Ch. 3- Why Did This Have to Happen?

Grab Onto Your Heart

(A/N: This chapter will be when they are in their second year of high school.)


Myungsoo's POV:

Today, Sungyeol and I were going to go on our date. Sungyeol said he was going to meet at the movie theater later because he was hanging out with his mom this morning. I was in our room as I got ready, and just then I heard somebody knocking on the door. I opened the door as I was buttoning up my shirt, and standing in front of me was Sunggyu-hyung and Woohyun. Woohyun looked a bit....mad? I couldn't tell, though. Sunggyu-hyung had on a smile that lifted my spirits somewhat. I let them in as I continued to get dressed. I was looking for the cardigan that Sungyeol bought for me recently. When I turned around, Sunggyu-hyung was holding it out for me.

" Thanks!" I took it from him and put it on me.

" No problem. You are really excited aren't you?"

" Of course! Even though we have already been on many dates, I always get excited for each one."

" Good for you." That tone was not Sunggyu-hyung's. He wouldn't say something like that with such a distasteful tone.

" Woohyun!"

" What!?" I rolled my eyes as they started to bicker at each other right in front of me.

Recently, they have been having fights with each other, nothing physical, but I can tell they hurt each other's feelings a lot. Though, I think the person who is hurt the most is Sunggyu-hyung. This past year, he hasn't smiled as much. Everyday I worry about him. I have a feeling as to why he has been down in the dumps. I think he likes Woohyun, like a lot, but the dense Woohyun hasn't noticed it yet. Woohyun has been acting weird too, especially after Sungyeol and I got together. It was as if his smiles have been more forced.

" Myungsoo?"

" Huh?"

" You were spacing out. Were you thinking of something?" I shook my head at Sunggyu-hyung and smiled.

" Well, you better hurry then or you are going to be late for your date." I checked the time on my phone and noticed I only had 30 minutes left to get to the movie theater. I dragged the both of them out of my room and locked the door. They followed me as they saw me off. I waved at them and ran to get on the bus.

I hope I make it on time or else Sungyeol is going to have a fit.

As I was running to the bus stop, the chain of my necklace broke. I watched it as it fell to the ground with a loud thump. I stared at the broken chain and the two rings that hung on it. Two silver rings that had our names on it. I was planning to give it to Sungyeol today, but the sight of them on the ground gave me an eerie feeling. I carefully picked it up and stared at it. A broken chain and two rings. Nothing bad will happen, right?



Sunggyu's POV:


" Woohyun, sit down."

" No."

" Stop being so stubborn."

" No."

" Please Woo-"

" NO!" I flinched when he yelled at me. I should have got used to it now, but I don't know anymore. All of a sudden, he started to walk towards me with a hand reaching out. Unconsciously, I backed away from him: I didn't get far, though. I was sitting on my bed and I had nowhere else to go.

" W-Woohyun, please." Woohyun stopped coming closer to me. I looked at him and my heart broke. Tears were running down his face, and his body was shaking. What hurt me the most was that he was crying about Sungyeol and Myungsoo going out together. The feelings he locked up inside: I understand him. Locking up your feelings, smiling for the person's happiness, and live on to the next day. I sighed and held my arms out for him.

" Come here."

He jumped into my arms. His face was pressed against my chest, and I patted his head. I held him tighter and tighter, afraid that I would lose him, that he would lose himself. At least I wanted to be the person to hold him together. Even if I can't hold onto his heart. Even if he won't ever feel the same for me: I still want to be there for him. As his friend that he could always rely on. The tears that fall from his beautiful eyes, I want to be the one to wipe them away. It's okay if he thinks that I'm only caring for as a friend: I'm okay with it.

I'm lying to myself aren't I? What I really want is to be the one in Woohyun's heart. No matter how many times I have comforted him, stood by him, and sang lullabies to him: his feelings never changed for me. Sungyeol is still the one in Woohyun's heart. I tried and tried to pull Sungyeol out of his heart, but my attempts were futile. Everything I did, none of it affected him. Sometimes I wondered if Woohyun ever thought of me as a friend. This past year, I have felt like I was just a pillow that he uses at night when he cries. After he cries, I can't help but cry too. All of my feelings that I have locked inside of my heart, won't ever be unlocked. The only person who has the key is Woohyun, and i don't think he will ever open it. I must have been hallucinating because I felt his hands on my face.

