Ch. 6- Just Pretend

Grab Onto Your Heart

Woohyun's POV:

It has been two days since the last time I saw Sunggyu and Myungsooo. Right after we met them they went back to their homes so they could spend a little bit more time with their parents until they moved in with us. I didn't know what to expect when I saw Sunggyu and Myungsoo in the room. What hurt me the most was when I saw how lifeless Sunggyu was looking at me. I rather have him hate me then look at me lifelessly. To make it worse, Myungsoo is now part of our group too. The two people who I thought I would never see are now in the same group as Sungyeol and I. After everything that happened five years ago, what's going to happen to us now? Will we continue to act like we don't know each other or will we continue to hate each other? Tell me, what is going to happen?

Right when we pulled up to our dorm, another car pulled up as well. We got out of the car and the people in the other car got out too. My eyes widened when the people who came out were Sunggyu and Myungsoo. They wre both holding onto luggages and other stuff and it seemed like they were waiting for us. I stood where I was. I watched as they walked towards us. He had on the smile that I always miss, but it seemed much more forced and.....sad? Myungsoo had his cold glare as usual. A shivering feeling went down spine as our eyes locked. Somebody tugged onto the end of my shirt. I turned my head to see Sungyeol standing next to me with his head looking down. I sighed and patted his head.

" It's going to be okay."

" If you say so." He let go of my shirt and walked up to them with the others. There was nothing else I could do so I followed them. The first one to greet them was Dongwoo-hyung.

" Hi, Sunggyu-hyung and Myungsoo! So I guess you two will be living here from now on?" 

" We will be staying here from now on, so let's get along from now on!" Everyone nodded their heads and Dongwoo-hyung led them inside. I was the last one inside since I didn't want to get any closer to Sunggyu.

" Okay, everybody! Since we have two new members we need a new room arrangement. Let's see, Dongwoo with Myungsoo, Hoya, Sungjong, and Sungyeol in the other room. Which leaves Sunggyu with Woohyun who will get the bigger room." My heart dropped when Manager-hyung said that I will be rooming with Sunggyu from now on.

Why!? Why can't Dongwoo-hyung room with Sunggyu! If Sunggyu and I room with each other, who knows what is going to happen!

" Woohyun bring Sunggyu to your room and Dongwoo bring Myungsoo to your room! You guys better get along now!"

" Yes!"

I sighed inwardly. It seems like I can't escape it no matter what. I walked over to Sunggyu and help bring his luggage in, but he took it away from me. Our hands lightly touched each other, but it was cold. Such a slight touch and it felt icy cold. I didn't try to help him again and led him to now our room. There were already two beds on the ground and mine was the bigger one. It seemed like Sunggyu didn't mind because he immediately went to the other bed. He was already starting to unpack his stuff and I just stood there as I watched him. Sunggyu has changed quite a bit since last time.

He now has caramel brown hair, he grew, a bit more built, and his hands are really pretty. He isn't the Sunggyu I used to know back then: the one who used to smile and throw his head back when he laughed. Right now, right here, he is in front of me. We were in the same room but the atomsphere around us is so tense that anybody who entered in would probably suffocate. Is this what it means to hate somebody because they broke their heart and somebody else's? Is this what it means to be ignored as if you haven't met before? I wanted to know the answers.

" Sung-"

" Woohyun, don't." He stopped unpacking his stuff, but he didn't look at me.

" I'm-"

" I don't want to hear it. You do remember what I said in the letter right?"

Of course I remember. You said, " If we ever cross paths, please pretend you don't know me, see me, or even feel me. I want you to live your life as it is, without me."

" Yes, I remember."

" Then do what the letter says. It will be like we have never met, okay? Also from now on call me Sunggyu-hyung and not just Sunggyu. I'm older than you so you have to call me Sunggyu-hyung."

" W-Why? I always called you just-"

" Don't. Don't even say anything." I closed my mouth letting the words settle on my lips.

" Let's go." I silently followed him. The others were in the living room, and luckily our door was closed that way nobody would have heard our conversation. Sunggyu, I mean Sunggyu-hyung, went to sit next to Myungsoo while I sat next to Sungyeol. He was playing around with his fingers which I know were a bad habit of his when he was nervous. Without thinking, I grabbed his hand.

" W-Woohyun."

" It's okay. It's okay."

To be exact, I didn't know if everything was going to be okay. I just want to comfort Sungyeol a little bit. It wasn't Sungyeol's fault that they both despise us. Back then I didn't know what I was doing. I was being selfish which caused everything to fall apart. I didn't expect the results were going to be having them leave us, and coming back to us after five years. What I wanted to know the most is if Sunggyu still has feelings for me, and if Myungsoo still loves Sungyeol.


