Ch. 8- To Avoid and To Forget

Grab Onto Your Heart

Sungyeol's POV:

This morning we woke up early due to the fact that our manager-hyung practically came bursting through our doors. Also adding the fact that Sunggyu-hyung came into our rooms to wake us up too. We didn't know why we were up way earlier than usual. I looked at each of the members and either they were still sleeping or maybe they were just in a daze. Whatever it is I know that I was tired as heck. I went to the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee but I noticed that somebody had already made it. I looked at the person who was reaching for a cup in the cupboards- it was Myungsoo. His shirt rode up a little bit as he reached and I could see a bit of his lower back. Before he could see me staring at him, I tore my eyes away from him, and grabbed a cup for myself. After I grabbed a cup for myself, I went back to the living room where the others were waiting for manager-hyung.

" Okay everybody! I want all of you to get into your sweats and we are going to run around the Han River!" All of us groaned and we started to whine. Well at least I had my coffee. I wanted to see what Myungsoo's reaction was: nothing, his face was expressionless.

" You guys are idols so stop whining! Hurry up and get change before I leave you all here and you guys will have to run to Han River." Right at that second all of us went to our bedrooms to change and in five minutes we were back in the living room. Then we all piled into the van and manager-hyung drove us to Han River.

" Okay everybody out! Start running right when you get out of the car!"

All seven of us got out the car and we ran in groups: Dongwoo-hyung, Hoya-hyung, and Sungjong, Sunggyu-hyung with Myungsoo, and I was with Woohyun. Dongwoo-hyung, Hoya-hyung, and Sunjong were way in front of us and then Sunggyu-hyung and Myungsoo right in front of us. It's weird actually, to see them right in front of you with their backs facing you. Their backs look so lonely and cold. I know they have each other but it just doesn't seem right. Even when I'm with Woohyun right now I still feel lonely. The emptiness in my heart could never be filled in by Woohyun, only by him.

" Sungyeol." I felt Woohyun nudging my side and I really don't like it when he does that while I'm running.

" What do you want?"

" I was just wondering if you were okay. You look like you were a bit distant right now." I shook my head.

" I'm fine. I was just thinking of something."

" Like what?"

" I was thinking of the-"


Woohyun and I sighed and ran faster to catch up with them. As we were running, we passed by Sunggyu-hyung and Myungsoo and for a second there I thought I heard my name come out of Myungsoo's mouth. I looked over my shoulder and our eyes met. Right when I was about to turn to him to ask why he was talking about me, I tripped on my own foot and I could feel myself falling. I didn't feel the ground, though. Instead it felt like I was in midair. Around my waist was a pair of arms and I could feel a pair of hands on my arms. I opened my eyes and right in front of me was Myungsoo holding onto my arms. Then I looked behind me and I saw Woohyun with his arms around my waist. They helped me to stand up on my feet but what caught my eyes was the way Sunggyu-hyung was looking at me: his eyes full of sadness, pain, and...loneliness?

" Sunggyu-hyung-" He ran right pass me and our shoulders bumped into each other. I look over to Myungsoo and then he ran right pass me. I saw his face, though: it was full of concern. His shoulder brushed mine too, but it was cold, ice cold. Then I felt somebody's hand on my shoulder and I turned to meet with Woohyun's face.

" Sungyeol, are you okay? You almost fell there." I smiled bitterly and nodded.

" I'm okay, but I don't know about those two." Unconciously, my hand touched my arm, the place where Myungsoo's hand recently was. I could still feel the warmth that radiated from his hand, but everything else about him felt cold. Even his eyes have become frozen.

I started to run back up to the others. They were waiting for us and luckily Woohyun and I didn't have to run an extra lap. Sunggyu-hyung and Myungsoo were talking to themselves by the car while the other three said they went to go buy some water to drink along with manager-hyung. Which meant it was only the fours of us. Great. I sighed and I was going to approach them but Woohyun held me back. He shook his head telling me not to go to them. I have to go to them. I wanted to go to them. But if I were to go to them would they accept me back? Would they accept my heart?

