Ch. 27- A Night Under the Stars

Grab Onto Your Heart

Nobody's POV:

" Yah! Get up all of you! We have a schedule to attend to. So get your butts out of your beds before I come do it for you!"

Everyone jumped out of their beds, of course Sungjong and Sungyeol carefully got out of theirs since they are on the top bunks. Today is another day of interviews and a performance later in the day for Infinite. The managers were waiting outside while the members scrambled around the dorm. Dongwoo is having trouble looking to put things into his backpack, Hoya is putting on a purple t-shirt, and Sungyeol is drinking coffee while he is trying to get Myungsoo get up. Sungjong is already finish with washing up so he is getting dressed. Sunggyu and Woohyun are sharing the bathroom since it is quicker.

" Sunggyu, what is the plan Myungsoo has in store," said Woohyun who is applying toner on him. 

" It's Sunggyu-hyung to you," said Sunggyu as he rinsed out his toothbrush.

" Okay, Sunggyu-hyung, what is the plan?" Woohyun went to the bedroom and put away his toner as Sunggyu followed him. They started to undress, but of course they didn't dare look at each other. Sunggyu knew his cheeks would turn a bright red if he say Woohyun's abs, and Woohyun would get flustered at Sunggyu's pure, white skin.

" I will tell you later, okay? Now hurry up before manager-hyung comes to get us." Sunggyu ignored Woohyun's pouty lips when he saw them and proceeded into the living room.

Once everybody was done getting dressed and had everything they needed, they headed to the salon where they would get their hair and make up done. When they arrived at the salom, they were told to get dressed into their stage outifts before everything else. Sunggyu, Dongwoo, Woohyun, and Hoya got their hair done while the other three went to get their makeup done. Then they switched places after that. Sungyeol, Myungsoo, Dongwoo, and Hoya were taking a bit more time so Woohyun dragged Dongwoo to go buy ice coffee with him. Sungjong stayed behind because he was too busy texting to Chanjo as always.

" Woohyun, let go of me. Why can't you go by yourself? I'm too tired." Despite Sunggyu's protests, Woohyun ignored them and kept on dragging him to the coffee shop.

" Sunggyu, you have to get some fresh air! Doesn't it feel good?"

" It is summer meaning it's hot as heck, and it is Sunggyu-hyung."

Woohyun rolled his eyes and they kept on walking to the coffee shop. Luckily it was only across the street from the salon and there weren't many fans out either. They kept their distance from them even though Woohyun sent hearts out to them. Though Sunggyu started to get a bit annoyed because of it but he doesn't know why. He does remember that the other members told him that Woohyun is really known for his greasy aegyo. Now his aegyo was getting on Sunggyu's nerves but he just had to deal with them.

" Look! It is the Woogyu couple!"

" They are so cute!"

" Unnie, how can you say Sunggyu-oppa is the one who tops? It's quite obvious that Woohyun-oppa tops!" Three fangirls were in a corner of the shop when they saw Sunggyu and Woohyun enter. Sunggyu immediately heard them and turned his head. He cocked his head confused what they were talking about. The reason why he could hear them is because they were talking a bit too loudly. Woohyun was ordering the ice coffees so he pulled onto Woohyun's sleeve.

" What's wrong Sunggyu?" Woohyun turned his head over to see Sunggyu pouting. His heartbeat accelerated at the cute sight of him. Sunggyu was saying something to him but he couldn't understand because all his other senses clocked out as he kept on staring at Sunggyu.

" Woohyun? Yah! Nam Woohyun! Are you in there?" Sunggyu waved his hands in front of Woohyun making him snap out of his daze.

" H-Huh?"

" I was asking what is Woogyu? And what do they mean by top and bottom?"

H-He is joking right? I get it if he doesn't know what Woogyu is but he doesn't know what top and bottom means?

Woohyun rubbed his neck and let out a low chuckle. He couldn't believe how naive and innocent Sunggyu is. He placed his hands on Sunggyu's shoulders and shook him. Then he patted his hair and brushed a finger against his cheek. All of this was on purpose to make the fangirls scream. He tilted his chin to them making Sunggyu turn his head around. Sunggyu was still confused though.

" Why are they screaming? Did we do something?"

" Um, well, they are fangirling because of us." Sunggyu looked back at Woohyun even more confused.

" What do you mean?"

