Ch. 25- The Day Before

Grab Onto Your Heart

Woohyun's POV:

" I hate you."

" S-Sunggyu-hyung?"

" I hate you. Disappear from my sight."

" No! You have to listen to me! Don't go! Sunggyu!" I reached out for him, but he was getting further and further away from me.

" Why should I listen to you. This whole time with you acting nice to me; it was just an act wasn't it?"

" No," I shook my head and ran to him, " it isn't all lies." I opened my arms to hold onto him, but he disappeared into smoke.



I woke up from my dream. Actually, it wasn't a dream, it was more like a nightmare. I looked around the room for Sunggyu, but I couldn't find him anywhere. Panic clouded my head as I stood up to find him. Right when I reached for the doorknob, I was stopped. I turned my head around to see Dongwoo-hyung holding onto my wrist.

" Dongwoo-hyung, let go of me. I need-"

" Woohyun, did you have another nightmare?"

I dropped my hand from the doorknob. Dongwoo-hyung is right. These past two weeks I have been having nightmares. Those nightmares have been full of Sunggyu disappearing into smoke and him hating me. The nightmares have started since the night after the music video shooting. I don't know why I have been having these nightmares. Though ever since that day, Sunggyu has been avoiding me. He doesn't even look me in the eye. I don't know if I did something wrong to him or is he upset with me. Whenever I walk towards him, he would walk away and talk with some other member. My nightmares... I'm afraid of them coming true.

The door opened, and my face met with Sunggyu's. His eyes widened at how close our faces were. So did mine. Right when I was about to say something he pushed pass me and quickly left the room.

" W-Woohyun-"

" Dongwo-hyung, please leave the room. I need to get dressed for practice." He sighed at me and finally left the room.

It took me a few minutes to gather myself. I put some clothes on for dance practice, and then headed out. I didn't see the other members in the living room so they must be in the practice room already. When I got down there I only saw five members. The person I didn't see was Sungyeol. He must be filming for his drama that he is in. It would be nice if he was here since today is the day before our comeback.

" Woohyun, get over here." I heard Sunggyu's voice calling for me, but his tone was icy. As I made my way to my spot, I didn't dare make eye contact with him.

" Okay, I'm going to turn on the music so get ready!"



2 hours later....


" Sungjong, your arm has to go up like this." The other members and I watched as Sungjong did what Sunggyu told him.

" Now do it again and slower." Sungjong did it once again. We patiently waited until he got it right, but then he was in the wrong spot. I looked into the mirror at him.

" Sungjong, concentrate."

We practiced the moves again, and then it was time for the dance break. Sungjong went to turn on the music for that part. I watched myself in the mirro as well as the other members. After going through the dance break a couple of times, we went through the whole song one more time. Then the atmosphere got tense all of a sudden.

" Myungsoo, you have to raise your elbow like this." Sunggyu showed Myungsoo the move and he nodded at Sunggyu. I could tell that the atmosphere was getting even more tense. I have never seen Sunggyu like this with Myungsoo before.

" Sungjong, are you tired?" Sungjong shook his head.

" No."

" Myungsoo, are you tired?" He didn't say anything. If I didn't do something, I feel like somebody is going to have a mental breakdown. So I decided to speak up.

" Sunggyu-hyung, in this exact room, Sungjong and I had our auditions here. And guess what? Sungjong did a girl dance for his audition."

" Yah! Hyung, I danced really well!" I looked from the corner of my eye and saw Sunggyu smiling. The atmosphere started to lift as Dongwoo-hyung and Hoya talked about their auditions as well. Even Dongwoo-hyung's laughter brought everyone's spirit up. Then all of a sudden, Sunggyu stood up and left the room. My eyes followed him as he opened the door and went upstairs.

I looked at the other members who noticed that he left too. Sunggyu didn't come back right away so we decided to return to practice again. While we were practicing, he finall came back down. He turned off the music and motioned for us to get closer.

" Well, you guys, I asked manager-hyung if I could take you guys out for a while... and he said yes." All of our eyes widened as to what we just heard. 

" R-Really? I don't believe it!" 

" Me too! Manager-hyung is actually letting us leave?" He smiled at us and nodded his head. We all cheered, grabbed our wallets and phones, and sprinted out of the practice room. I stopped myself, though. Sunggyu was still in the room gathering his stuff. 

" Sunggyu-hyung." He looked up at me and slightly smiled at me.

" Hm?"

" Are you... Are you mad at me?" Sunggyu stopped walking towards me. He looked away, and then proceeded to walk towards the door and I. When he stopped by the door, he patted my shoulder and whispered:

" Let's go."

He didn't answer my question. Actually, it felt like he didn't want to ask my question. For some reason he is avoiding me, and I have to find out. I don't want to be hidden in the dark like this. I hate these sort of situations. I wish I could just know what Sunggyu is thinking about. I just want to know if he...hates me. That nightmare...I don't want it to be true.




