at me?

While we were eating our snacks, Woohyun was cracking jokes that made Sungyeol laugh. I didn't like how Sungyeol was giving so much attention to Woohyun. It was as if Sunggyu-hyung and I didn't exist! What was the point of being here when we were obviously not needed. We came here to help Sungyeol in some way, but we were smacked back with pain. Do we, I, really need this pain? Sunggyu-hyung doesn't deserve to be in agony. I just want everything to back to the way it was. I want be holding hands with Sungyeol, I want to be able to kiss him, and I want to be able to hold him. All I need is just Sungyeol and everything will be fine. I need Sungyeol so badly.

" Yah! Woohyun! Stop it!" My attention went back to Woohyun and Sungyeol who were joking around. The sight of it made me sick to the core.

" Why? You don't like it?"

" Stop teasing me!"

" Never!" Time froze, my heart broke into pieces, and it felt like I just died. Woohyun just kissed Sungyeol on the lips and Sungyeol wasn't backing away. I wanted to pull them apart but my body wasn't listening to me. Inside I was crying, yelling, and thrashing about. I felt the side of the couch lift up, and I saw Sunggyu-hyung pull Woohyun away from Sungyeol.

" Let me go, Sunggyu!"

" Explain to me why you just kissed Sungyeol!"

" W-Why are you guys being like this? Do you guys have amnesia too? Woohyun said we are going out together."

Woohyun said that Sungyeol and him were going out?

" W-What?"

" Yeah, that's what Woohyun said."

No. That's not true.

" Is that the truth Woohyun? Tell me!"

No. It has never been the truth. It's a lie.

" Yeah, I told Sungyeol that we are going out."

It's a lie. Don't believe him Sungyeol!

" You are coming with me!" I watched Sunggyu-hyung drag Woohyun out of the room. I was left alone with Sungyeol and I didn't have the energy to say anything. I just sat there and hoped that Sunggyu-hyung would come back soon.



Woohyun's POV:


Sunggyu dragged me out of the hospital, and now we were outside. He was holding onto my wrist tightly, and I swear I was losing circulation. Continuously, I tried to pull away from him, but I never knew he was this strong. Then once we were alone and nobody was in sight, he threw me. I stumbled on my feet but at least I didn't fall. Sunggyu started walking towards me, and I wasn't ready for what he was about to do. He punched me right in the face and I fell to the floor. I felt pain in my face, and I touched my lips- blood. Now, I was angry. There wasn't any need for him to do that. I stood up and was about to punch him back, but he punched me before I could. Once again, I fell back to the ground and my lips was bleeding even more. I wiped away the blood from my lips and tried to stand up.

" What the heck are you doing, Woohyun! Are you going crazy!" He was yelling at me and I yelled back at him.

" What position are you to say that!? You don't understand me one bit!"

" I have known you since the first year of middle school! How could I not understand you!? We have been friends for such a long time that I know all of your habits, what you like, and what you dislike!"

" Well, it's not like you had to know everything about me!"

" Woohyun! There is no need for you to try to steal Sungyeol away from Myungsoo. H-How could you do such a horrible thing like that?"

" Why do you care?"

" I care because I'm your friend! Aren't Sungyeol and Myungsoo both important to you? Don't you want them to be happy together? Don't you want to be happy for them?" I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Of course he wouldn't understand my feelings.

" See, this is what I'm talking about! You don't understand me! I have always like Sungyeol since we were little kids!"

" And!? It doesn't mean you have to kiss Sungyeol right in front of Myungsoo!"

" What do you know! I have always liked Sungyeol, I still do, and I have always been there for him. When he had those stupid little fights with Myungsoo, I was always the one there for him!"

" Woohyun, please listen to yourself. Please."

" You don't understand, Sunggyu." There was a moment of silence before any of us said anything. Before I noticed it, Sunggyu grabbed my shirt, and brought our lips together. My eyes widened, and I noticed that Sunggyu was crying. I could taste the saltiness of his tears that was being mixed with the kiss. A kiss full of sadness, loneliness, and love. Slowly, he pulled away and looked straight at me.

" I do. I do understand. I have always like a person since the second year of middle school. I dismissed those feelings thinking they were just a phase I was going through. I was totally wrong, though. As time passed, I kept falling deeper and deeper. At that point there was no stopping me. Everyday I tried to make him look at me, to make him fall in love with me. The things I tried didn't work, though. Then when he came running at me with tears in his eyes, I finally realized that my feelings was never going to be reciprocated."

" S-Sunggyu." I wanted him to stop. I didn't want to hear who the person was because I had a feeling.

" Please, let me finish. Woohyun, please, don't do this to yourself. You will only hurt yourself in the long run, and eventually Sungyeol will regain his memories. Please, stop it while you can."

" I-I don't know if I can."

" Woohyun, you are such an idiot. I-I can't believe that...I fell in love with you. Why! Why couldn't you see that I was in love with you!? Why couldn't you see me as more than a friend!? W-Why?"

" S-Sunggyu, please stop." He finally let go of my shirt and turned his back to me.

" I'm such a fool aren't I? I'm a fool to have fallen in love with you. Let's go back inside." I reached out for him but he didn't turn around: he continued walking. I just followed him and didn't say anything. I didn't know what to say actually.

When we finally got back to the room, Myungsoo was in the same position when left before. I watched as Sunggyu lifted Myungsoo up and then they bowed to us.

" Goodbye, Woohyun. Goodbye, Sungyeol."

