Ch. 19- Glassy Tears

Grab Onto Your Heart

Woohyun's POV:

I could feel my world drop when Sunggyu said he didn't remember any of us. There he was looking perfectly fine, but now his memory is gone. Our debut isn't that far away, and now this has to happen. Out of all the things that could happen: Sunggyu loses his memory. If only I hadn't pushed him so hard against the mirror, if only I hadn't caused him such mental and emotional pain the maybe this wouldn't have happened. Everything is my fault, isn't?

" Sunggyu-hyung, you don't remember Myungsoo-hyung?" I watched Sungjong as he sat down next to him. Everybody was surrounding him while I was the only one out of the circle. It was as if I'm the outcast of an island.

" Myungsoo? Of course I remember my childhood friend! I just don't remember the rest of you." My heart broke again.

So he doesn't remember me at all then. Does it mean he doesn't remember the past anymore?

" Move everybody! The doctor needs to check Sunggyu out."

We made a pathway for the doctor and manager-hyung. Then we were thrown out of the room and into the waiting room. Luckily there wasn't anybody there because all of a sudden Dongwoo-hyung landed a punch on my face. I fell to the ground and didn't dare to get up. If I did, I feel like I would just get punched again, even though I know I deserve it. I touched where he punched me and it stung a lot. Suddenly, I was pushed back so now I was laying on the floor. I couldn't get up because Myungsoo was sitting on me.

" Because of you Sunggyu-hyung lost his memory! It's all your fault!"

" Myungsoo stop it!" Sungyeol pulled him off of me and was holding onto him tightly. I wiped off the blood from my lips and stood up. Sungjong was kind to help me up, and I was thankful to him.

" Let go of me Sungyeol! You know it's Woohyun's fault that Sunggyu-hyung became like this! Let. Go. Of. Me!"

" Stop it all of you!" All of our heads turned to manager-hyung who was standing there with the doctor. The doctor took a few steps forward and he sighed. This doesn't sound good.

" Like I said before, we had to wait a few more days to see how his situation is. We just took a test, and it seems like the impact was harder than we thought. When his head hit the mirror, it must have hit the cerebrum hard enough for it to affect the part of the brain where it contains memories. The advice I can give you is it would be best if you don't try to make remember him anything at the moment. Sunggyu-sshi will have to take things slowly, and he can't practice for a week. If he does practice, it might make his body weaker than it is already. Do all of you understand?"

" Yes we do. Thank you for everything."

" I just hope things go well for all of you. I will be going then." We all bowed to the doctor as he left. Everybody walked pass me brushing their shoulders against mine. Sungjong tried to smile for me and Hoya patted my shoulder. I slowly followed them back to Sunggyu's room even though I knew that I wasn't needed.

As I got to the room, everybody was surrounding him. Sunggyu was smiling like a fool who didn't know what was going on. Oh, wait, he doesn't. I leaned against the doorway and silently watched the six of them. The members were being extra careful around him, and they weren't going to make any space for me in the circle. It hurts me, but I understand them. It is my fault that Sunggyu lost his memory and that we are in this situation. Even if Sunggyu were to remember everything, he would only hate me more than before. He would hate me because I physically hurt him, and I could have brought the group down because of my reckless decisions.

" You are?..." Everybody part the circle and there was Sunggyu smiling at me. He motioned me to come closer and I did as he told me. He grabbed onto my hand and pulled me down to sit with him. I was surprised at his actions because I didn't think that he would do this to a person he doesn't remember. Especiall somebody who made him like this.

" Is there something you need?" He nodded his head at me.

" What's your name?" A bullet shot through my heart, but I pulled a smile on my face. I wasn't going to let him worry as to why I was sad.

" My name is Nam Woohyun."

" Nam... Woohyun... It's a nice name. I don't remember you, but I hope I can regain my memories back. I want to be able to enjoy my times with you guys. The doctor said he doesn't know when my memories will come back, but he said to be patient. He did say that it will probably take days, weeks, months, or... even years. Besides that, let's get along like we did before!"

How can we get along like we were before? It would be us avoiding or yelling at each other. I guess you really don't remember anything.

I smiled at him and nodded my head. Sunggyu smiled back at me, but I know that smile shouldn't be for me. I should be hated right now by him. He shouldn't be smiling at me because I caused him to lose his memories. I pulled my hand from his and stood up. I couldn't stand being in the room with this atmosphere hanging over me so I left the room. I went to the cafeteria and got myself a soda. I sat down and opened my drink. My thumb glided along the rim of the can as I thought about... well things. I thought about the members, myself, and Sunggyu. Everything was going okay until a few days ago. It was also because of me too. To actually think I would be on the other side now. This must be how Myungsoo and Sunggyu felt when Sungyeol lost his memories. Though they felt much more pain because I created a lie. A lie that I can't turn back in time to fix.

