Ch. 1- First Meeting

Grab Onto Your Heart

(A/N: The first few chapters will be during their school days. After that, then it will be when they are in Infinite.)


Sunggyu's POV:


Today was the first day of my first year of middle school. I was walking to school with my childhood friend, Myungsoo. We have known each other since we like in diapers, and now I practically consider him like a brother. Myungsoo tends to be shy to others so I'm really his only friend. This morning was the opening ceremony for the new students, and Myungsoo and I had to be there extra early so we wouldn't get bad seats. Myungsoo doesn't really care about these sort of stuff, but I was kind of excited. I was nervous but excited to meet new people! The cherry blossoms were in full blossom as we walked to the school, and I couldn't help but feel like it was going to be perfect.

As we made our way into the gym where the opening ceremony was going to be held, there were already quite a few students there. I had to get on my tippy toes to see if there were any empty seats, and then I saw two seats open next to these other two people. Myungsoo followed me as I walked to those seats and excused myself to the others. I sat down and when I turned around to see the person next to me, I was blown away. The person was quite handsome, but his cheeks were a bit chubby, same as the person sitting next to him. Then the person next to me turned around, and our eyes met. For some reason I felt something weird in the pit of my heart, but I brushed it away.

" Hi, my name is Nam Woohyun. The person next to me is my friend, Lee Sungyeol." He extended his hand to me and I gladly took it. Then his friend, Sungyeol-sshi took shook my hand as well.

" It's nice to meet you, my name is Kim Sunggyu, and the person next to me is my friend, Kim Myungsoo." Myungsoo shyly shook their hands too, and I couldn't help but smile at him.

" Well, I hope we are in the same class, Sunggyu-sshi and Myungsoo-sshi!" I nodded my head, and then the principal came up to the podium to speak to the student body.

While the principal was speaking, I couldn't help but feel a bit nervous sitting next to Woohyun-sshi. I know that we just met, but for some reason there is this weird feeling inside of me. I want this feeling to disappear because I'm a bit scared of it. This feeling is unknown to me, and I don't even know what it is! Whatever it is, it needs to stop before I start to get angry at myself! Anyways, Woohyun-sshi and Sungyeol-sshi looked like pretty good people. This year was starting off pretty well, and I like it. I liked it a lot.

The opening ceremony was finally over, and we had to head to our first period class. Luckily, Myungsoo and I had first period and a few other classes together too. Other students were running down the hallways while we walked. I didn't want to get run over by the other students so I pushed Myungsoo to the side. Myungsoo and I carefully made our way to our class, and when we got there there were quite a few students already. We didn't know where to sit so we went to sit way in the back. I could tell Myungsoo was a bit nervous being around new people. I patted his back and smiled at him. It seemed like he calmed down because he smiled back at me. Just then I looked up and I saw Woohyun-sshi and Sungyeol-sshi walking through the door. We made eye contact and I waved at them.


Woohyun's POV:


Sungyeol and I were making our way to our first period class. I swear I was going to get run over by the other students who were excited to get to their class. Sungyeol was making jokes on our way there, and honestly some of them were not funny. Though, because they weren't funny, they became funny. Not making sense there am I? Anyways, we finally found our room. As we entered the classroom, at the back of the classroom I saw Sunggyu-sshi and Myungsoo-sshi. Sunggyu-sshi and I made eye contact and he waved at us. I waved back and started to walk to them. Sungyeol followed me wondering where we were going but then he saw them too. I stopped right in front of their desks and Sungyeol just had to bump into my back. I heard a little chuckle, and I swear it was coming from Myungsoo-sshi.

" It seems like we are in the same class!"

" Yeah! I can't believe it either!" Sungyeol and I sat in the seats in front of them. We turned around in our seats so we could talk to them some more.

" So, are you guys from around here?"

" Yep! Myungsoo and I have known each other since we were babies, so we are like brothers." I looked at Myungsoo who was shyly smiling. This is the first time I have ever seen somebody as quiet as him. Maybe it's because I have been with this choding next to me for whole life that I didn't hear any silence for a long time.

" Same here. Sungyeol and I are like brothers too." Sungyeol swung his arm around my neck, and I tried to push it off but he wouldn't budge.