" Woogyu stands for Woohyun and Sunggyu. Woo for Woohyun and gyu for Sunggyu. That is our couple name, " then Woohyun leaned closer and whispered into Sunggyu's ears, " and top and bottom means when two guys do it, it means the top is the person shoving up their you-know-what into the bottom's hole."

Sunggyu flushed a deep red and hitted Woohyun. It may have seem like a playful punch to the fangirls making them scream again, but it was a very hard punch. He walked out without waiting for Woohyun who was carrying the cartons of ice coffee after he paid for them. They were supposed to pay for both of them but after what Woohyun said, Sunggyu changed his mind.

" Sunggyu-hyung, wait up for me! You have to help me carry this!" Sunggyu stopped and turned around.

" Carry it yourself you sick greasy ert!"


Sungyeol's POV:


I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and in came Sunggyu-hyung and Woohyun-hyung. Sunggyu-hyung seemed really pissed off while Woohyun-hyung is smiling like the best thing happened to him. Since Sunggyu-hyung had this aura around him, I decided not to ask what was wrong. Instead he walked pass me and sat on one of the chairs across the room. Woohyun-hyung sat next to me and gave me an ice coffee which I gratefully thanked him for even though I already had my coffee this morning. Coffee is the best no matter how many times you drink it in a day.

" Thank you Woohyun-hyung!"

" No problem!" He ruffled my head and went to give one to Sunggyu-hyung.

I was on the straw watching them carefully. Woohyun-hyung was doing his greasy aegyo once again, but Sunggyu-hyung kept on ignoring him. This is the first time I have seen somebody ignore his aegyo. Though the only reason why I give in is to make him stop. Now that I think about it, the reason why the other members give in is to make Woohyun-hyung stop with his greasy aegyo.

I didn't feel someone sit next to me until their head landed on my shoulder. I turn my head slightly to see Myungsoo with his eyes closed. He scooted closer to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. Suddenly, I felt the room get cold despite it being summer. I look back up to see Sunggyu-hyung glaring at me, but then his eyes softened. He got up from the chair and I was about to stop him until Myungsoo spoke up.

" Don't go after him. He is fine." I nodded my head.

" Okay..."




After we had an interview with a show and a magazine, we went to the music station. It was the final thing for our schedule tonight which is good. I just want to go home and sleep for the rest of the night. Then get up early and do the same thing once again. It isn't bad though. As long I have Myungsoo then it is okay. For some reason though, once we left the salon he has been ignoring me. Even when I tried to hold his hand in the van he would pull his hand away. I was a bit confused as to why but I didn't think much further about it. Myungsoo is probably tired from our schedule.

I was in the waiting room with the others. While I was watching other groups perform, Sunggyu-hyung came and sat next to me. Then he nudged my side.

" Yes, Sunggyu-hyung?"

" When we get home, I need you to stay home for an hour and then walk to the park afterwards. You got it?"

What the? Why is he asking that of all of a sudden? Did I do something wrong? I guess I should just agree. It must be something important since he is asking me.

I nodded my head. He smiled at me and patted my back. Then he stood up and went to the other side of the room where Myungsoo is. I looked straight at Myungsoo making our eyes meet, but then he turned away. My heart fell to my stomach. I want to know the reason why Myungsoo was being like this, but he keeps on avoiding me! I hate it! I hate this feeling! I wish he could come sit next to me like he usually does.


Sunggyu's POV:


" Myungsoo-ah, don't you think you are overdoing it? It looks like Sungyeol is about to cry." I looked back at Sungyeol whose head is down. Myungsoo just patted my back. Then I noticed the t.v screen showing a preview of a group that will be having their comeback. The preview was showing each member and then my eyes widened when one of them appeared. I pulled onto Myungsoo's arm and pointed at the screen.

" Myungsoo, doesn't that person remind you of someone?"

" Oh, he does! This group's name is... Teen Top? Ah! Isn't he-"

" Yah, you guys, it is time for you to come on stage!" Myungsoo got cut off before he could finish but shrug his shoulders. We followed the staff, but then I was pulled back. I felt a pair of lips touch my cheek in a second before I realized what happened. I bet right now that my cheeks are red like a tomato, and that I'm going to kill whoever did that. I turned my head to meet with Woohyun's greasy smile. I smacked his head and continued to the stage with the others. While we were waiting, I quickly pulled his arm and whispered into his ear.

" You better be a good helper tonight! You got it?" I let go of him and he nodded at me with his ever so greasy smile.