" Sunggyu, why are you crying?"

" H-Huh?" I touched my face and noticed that tears were running down my face. Quickly, I wiped them away and smiled at him.

" See, I'm not crying anymore!"

" Haha! Your eyes disappeared again when you smiled." My eyes widen, not because he just said that, but because he laughed. I haven't heard him laugh like that for a while, and it was like heaven to my ears.

" Yah! Nam Woohyun! Don't tease me like that!"

" Aigoo!........Sunggyu."

" Hm?"

" I love your eye smile." My body froze. I looked straight into his eyes to see if he was telling the truth: he was. I started laughing, not wanting to believe that he just said that. He only said he loves my eye smile. He didn't say he loves me.

" I love your smile too."

I patted his head and he leaned in closer to me. His face was a few centimeters away, and I could feel his breath on my lips. I didn't know what was happening, and I was a bit scared. His eyes drifted from my eyes to my lips. Woohyun closed his eyes, and I closed my along with him. I placed my hands on his chest, and his on my shoulders. Our lips were just a breathe apart. My heart was beating erratically. I grasped onto his shirt as I waited for our lips to connect.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

We pulled away from each other as we heard my cell phone ring. Our faces were flushed and we didn't dare look into each other's eyes. My hands were sweaty from what just happened, and my heart wouldn't calm down. Whoever called me, I'm seriously going to kill them. I was this close to kissing Woohyun! Life must like making things difficult for me. I picked up my phone and saw the caller id- it was Myungsoo. He was supposed to be on his date so why would he be calling me? Is it some emergency? I quickly answered it, and I heard sobs on the other end.

" S-Sunggyu-hyung."

" Myungsoo, what's wrong?" Woohyun looked back at me and he was about to say something but I placed a finger over his lips.

" It's....S-Sungyeol....and the car h-hit him....I-I was able to run and save him b-but he h-hit his head on the c-cement.....I-I don't k-know what to do." Now I wasn't having a very good feeling.

" Tell me what happened."

" J-Just come to the h-hospital! I need you r-right now!"

What the heck happened to Sungyeol!?

" Myungsoo, calm down! Tell me which hospital and Woohyun and I will be over there right away!" Myungsoo told me which hospital, and Woohyun and I took a taxi there.

Sungyeol, please be okay.


At the hospital.....


Woohyun's POV:


When we arrived at the hospital, I got out of the car first, and ran to the receptionist. I asked her what room Lee Sungyeol was in, and told me the room number. I didn't even wait for Sunggyu because the thing that mattered at this point was Sungyeol. When Sunggyu told me that Sungyeol and Myungsoo were at the hospital, I couldn't think straight. My only concern at this moment was Sungyeol and Sungyeol only. He will always come first before anybody.

I finally arrived to his room, and opened the door. There on the bed I saw Sungyeol and his head was in bandages. Right beside him was Myungsoo who was holding onto his hand. Myungsoo was asleep so I carefully walked over to Sungyeol's bed. I was in tears when I saw that Sungyeol had a few scratches on his face, and some on his hands. Also Myungsoo had a few scratches, but his didn't seem as bad. I Sungyeol's cheek and kissed his forehead. Seeing him in this state brings deep pain into my heart. I have never wanted to see Sungyeol this badly hurt. I wasn't there to protect him. I wasn't there to save him from whatever brought him here. It's Myungsoo's fault. It's Myungsoo's fault that Sungyeol got hurt like this. If they hadn't gone on their date, then Sungyeol would be up and smiling.

The door opened and Sunggyu came in. He was shocked as well as he saw the state Sungyeol was in. He woke Myungsoo up, and anger boiled up inside of me. Myungsoo looked at Sunggyu and I, and he started crying. I didn't feel any pity for him. It was his fault that Sungyeol is now in the hospital. Sunggyu was even comforting Myungsoo saying it isn't his fault. I don't get why Sunggyu is taking his side. He should be taking Sungyeol's side. Sunggyu is only thinking of Myungsoo and not of Sungyeol. Can't he see that Sungyeol is the one who is on the hospital bed and not Myungsoo! I couldn't help but push away Sunggyu, and land a punch on Myungsoo's face.

" Woohyun! What the heck was that for!?"

" Sunggyu, why are you taking his side for!? Can't you see it was Myungsoo's fault that Sungyeol is now in this state!?"

