Ch. 7- First Day of Dancing

Grab Onto Your Heart

Myungsoo's POV:

" Myungsoo-ah, you have to wake up." I turned over to my side and pulled the blanket over my head. Then it was snatched away from in a second. I tried to open my eyes but they wouldn't because I was too tired.

" Sunggyu-hyung? What are you doing up so early in the morning?"

" We have dance practice? Did you forget we are in a group now?" I opened up my eyes a bit and realized that we were in the dorm. Instead of getting up I grabbed my blanket from him and hid under it.

" Come on, Myungsoo. It's time to wake up!" All of sudden I felt a huge weight on me. Sunggyu-hyung put me into a headlock and I couldn't get out of his grasp.

" What are you two doing?" Sunggyu-hyung got off of me and I took the blanket off of me. I sat up and turned to the door. Standing by the door was Woohyun and Sungyeol. When I looked at Sunggyu-hyung I a glint of anger in his eyes. To stop him from getting mad, I grasped his hand and gave it a little squeeze. He looked back to me and smiled- it was forced, though. Sunggyu-hyung stood up and walked over to them. There was tension in the air.

" We were doing nothing," then Sunggyu-hyung looked back at me, " and get up Myungsoo."

" Okay." Sunggyu-hyung left the room and Woohyun followed him. The only person standing in the doorway was Sungyeol. We stared at each other I couldn't take it anymore. If I looked at him any longer then I was going to go crazy. I stood up and pushed him slightly.

" I need to get changed."

" O-Okay."

I shut the door in front of his face. Before I did though, I saw he was about to say something but I already shut the door. I banged the door with my forehead and held it there. Then I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Sungyeol needed to get out of my head. I needed Sungyeol to get out of my head and heart. Everything that happened in the past will stay in the past. The promise I made with Sunggyu-hyung about never to look back: I will keep that promise. Even if Sungyeol is here, I will forget him just like how he forget him. That's the best for us. Us to forget them and them to forget us, even though Sungyeol has already forgotten us.

" Myungsoo, hurry up! I made breakfast!"

" Okay!" I went to put on a black t-shirt and black sweats. Yeah, I guess you can tell I like wearing black things. I just suddenly started to like black after I left home, so yeah. I don't know why either.

I was hit with a waft of waffles from the kitchen. Sunggyu-hyung was making breakfast for us because this is the first day of us practicing with the other members and his first day of being a leader. He was always like this. I know that whenever he makes breakfast is because he is nervous. I mean I'm glad that he made breakfast for us, but it was also because he was nervous. These past five years have made me understand him a bit better. Though these past five years have changed him a lot too. I don't like it. I don't like how he isn't the cherry hyung when we were little. It's all of Woohyun's fault. Everything is Woohyun's fault.

Stop! Stop thinking of the past! Just stop! If you keep on thinking of the past it will only bring pain. So...stop thinking of the past.

" Is there something wrong?" I snapped out of my thoughts and I realized that I was clutching my hair.

" H-Huh? Hoya-hyung?"

" Yeah, it's me, Hoya. Are you alright? You seem to be in pain." I let go of my hair and let my arms go limp. I shook my head and smiled a little bit. Sunggyu-hyung taught me that if I smiled then it would hide the pain. A facade to be more exact.

" I'm okay. Thank you for worrying." He patted my shoulder and went to grab some food. I followed him and grabbed a plate for myself too.

" Thanks Sunggyu-hyung."

" You're welcome."

I just ate my waffles right next to Sunggyu-hyung. Everybody else was in the living room eating their waffles in a circle. I didn't eat with them because I thought it would feel awkward without Sunggyu-hyung. Also because the only space was next to Sungyeol, and I did not want to sit next to him. So I just ate and watched Sunggyu-hyung make the last waffles for him. He would look at me and chuckle at little bit. Then I realized that I had some food on the side of my lips and I stuck out my tongue at him.

When we were finally done eating our breakfast we went to the dance studio. I didn't know that it was like right under their dorm and this was the first time seeing it. There was stuff in the corners which seemed like empty water bottles and there were some towels on the tables and chairs. Sunggyu-hyung and I didn't dance at first and we watched the others dance to their other songs. Right when they started to dance their faces got all serious. I guess you could say I was amazed. I wasn't the only one amazed. Sunggyu-hyung's mouth was open and I couldn't help but laugh a little bit. The five of them were in sync, and now I was a bit worried if the two of us could keep up with them. Soon the song ended and we applauded for them.

" That was amazing!" I nodded my head in agreement.

" Thanks! Hoya was the one who incorporated that move in our song. Pretty cool isn't it?" I looked over to Hoya-hyung and his face turned a bit red. Then he lightly hit Dongwoo-hyung's arm and I couldn't help but get a bit suspicious about them.