Damn Woohyun's greasy smile! Why the heck did he kiss my cheek for! I'm going to kill him and give him a lesson when we get back to the dorms!



After the music performance...


We were on our way back to the dorm. Sungyeol did as I told him to. Myungsoo, Woohyun, and I went to the park saying that we wanted to go for a walk. Luckily the other members didn't ask to come or else it would have been complicated. Also we would have to tell them that Myungsoo and Sungyeol were practically in a relationship. Also it is a good thing that Myungsoo asked the manager-hyungs to buy the stuff he needed. Though it is a bit weird that they didn't question why Myungsoo needed those stuff. I mean if I were them I would have out right asked why Myungsoo needed these things. Whatever, it is for the best they didn't ask why.

" Yah! Woohyun put them on correctly!"

" Make me!" He stuck out his tongue at me which I could only roll my eyes at. I looked back at Myungsoo who was calmly putting things on the trees as high as he can. Though I know better than that. He is nervous. Like very nervous. I have known him for such a long time that I can tell when he is calm and nervous. I placed everything on the ground and made my way to him. When I poked his shoulder, he literally jumped.

" S-Sunggyu-hyung! Don't scare me like that!"

" Sorry. Anyways, are you almost done? Woohyun and I are almost done with our side." He nodded his head as he put the last one on. I stared in awe when I looked around the park. If Myungsoo was asking me like this I would immediately say yes.

" This looks amazing Myungsoo. I'm sure he will love this."

" I hope so too. I mean, I already did this before so I hope he likes this." I hit his back pretty hard making him stumble a few steps. Then we laughed at each other. I can tell Myungsoo finally calmed down so I grabbed his head and put our foreheads against each other.

" You will do fine, Myungsoo-ah. Believe me okay? Sungyeol is going to love this."

" Thank you Sunggyu-hyung. You are literally the best. Well after Sungyeol that is." I lightly shoved him away and laughed at him. Then all of a sudden I was pulled in and my back hit something.

" Myungsoo, Sunggyu is mine! Sungyeol is yours! You can't have both!"

Says the person who practically stole Sungyeol five years ago. But whatever. It seems like he doesn't remember.

" Whatever you say Woohyun-hyung. Guys, be quiet my phone is ringing!" I clamped my hand over Woohyun's mouth making sure he wouldn't make any noise. His arms pulled me in even tighter make me pressed against his chest. My heart started beating even faster and my breathing became shorter. My hand dropped from his mouth when I felt him it. I turned my head around and glared at him.

" You guys, Sungyeol says he is going to be here in a few minutes so leave or something! Go! Go! GO!" Woohyun finally let go of me and grabbed onto my hand. He pulled behind some bushes, and then I saw Sungyeol walk into the park. Without knowing it, I gripped onto Woohyun's hand tighter.


Nobody's POV:


Sungyeol stepped into the park without knowing what is going to happen. It was dark all over with only the moon as light. His heartbeat accelerated in both excitement and fear. He kept on thinking that something is going to pop out of behind the trees, but nothing came making him even more nervous.




Lights came on and Sungyeol jumped up in surprise. All over the park there were stars hanging on trees and on the playground. They were glittering just like the stars in the sky would, and Sungyeol couldn't help but smile. The moon was perfectly over the playground shining upon it. Glittering and sparkling like it was going to last forever, it made you feel like you were in a different world. He walked around the playground and screamed when Myungsoo popped out of nowhere.

" M-Myungsoo! W-What are you doing here? Where is Sunggyu-hyung?" Myungsoo came closer to Sungyeol and kissed his cheek. Sungyeol cheeks turned a rosy pink making Myungsoo chuckle at how cute he is.

" Sunggyu-hyung? Oh yeah! I'm the one who actually asked Sunggyu-hyung to call you out here."

" W-What! You planned all of this?" Sungyeol started to hit Myungsoo but then he caught his hands. Then he pulled him into a hug and kissed Sungyeol's neck shending shivers down his spine. Kisses kept on going north but then stopped at the lips. 

" Why did you go this," said Sungyeol who looked straight at Myungsoo. He pulled away slightly that way they had a better view of each other.

" Why? Why you ask? I guess I have to answer you, don't I?" Sungyeol playfully punched Myungsoo. Myungsoo laughed at how Sungyeol was being impaetient and pinched his cheeks.