At dinner.....


Sungyeol's POV:


All of us went to eat out to celebrate the two new members. I was reluctant to go because that would mean all of us would have to fit in the van together. God must hate me because I had to sit nex to Myungsoo. We also had to sit way in the back too. Woohyun was lucky that he didn't have to sit next to Sunggyu. I was also sitting next to Hoya-hyung but he doesn't talk a lot. He usually falls asleep in the car. I wish I could easily sleep in the car that way I wouldn't have to be so nervous sitting next to Myungsoo. Unfortunately, I'm a light sleeper.

After like ten minutes we finally arrived at the restaurant. God must really hate me because I was forced to sit in between Woohyun and Myungsoo. Myungsoo didn't talk to me at all during dinner and I could tell Woohyun was trying to comfort me. He didn't help at all either. I could feel cold glares coming from my left side, and whenever I turned around, Myungsoo would be talking to Sunggyu. Which reminds me, I have to call him Sunggyu-hyung. Woohyu told me that when we got out of the car earlier. I asked him why but he just said that he is the leader and the oldest one now. What bothered me the most was the look Woohyun was giving to Sunggyu-hyung. It was as if he was longing for something.

" Sungyeol-hyung!"

" H-Huh?" My attentioned turned to Sungjong who was eating his dinner.

" Eat your food before it gets cold!"

" O-Oh, thanks!" I began to eat my food when I noticed that Myungsoo was looking at me. His eyes didn't look as cold before, but it was just empty. Nothing. It was like a black hole. Sunggyu-hyung looked like that too. Just nothing.

" Sunggyu-hyung!"

" Yes, Dongwoo?"

" Did you guys live here before you went to the States?"

" Yeah we did."

" How come?"

" Personal reasons."

" Oh, sorry for asking."

" No, it's okay. You were just curious." The conversation dropped from there until Dongwoo-hyung decided to make a lame joke that actually made us laugh. This time Sunggyu-hyung and Myungsoo laughed. Okay, Myungsoo chuckled a little bit, but there was a slight smile.

" Okay everybody! We have to get going now! We have practice early in the morning!"

" Yes!"

After we paid for the bill, we headed to the car. Of course I was squished in between Hoya-hyung and Myungsoo. I sat down before Myungsoo, and when I laid my hand on the seat his hand touched mine. I could feel his palm over the back of my hand but just like a bullet, he pulled his hand away. Myungsoo mumbled a sorry to me but I dismissed it. The feeling of Myungsoo's hand on can I describe in words? All I know is I want to hold his hand...once more. I want to be able to hold his hand even if it is for one second.

Myungsoo, I don't know what to say. All of these feelings inside of me are going on a rampage. I want to be able to tell you but I'm afraid. I'm afraid what you would say back to me. I.....

" Okay everybody we are back!" Before I could finish my thought, we were already back at the dorm. Everybody got off but Sunggyu-hyung and Myungsoo weren't going inside.

" Manager-hyung, would it be alright if Myungsoo and I take a walk around? We need some time to think."

" Sure, but don't stay out too long."

" Thank you!" Sunggyu-hyung and Myungsoo left while the others and I went inside the dorm. Everybody else went to wash up but I wanted to talk to Woohyun first.

" Woohyun."

" Hm?"

" It's about Sunggyu-hyung and Myungsoo." I could tell he was reluctant to talk about them but it's not like we could avoid them forever.

" What about them?"

" Do you think that they still-"

" Yes, I'm sure they are still." I knew we weren't going to get any further with the questioning so I stopped myself.

I wonder....



Sunggyu's POV:


Myungsoo and I needed some time to think about things. Ever since the day we came here our minds have been all over the place. Living in the same place as them made our hearts hurt, minds confused, and physically tired. We may have just seen them for a little bit, but just being near them makes us want to leave. We can't, though. We have already signed the contracts, and this is my dream to be a singer. I realized my dream was to become a singer and nothing else. Becoming an idol was one step to my dream. Even if it means I have to be in the same group as Woohyun and Sungyeol.

As we were walking, we saw a park. We went to sit on the swings and looked at the night sky. There were no stars from where I could see. No stars to light up the night sky, almost like my heart. Everything went out ever since we left. Now it is just empty like the black, night sky at night. During the day it is like the blue, cloudless sky. Is this how a broken heart is like? Is this what it feels like to leave the person who will never love you? The feeling of being loved and loving somebody: I want to experience it. I don't want a one-sided love. I want somebody who will love me for who I am.