" Woohyun used to do aegyo a lot when he was younger. When we first met, Woohyun would throw hearts at me because he wanted to play with me." He pinched my cheeks and I blushed. Sunggyu-sshi was laughing at me while Myungsoo-sshi was softly chuckling.

" Yah! Lee Sungyeol! I'm older than you so stop it!" I threw his arm off of me and he started to the puppy eyes. I swear when he does that, I melt a little bit. Just a little bit.

" You guys are really funny. Hey, how about we just drop formalities? Just call me Sunggyu and him, Myungsoo."

" Okay! Just call me Woohyun, and him, Sungyeol."

The thought of having new friends on the first day of school was exhilarating. Sungyeol and I tend to be by ourselves, but I didn't mind making friends with these two people. It seemed like Sungyeol didn't mind either because he was trying to make Myungsoo-sshi, I mean Myungsoo, talk. Sunggyu and I laughed at Sungyeol's futile attempts and told him to stop. Though, I'm sure Myungsoo will talk to Sungyeol sooner or later because Sungyeol could obviously talk his head off. While we were talking, the teacher came in. He introduced himself, and then each of us had to introduce ourselves. It was finally my turn and I stood up. Then it was Sunggyu's turn and so on. When it was Sungyeol's turn, I wanted to bury myself in a hole. I swear he can be some embarrassing at times. At least he was being supportive when it was Myungsoo's turn.

First period went by quickly, and the four of us had to go to our next class. It seemed like Sungyeol and Myungsoo were in the same class while Sunggyu and I were in the same class. We waved to them and we went our separate ways. While Sunggyu and I walked to our next class, I never noticed how small Sunggyu's eyes were. When he smiled it looked like his eyes were closed. It was quite cute actually, and this is coming from me who is the aegyo king. The class wasn't far away since it was just straight down the hall. Sunggyu and I obviously sat next to each other while the other students tried to find spots for themselves. Before I knew it, I said something without thinking.

" Your eyes are small." Sunggyu whipped his head towards me and his eyes got even smaller. It looked like he was angry but I wasn't too sure. Then he hit my arm, and I didn't expect for his punch to hurt a lot.

" My e-eyes aren't small!" I watched him as he pouted and I couldn't help but smile. This year was going to really fun with Sunggyu and Myungsoo. The teacher came in and we faced the front. I quicky took a glance at Sunggyu, and he was still pouting. I laughed to myself and faced the front once again.

Yep! Middle school is going to very fun!



Sungyeol's POV:


Myungsoo and I were in our next class. It was quite boring since I didn't know what he was talking about. Though, it seemed like Myungsoo was interested when I took a glance at him. I had my head propped on my hand and just stared at the teacher. Since we got to the classroom, Myungsoo hasn't said one word to me. Since I have been with Woohyun my whole life, I'm used to somebody replying back to me. The thing is, I didn't feel awkward with Myungsoo at all. Even though I'm not used to the silence, being around with Myungsoo is comforting? I guess? Anyways, Sunggyu and Myungsoo don't seem half bad at all. They seem like pretty good people. Woohyun likes them so I like them too.

I didn't notice that class was over until Myungsoo shook me. His face was really close to mine causing me to fall of from my chair. Myungsoo just stared at me for a few seconds, and all of a sudden laughed. He like laughed really loudly. The sight of him smiling and laughing caused me to laugh too. Myungsoo helped me up and I brush the dust off of my pants. What I didn't expect, though, was for him to speak to me.

" Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you there. It was funny, you go to admit that."

" Yeah, it was funny, wasn't it?" He nodded his head at me and we went to our next class. Surprisingly, Myungsoo and I were in the same class once again. Then I was even more surprised when I saw Woohyun and Sunggyu in the same class too. They waved when they saw us, and I dragged Myungsoo along.

" Hey guys! We are in the same class again!"

" Haha! I can't believe it either!" I didn't notice that I was still holding onto Myungsoo's hand until he said something.

" S-Sungyeol, can you let go of my hand?" I immediately let go and for some reason I felt cold? Then when I looked at Woohyun, he looked a bit....sad? But then he put a smile on me, and I brushed away the thought.