" It's nobody's fault! So don't you dare blame Myungsoo on this. It's impossible to predict that something like this would happen!"

" Please. Stop." We turned our heads to see Myungsoo sitting on the floor. His head was hung low, and it made him look like a abandoned puppy. I didn't believe him one bit.

" Myungsoo, it's not your fault. Do you understand that?"

" Sunggyu-hyung, it is my fault. If I haven't asked Sungyeol to go on a date with me today, then he wouldn't be in the hospital." I just stood there as I watched Sunggyu and Myungsoo talk. I didn't want to participate in the conversation. Myungsoo should be feeling like that anyway.

" It's not your fault! Don't you get that!? Don't believe a thing that Woohyun said!" My head flew around and I glared at Sunggyu. He stood up and gripped my shoulders.

" What do you want now? Do you want me to apologize to him?"

" Of course! You obviously know that it wasn't Myungsoo's fault!" I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

" No. Not ever in my life will I ever say I'm sorry to him." I didn't expect for me to push him so hard causing him to fall onto the floor.

" You are acting such like a.....child." I was about to say something until I heard some rustling beside me. We all turned around to see Sungyeol turning about and opening his eyes. I immediately flew to his side and held onto his hand.

" W-Woohyun? Where am I?"

" Pabo, you are in the hospital."

" Why?" I glared at Myungsoo and looked back at Sungyeol softly.

" You were hit by a car, Myungsoo was able to protect you, but you hit your head when you guys fell to the ground." Sungyeol gave me a confused look and I was a bit confused as well. Then Sungyeol looked at Sunggyu, Myungsoo, and back to me. He pointed at them, and I got the biggest shock of my life.

" Who are they?"

" W-What did you say?"

" I'm asking who those two people in the room with us?"

I looked at them and Myungsoo was in tears. Sunggyu didn't dare look at me and looked down at the ground. I watched as Myungsoo slowly made his way to Sungyeol. Then he held onto his hand, but the Sungyeol pulled his hand away from him. I didn't want to admit it, but I was a bit happy. Would you say I was a bit cruel to be happy that Sungyeol lost his memory of Myungsoo? I would understand that he lost his memory about Myungsoo, but why Sunggyu? I looked back at Sungyeol and caressed his cheek.

" Sungyeol, are you okay?" He nodded his head and smiled at me. I smiled in relief and held onto his hand tighter.

" I'm going to go get the doctor." I ignored Myungsoo leaving, and just focused on Sungyeol.

Does this mean I have a chance to be with Sungyeol? I don't want Sungyeol to go back to Myungsoo. I don't want him to remember his feelings for Myungsoo.


Myungsoo's POV:


My body was shaking and my heart was broken into pieces. Sungyeol doesn't remember me, which means he doesn't remember that we are going out. I didn't want to accept the truth. I didn't want to accept this reality. This was not some dream: it was a nightmare. It is still a nightmare. Everything that I held is not broken. Would it ever be fix? I would never know until the time is right. I couldn't help but feel like everything was my fault. It was my fault that I had fallen for Sungyeol, it was my fault that I asked Sungyeol on the date, and it was my fault that Sungyeol got hurt and forgot about me.

I slammed my fist on the wall. I didn't feel any pain, though. I didn't feel physical pain because the emotional pain was on overdrive. Tears were falling and I didn't dare wipe them away. Neither should anybody wipe them away from me. I deserve this pain that was brought upon me because it was my fault. I fell down to my knees and held myself. Nobody was here to help calm down my breaking heart. I couldn't even catch the pieces that were falling. The only person who could stitch up my heart has forgotten about me. He doesn't remember me, and there is a chance he never will.

Once I calmed down myself, I went to go get the doctor. We were making our way back to Sungyeol's room, and then I heard laughter. I stopped in my tracks and bit my lips to hold back the tears. The doctor opened the door, and I silently followed him. I didn't dare sit next to Sungyeol and went to sit next to Sunggyu-hyung who looked just as bad as me. His hands were shaking, and I held onto them. His shaking stopped and he smiled at me. I could tell he was crying because of his red shot eyes. Sunggyu-hyung brought me closer and rubbed circles on my back. I closed my eyes so I didn't cry.