" We got water!" The others came back with water for us and each of us got one. I chugged my down in an instant and I went inside the car first. I sat way in the back of the car, and I closed my eyes for a bit. The car seat dipped a bit, though. I opened my eyes to see Myungsoo on the other side of the seat. He was sitting right next to me!

" H-Hey, Myungsoo."

" Oh...hey Sungyeol." He didn't even look at me. I scanned the car and nobody else was inside. I decided to use this chance to tell him.

" Myungsoo, I have to tell you something."

" What is it?"

" I re-"

" Here they are! They are already in the car!" Dongwoo-hyung opened the door car and everybody else got in.

Really!? REALLY!? Why did Dongwoo-hyung have to come at the wrong time!?

Manager-hyung started to drive away and I had to listen Dongwoo-hyung rant about him being faster than all of us. Then Hoya-hyung would disagree with him. I rolled my eyes and leaned back into my seat. All of a sudden I felt a weight on my right shoulder. The person who is sitting on my right is Myungsoo too. Even though he smelled like sweat, I didn't care. I snuggled a bit closer to him and leaned my head on his. I like this. The familiar warm feeling rising in my chest and it feels so fresh and good. Something I haven't felt for such a long time. I miss this.


Back at the dorms......


Myungsoo's POV:


I fell asleep in the car because right when I closed my eyes I knocked out. I thought that I felt something warm around me, but when I woke up I was the last person in the van. The person who came to wake me up was Sunggyu-hyung and he didn't look please at all. He was still pissed off about me catching Sungyeol. He told me that it was a sign that I was going back on our promise. If I were to look back then my feelings were to come back. I know I promised Sunggyu-hyung that but what could I have done? Should I have let Sungyeol fall to the ground and have him get hurt? I may not have feelings for him right now, but at this moment we are bandmates. Sometimes I wonder what is going on through Sunggyu-hyung's mind. Though he actually showed a pain expression in front of the four of us. I was sure only Sungyeol and I caught it, though.

We were back in the dorms and we took quick showers even though we knew we were going to have dance practice later on. Our managers gave us some food to eat too- salad. Ugh. There was nothing to do since we are idols and have to manage our weight. I ate it and I saw that Sunggyu-hyung was still eating. I waved my hand in front of his face but he didn't move. I shook his shoulders and there was a response. He looked at me and it was the same empty look. I was seriously getting worried about him. Right when I was going to say something, manager-hyung decided to speak up.

" We are going to go to the recording studio and start learning our song. I know that Sunggyu and Myungsoo have been learning Infinite's previous songs, but now we need to start learning our new song. So get in the car when you guys have packed up."

" Yes!" I left Sunggyu-hyung where he was and went to my bedroom. I grabbed my backpack and put some stuff in there. I made sure I had my cellphone and then I left the room. Everybody was putting their shoes on and I noticed that Sunggyu-hyung was already outside.

Wow is he fast. I must have been really slow for him to be outside already.

I put on my shoes as well and headed outside. Luckily, Sungjong and Woohyun decided to sit in the back seats which meant I would only have to sit with Dongwoo-hyung and Hoya-hyung. I got inside the car and we drove off to the recording studio.


At the recording studio......


This was the first time I have ever seen a recording studio like this. I have seen a few back in the States but they were much smaller than this. On the other side of the glass was a mic and a few instruments. My eyes caught the guitar and I had the itch to play the guitar all of a sudden. I was happy not because we were in here but because Sunggyu-hyung was smiling; through his eyes, though. Since the other five have been here plenty of times I was excited to be here for the first time.

We met the producer who will be making our album and Sunggyu-hyung and I greeted him. He said he was glad to meet us and was excited to work with us. Sungyeol, Sungjong, and I went to our vocal lessons while the other four stayed with the producer. I got comfortable singing in front of the teacher and the two of them. The teacher even praised my singing that I have a good stable voice. This was my first time singing in front of others and not just Sunggyu-hyung.

" Myungsoo-hyung, I didn't know you can sing that well!"

" T-Thanks, Sungjong."