I sat down in my seat across from Woohyun, and Myungsoo sat behind me. We began talking to each other again, and how second period was. They laughed at me when I said it was boring. Then they laughed even more when Myungsoo just had to tell them I fell out of my chair because I was surprised the Myungsoo's face was close to mine. I pouted as they continued laughing at me, but Woohyun patted my head. My anger disappeard when Woohyun did that. Woohyun was really the only one who can calm down my anger. Actually, we were the only ones who can calm down the other or comfort each other.

Before I turned around in my chair to face the front, I felt somebody grab my hand. I turned my head to see it was Myungsoo who grabbed my hand. At the same time I felt electricity run throughout my whole body. This is the first time I have every felt like this, and I was a bit scared. Nobody else, except Woohyun, has initiated skinship with me. Myungsoo slowly looked up at me and I saw that he was sorry. He didn't have to say anything because I could see it in his eyes. They weren't cold, but they were warm, like hot chocolate. All I did was smile at him and he got the message. He gripped my hand once and let go. Slowly, I turned to the front, and I could feel my body get hot.

What's wrong with you? You haven't felt like this before, so why now?

I felt somebody glaring at me though. The other students in the front weren't looking at me, but when I turned to my left, Woohyun was looking at me. Once again, his eyes were full of sadness and a bit of anger. I got confused as to why he was looking at me like that. Then he smiled at me, but I wasn't fooled. His eyes told me the truth, but I wasn't able to reach any further. It was like he was blocking me out from something he didn't want me to find out. I just sighed and gave up. I didn't want any drama on the first day of school, especially from Woohyun.


After school......


Myungsoo's POV:


The first day of school was finally over, and I was happy. It didn't show it on my face, but deep inside I was happy. I met two nice people today, and we became friends with them. Woohyun and Sungyeol really nice people, and Sunggyu-hyung really like them too. As long Sunggyu-hyung was happy then I was happy. I had a lot of classes with Sungyeol, and he talked to me the whole time. Even though I didn't talk back at lot, he seemed to understand me. Then whenever he grabbed my hand, I felt my body get all warm and fuzzy. I have never felt like that with Sunggyu-hyung before, and I was quite surprised when I felt like that with Sungyeol. I just met him today, but it feels like we have been friends for such a long time. We got along really well, and it was fun eating lunch with them.
Today was one of the greatest days ever.

" Myungsoo."

" Hm?"

" Was today fun for you?" I nodded my head slowly and I felt Sunggyu-hyung wrap his arm around my neck.

" That's good. You are finally opening your heart to other people aren't you?"

" Yeah, I am. To be honest, I feel a bit scared." He stopped walking and I stopped along with him.

" Why is that?"

" It's because I have never let in other people into my heart but you." Sunggyu-hyung placed both of his hands on my shoulders and gave me a stern look.

" Myungsoo, listen to me. Woohyun and Sungyeol seem like really, really, really nice people. I'm sure they won't hurt you in any way, and if they do, I wil be here for you. We are practically like brothers, and I promised when we were little that I would protect you no matter what. Do you remember?'' I nodded my head at the memory of his promise when they were six years old.



" Myungsoo!" I heard hyung's voice as he ran to me. Some kids were picking on me because of how quiet I am. They also didn't like how I looked at people saying how I look scary. Tears were falling down as the other kids left.

" Are you okay?" Sunggyu-hyung wrapped me into a hug and I cried into his chest. I felt so weak because I couldn't protect myself. Hyung was the one who always protected me from harm. I'm so grateful to have a hyung like him.

" S-Sunggyu-hyung, it hurts." He pulled away from me and had a worried look on him.

" Where does it hurt?" I pointed at my heart and he understood.

" It hurts here." Sunggyu-hyung placed his hand over my heart and whispered into the air.

" Let your heart be full of happiness. Let your heart be full of love. Let your heart have no more scars. Myungsoo, I promise I will always protect you from the people who hurt you in any way. I promise."

" Pinky promise?" I held out my pinky for him and he wrapped his pinky around mine.

" Pinky promise." I smiled at Sunggyu-hyung and my heart didn't hurt anymore.




