Ch. 26- You Don't Have to Worry

Grab Onto Your Heart

Sunggyu's POV:

All seven of us were running around the dorm. We were getting everything that we needed and double checked, even triple checked, that we have everything. I was running to go put on my shoes, but then I tripped over Myungsoo's bamboo thingy. My reaction time was too slow, and I could feel myself falling. I closed my eyes waiting for the impact, but I felt none. Instead, I could feel arms wrapped around my waist. I opened my eyes and turned my head around. The person who caught me was Woohyun who is idiotically smiling at me. Without thinking, I pushed away his arms.

" T-Thanks."

" Yeah, no problem."

We just left it like that and put on our shoes. I yelled if anybody else was in the dorm. There was no answer so I closed the door. I sat in the passenger seat, and manager-hyung drove us off to Music Core. I looked behind me to make sure everyone is here. There are six heads then adding me is seven. I sigh in relief as all of us were in the car. I looked at the rear view mirror to see what everybody is doing.

Dongwoo and Hoya were listening to music together, Sungyeol's head is on Myungsoo's shoulder, Sungjong busy texting somebody, and then there is Woohyun who is looking straight at me. I immediately look down at my lap. The nerves were getting to me so I put my headphones on and listened to some music. It was somewhat comforting, but the nerves were still there. All I have to do is just calm myself down and tell myself that everything will go well. First performances don't always go the best, but that means there is always room for improvement. After last night, I feel like the relationship between the members have grown. Except between Woohyun and I. The look on his face when he found out my memories came back. I know I saw a tear fall down his face.

Why would he cry, though? Shouldn't he be happy that I remember? He did say he was happy so what is the problem?

I looked out the window as the next song came on. I flinched once it started to play. The song was Time. Although it is Woohyun's solo song, I didn't press the next button. It is funny that I completely forgot that I put his song on my iPod. Heck, I don't even have my song on here. I wonder if Woohyun is listening to my song or if he has it on his iPod.

Wanting to know if he does, I look at the rear mirror again. I noticed that Woohyun was mouthing the lyrics. They could have been our title song, but it wasn't. My eyes widened, and I realize that he was mouthing the lyrics to my song. That means he is listening to Because right now. All of my thoughts jumbled around in my mind. It is just a mere coincidence that we are listening to each other's songs right now. A mere coincidence.




We got to the place in about 30 minutes since traffic was okay. The stylists and manager-hyungs were rushing up to the building. Across us, I could see fans waving at us. Then I heard my name being called out. I waved at them and they screamed. When I heard that, I couldn't help but laugh. This is my first time seeing fans like this.

Wow, I already have fans.

While we were walking to the building, somebody's arm wrapped around my shoulder. I turned my head around to see Woohyun once again. Since we were in public now, I didn't shove his arm off. It would look bad for me and I didn't want to upset the fans. Though I did hear somebody chant Woohyun-oppa and Sunggyu-oppa.

When we got inside, we were rushed into our room. Manager-hyungs told us to drop our stuff in the room and make our way to the stage. It seems like we have to do a rehearsal first before anything else. We passed by some others who are our sunbaes in the music industry. I bowed to them a few times and got onstage. I had to cover my eyes as the bright lights hit my eyes. My eyes widened at how it looked. The seats are empty right now, but to think later it will be full. I motioned for the seven of us to get into a line.

" Hello, we are Infinite! Please take care of us!" All of us bowed and then got into our positions.

" Okay, I'm going to start the music," one of the staff people said.

The music started to play. Each of us were given a mike to test out the sound. Even though this is a rehearsal, I could feel the nerves working me. When it was my turn to sing, I treated it as if it was the real performance. We were stopped a few times because something was wrong, but got fixed right away. There wasn't much time for us to go through the choreo a few times since there were other groups that had to rehearse too. Once we were done, we got off stage and went back to our room. I grabbed the water bottle that one of the stylists noonas were handing out. Who would of thought that I would feel so tired after that rehearsal.

" I'm so excited for this! Aren't you too?!" Dongwoo was walking around the room full of energy. I can't understand how he can be like that but whatever. It  is good to have a person like him around. Though, the only person who can calm him down is Hoya.

" Dongwoo-hyung, calm down! Save your energy for later!"

" Okay..."

We all laughed as he stopped and pouted. I looked at each of the members, but I made the mistake of looking at Woohyun. He wasn't looking at me, but he was smiling. My heart skipped a beat when his eyes drifted towards me. His smile didn't drop, instead he walked towards me. I didn't notice that he was holding onto a towel until he wiped away the sweat from my face. I couldn't even look at him because of it.

" There we go. You must have sweat a lot out there, huh? Aigoo, Sunggyu-hyung is becoming a grandpa everyday." I made eye contact as I lifted my head up when he said that. I raised my fist up and glared at him.