" Yeah, I didn't know you could sing like that. You should have sung before." I look at Sungyeol and was confused by his words.

What did he mean I should have sung before? What did he mean? Could he have?...No, he couldn't have. He doesn't remember. He doesn't remember me.

" Well, the three of you can go back. It was nice meeting you, Myungsoo-sshi." I bowed to our vocal teacher and we left the room. When we got back to the recording studio Dongwoo-hyung and Hoya-hyung were already practicing their raps and Woohyun and Sunggyu-hyung were looking through the lyrics. I went to Sunggyu-hyung and peered over his shoulders. Our title song for the next album was going to be ' Be Mine.'

" Be mine?" Sunggyu-hyung looked up at me and smiled. Then he handed me the tracklist and I read the rest of the other songs. I noticed that Sunggyu-hyung has a solo song, but then Woohyun has a solo song too.

" Congratulations, Sunggyu-hyung. You get a whole song to yourself."

" Thanks. Do you think I will be able to pull it off?"

" The song?" I smiled and gripped his shoulder.

" I know you will be able to express the feelings of the song. You have always been able to bring out the hidden meaning of the song. I believe in you."

" Thank you, Myungsoo. I really needed it."

" You're welcome."

The rest of the time we looked over the song. We learned the lyrics and the notes. When I realized that Sungyeol had only one line, I was a bit disppointed. For some reason I was wishing that he had a bit more lines. I can't say that, though. They produced this song for us and I'm very grateful to be able to sing in this group. The producer played the song and I started to nod my head to the beat. Then when it got to the dance break I was a bit excited to dance to it. I was looking at each member and when I came to Sungyeol, he was looking at me. He smiled at me and I looked away in a second. My heart was beating a little bit too fast and I had to drink some water to calm myself down.

Calm down, Myungsoo. Calm down. His smiles shouldn't affect you in anyway.

After we were done in the recording studio, we headed back to the dorm. Then we went to straight to the dance studio and we danced to some of the songs. We danced to Come Back Again, She's Back, Before the Dawn, and Nothing's Over. I was tired as heck and we finally got our break. I walked over to Sunggyu-hyung and sat next to him.


Sunggyu's POV:


" Are you tired?" I nodded and took a swig of my water.

" Really tired. But hey, this is the life of an idol. We have to get used to it." I stared at Dongwoo and Hoya who were practicing their dance moves. They were really good, I had to admit that. Way better than me anyway. I was about to take another sip but then Myungsoo took mine out of my hands.

" Yah! Myungsoo go drink your own!"

" Mine is all done."

" Then go get another one!" Then I watched as my water bottle got snatched away from Myungsoo and was chugged down by Woohyun. Anger started to boil inside of me and I took back my water bottle and threw it on the ground. Water got onto the floor but I could care less about that right now.

" What are you doing, Woohyun? That is my water bottle not yours." I got up into his face and we were practically inches apart.

" Why are you getting angry for? You didn't get angry at Myungsoo!" I scoffed and crossed my arms. I glared at him and then I poked his chest, right about his heart.

" You know exactly why I would get angry at you and not Myungsoo." Everybody was looking at the two of us and I shoved Woohyun out of my way. I went up to the stereo and turned the music on.

" Everybody get to your spots! Break is over!"

The rest of them got into their spots and I eyed Woohyun. I could tell he was angry but I didn't care. All I wanted to do was avoid him and he wasn't making it any easier. If everyday was going to be like this, then I don't know how much longer I can survive. My mind has to be clear of him. I have to forget him and just think he is just an empty space in the room. Once I think like that then my mind will be clearer.

After dance practice was over, I went out to get some red ginseng for me. Yeah I know that may seem old of me, but hey, I have to keep my body in shape. Maybe I should buy some vitamins too. Then I remembered that my mom packed me tons of vitamins and pills for me so I guess I should be fine for a while. Also I needed some of those ice and hot packs too. That way my body won't be as sore like last time.

" Sunggyu!" I turn around to see Woohyun running towards me. I rolled my eyes and continued on walking.

" Sunggyu!" I stopped in my tracks and yelled back at him.