" Ow! It hurts Myungsoo!"

" Deal with it my choding." Then Sungyeol's cheeks turned from pink to a light red.

" M-Mine?" Myungsoo nodded his head.

" Yes mine. You are mine Sungyeol. Nobody else can have you, okay? Do you remember when I did this for you?"

" I do. You did it for my birthday."

" That's correct. Now, the reason why I'm doing this again is because I'm finally with you. After those long five years of missing you and drowning in my sadness, I can finally see your smile. I tried pushing away, but I couldn't. I tried listening to Sunggyu-hyung about never looking back at the past. I couldn't anymore, though. After I joined Infinite, I had to see you everyday. Do you know how hard that was for me? I got mad at myself because I was breaking my promise with Sunggyu-hyung. Then when days flew by with you, my feelings and memories were starting to clog up my heart and head. I know what happened five years ago made us break up, but I want to give us another chance." Sungyeol started crying and Myungsoo couldn't help but chuckle at how cute he was being.

" M-Myungsoo..."

" Don't cry, okay?" Myungsoo wiped away Sungyeol's tears and held his face in his hands. The he continued where he left off.

" I don't blame you for what happened five years ago. I know that we confessed back to each other and that we are together, but I want to properly ask you out. After five years I can accept back the feelings. So, Sungyeol, will you do the honor of being my boyfriend again? S-Sungyeol?" Sungyeol's words were muffled by his tears as he hugged Myungsoo.

" Y-Yes! I will be your b-boyfriend again! Y-You idiot! Why do you have to make a damn long speech and make me cry like this?!" Myungsoo laughed at Sungyeol's child like behavior and wiped away the flowing tears.

" It's because I love you."

" I love you too."

They sealed it with a kiss.


Myungsoo of course, totally forgot there were two other people who were watching behind some bushes.


Watching the two of them made them blush and look away. They left the park together wanting to give them some space. While they were going back to the dorm, Woohyun stopped all of a sudden. Sunggyu stopped with him too wondering what was wrong with him.

" Whats wrong?"

" Give me a chance," said Woohyun when he walked closer to Sunggyu.

" W-What do you mean?"

" I mean give me a chance to be with you. Give me a chance. Please." Sunggyu looked away. He couldn't deny his heartbeat getting faster because of Woohyun. He couldn't help but admit that he was jealous that Woohyun did aegyo to the fangirls. He couldn't help but admit that his feelings were starting to come back again, but he wasn't going to give up so easily. Sunggyu mumbled something, but Woohyun couldn't hear him.

" What did you say?" Sunggyu looked straight into Woohyun's eyes.

" I said, make me fall in love with you again and try to win my heart. Then maybe I will give you a chance."




(A/N: Hello everybody! Omg I have 172 suscribers! Makes me so happy! Sorry for the long update! I have been busy with school once again though I'm always busy with it! Anyway, I hope you like this chapter! I tried my best to write this chapter so yeah. I want to say thanks for reading, suscribing, and commenting! I love all of you! Until next time. P.S Sorry for the mistakes...P.P.S I wonder whose name Myungsoo was going to say?)


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694 streak #1
Chapter 2: woohyun is an idiot!
694 streak #2
Chapter 1: started reading 😁
Chapter 26: rereading this and still hating woohyun so much in this fic.gotta have to read a fic with a whipped woohyun now.
Chapter 34: I love the story..
Vanja77 #5
This story is great ;)
kisanet73 #6
Chapter 34: this was soooooo great!!!
thank you for such great story.
khasabat #7
Chapter 34: Ahh- i so happy for them-
In begining i am so upset and angry for Woohyun because their selfsh make distand and pain for Myungsoo and Yeolie!
But i gland they move on and comeback for rise their sweet relationship!
God job author- i like your storys
Chapter 34: In the middle of the story I was about to comment on how I hate it to see sunggyu being so stupid for holding onto woohyun and for woohyun to play around with sunggyu even when he's not sure of his feelings.he pushed and hurt sunggyu twice in the story!can't help being mad at my babygyu for still accepting him.
But well towards the end u kinda ....kindaaa made it up hahaha
Chapter 34: Wow this took me so long to finish but its worth it. Its was breath taking. Im happy they found their lost heart back wow that was too cheesy~ kekeke ♡. Thanks authornim for this wonderful fic!!!
honeyplum #10
Chapter 34: awww so sweet ^^