Sunggyu's POV:


We took the van to the river. I thought that it would be a good idea for us to get some fresh air for once. I know I shouldn't be like that towards the members, but if I'm not then who will lead them? I didn't want our comeback to be messy and bad. As the leader of the group, and new member, I wanted to make sure I leave a good impression. Though, when Woohyun asked me that question, I couldn't answer it. I didn't have the heart to answer it. Right now I'm so confused that I don't know what to do. My heart is being pulled two ways, and my brain is on overdrive.

" We're here!" I turned my head to see the river. I smiled as the members cheered and got out of the car. The last one to get out was me, and I slowly followed behind them. But then Woohyun grabbed onto my wrist and pulled me to the other members.

" Sunggyu-hyung, hurry up! Don't hold us down!" I pushed down any feelings that I was feeling at the moment. Just because Woohyun was holding onto my wrist it doesn't mean anything. He is just being nice because he still thinks I don't have my memories back. Yeah, that is it. He finally let go when we got to the members.

" Sunggyu-hyung, please buy us something to drink! We are all thirsty!"

I looked at the members who surrounded me in a circle. They were all giving me the puppy eye look. Well, acutally, it was only Dongwoo, Woohyun, and Sungjong who were giving the kicked puppy look. I tried to resist them, but then Woohyun took my hand again and shook it. I looked at him and he was smiling at me.

" Sunggyu-hyung, please? Shall I do aegyo for you?" My eyes widened and I shook my head at him. It was too late though. Woohyun did the bunny aegyo and was jumping around me in a circle. I grabbed onto his arm and stopped him.

" A-Alright, I will go buy some drinks for us. Wait here."

They all said thank you as I went to go buy some drinks. I saw a stand selling some drinks pretty cheaply. I bought a few water bottles and juice too. I kindly thanked the them and went to bring to the other members. It looked like they were laughing at something Dongwoo said when I brought back the drinks. They all turned their heads to me when they saw me. I gave them each a drink and Woohyun immediately took the juice book out of my hands.

" Woohyun, aren't you supposed to be on some diet?"

" I'm just taking a sip! Here you can have it Hoya!" I chuckled as he took a sip and ran about for a few seconds.

" There! Now I just excercised off the juice!" The other members laughed at him while I stared at him. I realized that I was looking for too long so I looked away. I looked at my phone and noticed we still had some time before we had to head back to the dorm. I put my phone back into my pocket and walked ahead.

" Lets keep on walking! We might as use this time now before it gets late!"

" Okay!"




It started to get late as we passed by a park. The other members started to complain that they were hungry. Then they forced me to order food for them and pay it with my own money since I'm the oldest and the leader. I just did what they told me without saying anything back. I don't know when will be the next time I can treat them like this so might as well take the chance. When the person came by and gave the chicken and pop to me, I paid them, and went back to the members. We sat on thses steps in a circle. Though, I wish I didn't have to sit next to Woohyun. I was surprised when he sat next to me. I thought he would try to avoid me since I was avoiding him.

We opened the boxes of chicken and passed out cups to each other. Woohyun poured me the pop into my cup, and I quietly thanked him. All of a sudden they came up with to play the age switch game. That means that now I'm the maknae and Sungjong is the oldest. I didn't want to play but they did so without listening to me.

I laughed as they teased me and didn't call me by hyung. I couldn't help but laugh along with them. It feels really good to laugh especially after everything that has happened. Even I was happy that Myungsoo was finally laughing too. I haven't seen him smile and laugh like that for a while. Maybe it was a good idea coming back here. As long Myungsoo is happy, I don't care about myself. Also it seems like Sungyeol and Myungsoo are getting on better terms, though it seems more than that to me.

" Yah! I should have known not to let you guys go out by yourself!" We all turned to see Manager-hyung coming towards us. Then he started to take away the chicken which we pulled away from him. We started to play the game too and it was hilarious until he somewhat threatened us.

After we cleaned up, we decided to go to the music station place where we will be performing tomorrow. When we entered the building, I was amaze. I have seen the stages on television, but this looks so different. So this is how it feels to be onstage. This is where I will be performing tomorrow. I feel nervous and excited now.

" Hey, how about we practice the choreo right now, and whoever messes up gets punishment!"

" Okay! Lets do it!" I shook my head at them but went along. We chose to dance to the dance break, and the split into two groups. Sungjong and Myungsoo were the ones who messed up, and ironically they were the ones who I scolded earlier today.

" Sungjong and Myungsoo have to dance now! Whoever messes get a flick to the forehead!"

We watched them and immediately Sungjong was the one who messed up. He has to smile too after we flick his head. We took turns and then it was finally my turn. Since Sungjong was having a hard day today, I went easy on him.

" Aigoo! Our leader is so nice!" Suddenly, I felt somebody's arm on my shoulders. I turned my head slightly and met Woohyun's smiling face. Without thinking, I pushed him away and walked towards the door.

" Lets go everybody! I don't want all of us to be tired tomorrow."

" Okay!" I grabbed onto Myungsoo's hand and waited for the other members to walk ahead first.

" Myungsoo, I need to talk to you when we get back to the dorm." I let go of his wrist and we walked to the van.

" Oh, okay."



At the dorm...