" Myungsoo, let's go home. It's getting late, and we are having dinner over at my house. Your family is coming over for dinner tonight to celebrate our first day of shcool. Our parents are so weird aren't they?" I laughed and we started walking.

Remembering Sunggyu-hyung's promise to me lifted my heart up. Now I was sure I could trust Woohyun and Sungyeol. Those two didn't seem like they would hurt anybody close to them. My heart was finally settled, and I can start to open my heart to others. i feel like I can slowly open my heart to Woohyun and Sungyeol. Though, I feel like I had already opened my heart to Sungyeol. Today, I opened my heart a little bit because I laughed when Sungyeol fell of his chair. Usually I would ignore it if something like that happened, but because it was Sungyeol, I laughed. Also my heart felt lightened too. This is the first time that has happened with somebody that wasn't Sunggyu-hyung. I was happy, though. I was truly happy that I was able to open my heart, even if it was a little bit.

We got to Sunggyu-hyung's house, and my parents were already there because I saw their car in the driveway. My mom ran over to me and enveloped me into a bear hug. She spun me around and I couldn't breathe at all. My dad finally told her to let go of me, and he gave me a hug too. I swear my parents are the only who hug their child like this. My mom wasn't done, of course, and placed kisses all over my face. I heard Sunggyu-hyung laughing at me, and I stuck out my tongue at him.

" Mom! Stop with all of the kisses! I'm suffocating with your kisses!"

" Aigoo! My little Myungsoo is all grown up isn't he!"

" Mom! Stop it! I'm not little anymore!"

" If you say so! Anyways, how was school?" I shyly smiled and it seemed like she understood.

" It seems like you had fun. Did you make any new friends?" I nodded my head, and she hugged me again.

" You actually made friends besides Sunggyu! Your mom is so happy for you! My little Myungsoo is making new friends!"

" Like I said, let go of me!" She finally let go of me and smiled at me.

" I'm glad you are finally opening your heart to other people. Invite them over to our place someday, okay?"

" Yes, mom." She left with Sunggyu-hyung's mom to start cooking, and our dads were in the living room talking about business. Sunggyu-hyung and I went upstairs to his room to play some games.

I can't believe my mom was like that! I hope she won't be like that if I ever bring Woohyun or Sungyeol to my place. She was happy for me, though. I'm glad I was able to make her happy saying that I made new friends. I just hope that I can become closer to them like I am with Sunggyu-hyung. It might take a while, but I'm ready. I'm ready to let other people to slowly walk into my heart. Being friends with Woohyun, and especially Sungyeol, will be fun. I know it.





(A/N: Well here is the first chapter. Like I said before, the first like 4-5 chapters will before Infinite. Anyways, I hoped you like the first chapter! Comments are appreciated!!!!! The next chapter will be when they are in their last year of middle school to the first year of high school.)




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701 streak #1
Chapter 2: woohyun is an idiot!
701 streak #2
Chapter 1: started reading 😁
Chapter 26: rereading this and still hating woohyun so much in this fic.gotta have to read a fic with a whipped woohyun now.
Chapter 34: I love the story..
Vanja77 #5
This story is great ;)
kisanet73 #6
Chapter 34: this was soooooo great!!!
thank you for such great story.
khasabat #7
Chapter 34: Ahh- i so happy for them-
In begining i am so upset and angry for Woohyun because their selfsh make distand and pain for Myungsoo and Yeolie!
But i gland they move on and comeback for rise their sweet relationship!
God job author- i like your storys
Chapter 34: In the middle of the story I was about to comment on how I hate it to see sunggyu being so stupid for holding onto woohyun and for woohyun to play around with sunggyu even when he's not sure of his feelings.he pushed and hurt sunggyu twice in the story!can't help being mad at my babygyu for still accepting him.
But well towards the end u kinda ....kindaaa made it up hahaha
Chapter 34: Wow this took me so long to finish but its worth it. Its was breath taking. Im happy they found their lost heart back wow that was too cheesy~ kekeke ♡. Thanks authornim for this wonderful fic!!!
honeyplum #10
Chapter 34: awww so sweet ^^