" Woohyun." I looked up from my drink. Manager-hyung was sitting across from me and he didn't look pleased. I mean who would be pleased with me right now?

" Yeah?"

" I want to hear what happened. Tell me the full story." I took a deep breath and prepared myself. I wasn't going to let Sunggyu get into anymore trouble or hurt him in any way possible.

" Sunggyu and Sungyeol were in the practice room. I saw Sunggyu clutching onto Sungyeol's shirt, and I thought he was going to hit him. I pushed Sunggyu away and he hit the mirrors. Sungyeol then told me it wasn't like that and Sunggyu was only helping him stand up because he fell to the floor. Everything was my fault. I'm very sorry." A sighed escaped from manager-hyung's lips, and I knew it wasn't good. Was he going to put me on suspension or even worse, was I going to get dropped from the group?

" Don't worry Woohyun, you won't get dropped from the group. Just make sure none of this is heard from the paparazzi."

" I understand. I'm still sorry about causing this." I stood up and bowed to him. I felt him pat my shoulder and leave the cafeteria. I straightened myself up and grabbed my drink. When I finished it, I threw it into the trashcan and went back.

I really have to make up for the things I have caused. I will make it up to Sunggyu and everybody else.


A week later...


Myungsoo's POV:


I was sitting on the steps of the dorm. I needed to be by myself right now. If I were to be around Woohyuh, I feel like I would explode and punch his face unti he wasn't recognizable. To think that he hurt Sunggyu-hyung again! Though this time, Sunggyu-hyung is the one who lost his memories. Out of everything that could happen, why was it memory lost. I don't think I can handle another important person to lose their memory. Now I'm going to have to help out with Sunggyu-hyung getting used to the settings.

" Myungsoo?" I turned my head around. Sungyeol was standing there fiddling with his fingers. I sighed and held out my hand for him to take. Silently he took it and sat next to me. I intertwined our fingers and propped our hands on my knee.

" Did you need to tell me something, Sungyeol?"

" No. I just wanted to be here with you." I smiled a little bit. It was nice having Sungyeol with me like this even though I told him we couldn't be like this. Not until things got better. I'm not ready yet either to be with Sungyeol. Doubt still clouds my heart, but I want to push them away. I want to be able to be with Sungyeol without having to worry about anything.

" Thank you."

" You're welcome."

We stayed like this until we heard the voice of manager-hyung. Our hands held onto together for a little bit longer, and then we had to let go. The warmth of Sungyeol's hand it etched onto mine. My hand yearned to hold his hand for an eternity, but I have to hold it back. Until the day all of our problems are gone, then I will finally hold onto Sungyeol's hand and heart forever.

As Sungyeol and I went to the dance studio, we saw Woohyun personally teaching Sunggyu-hyung the dance moves. I watched as Woohyun grabbed his hand, and all of a sudden this anger shot in me. I was about to pull Woohyun away from Sunggyu-hyung, but a hand stopped me. I looked back to see Sungyeol holding onto my arm and shaking his head. When I turned my head back to the two of them, Woohyun was moving Sunggyu-hyung's arms to correct the move. I realized that Woohyun wasn't going to hurt him so I let myself relax for a little bit.

" Myungsoo!" I snapped out of my thoughts as Sunggyu-hyung ran over to me. He was breathing hard, and I could tell he was working really hard.

" You have been working hard, haven't you?"

" Yep! Since I'm the leader of the group, I have to work a lot more! Right Woohyun?"

I glared at Woohyun. I can't believe how close they seem even though the one who caused Sunggyu-hyung to lose his memories is the person right in front of him. Sunggyu-hyung went back to Woohyun and proceeded to practice. The other members came in and we began to practice as a whole. Sunggyu-hyung had to stay out a few times because he didn't remember the moves. He tried singing along which wasn't all that bad. He was able to sing along with his parts, and practice went better than I thought. At least I didn't try to kill Woohyun. Speaking of him, he was walking towards me.

" What do you want?"