" It was cool!" Just then the door opened and it seemed like the person was our choreographer. We all bowed to him and Sunggyu-hyung and I introduced ourselves to him. He was pretty nice and he told us to get into our spots.

I hope we will be able to do well. I don't want to drag down the group.


Woohyun's POV:


As we danced I noticed that Sungyeol kept on looking at Myungsoo. A little pang of jealousy hit my heart. I took my eyes away from Sungyeol and I turned my head to look at Sunggyu-hyung. Our eyes locked onto each other but he was the first one to look away. Another hit to my chest. Actually it was my second time from him. When I saw him on top of Myungsoo, I became a bit angry. I wanted to tear Sunggyu-hyung away from Myungsoo but I couldn't. If I did then he would hate even more. Even if I got closer to him, he would back away and go to Myungsoo. It's as if those two are like two peas in a pod.

The choreographer told us to go to our next spots and as I was moving I bumped right into Sunggyu-hyung. My reflexes went on overdrive and I caught him right in time before he could fall to the floor. He was clutching onto my sweaty shirt and I could feel his sweaty back through his. Our breathing was irregular because of the dancing and I could feel his breath lightly touching my lips. Just then he was ripped out of my arms by Myungsoo. He glared at me and I looked back at Sunggyu-hyung: he was expressionless.

" Everybody get back to your spots right now!" Right away all of us went back to dancing, and my mind drifted away at the thought of how close I was to Sunggyu-hyung. But right when the thought got out of my head it came right back in. It kept on going like this until we got our fifteen minute break. I went to sit next to Sungyeol and placed my head on his shoulder. He handed me a water bottle and I chugged it.

" Woohyun, is there something wrong?" I closed my eyes and shook my head. I didn't want to say anything about it.

" Liar, there is something on your mind. Isn't there?" Slowly I opened my eyes and looked straight at him.

" There is nothing wrong. I'm okay, you are okay, we are going to be okay."

" How do you know that, though? How can you be so sure we are going to be okay? I don't believe you. I don't know if I can believe you." A piece of my heart broke off. I closed my eyes once again and held onto his hand tightly.

" I'm sorry, Sungyeol. I'm sorry."

" Woohyun..." I heard footsteps and my eyes fluttered open. Right in front of me was Sunggyu-hyung and he didn't look pleased at all.

" Get up. Our break is over." He turned his back on us and walked back to Myungsoo. I just sighed and got up. I helped Sungyeol up and all of us began to dance again.

It wasn't until 10 PM did we stop our dance practice. Everybody was tired as heck and my legs ached a lot. I could tell all of us were aching on some part of our body. But what caught my attention was that Sunggyu-hyung was limping a little bit. I went over to help him but Myungsoo passed by me and helped him instead. I just sighed and proceeded back to our dorm. We decided to do rock, paper, and scissors to decided who will get to use the shower first. It was Dongwoo-hyung, Sungyeol, me, Sunggyu-hyung, Myungsoo, Hoya, and then Sungjong. When it was my turn I went to grab my towel from the bedroom, but I didn't see Sunggyu-hyung in our room. Also his phone was on his bed and I checked the kitchen but he wasn't there.

Maybe he is with Myungsoo? He probably is.

I went to take my shower, and it felt so good. The water dripping down my back washing away all of the sweat. When I was done, I got out of the bathroom and went to my room to put on some clothes. Sunggyu-hyung wasn't in our room yet, though. I went to look for him but then I caught Myungsoo walking to the bathroom. And if I was correct Myungsoo's turn to shower was after Sunggyu-hyung.

" Myungsoo, where is Sunggyu-hyung?" He turned his head to me and glared at me. I felt shivers run down my back.

" Why do you care?"

" What?"

" Tch. Whatever. He said he went to buy an ice pack for his ankle."

Right when he said that, I grabbed a light sweater and put my shoes on. I ran to the nearest convenience store. He wasn't there, though. I kept on running and running and I could feel sweat dripping down my head. He didn't even have his phone on him and he decides to go out at this time!? I called out his name but he didn't answer back. No matter where I looked he wasn't there. While I was passing by the park I was thinking of going back to the dorm but then I heard a voice. Somebody was singing.

That's his voice. I know his voice from anywhere!

I took off and there I saw him sitting on the bench sipping on a juicebox. I rolled my eyes at the sight of him. Honestly, he looked like a cute hamster drinking. I took some breaths to catch my breath and walked over to him. It looked like he was holding something in his hand. The thing in his hand sparkled a little bit and I thought I saw a picture of him and somebody else, but before I could get a better look he shoved it into his pocket. Sunggyu-hyung must have noticed me because he lifted his head and looked at me.

" Why are you here?"

" I was looking for you."

" You didn't have to."