" IT'S SUNGGYU-HYUNG TO YOU!" He smirked at me and I realized I fell into his trap. Now he stood in my way and I shoved him to the side. He kept on following me like a lost puppy. I was seriously getting annoyed.

" What are you going to go buy?"

" Stuff."

" Like what?"

" None of your business."

" Please tell me! Please!" Woohyun was now doing aegyo to me. Then all of those memories I wanted to forget came rushing at me.




" Sunggyu! Please buy me this hamster plushie!"

" Why?"

" Because it looks like you!" Blush flamed across my cheeks and I bought it for him. He gave me a hug and whispered into my ear.

" Thank you, you are the best."


" Ew! Woohyun, don't use your aegyo on me!"

" Oh, come on! You totally love it!"

" I do not!"

" Really?" Woohyun started to crawl up to me and I backed towards the wall. All of a sudden he got on top of me and started to tickle me. I started to laugh and since it was nighttime I covered my mouth with my hand. But Woohyun pried my hand away. I couldn't help it anymore and I continued to laugh.

" W-Woohyun, s-stop it!"

" I don't want to!"

" Haha!" He stopped all of a sudden and I looked at him with a confused look.

" Why did you stop?"

" Do you know you have a beautiful laugh?" My face become warm and I hit his chest hard.

" Don't go all greasy on me!" I shoved him off of me and we both laughed.




" Sunggyu-hyung? A-Are you okay?" I pushed him away and I ran back to the dorm. I could hear him calling my name but I didn't turn around. I couldn't let him see me crying. Not right now.


Woohyun's POV:


I started to run after him. I kept on calling out his name but he wouldn't turn around. In a few minutes I was back in the dorm and when I got to our room, he was already sleeping. I took off my sweater and went to take a shower. When I got out I noticed that Sunggyu-hyung was shaking. He kept on saying that he was cold and I put another blanket on top of him. He stopped shaking and I went to put on clothes. I went to shut off the lights and I laid down on my bed.

Once I laid down in my bed, I felt a dip in my mattress. Then I felt a tug on my wife beater. I looked over my shoulder to see Sunggyu-hyung next to me holding onto my wife beater. I smiled a little bit and I remembered that he used to do that when we would sleep on the same bed sometimes. I didn't dare move because I was afraid of waking him up. Knowing that he is sleeping peacefully made my heart feel a bit lighter. Though I know deep in my heart that he was still in pain. There was a possibility that I could never make his pain disappear too. I sighed at the thought of that and closed my eyes. Then I whispered to him knowing that he couldn't hear me.

" Goodnight, Sunggyu."




" Goodnight, Woohyun."






(A/N: I have 80 suscribers for this fic now! Thank you guys so much! You are guys are amazing! Thank you for reading, suscribing, and commenting this fic!)


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693 streak #1
Chapter 2: woohyun is an idiot!
693 streak #2
Chapter 1: started reading 😁
Chapter 26: rereading this and still hating woohyun so much in this fic.gotta have to read a fic with a whipped woohyun now.
Chapter 34: I love the story..
Vanja77 #5
This story is great ;)
kisanet73 #6
Chapter 34: this was soooooo great!!!
thank you for such great story.
khasabat #7
Chapter 34: Ahh- i so happy for them-
In begining i am so upset and angry for Woohyun because their selfsh make distand and pain for Myungsoo and Yeolie!
But i gland they move on and comeback for rise their sweet relationship!
God job author- i like your storys
Chapter 34: In the middle of the story I was about to comment on how I hate it to see sunggyu being so stupid for holding onto woohyun and for woohyun to play around with sunggyu even when he's not sure of his feelings.he pushed and hurt sunggyu twice in the story!can't help being mad at my babygyu for still accepting him.
But well towards the end u kinda ....kindaaa made it up hahaha
Chapter 34: Wow this took me so long to finish but its worth it. Its was breath taking. Im happy they found their lost heart back wow that was too cheesy~ kekeke ♡. Thanks authornim for this wonderful fic!!!
honeyplum #10
Chapter 34: awww so sweet ^^