" I just wanted to tell you that manager-hyung told me to personally teach Sunggyu-hyung the dance moves. I promise I won't make anymore trouble for Sunggyu-hyung anymore. I will just try to help him to the best of my ability." I scoffed at him. He is only teaching Sunggyu-hyung because manager-hyung told him to. He doesn't have any honest feelings as to helping out Sunggyu-hyung. I grabbed my stuff and walked pass Woohyun without saying anything.

When I got back to my room, I threw my bag into the room. I didn't feel like taking a shower at the moment, so I laid down on the floor. At least the floor is cold so it cool down my body somewhat. Right when I was about to close my eyes for a few minutes, the door opened with Dongwoo-hyung and Hoya-hyung walking in. I eyed them skeptically because, well, they were holding hands. They let go immediately and by the way they were avoiding my eyes, I'm sure they were scared. I stood up and patted their shoulders.

" It's okay. I accept you two no matter what." I heard a soft thank you as I walked out of the room. The rooms only left in the dorm were Sunggyu-hyungs with Woohyun and Sungyeol with Sungjong and Hoya-hyung (who is now in the room I share with Dongwoo-hyung). I did not want to go into Sunggyu-hyung's room since Woohyun would be in there. I decided to go to Sungyeol's room and was surprised to see him by himself.

" Where is Sungjong?" Sungyeol screamed and I had to cover my ears. I still can't believe that he screams that loudly whenever he gets scared.

" M-Myungsoo! Don't scare me like that!"

" Sorry."

" Sungjong is with Chanjo right now. He told me not to tell manager-hyungs so you better not tell them either."

" I won't tell them."

" Good!" I was surprised that Sungyeol was actually reading a book. If I remember correctly, Sungyeol hates reading, especially big books. I got on the ladder that led up to his bed and laid next to him.

" What are you reading?"

" Shakespeare." I couldn't help but laugh. I just can't see Sungyeol and Shakespeare adding up. To be more exact, they shouldn't be mentioned in the same sentence.

" What? I can't read Shakespeare?" I shook my head. I had to hold in my stomach from laughing but it wasn't working out very well. Tears were falling down from my face because I just couldn't understand it. I just couldn't... understand it.

" Myungsoo, stop crying." I looked up at him and realized that I wasn't crying because of laughter. Sungyeol wiped away the tears and brought me closer to his body. He rubbed circles on my back and kissed my head. Even though I was still covered in sweat, it seemed like Sungyeol didn't care.

" Sung-"

" Shh. It's okay. You can cry you know. Cry out all of the sadness, anger, and stress that you feel. I'm here for you even though I can't understand your pain very well, I want to be the one whom you can cry to."

I cried and cried into his shoulders. The anger, sadness, loneliness, and stress that I have built these past five years were finally being let out. Sungyeol's arms were wrapped around me protectively as if he was making sure I wouldn't break. The comfort that I missed from him was able to let me pour out my tears. It was like rain: not knowing when it will stop. Sungyeol's heartbeat calmed down my heart, and now I was breathing along with him. I felt my eyes close on me, but I didn't have to worry about anything because Sungyeol is with me, and that's all I need.



Sunggyu's POV:


I rolled around in my sleep, and I reached for something, or mabye somebody, but I couldn't feel anything. My eyes flew open to see Woohyun's bed empty. I got worried all of a sudden so I put on some clothes and headed outside. The summer air is pretty chilly, and then I realized that I ran out of the dorm without any shoes. I must have hit my head really hard if I forgot to put on my shoes. Anyways, besides that point, I had to go look for Woohyun. I didn't know where I was going, but I followed where my heart led me too. After a while, I found myself at the park. Right in front of me was Woohyun running around the park. I took a step but then I fell to the ground. I looked down at my feet, and noticed that I stepped on a piece of glass. I tried to take out the glass, but it hurted a lot. I cried out in pain which got Woohyun's attention.

" Sunggyu-hyung?... Sunggyu-hyung! What are you doing here!?" He ran over to me and got on his knees. Woohyun first looked at me and then down to my feet. I watched as he took my foot that had the piece of glass in it, and his expression turned...sad?

" Woohyun, can you take that out of me? It hurts."

" Idiot. Who told you to run without your shoes?" Slowly, Woohyun took out the piece of glass. It stung when he did, and then he took of his jacket. I was confused as to why he was taking his jacket off, but then he took off the shirt under it. My eyes widened when Woohyun ripped a piece of the shirt off and tied it around my foot. I didn't realize that my foot was done being wrapped until he said something.

" I know my chest and abs are amazing, but you don't have to stare." I blushed at him and hit his shoulders playfully. I tried to stand up but only to fall. Woohyun caught me on time before I fell and helped me stand up. He put his jacket back on since he doesn't have a shirt anymore.