" See-" Before I could even finish, they were already out of here. I turned back to Sungyeol and I could tell he was concerned.

" What happened to you?" I touched my lips and remembered the kiss. The kiss full of tears.

" Nothing. Nothing happened."

" I see." I clenched my fists and closed my eyes tightly.

I'm so sorry, Sungyeol. I just want to have you to all myself. I didn't even realize that Sunggyu was in love with me all that time. Now, I don't think he would even spare me a glance.


One week later.....


Nobody's POV:


Sunggyu and Myungsoo were waiting in the airport waiting for their plane to arrive. Passports and tickets in hand, they waited. They have only spoken to each other a few times, making sure that they have their things. Sunggyu was going through his phone while Myungsoo was listening to his music. They were unsure of what they were doing, but at this point they didn't know where to go. All they know is that they need each other, and that wherever they go, they will be together. Just then the intercom went on.

" Flight to the United States, your plane has finally arrived. Please come up to desk so we can check you in." Both of them grabbed their bags and headed to towards the plane.

" Do you have everything, Myungsoo?" He placed his hand over his chest to make sure it was there.

" Yeah, I have everything. Are you ready, Sunggyu-hyung?" Sunggyu shook his head and smiled at Myungsoo.

" I'm ready. I want to get out of here as soon as possible. I can't continue drowing myself here."

" Sunggyu-hyung."

" Hm?"

" Promise that no matter what happens that you will always be by my side."

" Promise."

" Pinky promise?" Myungsoo held out his pinky and Sunggyu gladly hook his pinky with his.

" Pinky promise.......Myungsoo."

" Yeah?"

" Promise me you won't look back. Don't look back. Okay?" Myungsoo was reluctant to agree, but he knew Sunggyu needed his support. So Myungsoo nodded his head.

They finally got their tickets checked, and boarded the plane. Sunggyu sat next to the window while Myungsoo sat next to him. Sunggyu continued to look out the window as they began to lift off. His eyes never left the window, and a single tear slowly fell down his face. He didn't wipe it away because he wanted it to be the last tear he would shed.

Goodbye. Goodbye to everything.



Woohyun's POV:


I ran over to the admission office and was out of breath when I arrived. Everyone in the office was looking at me weirdly, but I didn't care. Right now what was important was about Sunggyu and Myungsoo.

" Excuse me!" The lade turned to look at me. 

" About Sunggyu and Myungsoo. Can you tell me where they are?"

" Kim Sunggyu and Kim Myungsoo? Give me a minute." She began to typing into the computer and I tapped my fingers on the counter.

" Your name is Nam Woohyun right? What relationship do you have with those two?"

" They are my friends and Kim Sunggyu is my roommate."

" It seems like they didn't tell you." I tilted my head in confusion.

" What is it?" 

" Well, Kim Sunggyu and Kim Myungsoo both left this school. They are transfering to the United States now. Actually, today they must be on their plane on their way over there."

I dropped down to my knees. In my hand I was clutching onto Sunggyu's letter. I couldn't believe a word he wrote in it. I didn't want to believe that they would leave Sungyeol and I all of a sudden. Now, tears were running down my face and I was clutching my shirt. I didn't want to believe that I would never be able to see Sunggyu and Myungsoo again. I didn't want to accept this reality.


Dear Woohyun,

Once you read this letter, I will be on a plane to the States. Myungsoo is also coming along with me. We decided that we couldn't stay here anymore and drown in our sadness. Both of us accepted that you and Sungyeol can be together. Even though we didn't want to accept it, we had to. I knew nothing was going to change your mind, so what was the point? What I want to say is that I hope you will take care of yourself, and take care of Sungyeol too. Myungsoo would castrate you if anything happens to Sungyeol. Anyways, I don't know what else to say really. I guess I will just say this one more time: I love you, Nam Woohyun. I always have, and now, I never will. If we ever cross paths, please pretend you don't know me, see me, or even feel me. I want you to live your life as it is, without me. I hope the best for you. Goodbye, Woohyun.

                                                                                                                              From your friend, now stranger,






(A/N: Well.....yeah.....that was quite angsty wasn't it? Well I hope you guys enjoyed it somehow. After this chapter will be when they are in infinite! Comments are appreciated! Also sorry if there are any mistakes because it's like 4 am over here!)








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694 streak #1
Chapter 2: woohyun is an idiot!
694 streak #2
Chapter 1: started reading 😁
Chapter 26: rereading this and still hating woohyun so much in this fic.gotta have to read a fic with a whipped woohyun now.
Chapter 34: I love the story..
Vanja77 #5
This story is great ;)
kisanet73 #6
Chapter 34: this was soooooo great!!!
thank you for such great story.
khasabat #7
Chapter 34: Ahh- i so happy for them-
In begining i am so upset and angry for Woohyun because their selfsh make distand and pain for Myungsoo and Yeolie!
But i gland they move on and comeback for rise their sweet relationship!
God job author- i like your storys
Chapter 34: In the middle of the story I was about to comment on how I hate it to see sunggyu being so stupid for holding onto woohyun and for woohyun to play around with sunggyu even when he's not sure of his feelings.he pushed and hurt sunggyu twice in the story!can't help being mad at my babygyu for still accepting him.
But well towards the end u kinda ....kindaaa made it up hahaha
Chapter 34: Wow this took me so long to finish but its worth it. Its was breath taking. Im happy they found their lost heart back wow that was too cheesy~ kekeke ♡. Thanks authornim for this wonderful fic!!!
honeyplum #10
Chapter 34: awww so sweet ^^