" Yah! I'm not that old! Take that back Woohyun!" I playfully hit him on the head. He pouted at me and I couldn't help but laugh. Then we started to laugh together, but we stopped after we heard some coughing. I turned my head around to see everyone giving us weird looks. It took me a while to register why they were staring. It is because how close Woohyun and I are. My body acted on its own, and I pushed him away.

" D-Don't laugh! Go get dressed!"

He didn't get mad at me which I thought he would. Woohyun just patted my head and went to get dressed. I stood there wondering what happened, but then I shook away the thoughts. I can't have anything distract me today. I have to perform well because now I'm an idol and leader of Infinite. All these thoughts of Woohyun: I have to throw them away.

The stylist noona gave me my outfit. Since there weren't any changing rooms, we have to change in the open. It is not like I'm self- concious of my body, I just don't like showing it off to everybody. Sungjong and Sungyeol are lean and skinny while Dongwoo, Hoya, and Woohyun have a bit muscles on them. Myungsoo is lean too, but you can see a bit of muscles. Then there is me. I'm lean but I don't have very define muscles. I sighed at myself at the thought of it.

Not thinking about my body, I took off my shirt and put on this white tank that says black and white on it. Next, I was given a black vest over it and black skinnys to go along with hit. Then I was given black shoes to wear too. As I was finishing getting dressed, I looked at the other members. Most of them were finishing up, but Woohyun is still getting his shirt on. Which I noticed it is just practically a fish net tank top. I blushed at what he is wearing, but then shook those thoughts away. All of us are sleeveless since it is part of our concept for a manlier image. I guess. 

Anyways, we still had a lot of time unti the performance started. The manager-hyungs went to go buy food for us, so we thought of going to greet the other groups out there. I would have to properly introduce myself since I am now Infinite's leader. The group never had a definite leader since their debut days, and I have to represent myself well for the group. Once we were finished with makeup and hair, all seven of us went to go greet the other groups.

One by one we greeted them and Myungsoo and I told each one that we are the new members. Some of them praised us because when they saw the music video they really liked it. They said we had grown quite a bit from last time. Even though Myungsoo and I weren't in the group before, I still felt glad that we had some sort of emphasis on the group.

Afterwards, we went back to the room and ate the food manager-hyungs bought for us. I made sure the other members got their food first until I got mine. I recieved my food and went to sit down at the chair where I got my hair and makeup done. While I was eating, I realized that I forgot to grab something to drink. I stood up to go get one, but I was stopped in a flash. Their hand pushed me back down on my chair and a water bottle was held in front of my face. I look from the hand up to see the person who is holding the water bottle to be Woohyun.

" Here you go. I noticed that you forgot to grab something to drink. It is a good thing I noticed or else you would have choked on your food." I took the drink from him and thanked him quietly. I know the other members couldn't hear me but only him.

I twisted the cap only realizing that it was already opened. He must have opened it for me before he gave it to me. I took a large gulp and then put the cap back on. Woohyun didn't leave my side the whole time we were eating. We didn't even talk that much, but he didn't seem faze by that. He just happily ate his food while I ate mine. All he did was say how hungry he was and how good the food is. I just nodded my head at those times.




It became the time for us to perform. Nerves were really getting to me and nothing was helping me. I took deep breaths but that didn't work. Listening to our songs didn't work that well either. The members gave me comfort and that helped a little bit only. Then all of a sudden I jumped when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my shoulder. The person was back hugging me, but I wasn't in the right state of mind to push him away.

" You know Sunggyu, I think you are a great leader. Today is your first performance in front of a crowd, but don't forget the other members are performing with you two. It isn't Kim Sunggyu who is performing tonight, but Infinite. The seven members of Infinite are performing not just you." My nerves were calming down a lot. Also I wasn't sweating anymore. It is hot back stage, but now I'm not as hot as before.

"You aren't alone on this one. Heck, even I'm nervous. That's why we have to be there for each other. I don't know if you believe me but I think you are a great leader and will do well out there. Performances aren't performances if there are no mistakes or flaws. Sunggyu, don't be nervous anymore. Let me share that burden along with you. I may not be able to understand the position of a leader, but I know I can be there for you. So just believe me when I say I...believe you."

I turn around in the person's arms. My eyes widened, my heart stopped beating, and my body became hot again. The person who said those words to me and held me is no other than Woohyun. I wanted to push him away, but my heart said to stay like this. Familiar feelings began to bubble inside of me, and I don't want that. Those five years I buried them away and locked them. Not now. I can't have them resurface.

Kindly, I pulled his arms off of me and took a step back. Our eyes met, and I saw his face spread with hurt and sadness. I wanted to wash away that face so I patted his head and smiled. I didn't want to ruin the performance today so I can't have his mood be ruined.

" Thank you Woohyun. Thank you for saying such kind words to me. I won't forget them."

" Now it is time for Infinite!" The MCs called our name, and I pulled my hand away. I walked towards the stage, but then looked back at him.