" Thank you."

" Be careful next time. Anyways, we should go back to the dorm or else somebody will notice that we aren't home." I nodded my head, but as soon as I took a step foward, my foot shot in pain. Suddenly Woohyun was right in front of me in a crouching position.

" Get on my back. I'm not going to let you hurt your foot. I still have to clean it when we get back to the dorm too. Also you recently got back from the hospital and we don't want our leader to go back there." I nodded and hesistantly got onto his back. I put my arms around his neck and I could feel his hands under my legs.

" Thanks...again."

" It's nothing. Hyung, can I ask you something?"

" Sure. What is it?"

" Why did you come running here? I thought you were sleeping."

" Well, I felt your bed was empty, then I got worried, and ran outside to find you."

" You really are an idiot. Instead of coming to look for me, you should have stayed at the dorm and slept." I punched his back and he turned his head to glare at me.

" How can I do that to a member! I have to look out for you because nobody else is going to do it! Anyways, I just can't help but worry about you the most." Woohyun stopped walking and let out a sigh. I don't know why he sighed. Was it something I said?

" Sunggyu-hyung, don't worry about me. Just worry about yourself."

He continued walking back to the dorm. We didn't talk the rest of the way back until we reached the dorm. Luckily nobody was awake and we silently entered our room. He set me down on my bed carefully and then left. He came back with a first-aid kit, and sat down in front of me. He took my foot and unwrapped it. I watched him as he cleaned it, which stung a lot, and then wrapped bandages around my foot. Woohyun carefully put down my foot back on the bed and went to put away the first-aid kit. It seemed like Woohyun didn't want to talk anymore so I laid down on my bed. I heard the door open and close, and I felt my blanket cover me. I felt shivers when I felt Woohyun's fingers touch me.

" Goodnight-hyung." Unconciously, I grabbed his hand before he laid down in bed. He looked at me weirdly until I pulled his hand down. It seemed like he got the message and laid down on his bed.

" Let's stay like this."

" Hyung-"

" Please." Woohyun stared at me for a few seconds until he nodded his head at me. I smiled when he did. I could finally get some sleep because the empty bed is now filled.

" Thank you for everything, Woohyun. Thank you."

" You shouldn't be the one thanking me." My eyes flew open as to what he said. I was confused as to why he would say that. It was as if he was regretting something that he did. Even if I were to ask him what is going on, he wouldn't tell me. It's as if there is this wall between the two of us that neither of us is willing to break it or climb over it.

" Woohyun, don't say things like that. I don't know what happened in our past, but right now it's the present. I will get my memories back, but for now let's try to focus." He nodded his head and closed his eyes. I watched him until it looked like he fell asleep.

" Goodnight Woohyun."







(A/N: Sorry guys if this chapter is shor! I'm like starting to fall asleep from writing this chapter so I had to end it a bit early also I didn't really know how to end this chapter so yeah. Anyways, I have 122 suscribers for this fic! All of you are just too amazing! I love everybody! Thanks for reading, suscribing, and commenting! Those always make my day! Well until next time! P.S. sorry if there are any mistakes!)






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693 streak #1
Chapter 2: woohyun is an idiot!
693 streak #2
Chapter 1: started reading 😁
Chapter 26: rereading this and still hating woohyun so much in this fic.gotta have to read a fic with a whipped woohyun now.
Chapter 34: I love the story..
Vanja77 #5
This story is great ;)
kisanet73 #6
Chapter 34: this was soooooo great!!!
thank you for such great story.
khasabat #7
Chapter 34: Ahh- i so happy for them-
In begining i am so upset and angry for Woohyun because their selfsh make distand and pain for Myungsoo and Yeolie!
But i gland they move on and comeback for rise their sweet relationship!
God job author- i like your storys
Chapter 34: In the middle of the story I was about to comment on how I hate it to see sunggyu being so stupid for holding onto woohyun and for woohyun to play around with sunggyu even when he's not sure of his feelings.he pushed and hurt sunggyu twice in the story!can't help being mad at my babygyu for still accepting him.
But well towards the end u kinda ....kindaaa made it up hahaha
Chapter 34: Wow this took me so long to finish but its worth it. Its was breath taking. Im happy they found their lost heart back wow that was too cheesy~ kekeke ♡. Thanks authornim for this wonderful fic!!!
honeyplum #10
Chapter 34: awww so sweet ^^