" Sunggyu-hyung, are you alright?" I snapped out of my thoughts and turned my head to Myungsoo.

" Y-Yeah, I'm alright. I should be asking you that. Are you alright?"

" I think. I don't know actually. After seeing Sungyeol, I'm confused. My mind and heart is confused."

" Myungsoo, you do remember our promise right?"

" I do. You said not to look back."

" I did say that. You have to keep that promise, okay? Pretend you don't know them, pretend you never had a relationship with Sungyeol, and pretend that we were never friends with them."

" Sunggyu-hyung, will you be fine? Can you pretend like there is nothing between the four of us?" I sighed and nodded my head. I wanted what was best for us, and that was for us to forget our feeling for them.

" I will be fine. I feel nothing for Woohyun anymore. Anyways, we should probably head back, it's getting late."

Myungsoo and I got off the swings and headed back to the dorm. I looked back up to the night sky once more and I saw one shining star. I stared at it with a confused look. Before there were no stars and now there was one star. It looked lonely, though. Almost as if it was waiting for something or somebody. Shining by itself seemed so sad and lonely. The more I thought about it, the more I thought it was like me. By myself waiting for that exact person to shine their light upon me. I unconciously reached for the star and grabbed it. I pretended like I was actually able to grab it but that is impossible. Just like how Woohyun will never love me the way I loved him.

When we arrived at the dorm, we had to knock on the door since we didn't know the passcode. Sungjong was the one who opened the door for us, and it seemed like everybody else was asleep. I told Myungsoo could go wash up first. I went to the room I shared with Woohyun now. My hand was on the door handle and I hesitated. Behind the door I didn't hear anything: it was silent. I took a deep breath and exhaled, and then I quietly opened the door. Luckily, Woohyun was sleeping already. I went to grab my stuff from the drawers, and tip toed to the living room. At the same time Myungsoo came out of the bathroom.

" Night, hyung."

" Night, Myungsoo." After Myungsoo left, I went to take a shower. I just took a quick one because I was too tired.

After I was done, I went back to the bedroom, and Woohyun was on my side of the bedroom. I rolled my eyes and tried to push Woohyun onto his bed. He didn't budge at all, though. I pulled his arm- nothing. Pulled both of his arms- still nothing! I was starting to get tired and decided to give up. I went to sleep on his bed, but all of a sudden I felt him rolling over to me. I was going to get off the bed but his arms were already around me. His strong grip made it impossible for me to get out and I had to literally elbow him in the guts. I heard Woohyun groan, and once his grip loosened, I got out as fast as possible. I went to my bed and laid down. Luckily, I didn't feel him roll to my side, and I closed my eyes. Even though it is summer, I felt a bit cold. When Woohyun's arms wrapped around me, I felt warm all of a sudden, but it felt like I was suffocating.

You have to forget about your feelings for him. If you don't, you will only fall into his trap. It's even worse to have feelings for your bandmate, so just forget him. He means nothing to you now. Nothing.




(A/N: Wow, I have 71 suscribers for this fic! You guys are awesome! Love you all! I hope you are enjoying this fic so far! I don't think this fic will be as long as The Raven and The Dove. It will probably be less than 50 chapters! Anyways, thank you for suscribing, reading, and commenting!)



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693 streak #1
Chapter 2: woohyun is an idiot!
693 streak #2
Chapter 1: started reading 😁
Chapter 26: rereading this and still hating woohyun so much in this fic.gotta have to read a fic with a whipped woohyun now.
Chapter 34: I love the story..
Vanja77 #5
This story is great ;)
kisanet73 #6
Chapter 34: this was soooooo great!!!
thank you for such great story.
khasabat #7
Chapter 34: Ahh- i so happy for them-
In begining i am so upset and angry for Woohyun because their selfsh make distand and pain for Myungsoo and Yeolie!
But i gland they move on and comeback for rise their sweet relationship!
God job author- i like your storys
Chapter 34: In the middle of the story I was about to comment on how I hate it to see sunggyu being so stupid for holding onto woohyun and for woohyun to play around with sunggyu even when he's not sure of his feelings.he pushed and hurt sunggyu twice in the story!can't help being mad at my babygyu for still accepting him.
But well towards the end u kinda ....kindaaa made it up hahaha
Chapter 34: Wow this took me so long to finish but its worth it. Its was breath taking. Im happy they found their lost heart back wow that was too cheesy~ kekeke ♡. Thanks authornim for this wonderful fic!!!
honeyplum #10
Chapter 34: awww so sweet ^^