" Lets go Woohyun. Infinite can't perform if you aren't onstage." He smiled at me and we went onstage with the other members.



On the way back home after the performance...


Woohyun's POV:


After we performed, we all changed into our casual clothes. Then we quickly headed out so that we can avoid the traffic. Everyone was tired after today, but one person was especially tired. Sunggyu didn't talk to me afterwards and ignored me. I didn't regret what I said back there. What I said came from my heart, and I want him to know that. I just wish that he could stop pushing me away. Though, I have to be understandable. With everything that I put him through, it shouldn't be a surprise that he can't stand being near me or hearing my voice.

Everyone was sleeping on each other's shoulders or heads. Sungjong was the only one with his head against the window. Sunggyu had the passenger seat to himself so of course he had nobody to lean on. I would have gladly be the shoulder for him to lean on but that is impossible.

When we got back to the dorm, all of us tiredly walking to the door. I took Sunggyu's bag without him noticing, and it seemed like he didn't mind because he didn't say anything. All of us got situated into our own rooms, but I went to go take a shower first. I went back to the bedroom when I got done, and put my wifebeater and sweats on. Sunggyu was passed out on his bed, but he was still dirty so I need him to wash up.

" Sunggyu, you have to go take a shower. You don't want to smell right?" I heard him mumble something but wasn't able to make it out. He did get up to go take a shower, though, which is good.

I laid down on my bed and waited until he got out of the shower. I was bored so I took out my phone and looked through it. There weren't any messages from anybody so I put my phone back down. I waited for what seem like a century, okay maybe not, until he came back. Then I noticed he only had a towel wrapped around his face so I covered my eyes with my hands.

" A-Are you done?"

" Hm? Oh, yeah, I'm done." I uncovered my eyes and the lights were off. He wasn't standing around in the room anymore so I turned my body around to see him already lying in bed. He was facing the ceiling as if he was in some sort of daze.

" What are you thinking about?" I scooted closer to him until a hand stopped me.

" Stay where you are. I really need my space to sleep tonight." I stopped where I was and pouted. " Don't pout at me either. You look funny when you pout."

" Y-Yah! I don't look funny!"

" If you say so." I rolled my eyes at him and sighed.

" Sunggyu, what are you thinking about?"

" Why do you want to know?"

" Because."

" Because why?"

" Just because." Then he turned around to face me and glared at me.

" Are you playing games with me right now?" I frantically shook my head.

" N-No! I'm not playing games! I just want to now what is on your mind." I heard him sigh and turn his body back so his facing the ceiling.

" Woohyun, can you help me with something."

" Sure what is it?"

" It is something Myungsoo said a long time ago. Also he asked me again today. So can you help me?"

" Okay! What is it?"

" Come closer." I did as he said and he whispered into my ear. My eyes widened and I laughed too. This is going to be so awesome.

" Do you understand? You can't say a word about it! If you do I will personally come kill you while you are sleeping." I nodded my head and smiled. Since we were already close to each other, I put my head against his chest. and wrapped my arms around his waist.

" Y-Yah! What are you doing?"

" Just shut up and let us stay like this." He didn't say anything after that.

" Goodnight Sunggyu."

" ... Goodnight Woohyun."







(A/N: Sorry for the late update and how short the chapter is. I promise that the next chapter will be better and a bit longer. I wonder what the three of them are planning! But omg 168 suscribers! I might even get more than The Raven and The Dove! I'm so happy! Anyways, thanks for reading, suscribing, and commenting! Until next time! P. S. Sorry for any mistakes!)

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701 streak #1
Chapter 2: woohyun is an idiot!
701 streak #2
Chapter 1: started reading 😁
Chapter 26: rereading this and still hating woohyun so much in this fic.gotta have to read a fic with a whipped woohyun now.
Chapter 34: I love the story..
Vanja77 #5
This story is great ;)
kisanet73 #6
Chapter 34: this was soooooo great!!!
thank you for such great story.
khasabat #7
Chapter 34: Ahh- i so happy for them-
In begining i am so upset and angry for Woohyun because their selfsh make distand and pain for Myungsoo and Yeolie!
But i gland they move on and comeback for rise their sweet relationship!
God job author- i like your storys
Chapter 34: In the middle of the story I was about to comment on how I hate it to see sunggyu being so stupid for holding onto woohyun and for woohyun to play around with sunggyu even when he's not sure of his feelings.he pushed and hurt sunggyu twice in the story!can't help being mad at my babygyu for still accepting him.
But well towards the end u kinda ....kindaaa made it up hahaha
Chapter 34: Wow this took me so long to finish but its worth it. Its was breath taking. Im happy they found their lost heart back wow that was too cheesy~ kekeke ♡. Thanks authornim for this wonderful fic!!!
honeyplum #10
Chapter 34: awww so sweet ^^