" Sungyeol-sshi, it seems like everything is fine, but your memory. You have amnesia from hitting your heard on the cement, and probably the shock of the car coming right at you. I can't tell when your memory will come back. You might it in a few days, months, or even years. For now, you are going to stay here for a few more days so we can run more tests." As the doctor left, we bowed to him.

" Myungsoo?" My head flew up to Sungyeol when he called my name.

Maybe he remembered something about me!

" Myungsoo, right? Woohyun said that we are roommates and we are good friends." I looked at Woohyun who was just smiling at me. I didn't know what to say so I just nodded my head. Sunggyu-hyung held onto my hand and I gripped his hand tighter.

" Then you are Sunggyu, right? I'm sorry that I don't remember you."

" Don't worry, Sungyeol. You will remember us, just take it slowly. Okay?"

Why does it have to happen to me? Can't Sungyeol and I have a happy ending? So why? Why us?

" Myungsoo." I felt Sunggyu-hyung nudging my side.

" H-Huh?"

" Should we go back to the dorms? You should get some rest." I didn't care at this point. I nodded my head and stood up.

" We'll come visit you tomorrow, Sungyeol."

" Okay! Bye Sunggyu! Bye.....Myungsoo." I waved goodbye to him, and left with Sunggyu-hyung.

Sunggyu-hyung called for a taxi. The ride back home was quiet as he held onto my hand. I was able to find comfort from him being next to me. I couldn't cry right now because I didn't want the taxi driver to think I was being hysterical or something. I waited till we got to the dorms to cry my heart out. When we got to the dorms, I didn't dare go to Sungyeol and my dorm. There was too many things in there that would bring even more pain. Sunggyu-hyung let me stay with him tonight. He gave a t-shirt and sweats to change in to. While I was changing, Sunggyu-hyung was already in his bed. I eyed him, and he got the message. He lifted the blanket and motioned me to come over to him. I slid under the blanket and he held onto my hand.

" Myungsoo, I want you to know that it wasn't your fault. Nothing is your fault. Believe me when I saw that, okay?" At that point I couldn't hold in my tears anymore. Sunggyu-hyung wiped away my tears, but tears were also falling from his eyes.

" Why are you crying too?" He smiled, a bitter smile.

" My heart hurts too. The person I love won't ever love me."

" Do you mean Woohyun?" I waited for him to say something, but the look from his eyes gave me the answer. Sunggyu-hyung wrapped his arms around me and brought me closer to him.

" Go to sleep. You need the rest. Don't worry, I will be here for you. I promise."

" Pinky promise?" I held out my pinky and he wrapped his around mine.

" Pinky promise."

Sunggyu-hyung started to sing me a lullaby and my eyes were starting to close. I was emotionally tired that I needed Sunggyu-hyung's smooth voice to calm me down. Slowly, I was falling asleep, and then I let the darkness take me in.

Sungyeol, please remember me. I can't live if you can't remember who I am, and if you can't remember your feelings for me.





(A/N: Here is the third chapter! Next chapter might be the last chapter of their high school days, haven't made a decision yet. Anyways, I hoped that you enjoyed this angsty chapter! Comments are appreciated!!!)






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701 streak #1
Chapter 2: woohyun is an idiot!
701 streak #2
Chapter 1: started reading 😁
Chapter 26: rereading this and still hating woohyun so much in this fic.gotta have to read a fic with a whipped woohyun now.
Chapter 34: I love the story..
Vanja77 #5
This story is great ;)
kisanet73 #6
Chapter 34: this was soooooo great!!!
thank you for such great story.
khasabat #7
Chapter 34: Ahh- i so happy for them-
In begining i am so upset and angry for Woohyun because their selfsh make distand and pain for Myungsoo and Yeolie!
But i gland they move on and comeback for rise their sweet relationship!
God job author- i like your storys
Chapter 34: In the middle of the story I was about to comment on how I hate it to see sunggyu being so stupid for holding onto woohyun and for woohyun to play around with sunggyu even when he's not sure of his feelings.he pushed and hurt sunggyu twice in the story!can't help being mad at my babygyu for still accepting him.
But well towards the end u kinda ....kindaaa made it up hahaha
Chapter 34: Wow this took me so long to finish but its worth it. Its was breath taking. Im happy they found their lost heart back wow that was too cheesy~ kekeke ♡. Thanks authornim for this wonderful fic!!!
honeyplum #10
Chapter 34: awww so sweet ^^