I brought Myungsoo to my shared bedroom. Luckily, Woohyun went to use the bathroom first so I could talk to Myungsoo. I looked out the door to see if anybody was out in the living room. There wasn't so I shut the door.

" Sunggyu-hyung, what did you want to tell me?" I turned back to him and placed my hands on his shoulder.

" I... I..."

" Yes? You know I want to go take a shower and greet Sungyeol when he gets back."

Greet Sungyeol? Since when was he willing to stay up and welcome home Sungyeol?

" S-Sorry. I wanted to say, I got my memories back." It went quiet for a moment and then he suddenly shook my body.

" Really?! You finally got your memories back! I'm so happy!" Myungsoo wrapped his arms around me and jumped. I couldn't help but smile along and wrap my arms around him too.

" Y-You got your memories back?" Myungsoo and I let go of each other and turned around to see Woohyun standing at the doorway. I didn't even hear the door open.

" W-Woohyun-"

" Myungsoo. Leave. I need to talk to Sunggyu." I looked at Myungsoo and nodded my head. Myungsoo left the room leaving Woohyun and I. There was an awkward atmosphere between us. I could feel myself suffocate because of it.

" Sunggyu..." I looked at Woohyun and he came closer to me. I closed my eyes waiting for something to come. My body froze and then he wrapped his arms around my neck. Then my eyes flew open as I felt something cold touch my neck. I touched it and felt a necklack chain. I looked down and saw the locket. Woohyun gave back my locket. I looked up to say something, but he stopped me by hugging me.

" It's good that you remember. I'm... I'm glad that your memories came back." My body became cold when he let go of me. I didn't even notice that my body got warm because of him. He walked pass me and I thought I saw a tear slip from his eye.

" Woo-"

" Lets go to sleep. You don't want to be tired right? Goodnight." I stood there dumbfounded.

" O-Oh. Okay. I'm going to change first and turn off the lights."

I went to change my clothes and then turned off the lights. Woohyun's back was facing me and I was facing him. I clutched at the locket and sighed. This isn't how I wanted him to find out. Not at all.


Sungyeol's POV:


I finally came back from filming. When I opened the door, I was hugged by a smiling Myungsoo. His arms were wrapped around my waist and mine around his neck. Then he gave me a quick kiss which made me blush. Like a lot. It feels good to get a kiss from your boyfriend.

" What are you smiling? Did something good happen today while I was gone?"

" Yep! Sunggyu-hyung got his memories back!" My eyes widened as I heard what he said.

" H-He got his memories back? Really?! Do the other members know?"

" No, only you and I, but Woohyun walked in on us and knows too. Though I don't think that is how Sunggyu-hyung wanted Woohyun to find out."

Myungsoo let go of me and brought me to the kitchen. He gave me a cup of water and I leaned my body on his. I thought about it for a few minutes. It is great that Sunggyu-hyung remembered, but what about Woohyun? I'm sure Sunggyu-hyung remembers Woohyun-hyung taking care of him. Sunggyu-hyung even smile more when he didn't remember the past or to be more exact-- Woohyun. I placed the cup on the counter and turned my head to Myungsoo.

" Myungsoo, I'm worried for the two of them." He intertwined our hands and kissed each of my knuckles.

" Why is that?"

" Its just... Those two look so happy, but now that Sunggyu-hyung remembers... What is going to happen the two of them? Will it go back to where Sunggyu-hyung still hates Woohyun, or will it change?"

" I don't know Sungyeol. I just hope things will only get better." I nodded my head.

" I hope so too."



(A/N: Sorry for not updating! I have been busy with studying for finals which are like this week! I will try to update my other two fics as soon as possible! Again, sorry for the late update! Also I can't believe that I have 154 suscribers for this fic! Thank you so much! Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter! Sorry if there are any mistakes. Probably not going to proofread it. It's like almost 4 am so yeah. Until next time!)

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701 streak #1
Chapter 2: woohyun is an idiot!
701 streak #2
Chapter 1: started reading 😁
Chapter 26: rereading this and still hating woohyun so much in this fic.gotta have to read a fic with a whipped woohyun now.
Chapter 34: I love the story..
Vanja77 #5
This story is great ;)
kisanet73 #6
Chapter 34: this was soooooo great!!!
thank you for such great story.
khasabat #7
Chapter 34: Ahh- i so happy for them-
In begining i am so upset and angry for Woohyun because their selfsh make distand and pain for Myungsoo and Yeolie!
But i gland they move on and comeback for rise their sweet relationship!
God job author- i like your storys
Chapter 34: In the middle of the story I was about to comment on how I hate it to see sunggyu being so stupid for holding onto woohyun and for woohyun to play around with sunggyu even when he's not sure of his feelings.he pushed and hurt sunggyu twice in the story!can't help being mad at my babygyu for still accepting him.
But well towards the end u kinda ....kindaaa made it up hahaha
Chapter 34: Wow this took me so long to finish but its worth it. Its was breath taking. Im happy they found their lost heart back wow that was too cheesy~ kekeke ♡. Thanks authornim for this wonderful fic!!!
honeyplum #10
Chapter 34: awww so sweet ^^