" I...was worried. You didn't take your phone."

" So."

" So? Something could have happened to you! What if you got hurt but you couldn't call one of us!" He stood up and stood right in front of me. He lightly punched me above my heart. Then he opened his fist and his juicebox fell from his hand onto my lap. I didn't know what was happening and now his back was facing me.

" Don't worry about me. Actually, you never did worry about me. Also throw that away for me." He just left me sitting there. I took his juicebox from my lap and crushed it.

What's with me? What's with him? What's with all of this?


Sunggyu's POV:


" Why did he have to say that!? Why!?" I kicked an emtpy can that was in my way. I entered the passcode for our dorm and opened the door. Sitting on the ground was Myungsoo. I knelt down and lifted his face up.

" What's wrong, Myungsoo?"

" I was worried. You didn't take your phone and then Woohyun went to look for you. Did he find you?"

" Yeah he did."

" I'm sorry. I shouldn't have told him you went out. I know that you needed some time to yourself." I shook my head and helped him up. I ruffled his head and pushed him into the bedroom he shared with Dongwoo.

" It's okay, now, go to sleep. We have practice again tomorrow." Myungsoo turned around and gave me a chaste hug.

" Goodnight."

" Goodnight."

I closed his door and went to take my shower. Before I did, I put the ice pack into the freezer. After I was done showering and clothes, I went to grab the ice pack from the freezer. At the same time Woohyun came home. Without acknowledging him, I walked right pass him and into the bedroom. I sat against the wall and I put the ice pack on my ankle. I sighed when the ice pack touched touched my ankle, and the pain subsided. My ankle was a little sore, but the ice pack should help a little bit. I closed my eyes for a second but in that second I felt somebody touching my ankle. My eyes flew open and sitting in front of me was Woohyun.

" What are you doing?" I tried pulling my foot away from him but it wouldn't budge.

" Massaging your ankle. What else does it seem like?"

" Well, I don't need it. So let go of me."

" No."

" Woohyun, now."

" No."

" Woohyun!"

" NO!" I flinched and clutched onto my sheets.

" I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you." I didn't say anything and he kept on massaging my ankle. It stayed like that for a good twenty minutes and he finally stopped. I laid down in my bed and put my necklace under my pillow. Then I turned to my side so I was facing the wall. Woohyun got up to turn off the lights, and I felt a tug on my sheets.

" What do want now?"

" I wanted to say I'm sorry."

" For what?"

" Huh?"

" I asked you for what. What are you sorry for?"

" Sunggyu..."

" Didn't I say for you to call me Sunggyu-hyung?"

" Sunggyu-hyung, I'm sorry." I scoffed and turned so I was facing him.

" Liar." I turned back to wall again and I closed my eyes.

" I'm sorry."

" Stop it. You aren't sorry."

" I am." I hate you, I hate you, I hate you. I want to say that I hate him but if I did only tears will spill. I pulled my sheet away from him and shifted closer to the wall.

" Go to sleep. I don't want you to be slacking at practice tomorrow."

" Sunggyu-hyung, I-"

" WOOHYUN! JUST STOP!" He didn't say anything soon I was able to finally fall sleep.

Woohyun, please let go of the past. Let go because I was able to. Whatever happened it the past has to stay in the past. I don't forgive you, but I want to focus on myself right now. are just getting in my way.




(A/N: Finally an update! I have been busy with school again! (ugh!) Well I hope you like this chapter! Thanks for reading, subsribing, and commenting!)


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701 streak #1
Chapter 2: woohyun is an idiot!
701 streak #2
Chapter 1: started reading 😁
Chapter 26: rereading this and still hating woohyun so much in this fic.gotta have to read a fic with a whipped woohyun now.
Chapter 34: I love the story..
Vanja77 #5
This story is great ;)
kisanet73 #6
Chapter 34: this was soooooo great!!!
thank you for such great story.
khasabat #7
Chapter 34: Ahh- i so happy for them-
In begining i am so upset and angry for Woohyun because their selfsh make distand and pain for Myungsoo and Yeolie!
But i gland they move on and comeback for rise their sweet relationship!
God job author- i like your storys
Chapter 34: In the middle of the story I was about to comment on how I hate it to see sunggyu being so stupid for holding onto woohyun and for woohyun to play around with sunggyu even when he's not sure of his feelings.he pushed and hurt sunggyu twice in the story!can't help being mad at my babygyu for still accepting him.
But well towards the end u kinda ....kindaaa made it up hahaha
Chapter 34: Wow this took me so long to finish but its worth it. Its was breath taking. Im happy they found their lost heart back wow that was too cheesy~ kekeke ♡. Thanks authornim for this wonderful fic!!!
honeyplum #10
Chapter 34: awww so sweet ^^